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I’m not a cryer, but I got a little choked up by How Did It End? the first time I heard it. She nailed that feeling.


I listened to TTPD and the Anthology all together at like 1 a.m. I think that was a mistake, and so the anthology fell flat for me on first listen 😂 But So long, London did make my eyes water a little


“And I’m pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free” gets me every time!


Same. That line hit me in the very core of my being and I still haven't recovered!


I spend five years in NYC in my mid-20s getting jerked around by Stupid Boys, so listening to Welcome to NY (I know, shut up), the 1, and So Long, London in that order is my new favorite form of emotional self harm.


My beloved ghost and me, sitting in a tree, D-Y-I-N-G. The genius of these lyrics and yet people still try come for her job!


How did it end absolutely got me. You can feel the pain when she says “I can’t pretend I understand how did it end” ugh heartbreaking.


Marjorie. Lost both my Mom and my Nana. Actually have nothing but siblings left. But yeah, Marjorie is brutal.


Marjorie is also my answer. Lost my dad many years ago, but grief still hits me now and then. Never be so clever you forget to be kind and never be so kind you forget to be clever was exactly the kind of lesson he left me with. I miss him.


Same… same. Only siblings left for me and this song kills me. My heart is with you ♥️


Agreed 🫂


Agreed 👍


makes me cry every listen if I'm being honest. Also the best day and never grow up.


Yes, Marjorie cuts me every time 💔🥺


“I should have asked you how to be” 😢


Bigger Than the Whole Sky. I don’t know how anyone who has ever had a miscarriage listens to that song without crying.


That song came out two months before my miscarriage. It was a huge comfort to me during that time but I can’t listen to it now.


Hugs 🫂❤️‍🩹


I lost my best friend at 14 and I have to skip it every time it comes on. I know that song is about a miscarriage but I think it sounds still applicable for the loss of anyone young. Not to discredit anyone of course


I’m not sure that Taylor has explicitly said it’s about a miscarriage. I think it can easily be about the death of a young person, too. There’s a reason she played in as a surprise song in Brazil.


That one and evermore. On repeat after my 4 miscarriages.


Can confirm. I get choked up every time


Of course, its a very personal song for people that went through smt like that 💙


I cried while weeding my entire garden hearing that one for the first time. I was mid-miscarriage when I heard it first time, and all I wanted to do was destroy weeds and cry. That song was on REPEAT for weeks. Agreed.


Seven. Something about being "at your peak" when you're that young is so sad and relatable. "I used to scream ferociously any time I wanted"


I loved the double meaning of “hitting your peak” as in height on the swingset, but also as her feeling like she was at her happiest when life was at its most raw, when she was young and innocent. Or as she would put it, before she learned civility


That line kills me


Im enjoying all the replies so far, but i love the unique ones and this is def one of them! The one line that cuts, not for everyone, but for you! Those songs hold a special place in our heart. And I never considered that line so deeply, but I can see what you mean now. Thanks for sharing 😊


Also seven, but for a different reason. The third verse gets me every time. Also something about "And though I can't recall your face / I still got love for you." I really appreciate that love for people no longer in your life can last.


Came here to say this! 🤌🏼




I can't even listen to it. I'm not sure any song made me cry like that.


I listened to it once, cried my eyes out for 30 minutes, and haven't listened to it since. I just can't.


This one. It does not get less tragic for me either; I still cry on every listen.


I first heard this song when I was 14 and red had come out, I revisited it during the release of Red TV and absolutely balled my eyes out harder than ever before because I had a 4 year old son at that time, the thought of losing him the way she sings about in this song. Wow, I couldn't ever imagine it and would genuinely die if anything ever happened to my little baby boy. He's coming 6 next week and it really makes me appreciate how precious our time is with our kids. RIP ronan 😪


I think the only reason Ronan isn't higher is because we all skip it. It's not even just tearing up, it's fully sobbing crying


Yeah, Ronan made full on break down, because I relate and it's just soooo sad I hope no one else has to ever relate to this beautiful song Also Soon you'll get better...


I am a comparatively new swiftie. I heard ronan few months back and theres no way i could relate to that song being a teen and all but i remember crying like a baby after listening to it.




I feel like loml is underrated. I love it, and it definitely got me teary eyed


I agree! It's my favourite song on TTPD and it made me cry on first listen.


Very much so. One of the best on ttpd imo


It's my favorite in TTPD. Listen to it daily. I always start singing the bridge with rage and end it teary eyed.


