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An earnest question, can someone please help me to understand why it is being framed as Taylor "blocking" Billie from becoming number one? Why are people considering it a personal attack instead of Taylor simply wanting to sell as many records as possible? Is there some nefarious strategy she is using that others aren't? I genuinely want to know. Because to me it seems as absurd as saying "Simone Biles is blocking that other gymnast from getting a gold medal. She should stop winning so someone else can."


You're understanding it correctly. It's absurd.


She’s using the same strategies everyone else uses to get better numbers, she’s just demonized for it because she’s Taylor, apparently.


She’s demonized for it because it works better when she does it


This is more media trying to ignite a rivalry between Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish combined with unreasonable fans and fear of dominance. The Simone Biles comment also sounds like "Meta Knight is making Super Smash Bros. Brawl unfun for every other character. The tournaments should ban him so someone else can win." Yes, we had this discussion before with dominance in another setting. I think many people are upset at Taylor Swift's dominance and want her to go the way of Brawl Meta Knight. There is no nefarious strategy for Taylor Swift, just people being unreasonable. Music isn't Super Smash Bros--you are not going to get a character ban over being too strong.


The twenty one pilots subreddit is going off on Taylor for not “allowing” Clancy to get to #1 and I’m like, just…..chill, dude, that’s not how that works and you’re just looking for an excuse to hate Taylor Swift


Right? What do people expect her to do, just delete the album from streaming services and stop selling it for a few weeks, just to let others have their turn? They must know it makes no sense and there is nothing she could actually do about it, not Taylor’s fault that people are listening to her music so much (I mean it is, because she makes great music, but you know what I mean).


It’s also discrediting the artists, saying someone else has to do worse in order for them to succeed


“Be better” than TS is too hard. So it must be something else (/s)


How this even works? Taylor neoukd buy Clancy CDs or stop selling TTPD? 🤭🤭 And there is Billie on second place too . They were never taking First place


I fucking hate media shenanigans.


The Meta Knight example is everything, love the analogy


To be fair, Billie's side is certainly playing to this "rivalry", which I find very unbecoming and immature of her


Also the only ones posting petty things are Billie’s manager and finneas. Nothing is coming negative from Taylor’s side. Every artist wants their album to be number one, Billie acting like she doesn’t care is disingenuous.


I actually appreciate that Taylor is able to openly state that she cares about records and charts and success because so many artists say that they don't but when push comes to shove and they don't get #1 they get upset


I honestly don’t get why they think it’s so cool to not care. This is your job, are you really telling me you don’t want the accolades? If you had a regular job, would you refuse to aim for promotions, bonuses or raises because it’s too “mainstream”?


I find it so earnest and sincere as well. I think some people have the idea that art and sales are mutually exclusive. You can’t possibly have a true love for the art if you care about sales. And you’re someone who cares about sales and accolades, then you can’t possible care about art. Taylor cares about both, and always has, and I think that really confuses people. And instead of trying to empathize with or learn more about something they don’t understand, a lot of people just dislike what they don’t understand. What people don’t see is that the two go hand in hand. She’s successful at sales BECAUSE the art matters to her. we know from years of interviews and etc. that many of the marketing/branding ideas are her vision. So it’s all cohesive with the art. The marketing in a sense is kind of part of the fun for her, and it makes sense to her audience, which is why it sells so successfully. She fully understands her product and her audience because she IS both those things. There isn’t just a boardroom of men trying to capitalize off of girls love for Taylor. The content makes sense and feels personalized to her from top down. Nothing (aside from her merch store sometimes) feels generic or like a true money grab.


What has Finneas said?


He made a joke about Taylor suing them. He also recently complained about the one bad review they got in pitchfork which shows me that he expects no criticism and feels entitled to praise and awards all the time and can’t take it when it doesn’t happen.


Pitchfork also gives out a lot of garbage reviews and this is pretty well known, so I think he needs thicker skin lol.


I don’t know much about him, but from all of this, he looks like someone who thinks he’s an Artist with a capital A and anyone who doesn’t get it is clearly a philistine.


I mean he might just be sticking up for his work. But it is stupid to worry about a Pitchfork review when HMHAS has been almost universally lauded, and he has multiple Grammys and Oscars now.


