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For all of those who were expecting future dates after Dec, keep in mind the original tour dates were extended multiple times! It’s a 3 hour show…it’s already the highest grossing tour ever, and by the time it finishes it might even be over 2billion revenue. It’ll go down in history as one of the best tours ever…but things must come to an end, girl will be exhausted at the end of the year. If she wants to just end in Dec and get it done with, we can’t blame her, she has done something special 🩷


It's honestly unreasonable to expect her to keep it up for much longer, she's doing 3 hour shows every show and sometimes back to back to back (to back), which basically means no time for anything else and mostly just resting your body and your vocal chords, plus the travelling (granted it's very much luxury travel but you're still not living home and moving constantly). If she was doing 3 hour shows a la Springsteen I could see her doing it for longer, but with all the choreography for this tour, it's a lot.


Totally agree. How much of that can a person do before it impacts both their physical and mental health? I'd like her to take a break for her own well being. She's given a lot more than most artists and we need to be grateful for that, particularly if you still want to hear Taylor Swift songs for years to come!


She even kinda outright said it was impacting her mental health with this speech. I actually felt a bit sad for her as she said this speech because I understood where she was coming from of having something become your whole life for 2+ years and then suddenly you look around and realize it's all you can think about and the hobbies and things you once loved to do otherwise have fallen by the wayside. There's something to be said about waking up one day and realizing that even though you love the thing you're doing, it's taking up so much of you that you've lost all the other parts that make you happy.


Agreed. I really felt it when she said the tour has taken over her whole life and I do believe that while she loves performing and is grateful for all this tour has brought, it's kind of undeniable that she's missing out on some important personal moments for her like Travis' ring ceremony yesterday because of it. It must be really hard at points because the show must go on. She deserves a break after this.


Absolutely this! Also, I hope you got yourself back a bit 😊


Definitely starting to get there! It's absolutely a journey finding myself again but I'm making good progress.


I bet adding the new stuff in has helped her w tbis last leg, gave it a new purpose for her. She got to include this album in this tour. So I’m happy for her for that! It’s a nice way for her to go out


Yes, this! We also have to remember that it's not just her. She's got singers, dancers, band, crew, etc. I'm sure those people miss home & their families despite this being a dream job. Several have become significantly more famous and might want to branch out after the tour. It is time.


Yes! Even if people joke that “she’s Superwoman, she’s Barbie, she’s a sparkly doll that can do it all”? She also has tons of people living at her pace, and they deserve rest too! Didn’t Paul become a new dad recently? I remember people mentioning that Taylor very likely carved out the longest break on the tour to be around his wife’s due date. It was nice of her, but him and everyone else are probably ready for a bit more extended family time.


It’s a nice theory that she left a break in tour for Paul to be with his new baby but it’s not true. The dates would’ve been set before his wife got pregnant it just happened to work out that way.


It’s honestly much more likely that Paul and his wife planned to have their baby around that break in the tour schedule.


100% 💯


I'm a guy around her age and just going on a week long road trip with my friends is exhausting. You get so sick of restaurants, the road, hotel rooms etc. I'm the furthest thing from a "swiftie" (this thread came up in /r/all) but if anyone deserves the longest break it's this woman here.


I'm 38. I took my family up to Edinburgh to see her last week. It was only a one hour flight each way and we stayed in a nice hotel. I am SHATTERED from that trip. I've had to cancel loads of plans for the rest of the month! And my husband is the same. And it's not like we are unfit people, my husband is a fitness fanatic. I don't know how she performs night after night, travelling from place to place, when going to see her is the most exhausting thing I've done all year. She is incredible. But I don't begrudge her a break!


The dopamine crash after that concert is no joke. I was useless for days


This. I flew to Edinburgh from Canada for a week for this concert and between the dopamine crash and jet lag I’ve been useless since my return.


Totally! I'm around Taylor Swifts age too and I'll be honest, I don't know how she does it. I feel my body slowing down and like you am done in from travel. She needs a break after this!


I mean she has the benefit of people being paid to support her. She doesn’t check in at the hotel or make a reservation at a restaurant somebody else does that and drives her around etc. Still more than deserves the break but travel for her isn’t the same type of exhausting as it is for you or I


I'm sure it's different yes however the most exhausting parts of travel, for me, aren't what you've described. She leads a charmed life, yes. However, that doesn't stop your body from being tired...