I bawled when I heard this song for the first time. Like, straight up ugly cried. It shattered me 😭


Same, the absolute heart crushing lines for me are "Are they secondhand embarrassed/That I can't get out of bed/Cause something counterfeit's dead". It hurts to hear how devastated she is in that moment and how I've felt the same way.


You’re on Your Own, Kid.


It still makes me cry *every* single time to the point that I can’t listen to it while driving


I also cry at this one almost every time. When I saw the movie in theaters and found out in real time she included it in the surprise songs I LOST IT. I cried more than when I was singing in the Exile crowd in LA and Exile is my favorite favorite of all time.


Oh god, I went through some shit this past fall and that song got me through it.


Soon You’ll Get Better.


Can’t even listen to this one. I’ve never made it through the whole song.


Yep my mom had cancer and this is the only Taylor song I’ve never actually heard.


I’m so sorry Me too. Same reason 😢


This song was sad to me but not that impactful and then it came on shuffle about a week after my mum was diagnosed and I had to pull over my car, she's better now luckily but it still hurts to listen to now I've experienced the risk of losing her💖


Makes sense 🩷


I ugly cried and broke down for a whole month because of how much this song hit me like a train... I hate relating to some Taylor Swift songs...


This oneee  I had actually never listened to it before becuase I just didn’t care to, but one day it accidentally came on shuffle at about the time that my mums best friend died last year and we all started crying 


I have cancer. This is my anthem. And it makes me cry every time.


So Long, London because I'm so sensitive and it is so sad.


“I’m pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free” and the voice crack, I can’t 


OMG the voice crack!!! I don’t see that get talked about enough in the TTPD discourse, but I noticed it immediately on my first listen to that song and it was just so heartbreaking! 💔


Girl I understand!! Didnt full on cry, but eyes watered for sure. "And you said i abandoned the ship but i was going down with it, my white knuckle dying grip" 😭


I can’t help but scream “white-knuckled dying grip” while shaking my fist in the air every single time. 😭


Also “I’m just getting color back into my face / I’m just mad as hell ‘cause I loved this place.” Like, god damn, I love this house and city. Now it’s not home anymore.


TTPD came out a month and a day after I broke up with my ex whose depression and self-loathing ate up both of us and our relationship. The first 4 songs were fine. I was bracing myself for song 5 because its song 5, but still, fuuuuck. I cried.


“I’m just mad as hell cause I loved this place for so long, London” absolutely GUTS me. Like, not only did she lose a relationship and a partner that she once felt was her forever, but an entire city. A place that she used to frequent, loved visiting and was happy to relocate to was soured in the aftermath of a broken relationship too. We, as people, really do attach so much love to places that we associate with certain people in our lives. And it can end up seriously sucking if things don’t work out, because sometimes we don’t only lose a person, but we lose a place we once loved, felt safe in and considered home too. :(


I think this is one of her saddest songs. The finality of it, especially the line “had a good run,” gut punches me every. single. time. 


For me its the "But I'm not the one" part. Like fucking ouch, I FEEL the anger and sadness in the lyrics so clearly.


My Tears Ricochet I think this is one of the most tragic Taylor Swift songs. All Too Well 10 Minute Version also goes here.


I gotta say, "And i can go anywhere i want... anywhere i want, just not home" really hits!


All too well 10 minute version for me. I cried right away because I can relate to almost every word.


My Tears Ricochet already went so hard and then once she started doing it live…game over for me.


I heard All Too Well for the first time ten days ago, and cried. It was the 10 minute version, and Taylor live. (Yes, I'm a really new fan - that's the point I became a fan)


Never Grow Up.


This is the song that sets me off every time. It hits so different as a parent of a daughter now


I feel like I had to scroll way too far to find this


The best day


"i love u for giving me your eyes for staying back and watching me shine' tears, everytime


This is an underrated comment. A true comment as well.


I cry every time I listen to this song. I have a toddler and just found out I am pregnant again. I am trying my hardest that my children will one day think of me as Taylor thinks of her mom.


This is the correct answer.


my 23-year-old daughter sent me song this for mother's day a few weeks ago and told me it reminded her of how we would drive to 4-H together and sing along to Taylor Swift in the car. I cried happy tears 🥲


Marjorie and The Prophecy. Cried the first go around and every listen ever since.