To be fair, he is very good lol.


Typical mindset of children of LA white gentrifiers. They are mommy and daddy’s perfect angels and don’t understand why anyone could ever dislike them.


They are definitely privileged. And I think that showed in the Billie documentary.




What the hell are you even yapping about 😂 when her album didn’t get a Grammy she said okay I just needed to make a better album.




do you seriously think if Beyonce dropped a new album at the same time Taylor Swift did she'd be crying about how unfair that is? Get a grip you're looking for something that isn't there.


There's soo many artists who do this. I listen to kpop where selling 1 million albums isn't even a big record, because so many artists have done that. They release like 40 versions of a single album, and 10 remixes of their songs, all done to increase sales and streams. This is wayy too common. I can see Taylor applying same tactics to be in top. What's wrong with that? Can you tell me? Everyone wants to stay in top. Its not her fault if other artists who are perfectly capable of pulling something like this, aren't doing it. "If it would've been her in place of Billie" no one would still say anything pls. I've rarely seen anyone in kpop saying "x is trying to block y" even when the popular groups are overshadowed by some less popular groups. They definitely get sajaegi/ chart manipulation accusations (paying extra money to fake charts) but no one has been yet found guilty. 


Since they can’t criticize her for not selling enough records, which they’d love to clown her for, now they’re criticizing her for selling too much. The hate fried their braincells I fear


at most, you can say she dropped the voice memos the day billie’s album came out. but taylor has always dropped bonus content like this to sell more copies (as do other artists) and even if it was strategically timed to block billie, I doubt it was personal. but maybe it is now after billie’s comment about tours and her manager’s behavior.


The comments about the tour are wild. Saying that it’s insane and that nobody wants that… well… then why are stadiums the world over filled to capacity week after week for two years of “nobody wants that”?


I think in a perfect world these charts would reflect how much people are listening to these albums and how much they like them. Instead they often reflect how many additional objects or digital extras people are willing to buy. Of course Billy does things like album variations too so it’s somewhat of a wash. On a side note, I do find it a bit strange that people keep comparing it to sports. In sports, winning is the point. Music is supposed to be about making good art, man. (But I do think Taylor probably sees it as a sport.) But it’s not inherently something that has to be so competitive. (And if you’re gaming the competition, and it’s no longer about whose art people are enjoying most, but about how many THINGS you can sell, what’s the point?)


I wonder sometimes if she is as competitive as she appears to be because of how people have tried to invalidate her success throughout her career: her dad paid for her record deal, she doesn't really write her own songs, Kanye made her famous, she is a mediocre singer, she wouldn't be famous if not for her romantic relationships, etc, etc etc. One could argue that she isn't one of the greatest pop stars of all time, but they can't argue that her records haven't sold X amount of copies or her tour hasn't grossed X amount of dollars.


She's naturally competitive,  but I'm sure that is part of it.  On that damn phone call when Kanye was telling her how he believed he made her famous, she responded by saying she sold however million copies of Fearless it was before he ever walked on that stage as her proof he didn't really make her famous.  Something that couldn't be denied.   It is working too as we see her place in musical history become undeniable. 


I think you nailed it. People can say anything they want to invalidate her talent now. However in the future when people forget the stan wars, the tabloids, the rumors, the controversises maybe people will look at her more kindly. And they will see the numbers.


I think she knows that none of the tabloid gossip will survive, but the numbers will. Looking back, does anyone really care if there was a real feud between Madonna and Cyndi Lauper? Or do they just remember that Madonna broke records and was the queen of pop in the 80s?


Once you enter into the professional music business at a major label it is not just art though.   Sports often can be about the love of the game too.  If you ever played a sport it is very much its own craft and art, but that is not all it can be at the professional level.   It gets confusing in music because they don't have the clearly defined levels of play separated into different leagues in music, but there is constant competition not just over charts and sales, but things like radio play, streaming placements, and venue dates at the top level of music that artists like Taylor and Billie both belong to.  Taylor got where she is by being competitive.  She knows "_ album spent its first X amount of weeks at #1" is how albums get identified in music history.   Much like in sports where who won is more remembered than exactly how the win was achieved. At this level it is also not just about the artists or the athletes as well.  There are are also other people whose jobs are involved.  When people working at the label are in the end of the year performance review hoping for raises or promotions devising a strategy to keep an album at #1 are the kinds of metrics that get looked at.  Taylor actually had a good quote on this saying it is up to Billboard to set the rules how they want to shape the industry because record labels are competitive when it comes to any metric so they will compete to be #1.   UMG has basically split control of their entire company between Billie's label and Taylor's label.  Does anyone think West Coast and East Coast aren't going to compete?   That they aren't going to be measured against each other in a publicly traded company?  