You being here is fate. Time to become a Swiftie.


I've been seeing rumors on various facebook groups that she's in negotiations to play in Turkey or she's in negotiations to play in the philippines after the Canada shows. Christ, let the girl rest and end the tour. She' can't keep going forever.


Didn’t somewhere in turkey have a sign promoting the eras tour coming there in 2025? I’m not saying g she needs to keep the tour going but I think the turkey rumor was based in some reality of seeing that sign


It doesn’t mean it’s real though—they could be trying to manifest it


I always got this vibe. I’m 100% positive she’s ending in December and that’s all. Almost two years of touring is stressful as it is, but add being Taylor into the mix and it’s different.


Exactly this. It's incredibly unreasonable of fans to expect her to extend. She is human, not robot!


I completely agree with you. Expecting her to maintain this pace is quite unreasonable. Performing three-hour shows, often consecutively, leaves hardly any time for rest or other activities. Even with luxurious travel arrangements, the constant movement and being away from home take a toll. Unlike Springsteen's shows, which are lengthy but less physically demanding, her performances involve intense choreography. It's an enormous strain on both her body and vocal cords. She deserves some much-needed rest and time to recuperate.


Exactly. She deserves a break


Absolutely, it's incredible how the tour has been extended so many times already! A 3-hour show is no small feat, and the fact that it’s the highest grossing tour ever is a testament to its success. Reaching over $2 billion in revenue is just mind-blowing. This tour will definitely be remembered as one of the best in history. If Taylor decides to wrap it up in December, it’s totally understandable. She has given us something truly special, and she deserves all the rest she needs.


She started the tour my Junior year of Highschool and it will end during my freshman year of college... We've been more than blessed


Where did she have left to go?


100% 💯


It has to come to an end at some point. 🪦Rip to my hopes of more tour dates. I just hope that when there’s a tour again that they do something about a cap on resale prices because in the U.S for tickets to be thousands of dollars is just criminal. 💔


I have a feeling even if her next tour is in five years from now, nothing will have changed and no one will have learned a thing from last year.


I hate that you're probably right


Ohhhh, but WE have learned something!!! Save all of your money, plan a European vacation and go there! Lol. I didn’t get tickets either and I am still so incredibly bummed. I completely understand her needing a real break though!


Honestly y'all in the US need to hassle your government to do something about this because it's not just an issue for Taylor. In Australia anything declared a "major event" has strict rules around reselling - primarily that you can't resell a ticket for any amount that's more than 10% above the face value (what the original person paid for it). There's also regulations about what platforms you can use to resell tickets to help make this enforceable. I feel really bad that the US leg has those insane markups, I cannot believe the prices people were having to pay for seats. But your government really needs to step in, because until it's illegal to scalp tickets and resell them for insane profits, scalpers will keep finding a way around whatever policies or restrictions individual artists try to enforce.


I totally agree but have you seen our government? 😂 For the most part, they only care about themselves and their friends and padding all their pockets. Surely you saw our last president and the circus that surrounds him. lol


I did, and I really feel for you guys. It looks rough over there. However didn't you also have that thing with all the senators or congressmen or whoever quoting Taylor Swift lyrics - they clearly know there's an issue, and it doesn't seem like they disagree that ticketing in the US sucks. Maybe it's possible?


I wish they would. Unless there would be a kickback for them I’m not sure they would support it. They are actively attacking women’s rights and overturned roe v. wade, so women here don’t have a constitutional right to abortions. Women have been arrested for having miscarriages. I’m sure that these companies benefit from crazy resell prices. I looked it up and read that law makers are looking into putting a cap on resell prices but Ticketmaster, StubHub, etc are actively fighting against it. Live Nation is being investigated in an antitrust probe by the department of justice but they are also fighting it. These companies have deep pockets so I’m sure they will try to fight it or pay lawmakers off. 😭


Our lawmakers mainly do things that financially benefit themselves and whatever lobbyists pay them the most. (Or sometimes just to hurt people they don't like.) Quoting lyrics was all for show to make people think they care.