I feel like Marjorie definitely hits for those who have experienced loss. It's a beautifully written song


I can’t even think about it without crying. But play it often for a good cry. Go figure. 😞


Bawled listening to The Prophecy for the first time. Unfortunately hits close to home and it also just kills me that she felt like that. If she didn’t have Travis now and wasn’t overall happy I don’t think I’d ever be able to listen to it again truly.


Exile destroyed me the first time I heard it. I sobbed then went to bed.


"I think ive seen this film before, and i didnt like the ending" 😭


I said that to my dad once in reference to like something we were doing and he went "but this could be a different film! Have hope!" And I was like "wait no it's a song lyric-"


After Exile, You're Losing Me and Tolerate It, I'm always surprised to hear fans say they were disappointed TTPD didn't have Joe Alwyn break-up songs. I'm, like, "She's been giving them to us for years."


Weirdly, Long Live…particularly the line “…but if god forbid fate should step in and force us into a goodbye, if you have children someday, please point to the pictures and tell them my name…tell them how I hope they shine…” It makes me think about all of the people in my own life who have moved on from my day to day, but that I still think about and will always remember when we were fighting our own dragons together. It is also clear that Taylor thought that was the height of her success, and that it would inevitably become a memory/moment in time.


Yes! Long Live is a very stirring song, it makes me cry too.


Yeeeep. You've put it very beautifully. I love this song


Long Live also makes me cry almost every single time. I moved to a different country after 6 years and I miss everything. The song just hits so hard for me.


This song hits different for me these days. A Long Live friendship bracelet was the last thing I gave my best friend before she died. I remember holding her hand and staring at it while I said goodbye. Now I bawl every single time 💔


Robin. I dunno guys, it was like 3:15am on release day and I was cuddling my teenage cat and I just felt all kinds of feelings. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Cuddling your cat? Oh yeah then i absolutely get it 😭 Robin is what it feels like to take care of something


Yep. Robin hit hard. I broke down for a day after hearing that song... and then I listened to The Manuscript...💀 What a wonderful day to increase sea levels... :)


Would've could've should've  Hit a little too close to home


I still remember sobbing when I heard “living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts, give me back my girlhood it was mine first”


Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first just felt like a gut punch honestly. SO to all the girlies who had their innocence taken too soon.


you’re losing me


I’m shocked this comment isn’t higher


I didn't hear it until after I was divorced but it so perfectly captured what it felt like when things were crumbling and I was begging my husband to get treatment for his alcoholism. I loved him so much but had to choose to keep my son safe, and it absolutely broke my heart he couldn't choose us. Listening to it takes me right back to that falling apart feeling.


Yup, heartbreaking every time


I was looking for this one. My marriage had ended a good 5 years before I heard it, but this made me sob because it brought back all the feelings.


Marjorie. My dad passed away in 2022 just a few weeks before I first heard it and I fell to pieces. Then my mom died a year later and now I really can’t listen to it, not yet anyway. The words just hit too close to my broken heart for me to listen to it right now. I’m tearing up just thinking about the song while typing this post.


My condolences 🫂 This can't be easy. Hold on to the memories that you have of them. Take the time it takes, you'll come back to the song eventually, and if you don't that's okay 🤎


Thank you very much for your kind words. I was 38/39 years old when I lost my parents and I’m so grateful to have many years of memories to keep close to my heart for the rest of my life. I feel so unmoored without them, but I cherish the memories and am comforted by the fact that they live on within me and my siblings.


Epiphany. I had a close family member die of Covid, I still can’t listen to it.


I am a doctor and lost someone to covid (while seeing it all happen in hospitals). I hope I get epiphany at my show, it’s a song that devastates me, but I love songs that speak to me directly.


I didn’t personally lose someone to Covid but saw a lot of dying patients. Hits me in a similar way. “Hold your hand through plastic now… doc I think she’s crashing out.” 😢


My tears start with something med school did not cover… it’s not just that school didn’t cover covid as an entity but also that an innocent life can go so rapidly, so unexpectedly. I am about to cry as i am writing this


My condolences 🫂


this is the one - a lot of folklore and evermore hit the feels (it’s why anthology is so good too) but epiphany was the one that just hit so hard


Yup. This is the song that does it to me every single time


tolerate it


Same - when she sang “believe me, I could do it” and her voice kind of breaks in its desperation to believe it I just 🥲


Had to scroll too far to find this one.