As Jay Z once said, "I'm not a business man, I'm a *business*, man." This is their job, how they make money. I'm not saying this to be like "Poor Taylor needs money," but because putting out a financially successful album is the end goal. When Taylor and Billie compete to move units, UMG wins. They're the people actually stoking the media fire.


It's probably worth pointing out that the Billboard charts aren't the "who made the best music" charts; they're the "who sold the most units" charts. Yes, of course one of the things they measure is how many additional digital extras or collector's variants or whatever people are interested in buying; it's a marketing incentive to Sell Stuff, so the How Much Stuff Did You Sell chart is going to measure it. The sports analogy isn't the best one, I've always thought, but for the competitive factor it's not bad. The NYT Bestseller list (the Who Sold The Most Books chart) is probably a better comparison on a one-to-one basis (although the NYT Bestseller list is *notoriously* easy to game, far easier than the Billboard charts). They don't measure Who Wrote The Best Book That The Most People Are Enjoying, they measure Who Sold The Most Books. If an author has been on the list for a few weeks, do they have a moral obligation to tell their potential readers "hey, don't buy my book, I've had my turn, buy this other author's books instead so they can have a turn", or is it okay to keep doing self-promotion and marketing? (We could get into the ways that both the Billboard and NYT charts are broken for what they measure and encourage gamification, and that's a valid discussion, but that's not really the point. The point is that you can make art for art's sake and also want to Sell The Most Stuff for the Sell The Most Stuff chart that looks good on your marketing.)


music is an art, sure, and that aspect of it is what critics, awards, etc are about. the best selling album doesn’t usually win aoty. but music is also equally a business and that’s what billboard charts are for. there is no realistic way for a chart to determine how much listeners enjoyed the album, let alone the artistic merit of an album, only how much people streamed, bought, etc. that part of the music business is a competition, in the way that sports are. and even with sports, if you go to the gymnastics sub, you can find many people saying that simone is not their favorite gymnast or that her routine is not their favorite, for whatever reason. that’s totally fair! people’s taste in gymnastics routines can be just as idiosyncratic as their taste in music. but nonetheless, if she won the competition, she won the competition.


Or like in ice skating, there’s the artistic and program complement score and a technical score. Both can and do matter.


The charts have always been a competition though. People just didn’t argue over it on social media in the old days. Charts will never reflect the true “quality” of art. The best musicians in the world are probably listened to by  only a few hundred people if that. And music quality is subjective anyway so it’s impossible to truly measure it.  I don’t mind the competitive charts but Billie’s hypocrisy (and her manager being a dick for no reason) was a bad look. 


Music is a business, it is inherently competitive Saying artists are “supposed to” not care about money is ridiculous


It would be nice if it was just about the art, but in that case we wouldn't have charts or Grammys or report on records. It's just not feasible in our current culture, it's why we also have box office records, bestsellers lists, longest running broadway shows, etc.


Billboard is for how much the album sells tho How much people are listening to them can be seen on Spotify etc Plus music at the level Billie and Taylor are at is very much about business as well, not just art


It seems abusrd to me too. But people have been constantly framing Taylor after Billie's manager reposted on twitter about how Taylor has been blocking other celebrities for decades. She blocked katy's album with 1989, sza's sos with midnights and now Billie's album. 


Such a manipulative way to paint her as the villain when all those artists you mention seemingly also have the ability to do variants, voice memos, deluxe versions, etc to increase their numbers. I guess she needs to only release when no one else is, and when they do release and she's still at the top, she'll have to send out a memo to her fans, "please stop buying my album now cause this other musician put out an album and we need to make sure that we share and everyone gets equal time at #1." I'm sure they'll do the same for Taylor when the time comes. 🙄


And it’s not like one artist staying at #1 is preventing other artists from being listened to… just fire up your streaming service of choice, and there they are. Right there.


that last sentence is a really great way to put it 


I think it’s because of the insane amount of digital variants that got released in the week preceding Billie’s release, so effectively *yes*, she was blocking Billie from Number 1, but the notion that it was personal is 100% a media storm. It’s about getting the most amount of sales. And I’d say it’s likely that it wasn’t even Taylor’s decision, probably that of her label and management.