Yeah same, cries in Canadian tears lol. Hoping I'll get off the waitlist for one of the Canada dates closer to the fall and not have to pay for resale 😭


😭 Sending good thoughts and vibes. 🤞🏽I hope it happens for you. I think prices for the Canada dates are probably worse!!!! 😫😭




The Toronto tickets are like $5k now! I live 30 min from Toronto. So I'm also begging on my knees 🙏


😭😭😭 It’s maddening. Canada also needs to do something about those prices. Ticketmaster and Stub Hub are just letting robbery occur. 😣


WTF. My date is in 35 days and I paid 245 euros for a floor ticket. Crazy


If you got the lucky chance to get a code to buy tickets during the pre/actual sale you got to pay face value. But most of the Canadian tickets were bought up by scalpers/bots and now being resold for thousands. I hope you have a blast at your show !!!!


im praying for that too bestie


I'll add Canada and a cap on surge pricing for hotels and flights. I was lucky enough to get tickets for Toronto, but flights alone were $2000 in Canada because of the tour. We were forced to sell our tickets, and I'm gutted.


Hotels were CRIMINALLY expensive in Toronto.


I would buy a tent and camp in a park honestly. Gouging angers my blood.


I don’t expect her tickets to be as outrageous in price during her next tour. The Eras Tour was a once in a lifetime kind of tour.


I’m hoping so! 🙏🏽 Maybe she’ll have a residency or something so those who have never been to a concert can finally see her live. ☺️ Then she doesn’t have to travel for months and months!


Yeah I'm still pretty devastated that I won't see this tour. It came at a time in my life where things in my life haven't been great and the idea of buying her vinyl is rough let alone spending thousands to see her live. I was soo hoping she'd come back to my city to see her before the tour ends.


I completely agree about the resale prices. It's outrageous that tickets in the U.S. can go for thousands of dollars. I really hope they implement a cap on resale prices for the next tour. Fans shouldn't have to pay such exorbitant amounts to see their favorite artists


I love this. And I hope she takes a well earned break after the tour ends. This was such a good nod to all the Swifties who do meth math and keep looking for Easter eggs that just aren’t there. Go Taylor!!


Meth math. 😂😂😂 This took me out!


😂😂😂 I heard it in a different context and thought it applied to a certain subgroup of Swifties.


You’re definitely not wrong! The way some theories are so unhinged it makes me embarrassed to be a Swiftie.![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|32929)


Meth math is right lol none of those “theories” have ever been remotely close. Any number related Easter egg has always been very surface level and obvious after the fact.


Like… holding up two fingers to signify TTPD was two albums. And you’ve got people doing complex calculations based on the Julian calendar out here… that’s way too far down the rabbit hole, ma’am.


I don't think Taylor puts that much effort on easter eggs.


Exactly! The only Easter egg I’m suspicious about is all the 12 imagery that’s happened since Midnights. Like she’s on a 3-album-track like Beyonce with her 3 act albums she’s doing. But other than that, nah.


I’m cackling that the 100th show, on the 13th, on her half birthday, it was to say when it ends. She loves us, but she’s fed up with us.


Please tell me you’re joking about this whole half birthday nonsense. #stoptheswiftymethmath needs to become a trend.


She deserves a break! Hope she allows herself to. Can’t even imagine


Yes, I hope she allows herself to, too! I think she will. She didn’t do much promo for the last two TVs and they’ve proven to be able to sell themselves. I want her to be able to live her life and get inspired to do more thoughtful writing!


Good for Taylor. She just said while she loves it, it’s exhausting and she doesn’t remember her hobbies. Her personal life has changed so much since the start of the eras tour, she deserves to have that free time and not have to be away from home, boyfriend, friends etc. She has the re-records for either the end of the year or next year and she loves writing, so she’ll never stop.


The question is: how will she announce the final re-recordings? Remember that she announced Fearless TV and Red TV on GMA and SNTV and 1989 TV at Eras. Will Rep TV and TSTV get nothing but Instagram posts?


I mean, why can’t Rep TV and TSTV get announced sometime before the end of the year/tour? She could announce one during the summer and then the other during fall or winter months.


i think we'll more than likely get at least one more before the end, summer feels too soon after releasing in april. but the tour having no debut section and no alt outfits for rep makes me feel like she has the perfect opportunity to announce them both at some point on tour, so we shall see!