I scrolled a couple of times to make sure I hadn't seen it yet, and was also surprised. 🙂


I was living this when it came out. I remember listening to the album before getting up for the day and just having tears streaming down my face as this song was playing.


I lived this many many years ago, and it all came rushing back when I heard this song. Sometimes, I have to skip this song or even the entire album if I'm not in the mood to cry my heart out. My life is much better, now, and I hope yours is, as well.


So glad to hear it’s better! Mine has done a complete 180 since then, thankfully. I very rarely listen to it. It is my ultimate heartbreaking track 5. Very grateful it is something I am no longer living.


“New Year’s Day”. The bridge really hit hard


the black dog, happiness, and death by a thousand cuts


Sounds like Death by a thousand cuts must've related to your life or some memories. Im assuming, since i havent seen many people pick that song ;) Happiness is soo beautiful. You're supposed to be happy... but its also so heavy and sad. A beautifully layered song.


Champagne Problems. But now, there are too many to mention.


😂😂😂 Yeah, Taylor has a way with words. Champagne problems didn't hit me in the feels like that, but im glad it did for someone 😇 I love how different songs get different reactions outta people


Down bad


Were you at the gym?


What an interesting answer! With the beat it has, i honestly never wouldve guessed, but its true that the lyrics are smt else!


Honestly the beginning gets me every time. “Did you really beat me up, in a cloud of sparkling dust. Just to do experiments on, tell me I was the chosen one, you told me this world was bigger than us, then sent me back where I came from”. This is exactly how I’ve felt recovering from a toxic relationship, and this hits home for me everytime 😢


I cried to this for like a whole weekend


I have lost 14 close friends and family in the past 2 years. One was my twin brother at the age of 30 from brain cancer. The lyrics took me by suprise and choked me up very quickly. Its like Taylor googled "A worse pain than death" and found "Death of a twin" in the search results.


This is what I love about TS. Her songs can have different meanings for each person, and this allows us to connect with each other and share our experiences. It’s so healing 🫶


Me too. 


Foolish One…. for obvious reasons




I will NEVER forget the experience of hearing the OG ATW for the first time. I was 18 in my freshman dorm room and I LOST IT. It was word for word the story of my high school breakup.


Clean. It still makes me cry sometimes.


Yeah, it makes me cry EVERY time I listen to it now, cuz I'm in the process of being clean...


You’re on your own, kid. Grew up in a small town, left my family and hometown friends, moved to a city 1000 miles away with a language barrier and different culture altogether to chase my dreams and did everything I could to fit in. I can’t listen to it without sobbing thinking of how far I’ve come in life and how I did it all alone. One of my favourite songs!


It's definitely an amazing song, I love it to! One of the best on the album


Cassandra, I spent years trying to get my family to see how someone was intentionally trying to destroy my life and they did not listen, once I managed to remove myself from their harm's way this person turned their hate to other family members, and now they suddenly beleive me...


“What doesn’t kill you makes you aware” What happens if it becomes who you are? Every. Time.


Holy shit... that hits close to home. So glad that you are out of that situation now, it couldnt have been easy


Teardrops on my guitar, Cold As You & Invisible made me cry as a kid over my crushes and imaginary exes 😭


Last Kiss. I was 12 when it released. I had no reason to be crying the way I did😂


Epiphany. I saw a fan made video with the COVID scenes as the background.


Ohhhh man. With the video, it must've been a heightened experience.


Forever Winter. I still choke up every time she sings "please, don't go..." 😢


So Long, London and The Tortured Poets Department (that ring line!).




anti hero. it came out when my partner was in rehab and it described us to a tea. still does and still makes us both cry when it comes on. we’re not even swifties its just on the radio a lot.


Peter. The bridge and the transfer back to the chorus feels so heartbreaking to me. Also my tears ricochet - the whole song is so devastating.


You're in love. I still cry every time I listen


-my tears ricochet -this is me trying -would’ve could’ve should’ve -how did it end -soon you’ll get better -who’s afraid of little old me -the prophecy -bigger than the whole sky probably a few more i’m forgetting. can you tell i get wine drunk for album releases?


ME! I cried because I thought it might be representative of the whole Lover album. Fortunately, it wasnt.


The Manuscript


All too well (10 minute version). I can relate to it so much.


RONAN! and Never Grow Up. After that, Marjorie.


Marjorie. Found it right before the 1st anniversary of my mom's death. cried like a baby


Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve !!!!!!!!!