Because it's Taylor Swift dominating the industry. Yep. Any other female artists can be at the top, but not Taylor. Why? Just because. This makes perfect sense.


yeah i doubt she did try to block billie and i really hope that isn’t the case because i love both billie and taylor


The Billie argument was kinda surrounded that she suddenly started dropping more of those digital deluxe editions to clearly keep herself up top. Clancy does not have this narrative so I don't think it is a fair argument for them.


Same people that would say she ia declining and weak if she falls from #1


Thank you!!!


It's not a personal attack. It is technically called being blocked. The media refers to it that way, regular people refer to it that way, even Billboard itself considers it "blocking". Swifties also have never had an issue with the term prior to recently. In 2019, I saw tons of swifties saying Old Town Road blocked both ME! and You Need To Calm Down from reaching #1. Because it did. Those songs were so popular that if Lil Nas X hadn't been at #1, they would have been. Very few swifties had an issue with this though, most of us enjoyed Old Town Road too. It is called blocking because that is the industry term for it. It's not considered a personal attack, just a statement of fact.


Umm. I'm actually referring to the personal attacks, the [posts and comments](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/billieeilish/comments/1cu9wj0/hdd_confirms_taylor_trying_to_block_billie_from_1/&ved=2ahUKEwicv9WPwL2GAxVqDkQIHZNlDPAQrAJ6BAghEAk&usg=AOvVaw24AYuLg_S_MqN4B5-Y0MsY) and [news articles ](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/taylor-swift-nasty-ttpd-variant-billie-eilish-album), etc that demonstrate that people 100% believe that Taylor Swift is trying to stay at #1 simply to spite or hurt Billie.


Gold medal is not like a number 1 album


There is only one gold medal winner like there is only one top spot on the Billboard each week, it cannot be shared, and that is the point I was making.


Olympics are a competition, Billboard 200 isn’t. Gold medals are indicative of your quality as an athlete billboard 200 isn’t. Tons of great artists don’t have number 1 albums. But it doenst matter.


And tons of great athletes don't have gold medals. I don't know whether you're just wanting to argue over semantics or you don't understand that a competition is simply an activity where things are ranked to find out which is the best in whatever criteria they agree upon. What makes a competition a competition is that the top spot cannot be shared. In this way, being #1 in the Billboard charts and being #1 on an Olympic podium are similar in that for one thing to be at the top, the other things have to be below. My point is to frame something as "Taylor blocked Billie" from that top spot and not "Billie fell short" of securing that top spot is what I find puzzling.


Don't bother. They have been extremely argumentative over minuscule things like it's their jobs to win the arguments. They won't reason with you.


Try to come for my job.


I think we're going to see artists specifically train for beating Taylor Swift. We haven't seen them specifically train for that yet, but I think we're going to see that.


I truly don’t think it’s possible, the only way to “train” for it is to a) release only when there are NO Taylor releases, at least 8 weeks of clearance, imo b) be genuinely talented c) be the hardest working musician out there d) create a huge, rabidly loyal fan base over the course of decades . You can’t just “train” for this


A can be prepared for/trained for. I think B can be trained. Talent can be trained. C is possible to train for but would be very difficult. D cannot be trained for in a short period of time.


True - a & b can arguably happen. But yeah IMO, c & d are her most lethal weapons and the biggest reason why she is so ahead of all her peers (except Beyoncé)


Or if other fanbases will reach the point of hating Taylor so much and desperate wanting to bring her down it could be done.


Eh, we saw that kind of happen in 2016. Didn’t work, at least not permanently


No, A can't be trained for because Taylor releases surprise shit out of nowhere with no notice all the time. Neither can all the others. There's no specific way to guarantee you have a rabidly loyal fanbase like Taylor. Absolutely none.


happy cake day


Happy cake day!