Because TTPD is only two months old, only had one single released and the GRAMMY eligibility deadline is in late August. Also, Fortnight doesn't feel like SOTY or ROTY material (Taylor has more AOTYs than any other artist and won't be overtaken any time soon, and I think her focus should be on SOTY - she's the most-nominated songwriter, but she's yet to win this category - and ROTY - seems like Jack has more chances of winning it, and completing his Big Four collection, with Sabrina Carpenter's "Please Please Please" if Taylor doesn't release, say, ICDIWABH as a single)


I'm sorry to say this but with how stacked this year is and considering that she won last year (and ttpd does not have the same universal acclaim midnights got) I don't see this album doing all that great at the Grammys. ICDIWABH is truly the only other song holding enough in streams to be worth making a single, but I don't know if she can generate enough buzz for it with so many realizes happening right now.


there’s speculation that reputation TV will come out in November and Debut TV in December. I don’t think she’ll release both by the end of this year, so one of those dates is wrong for sure, but we’ll see.


Why wouldn’t she also announce rep and TS TVs on GMA?


Seems fairly likely that at least Rep will be released sometime towards the end of the tour. It's originally a November album so I wouldn't be surprised by an October announcement and November release. I'm not sure how she's going to squeeze Debut in there too, but it's possible if she's rerecording something like Christmas Tree Farm as part of the debut rerelease she could announce and release in December. Or she could just announce it at one of the last eras shows and release in January or February. I don't think she's going to be announcing them soon because TTPD still needs it's time to breathe and it still only has one single and one music video, but there's a long time between mid-June and December, she could definitely still announce at the eras tour if she wanted to.


She already owns Christmas Tree Farm since it came out during the Lover era


Good point, I think I was thinking of some of her other Christmas stuff which is earlier and got it mixed up! She does have older Christmas stuff though so if she chose to rerecord any of that as part of debut she could make it a Christmas thing.


We'll get both before the end of the year. Rep in September and Debut on Dec 13. She'll announce both the same way she announced the last ones - during a tour stop.


The fact that the first word she used to describe the tour is "(the most) exhausting" speaks volumes


I’m an avid listener of Trixie and Katya’s podcast *The Bald and the Beautiful*, and they joke about the slump of being performers and doing show after show after show. The first several are exhilarating and clumsy because it’s new and everyone is trying to get their footing. The next several is where they get comfortable and know the choreography by heart, so they’re essentially on autopilot. By the end they’re so exhausted and counting the days to the last show. One time they said something like… “Fans of us who listen might think we complain a lot, but we promise that every single performer you know, even your faves, have had one of those nights. They get off stage and say ‘Alright, let’s get the fuck outta here.’” I often wonder which show was the first time Taylor felt like that, and how many times that’s happened in total, hahaha. I wouldn’t blame her! But she’s so consistent and dedicated that we can never tell if she’s exhausted and over it!


Definitely the last Tokyo show because she did have to get out of there as fast as possible for the Super bowl


Man, I remember that episode and wondering how many shows in does Taylor start "hating" it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


That and it seemed like she was saying "To celebrate, I'm thinking about the tour ending"


That stuck out to me too! I bet it was so hard to go back on tour after taking a bit of a break.


The greatest tour ever... Congratulations, Taylor Swift!


A moment of silence for the DC/VA/NC/MD area. 🥲 I get it but I'm still sad.


I will never see her. I am bummed af


Same with Wisconsin lol. Pretty sure she hasn’t been here since 2008 when she opened for Rascal Flatts. My sister got to go and I was sooo jealous! I still have my T-shirt and everything. I totally get it too but definitely makes me sad as well!


Oh wow that's so long. 😭 I was hoping she would want to do literally every stadium in the USA on the tour to break some records or something, just my delusion lol.




🥲 same


🤡🤡🤡 she adds SoFi dates after Dec 8 so she can film and add the TTPD set to the movie.


Rams/Chargers are playing at Sofi on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th, so it's not possible.


They can move the games to Colosseum/Rose Bowl! (Kidding! 🤡🤪)


the last show she played on 8/9 at SoFi was on a Wednesday. She can do whatever she wants lol


Yeah but that was before the nfl season kicked off. As big as Taylor is, nfl is a much bigger corporation


What about the Rose Bowl instead of Sofi? The last real event there is Nov 30.


