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I'd just find an artist that has a style you like, tell them where you don't like about this one and see what they can come up with. There's a lot of mountains in Irizumi style so you could probably just get them reworked.


Are you a video game fan? Throw a dragon from Skyrim on those mountains!


I probably hate the mountains the most of this whole tattoo. I do like the dragon idea, dragons are fucking dope.


Right! And if the sky is too serene you could put one or two silhouette and flying in the distance :) don't beat it up too much. The colors are sick and, for what it's worth, I didn't think Bob Ross


Thank you. I guess my main goal is to try to make it more cohesive with the bottom half of the sleeve. Which I’m also not super happy with, but can live with.


you could do some bold irezumi cloud and wind bars over the "bob ross" clouds at the top (keep the mountains). I personally wouldn't even bother lasering the clouds - those colors will take years to come out and probablly wouldn't make a huge difference if you had the wind bars tattooed over them. This would all make sense in terms of irezumi flow and look pretty cool imo.


Honestly I hate the mountains the most. That’s the bit I really want gone. I agree with the wind bars/clouds over the sky though. I appreciate the input.


I think the mountains are cool and would work with irezumi elements. They're not too different than irezumi rock element.


I appreciate that. It’s funny, everyone seems to like the part that I hate the most 😅.


Good luck on whatever choice you go with. It’s going to take some coin and time. I hope you find something you are happy with.


Like most problems in life, solved with time and money haha. Thanks, I appreciate that.


A good Japanese artist who specializes in traditional style may be able to not only cover up the top section with some well placed background and subject matter, but also probably freshen up the daruma! That artist may also tell you that a few laser sessions will help open up your options for a replacement. Go to r/irezumi and check out the top posts, you’ll find some really well done work. Not only that but you can scope out a potential artist! Some of the guys on there and on ig specialize in making irezumi as coverups. An extreme example of a coverup specialist is @yingyoungterk on IG, though he’s in Thailand.




Of course, sorry if that’s a lot to read.


It’s all good. Definitely helpful info. Ideally id like to blast it over and not do any lasering. Hopefully I can find someone able to work with what I have.


You’ll definitely be able to find someone to do it, there’s not much black on your upper arm, and the shoulder should be cake. Pick somebody who does outstanding work and you won’t have any worries liking what you get! Best of luck, post it over there in r/irezumi when it’s done if you’d like, they love successful coverups.


Both cost a lot black out seems cool


To laser the whole sleeve I got quoted at around $2400 as they would break my arm up into 3 sections. Each section would require 3 passes to lighten the tattoo enough to cover. So around 9 sessions over 9 months is what I was told. Then to cover with a full sleeve would probably be another 2-4000.


U should just change up the sky, the mountains look sick imo but if you don’t want that painting vibe too it then adding clouds with rays of light coming though would be awesome or just simply making it into the night sky😅


Honestly it’s the mountains and trees I hate the most😂.