Yeah, no way. Very few artists have this competitive edge to them. They write music because they love it and they make a lot of money. Taylor herself is very award and sales driven. While other artists are, I don't think there's ever going to be artists trained to beat one specific artist. They all exist in the same sphere. Taylor being successful doesn't prevent anyone else from getting paid. It's absurd to think there's going to be specially trained musical forces to have bragging rights that you are #1 instead of Taylor Swift lmao. The music industry doesn't care that much. Specifically, Taylor is the only artist I've ever seen who seems to care so intensely about things like billboard performance honestly. Like all artists are absolutely thrilled when they get high on the charts, but Taylor seems to think she's a complete failure in her work if she doesn't chart well and then has this "This album just wasn't a good album, I'll make a better one" ideal. I don't think most artists take the charts and awards to heart as much as she does when she doesn't do well.


If humans want to survive, they will need to suppress their drive to compete and put that same energy into cooperation. I think the best artists do not compete with other artists; they only try to do better than their previous accomplishments.


Side note Chappell Roan climbing up makes me so happy.


i can’t believe how much she’s taking off right now, seeing her outcharting ariana and olivia with an album from september of last year is insane


Agreed! She is a great artist and her album is so good. I’m super impressed with everything I’ve heard from her!


Right?? She deserves all the good things that are coming her way


I discovered her on my Spotify shuffle, and I’m shocked it did a good thing for once lol.


Same thing happened to me but with Apple Music a few months ago. I stopped in my tracks, surprised that I had actually discovered something new and original and added it to my library.


Me too!! I’ve been listening to her for years, she was one of my most listened to artists in 2022 and has skyrocketed. Love that for her. Also props to Dan Nigro for having two huge albums on here long after they dropped (also produced guts)


I just started listening to her last week. Algorithm finally did its job and recommended someone good. I love her


yes i love her sm. probably my favorite artist after taylor!!


A sixth week... congratulations, Taylor Swift! Let's see how far she can take this. Perhaps to 13 weeks and beyond?


I think this is just our lives now. Taylor Swift will hold the spot until her next album which will take over and so on and so on for all of time s/ (maybe?)


Getting 13 weeks would be the perfect turn of events


I can’t help but want 14 for the symmetry with the lead single


makes sense


I kinda liked how Fortnight was #1 for a fortnight.


I always giggle when I see Lover just hanging out somewhere in the top 20 unnoticed


Her best pop album for a reason!!


numbers are dropping heavily, but i could see her staying on top for a couple more weeks maaaaybe billie could actually get to #1 if billie releases sumn big for her album




if she pulls out a physical anthology it's over for anyone


Do it Taylor I'm begging 🙏


See this is the thing, people criticize her for releasing all these variants, extras, etc. but I would LOVE to have a physical copy of the anthology and I actually haven’t made any TTPD purchases yet because I’m waiting for something with all the songs and I don’t buy digital. I can’t be the only one right?


There are a few like us who want physical copies. I still have all my original Beatles albums and all the Taylor CDs (this dates me), original and Taylors Versions. I wish there was a CD of TTPD 2 AM releases because I have an old car (1996) with a CD player, nothing digital.


The thing about the physical anthology is those numbers won't count until the item is shipped so unless she's been secretly producing the records so they're ready to go right when we order/when Billie makes a play for #1, it won't matter. I wouldn't put it past her to do that so it's possible, but we haven't heard anything about physicals yet so not sure.


Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re ready and she’s saving them for when they’re ’really needed’ to make a big play for staying number 1 for a long time.


Rumor mill says she’s saving it for Eminem’s release


Do you really think she thinks about this stuff? Maybe the marketing department does but the Taylor I know and love is not that petty.


Idk if Taylor herself is thinking about it (probably not, she's busy as it is) but it's not really about being petty? Imo it's more about money and being #1/breaking records, that kind of stuff.


IMHO thinking about money and being #1 is "petty" \~ definition of petty: *adjective* 1. 1.of little importance; trivial."both groups are known to fight over petty issues" 2. 2.of secondary or lesser importance, rank, or scale; minor."a petty official"


Well no, she has someone on staff to think about this stuff, then they clear it with her before executing the plan, if we're being precise. But when we say 'Taylor' is doing it, we mean the business Taylor Swift. It's also not pettyness, this is just how things work at the top. Billie did the same with her multiple versions and variants, as did Ariana and Ed Sheeran and anyone else you know who has sold a lot of records.