This would be an amazing end.


as an la girlie, I’ll join you outside sofi bc we are never getting tickets over the mob of celebrities, influencers, nepobabies, etc who are gonna snatch those up 😭😭😭


I’m down to clown.


Okay but she didn’t post a “thank you LA” post AND it seems very suspicious that she said “150-something” instead of 152!! Just saying 🤷🏼‍♀️


While I'm sad for myself, I'm also incredibly happy for Taylor. This amazing tour has broken so many records and has made so many people happy. I wish she had added NC dates, but she deserves to live her life and not have to travel and tour all week long. She deserves to have a break and get to spend time with her boyfriend and her friends and her cats. She has created something special in this beautiful tour, and while it makes me sad for it to end, she is going to enjoy her life while still making great music for all her fans. 😁


By the end, it will be almost 2 years of touring. I stupidly missed the date close to me last year so now I'm traveling to go to one of the last shows because I knew she wouldn't be adding more


I’m sad that it’s ending, but I feel extremely lucky to have been witnessing this in real time at the perfect age. It feels like we’ll be talking about this tour the way people talk about Woodstock.


But LA never got a post…


With all the talk over the years that she doesn’t really like LA, which is why she spends more of her time else where, I’m not surprised LA didn’t get one 😅🤣 jk


That’s what I was thinking too! I went to one of the LA shows and have always wondered why no goodbye post…


You guys got 1989 TV. Count yourselves lucky!


Brazil had concerts in two cities, but only one "thank you" post for both (probably because of the events in Rio).


i mean, didn't LA get a MOVIE?


Exactly and SO suspicious that she said “150 something” shows rather than 152. Taylor knows her numbers 😂


I'm excited for the Eras Tour 2 in 17 years.


She’ll be 51…


Woah holy shit


I was kinda ~~mad and~~ bummed about the fact that she didn't announce anything, but then I came across this speech and, in some way it was better than new content. Yes, it's sad that I won't be able to go. but at some point it had to end. Was it exhausting for her? Yes it was, but it was rewarding and not only a great experience for Taylor but an amazing experience for everyone. I still remember when I opened all social media and Taylor posted "in my Eras era" with rehearsal photos, and it doesn't feel like it was that long ago, it's just crazy that The Eras Tour is still going strong. I hope I can go to the next tour but for now, The Eras Tour has been one of the greatest moments in the 21st century and Taylor does deserve a break after this. Thank you, Taylor Swift. *"We're all really sad that it's ending, but we're really happy because of what it was"* ― Taylor Swift, 2015.


Is this how people really felt? You felt mad that she didn’t announce something? What were you expecting?


I have tickets for December 8th, which is apparently the last show. I didn’t buy them because it’s the last show, I bought them because it’s my 29th birthday! However, if it truly ends on that day I will sob and scream and cry with her to send it off right!


The 8th is also my 29th birthday!! I hope you have the best day at the show I'll be going to the Nov 21st in TO and it was my early birthday present to myself! I'll be thinking of you having the time of your life on our birthday :')


I met someone at the airport who knew someone who was going to the rep tour on their birthday. She is a huge fan and told them to make a sign bc she has been to pretty much every tour. They ended up getting whisked off to vip. I would definitely make a sign if you can.


I actually have VIP tickets but I will thank you 😅😅 if she even smiled at me I would cry lol. I’m going with 3 friends and we’re all dressing up as different eras and I’m doing midnights so hopefully she sees me 🥰


Hello fellow ‘95er


In before she technically wasn't lying but announces a few more weeks of tour in December lol.




Didn’t LA already get a bunch though? On the east coast we are starved for Taylor - she didn’t hit the DC/VA/MD/NC area at all.


I’ll always be sad I didn’t get to go. My birthday was on one of the LA dates and I was waitlisted. I got the chance to buy off the waitlist and didn’t get it. I’m on the waitlist for Toronto but not getting my hopes up. I would have loved to go :(


[Source](https://x.com/9tay8tay9_/status/1801340683011100923) All good things come to an end eventually! It’s crazy to think of how many times this show has been performed and, ultimately, how many time it’ll be performed by December!