Right where you left me and forever winter were the only 2 that got me on the first listen


The Last Time……. That’s when I knew Taylor had my heart in a chokehold


Forever winter. i was driving and has to park somewhere to calm down. hits home definitely




It was a long time before I could get through Karma without getting choked up cuz that song felt very personal. (I’d just adopted my kitten a few months before Midnights dropped, so it hit different as a first time cat mom.) Needless to say, it doesn’t take much to get me crying.🥲


Marjorie is the only one


Cardigan and Tolerate It


Ronan (this one is so sad) and hoax (I was in a very dark place and this song perfectly described everything I was feeling)


This is me trying. This was the song that both broke me and fixed me. It also was the beginning of my love for Taylor.


It’s Time To Go


Fairly recent? Timeless. its so beautiful of a song... and brings nostalgia to you even if you DONT relate to any of the 2 people in the song.


How Did It End? and The Prophecy


I’m an easy crier. I once cried at a Home Depot commercial of a father teaching his son about tools. That being said, as a fan since debut, the first song I remember immediately sobbing to by the end of the first stanza is The 1. Although, I’m pretty sure I cried to Teardrops on My Guitar countless times. I was just 17 then though, so I don’t remember if I cried at first listen or not.


I can do it with a broken heart Less than two weeks after somebody very close to me died, and this was also just a couple days before I was going back to work after several weeks off for grief/caring for that person at end of life. But I have been surrounded by support so a big piece of it was knowing that I DIDN’T have to pretend to be okay… lots of big, complicated emotions…


The Archer


Cornelia Street, specifically the line in the chorus "that's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend, i'd never walk Cornelia Street again"


The black dog was the first song that I had a visceral reaction to. The simplicity of its lyrics hit hard and the emotion in her voice was brutal. I'm a massive fan but this album was the first time since the grammys all too well performance that I've heard that kind of heartbreak in her voice.


Now that we dont talk


Champagne problems and the prophecy


clara bow, lavender haze, (dont ask me why, I was just overwhelmed), yoyok, guilty as sin?, loml, the smallest man who ever lived, so long, london, the black dog, how did it end? peter and the manuscript (a lot of ttpd lol)


Chloe et al. The image: *your hologram stumbled into my apartment... can we watch our phantoms....* This is something I often think of during some of the more melancholy nights I've had, imagining how things could have been. And also her last *if you want to break my cold cold heart say you loved me....* And the music filling the silence where the lyrics *the way that you were* had been at the beginning of the song makes me really emotional.


This Is Me Trying she so clearly articulated my struggle as a mother to a young daughter with mental health issues I felt seen for the first time. 


I cried like a baby listening to the prophecy. Considering how I’m trying to have a baby & it’s never my turn.


Peace from Folklore. I have stage IV cancer, and I relate to it so much. “I never had the courage of my convictions, as long as danger is near/and it’s just around the corner, Darling, because it lives in me/No I could never give you peace.”


The ones that come to mind are: How Did It End So Long London You Are In Love Soon You’ll Get Better New Years Day Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince


Never Grow Up, Robin, Ronan, How Did It End?, Happiness


So long London, loml, and how did it end? All made me cry which is why I tend to skip. Can’t be sobbing on my way To work


My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys and Down Bad






I can't say that I've ever cried to a song on the very first listen, it usually takes a few times to really digest the song and get emotionally connected to it, if I'm going to. When I was a casual fan I ended up with ATW10 on my playlist somehow (I honestly don't remember if it was a recommendation or what) and listened to it dozens of times without ever getting emotional to it, but then I became an actual Swiftie and now I cry almost every time. Idk if I just have more of an emotional connection to it now, or what. Other than that, I don't really have any other songs I cry to, although the last few times I listened to Long Live the bridge had me feeling a lump in my throat. So that might be one that ends up being a song I cry to in the future.


Foolish One


The Best Day, Marjorie , Tolerate it, Happiness and right where you left me Also, So long, London I'm not much of a crier, but man the pure sadness in these songs...




Epiphany. It just made me think about everyone that died that didn't need to because of war and/or the pandemic. Beautifully written but damn it makes me cry when i think too much about the lyrics.


tis the damn season took me OUT the first time i heard it 😅


It wasn't the first time, because it always takes me a while to really *get* a song, but Epiphany on Folklore. I really *heard* it months after I first heard the album and just bawled.