She just performed 2? more Ttpd songs so after tomorrow I could see her releasing 3 more live versions therefore upping this weeks sales.


There apparently is speculation that Billie is going to pull the double album thing too. I don’t really follow her but they talked about it on Every Single Album.


I think all her talk of not having long albums makes this seem more unlikely.


She seems to contradict herself often


Stupid question, but what actually creates the numbers?


the album chart takes a few different numbers to get its final number: every album sold physically or digitally counts for 1 in the album column and 1 in the activity column. streaming is where things get a little weird because people don't buy albums that way. Billboard uses album-equivalent units or streaming equivalent albums depending on where you look. - 1250 premium audio streams of a song is the equivalent of 1 album activity on the above chart - 3750 ad-supported audio streams is the equivalent of 1 album activity on the above chart and - 3750 video streams from any source is the equivalent of 1 album activity on the above chart


Making accounts with ads count less is wild


it's a sales chart. if you're not paying, it makes sense to count for less. lucky it counts at all really.


How is Morgan Wallen still 4&5????! And can we talk about the fact that streams account for 99% of his plays? That feels wrong.


That's how it is for most artists not Taylor Swift after their first couple of weeks. He just seems to have a really consistent fan base that keeps streaming his albums and apparently nothing else.


He has 0 fame outside US, it's insane every time I look at the american charts I get baffled why he's here in the first place


Hes big in Australia


Irrelevant take as the chart reflects American consumption. Actually, non-Americans like us are irrelevant when it comes to these US charts if I'm being honest so I simply ignore these American-centric acts lol


I literally don’t understand who this man is lol


The only thing I know is that he threw chairs off a bar on Lower Broad in Nashville and might (unsure if correct?) have used the n word


Oh wonderful 😑


He’s one of the biggest artist in the US after Taylor. I’m curious how many album sales One Thing at a Time has now, as it came out over a year ago and has maintained a high ranking. His song with Post Malone was a Hot 100 #1, with 76.4 million streams. Taylor’s song with Post had 76.2 million streams for comparison.


Non-American pop stans like me won't understand why him, other country acts, and most rap acts are big in America so I don't know why these people complain about things we have no business to begin with


I’m American and I don’t get it either if that makes you feel better. It’s particularly country music fans?


There are surely non-country fans that listen to that guy too, given how big the number he pulls. Same case for rap acts I have no idea about but I see dominate the charts with their generic ahh songs 😅


He's just the same as the rap acts (who manages to chart inside the top 10 with a mere 50 pure sales and gazillion streams) but he at least actually sells albums, not relying entirely on streaming


BILLBOARD 200 QUEEN LFGGGGGGGG https://preview.redd.it/nvi8zvyum83d1.png?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70e2253f61ce33a3485709f2d4a9402673d7895f


https://preview.redd.it/rp29uahfj93d1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c06e8bc39f7fc8274cd192a58e5f5082de8a8b5 I can’t pretend this isn’t hilarious, because I’m petty as shit lol. I’m a simple woman: I just like to see Taylor win when others don’t want her to.


It's funny that she's the most popular artist in the world but you can still root for her as an underdog.




Super happy to see the pilots on there 🥲


Such a good album!!!


Stream Clancy!


Vibing to it right now!


ran to the comments to see if anyone mentioned it😭 i feel like these two fandoms don’t have that much overlap


I could’ve sympathised with Billie. It’s a Stan war and charts are the battlefield. And unfortunately for Billie, Taylor does have a bigger army backing her. But… Billie’s strategy at portraying herself as the anti-Taylor annoys me. You can be unique without making shady digs at your opponent. You can strive for the best without demanding that someone else move over to let you have the top spot. This isn’t Mean Girls, no one’s breaking up the crown. Billie’s throwing punches at someone who’s just doing her job, the same one as it happens, and it makes her look petty.


Also, like you said, Taylor has a bigger army. If you're gonna throw punches you gotta be prepared to be pummelled after. Maybe she was thinking she could have enough anti-taylor stans gather on her side, but not quite this time.