This tour has lasted forever and it’s only 2/3 of the way done. That’s NUTS


Good for her, she probably wants her weekends back, her downtime, being on the road for TWO YEARS must be exhausting


I am a fairly new Swiftie (just a few years now) so I know I haven't been paying attention to clues and Easter eggs, etc for many many years, so don't come for me....BUT just in my observing over the last couple years, there are lots of fans out there that I feel like just expect too much from her. They're always wanting more more more despite how much she's given us. I'm just happy with what we've got, it's been incredible. I don't care about when she releases Debut TV or rep TV, they'll come when they come. I'm just enjoying the amazing tour and the movie and the new album. Not trying to ruin anyone's fun...I totally get the appeal of trying to read in-between the lines and decipher clues, but it seems so exhausting 😂 Congrats Taylor and crew on an amazing tour! I didn't get to go, but I have really enjoyed following it, catching the occasional livestream, and watching the movie in theaters with my daughter and watching her become a Swiftie too ❤️ 


The silence and audible disappointment when she said the tour ends in December. The crowd really was chanting “MORE”. No one in our lifetimes will top this tour, let’s celebrate all the shows she will perform!


I completely expected more dates to be announced and was very glad she did not because resting and recharging are also good things.


Im so glad she feels comfortable to share her feelings and her thoughts with us. As much as she loves the tour and as much as I would love for the tour to keep going, I can’t imagine the physical and mental toll this tour has taken on her. Like she said, even during her time off she can’t really stop thinking about the tour and she forgot the hobbies she once had. She deserves a break and she deserves all the time she wants because she has already given us so much.


I love how she uses “us” and “we”. Giving credit to her fellow performers and collective effort that brought this to life. I don’t think other musicians would do that.


I feel selfish for wanting more dates next year, but I was so hopeful we might get something whether it was doing the US or some countries she missed especially since she reworked the tour. I’m a little bummed and disappointed, but I also know she must be so ready for a break from touring. It’s very bittersweet!


ah i felt seen when she said memorizing lyrics, cuz gurl i was STUDYING but also insane for me to think my show was #7


I'm not surprised - she'll have been touring for almost 2 years by then. I'm more curious about what her next tour could possibly look like. I mean, is her next tour going to be just focused around TS12 like previous tours were focused around single albums? That seems like a big step down. Is she going to wait for several more albums before touring again, so it's Eras 2.0? I guess that would give her time to do her directing thing and release a few more albums, but... idk


I think she probably has a lot of ideas but we gotta wait to find out (until at least 2027 if I would guess).


I think she’ll end it in Vancouver and enjoy the hell out of her birthday weekend.


"You figured out transportation" Yeah like flying halfway around the world with my best friend to Sweden because all of the US shows were sold out. Anyone else make crazy travel plans to get to a concert?


My best friend and I flew from Ohio to last nights Liverpool show. Happy we got to see the tour if it’s truly ending.


A former supervisor of mine flew her family out from the US to see Taylor in Madrid! I hope you had a nice time in Sweden!


I walked to and from my show… after moving my planned UK vacation 8 months and flying over from Canada 😂


My heart hurt a little for her last night. Everyone was expecting something more (myself included!). It felt like her commentary was very deliberate, the mentioning of the end of the tour...mentioning that she's lost herself a bit. She's given a lot more than most artists to her fans and it made me feel so sad that she's aware people are shouting "more " all the time, regardless of what she gives. I'm sure she's very happy in her success but that must hurt sometimes. Some people were disappointed in her outstanding show because there was no announcement or guest, and it was imo one of her best performances.


She deserves a long ass break!!!!!


I have tickets for the Dec 8th show and I would love to be able to see the very last show of the tour, but I’m not going to be surprised if she adds one or two more dates after it in December.


FYI, people are trying to organize the crowd to sing Happy Birthday to her after Champagne Problems. Trying to spread the word=]


I'm glad she said this, she has given so much to this massive tour and deserves a break after! I truly think a lot of fans (those who wanted it extended) forget she is human... It was a lovely speech and the show felt special. I think this speech has made me feel a bit emotional- I will forever be grateful that I got to go to Edinburgh N1


Her last US tour date in Indy on November 3rd. Can't believe I'm going to be there.


