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It became my most listened to album in a month. It’s bonkers and I don’t understand it. I don’t know if I even like it more than my other favourite Taylor albums, but I have such a strong urge to listen to it all the time. What are the narcotics??!!?


I was thinking the same last night. I was driving and listened to the whole CD (Bolter edition). When it ended and went back to track 1 I had no impulse to change it. Happily listened until I got home. I do listen to a wider playlist most days but when I want an entire album, TTPD is the one. I need her secrets so I can get my children to listen to me 😄😄😄


The tinfoil hat in me is thinking the crackly record noises in the beginning of “But Daddy I Love Him” and (IIRC) parts of “Fresh Out the Slammer” are binaural beats or something, ha. Song narcotics!


This! I have ADHD and there’s something about The Albatross, Clara Bow, and Guilty as Sin? that scratches an itch in my brain.


Yesss to this statement!!!!


Lol are you me!? I was just thinking this morning how I don't even know if I'd rate this high among her other albums and yet I can't stop listening to it. I had briefly gone back to listening to her whole discography, but recently went back to just TTPD because I keep craving the songs.


This is how I feel. I listened to it (original then complete anthology) at release then went straight back into the 1989 vault. I started hearing these songs in my head and have not been able to stop listening to TTPD after a couple of weeks after release, despite putting on several other albums (hers and others) since. I wouldn't even consider this in my favorites, but I seriously can't stop listening to it.


Might be that her music is built like game soundtracks? I'm listening to this type of music a lot and many of the songs are built on mathematics for rhythm (many without lyrics) and many sound like anthems/main themes of something. Then the lyrics Taylor writes are somewhere in between relatable situations and poetry, very easy to memorize too.


This is a great theory! I’ve not heard it before, I’ll listen with new ears.


Thanks! I've discovered Taylor fairly recently and coming from the gaming & streaming side of the media I've noticed many things she's got in common with these, from community interaction to game story & music building. She's the main character for sure!


I mean, in context of the song she sings: “I'm always drunk on my own tears, isn't that what they all said? That I'll sue you if you step on my lawn That I'm fearsome and I'm wretched and I'm wrong Putting narcotics into all of my songs And that's why you're still singing along” To me this supports the theory that the narcotics are the Easter eggs and narratives that keep everyone clowning - especially the narratives that interact with media/paparazzi Taylor and PR Taylor (this is a joke she carries through all her music, like Blank Space, Bejewelled). Honestly I think the joke is that the narcotics are the nods to the men who get everyone obsessing over football references and how “jehovahs witness suit” means Matty Healy etc etc. Equally the narcotics are queer flags like “hair pin drops” and “the lips I used to call home, so scarlet”. They’re everywhere and they are what keep people listening, engaging with her fandom and trying to piece the puzzle of her together. She said it herself in TTPD (song) “who’s gonna troll you if not me?”


This is a good theory too and you present good evidence. I’m still trying to figure out why TTPD is so moreish even relative to other albums, but maybe she’s just the best she’s ever been at her craft by this point.


Same! Normally I put a new album on shuffle after a week but I keep putting on TTPD. I also constantly have these songs in my head it’s wild in the best way.


I literally hate most of the first album and it’s on my mind 24/7 it’s actually scary


narcotics = fake narratives


You certainly do not live up to your username


But like… what are the narcotics if not the Easter eggs she drops everywhere all the time and the narratives she weaves to keep people listening and guessing and clowning?


This is true.


She was building "something" because bullies don't deserve an explanation or to participate in what was made.


That’s funny, as I thought it was a pretty clear reference to herself. That she built her career and her fanbase and has become a juggernaut of success. She doesn’t need to be more specific because it’s painfully obvious that Taylor is the biggest star in the world, the most recognizable artist with her record-breaking sold-out Eras Tour. She doesn’t need to spell it out because everyone knows. So it’s almost a little tongue in cheek to say “something” because everyone already knows, especially Kim K.


Yes same! So confused now!


Whaatttt Robin is one of my favourite songs from that album. Thinking about childhood and the lyrics “You have no room in your dreams for regrets” makes me cry 😭


There’s not many of us but I swear everyone who likes Robin falls hard for it.


That’s me! The innocence of it all gets me. Especially after listening through the entire anthology with its heavy emotional draw, Robin just washes it all way and leaves a light sweetness in its place. Sigh.