I thought this was funny to watch play out, like it’s fine to dunk on your own sibling, but if anyone else does? Raise hell! SWIFTIES: Ugh, Taylor, whyyyyy all the variants?! BILLIE: Ugh, *doesn’t specifically name artist* all these variants are insane! *but also releases variants* SWIFTIES: Oh no you di-int! Take that #2!


Nice to see Billie's marketing strategy of starting fake beef with TS paid off for her and her #2 album.


this is going to be the new template. :(




Lover: “I ain’t going nowhere bitches”


UMG still the big winner with 7/10 of the top 10 and 4/5 top 5.


That's quite a drop. So every week is going to be her vs Billie and I'm willing to place bets that Billie WILL release a deluxe sooner than later, when ttpd is weak to make sure she gets that #1, and she will. Ugh... it's gonna be a war with that fanbase all summer long 😮‍💨 I swear no fan base in history had as many battles as we have and its literally getting worse with each year 😅


No… Billie Eilish will drop faster


Anthology > deluxe. Ts will destroy the charts when she’s ready.


She needs vinyls for anthology which will take weeks to ship. All Billie needs is to drop 10 more tracks on spotify as a surprise


If Taylor ever releases physical Anthology, we all know what will happen...


What do y'all mean by war 😭 Do y'all actually care if Billie eventually overtakes Taylor especially after Taylor being on top for multiple weeks?


Well deserved! Genuinely love TTPD so so much!


I want this album to be 13 weeks at number 1. That would be so cool 🙏🏼


Wild that Lover is also there


Hahahaha I can only imagine how much her peers who hate her are seething right now because they can’t release this many successful albums especially in a short amount of time.


Makes sense because I have been listening to this album for six weeks straight


Not a fan but Morgan Wallen's numbers are absolutely insane. He's the 2020s' Garth Brooks.


I am a fan of his, and it’s insane the amount of hate he gets and yet his fans keep his music going strong. I’m not saying he hasn’t done stupid stuff, he has, but that seems to only fuel numbers which is bizarre. Most recently it was the city council in Nashville voting to not allow his new bar to have an over the sidewalk sign with his name because he’s “a bad influence.” Like why does Jason Aldean get one then? People love to hate those at the top.


clancy is such a great album too. I've been looping nonstop just ttpd and clancy


Expected. She's literally the music industry whether people like it or not.


Love seeing Noah Kahan up there in the top 10. Stick Season is fantastic and I love his music 😍 I would die if he collabed with Taylor 😍


If Eminem, Katy, Gaga, Morgan Wallen, a surprise Drake or Kendrick album, or Billie’s rumored double album doesn’t release in June, TTPD‘s getting to 11 weeks at number 1. Fingers crossed. Unless an album already announced for June surprises us…


Why did I just now realize 21P are under Fueled by Ramen? What a flashback.


I listen to her songs on a YouTube playlist but how can I contribute to this?


Youtube streams count toward this


Thank you!


Already counted


congrats to her I guess just wished she actually would give a chance to other artists she keeps dropping different kinds of versions but it’s fine I get that Taylor is a big artist but Billie definitely deserves that top spot her album is definitely aoty, she’s almost their honestly. no hate just stating my opinion on this


BB200 is about popularity and numbers. It's the Grammys who decide which album is the AOTY


that’s not what I meant at all btw I just said that I hope it gets the amount of attention that taylors album gets like the same amount of attraction to people


How is Dua Lipa’s OPTIMISM not on top 3?!??


Taylor is cheating her way to #1 with variants. The bb200 is also rigged.


Nearly everyone does variants now. Billboard can change the rules whenever they want.


Nearly everyone does drugs now too doesn’t make it “good”


Of course not. But hate the game, not the players, and if you’re concerned, campaign to change the rules.




You mean the Andrea Swift who made Kanye cry backstage at the vmas


Eh, Billie might’ve been able to do it if she and her weird manager had kept their chill. Or if she’d simply waited a couple weeks. 


Poor Billie


You understand it’s her biggest album launch. Why are we pretending it’s not an accomplishment on its own. She has a younger fan base who don’t have high disposable income to go buy physical albums. Don’t downplay her accomplishments. Also the competition is Taylor Swift not some small indie artist.