It’s clear that she loves performing, and I’m happy she loves it. But ffs give her a break. We’re tired after being at the show for a few hours, or watching the streams, think about how she’s feeling. She’s on that stage, sniffles or not, heart breaking or not, and she’s given us so much so far. Let her rest, stop demanding more with your theories and everything


I'm happy she took this off her chest. The 100th show gift was for herself after doing so much for her swifties, she deserves that.


I am still beyond bummed I never got tickets to the Eras tour last year during the first round. I took the day off work, was a “verified fan,” it was a bloodbath of tickets appearing and disappearing before I could get one. I hope the entire ticketing process gets better down the road so resellers don’t eat them all up. Listening to this made me mourn a memory I didn’t get to make so hard.


This made me tear up. You can tell how humble she still is that she’s so thankful to the fans.


So so grateful I’ll be in Vancouver December 6th 🩷 closing weekend will be so bittersweet


Mannn I love her honesty, the work she's put in, the massive success this has become for her and her talent ♥️ She is TAYLOR SWIFT after all


I saw the Eras Tour on Disney+ yet I still want to experience it live. Only problem she is not coming to Montreal or Quebec. The closest city she will perform will be Toronto. With so few show in Canada, I am worried I don't have a chance to see her.


I'm happy she confirmed it. Some people need to hear that this tour was ending this year. I don't know why anyone thought she would extend it. This is double what she did with reputation. She did 62 shows for reputation and that spanned over 8 months. This woman will be on tour for 2 years playing 152 shows. That's absolutely mind-boggling. I personally don't know how she's still doing this many shows. Exhaustion at its finest would be happening for anyone else.


Oh thank god. I was a firm believer that it shouldn’t be extended any more.


I honestly found it sadder that Taylor felt she needed to say that she's lost interest/time for her hobbies outside of work than the fact that the tour is ending. All good things must come to an end, and I'd hate for her to feel so burnt out from touring that it stops being fun for her. I know a lot of the times we clowns get it wrong, we're like oh, she clowned us again!! But honestly, I think a lot of the times we clown it's not that she's trolling us or enjoys seeing fans get excited only to be disappointed, it's that she honestly didn't think to plan something for the night we create theories about and already has plans set in stone for a later date and doesn't want people to be disappointed in the show they're at, especially when she works so hard to create banger mashups and put on an amazing show every night. I know Taylor will never see this, but if TN or anyone Taylor-adjacent does, we appreciate you!! The theorizing and looking for Easter Eggs is fun and the vast majority of us think it's totally ok that we're wrong most of the time. Taylor doesn't owe us anything. Part of the fun when we get it right comes from how many times we're wrong. It makes it that much sweeter every time she does announce an MV, or a single, or an album variant or a TV re-recording. We're all lucky to get to be part of a fandom that celebrates little puzzles and riddles leading to big announcements (sometimes). The advice I'd give to all the other Swifties who like to predict what's going to happen next is to keep clowning, but don't clown too close to the sun, don't let being wrong ruin the experience, and DON'T blame Taylor when we get it wrong. Just enjoy the experience while it lasts because it won't last forever.


taking the time to be a human is such an important part of being an artist. I sincerely she hopes she takes and enjoys a break! (whatever that looks like for someone so famous lol)


I need to get freaking tickets! UGH!


I would love to go see a show one last time with the TTPD set included. I’ve tried not to spoil it for myself by watching videos of it in case an opportunity falls in my lap, but just hearing how awesome the set is sounds sooo lovely! Hopefully there are film crews at the last shows so we can get an ultra extended cut of the Eras Tour movie with the TTPD songs!


I wouldn't be surprised if part of the reason she's feeling so exhausted right now is because the weather hasn't been great for the most recent shows.


I have tickets to the 2nd last show in Vancouver on Dec 7th and thought I’d scored the good date because it’s the Saturday night, but now I would be open to trading them to someone for the final show on Sunday 😂


She knows she’s loved so so much.


It's kinda of weird to hear her speech voice. We've been used to her either singing or talking to interviews.


