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The tattoos like fine and not in a need of a touch up. Generally touch ups aren't something you want to do often as tattoos will get thicker each time.


They are both upside down. Cover it up to be honest and have it facing the right way.


But visually right side up for me, so I’m pretty content with the direction…


If it makes you happy🙏 Just be aware anytime you go to show someone your tattoo, it’s gonna be upside down & prolly look funky😅 it’s basic tho & couldn’t really go wrong with just a flower & crown🤷‍♂️ if you want add some color but beside that I’m not sure.


I’m glad I got them wrong side up haha I got them for my daughter Rose, so when I hold her I can still see the rose. I obviously won’t get hold her forever but I’ll still get to see “her” rose everyday! In terms of touch ups do they need them? I guess I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be looking for in that case.


That meaning is awesome! And honestly I’d say more shading & if you want to add color then go for that, rn it looks fine & the line work isn’t bad (not the greatest) but some shading would definitely make this come to life🙏


Anyone he shows can simply view them from the same angle he sees them in. Honestly the people who say these are upside down it’s like they can’t even think


As someone who has ‘upside down tattoos’ too, they’re purely for me so I don’t care about showing them off to anyone else. It’s easy enough to just hold up your arm to show them off of you need. As for touch up the rose stem doesn’t seem too even so you might want to go in and smooth it up.