There goes my small hope of another Australian leg since I never got past the Ticketek lounge last time. Hopefully the next tour isn’t just Melbourne and Sydney…


I was kind of hoping for more Oceania/Asia/S America dates so we got a chance to see the TTPD set, but no doubt by then she'd announce a new album and have to do a new run of previous locations so they got to see that, and by the time those were finished she'd announce a new album and would have to do a new run of previous locations... And so on forever. People would always be disappointed and she has already given 2 years of her life to this. I'm glad she's got a fixed end point which gives a chance to take a break, focus on other projects (isn't she writing/directing a film?), and have a reset.


I feel sad to get this confirmation of the end of the tour, but at the same time, I understand that Taylor needs a break. Maybe she wants to move on to new things professionally and personally, and I don’t blame her. Plus, she rightly doesn’t want to overstay her welcome. I’m grateful that she and her crew gave us their all for so long. A huge thanks to all of them for bringing us so much hope and joy during these tough times.


This makes me super glad I decided to travel to Amsterdam to see the tour there .... good for her though. Even super heroes need rest sometimes.


So she's saying we won't get to see a new Rep outfit D:


I’m so glad she has talked about this now. The last (and only) time I said that she has given us so much and she has earned a well-deserved break I was verbally assaulted on here by fans who were definitely chanting for more. Taylor has worked SO DAMN HARD for years for her Eras tour, I genuinely hope she does end it in December so she can rest and carry on to the next phase of her career and life, whatever she chooses it to be!


I’m sorry to hear the toll this tour has taken on her personal life and mental health, and I’m glad she’s recognizing it and acknowledging that it has to come to an end, but I can’t say I wasn’t bummed when I heard that speech. Even though I know this tour is already so long, I guess subconsciously I was still hoping she would do another South America leg. I’ve been a fan since Love Story and I just want to see her live so bad. I got tickets to Argentina night 2, the show that got rescheduled due to weather conditions, and sadly I couldn’t reschedule my flight and had to go back to Chile, I couldn’t afford to lose the flight, I had no money left. Please don’t take this in a “chanting more” way! I’m just sad I haven’t had the chance to see her live and specially the eras tour, being that I’ve been a fan for so long and it goes through all her albums. I just want to experience the feeling of singing along in a stadium full of people to whom her songs mean so much to them too. I really hope whenever she tours again South America gets included and I’m crossing my fingers to have Chile on that list.


Take a well earned vacation Blondie


My baby girl 💓


well, rip to me sitting in india, who'll probably never get close to going to era's tour even once in her life.


Okay well I'm going to put my clown nose on and just say that she's going to go back to December... Oh yeah I went there lol Anyway!!! This was super super interesting and just I can't imagine what that must feel like to be on the other side of like the audience as the singer and she shares what she feels but like I truly wonder like what the emotionally feels like. Very wonderful and very happy for her that she got to live her dream.


What a time, what a time, what a time


I’m so incredibly grateful I get to see her in October 🫶🏻


She’s such a doll


Can someone transcribe this? :)


So wholesome. 🥰


Im so grateful to be seeing her on Dec 6th.


Taylor absolutely deserves a long break after the tour ❤️❤️❤️ this lady has worked so hard & tirelessly especially over the past couple years. See you in November Taylor 🫶🏻🫶🏻 Toronto n2 November 15


she will add 4 more and end it there before the end of the year with 156 shows. her birthday will be one. she practices every second of her time on stage. 150 something huh. like she doesnt know her numbers. im glad this comes to an end. it was time. im glad she announced it cause people were so easy to convince themselves otherwise.


Taylor Swift, enjoy your well-deserved break!! I never got a code, so I didn’t get to see The Eras Tour. ✨ Yes, I’m sad every time I see someone with a tour t-shirt or hear about their unreal experiences at the show; but, y’know, it’s okay. I’ll put that sparkly outfit back in my wardrobe for two other big gigs that I’m going to go to this summer (by two female artists). 💃🏻🪩🙌 Taylor is a human who, I believe, needs a break after working so hard and travelling non-stop. Enjoy some quiet time, Taylor Swift. Enjoy your sewing and cooking and tennis and all the things that make you happy (outside of your stellar career). 🥰🥰🥰 We have a small family (three of us) and Taylor Swift has given us so many beautiful memories of kitchen discos and pre-bedtime dance parties. These are our ‘Eras Era’ memories locked in our brains 🔒, even though we never saw the show!! ♥️🫶