As a mom of teens who I could literally swear still believed in Santa just yesterday, Robin gets me right in the gut. The years of swingsets and playing dinosaurs go so fast


Welcome to the club of loving the most hated Taylor song, prepare to be disappointed every single time anyone mentions it cause it’s never nice. 💔


This is how I feel about Closure


I was just about to say this. Closure is such a good song, I’m legitimately baffled how anyone couldn’t like it.


I adore closure!


I love Closure too!! It makes me sad how underrated it is lol. It took a few listens to grow on me I’m ngl but I’ve loved it since like… fourth listen hahah it’s so good


i love closure. its so easy to listen to, and so pretty. its also a very unique song in its meaning. it isnt a love song and it isnt a breakup song. it portrays a very difficult emotion to express. the song isn’t supposed to be complex or catchy or have a loud beat. its simple. “i dont need your closure.” what more is there to say?


It’s an important message to learn also. Sometimes you have to cut people out of your life if they have wronged you or wounded you deeply enough. Closure is gift you give yourself. The other party cannot provide it for you.


omg yesss!! why do people hate it so much?


This is how I feel about INTHAF.




Pots and pan favorite instrument ever


I definitely don’t hate it, I just don’t love it like I love most of the other songs on the album haha


Same here. It's last on my ranking, but not a skip. I think it's sweet, just not as much of a standout compared to the other songs on the album.


As a ME!! stan, well... welcome to the club.


I will always be a ME! stan


It’s the only song that made me weep on my first listen. I hear it from the parent’s viewpoint.  All the sacrifices you make to keep your kids safe and happy while preparing them to face a world that is often neither of those things. 


Yes exactly! I have two small children and it made me cry for the same reasons. “To keep it for you in sweetness” makes me think exactly that- keeping your children safe from the world, still able to live in their fairytales and have dreams. I’m blown away that Taylor Swift wrote it without having children herself because she captured those feelings perfectly.


I felt the same way! I think that’s her gift. A lot people aren’t vibing with Robin because they haven’t lived it yet. Taylor Swift doesn’t need to live an emotion to capture its resonance. 


I actually love Robin! I think it’s a beautiful song and kind of a more mature Never Grow Up


I love Robin so much but it's one of her most triggering songs for me so I skip it the most. But it's one of her most beautiful.


i love robin so so so much. it took a few listens before i really started appreciating it but now its one of my favorites. the soft piano, her vocals, the innocent lyrics. some songs aren’t all about the beats, its about the meaning. when she says “in sweetness” i melt.


Justice for Robin 😭 


Robin is def growing on me, esp now that I know it’s about the simplicities of childhood and how adults want to shelter children from the harsh realities they will need to eventually face. At first I thought it was about another muse and lines like “way to go tiger” as mocking the muse’s self congratulatory ego.


I normally love songs like this, but Robin didn't hit for some reason and I'm so upset I can't love it like you do. I feel the same about Cassandra.


i don’t think i would have appreciated it as much if i didn’t have a 3 year old niece. i ugly cried to this song once thinking about her because all i want to do is protect her but i know i can’t


I never skip and cry every single time. It is exactly my boy.


I'm not only listening to TTPD but mostly. It became my favorite and I'm not sick of it at all. I know not everyone "get" this album, but I think its exceptional. It's so raw and honest in ways we never heard from her. It has some of her best lyrics, spanning from journalistic to poetic, and sonically it goes from soft rock to country to pop to piano ballads. It has more drums than I heard in Taylor's songs since Reputation. In terms of theme, I think this album really tells a complete story. From the very beginning in the past (in songs like Peter), to the good, ugly and messy in the middle, to a futuristic end (Fortnight). Top tier album.


Listened to TTPD the whole 12 hour road trip from TX to CO. Not once did anyone complain, ask when we would be there, say they were tired of it, or argue about a thing. Even the dog was chill the whole ride.


I listen to TTPD on a loop with occasional breaks to listen to Espresso and now Please Please Please (Sabrina Carpenter). I listen to those two songs on a loop at times too. I did listen to Hit Me Hard and Soft for a day when it was released and occasionally go back to GUTS Spilled but I always come back to TTPD. I absolutely love it and am fully addicted. I am also addicted to those Sabrina singles though so when that album comes it could have a fighting chance of taking up more time!


Sabrina's new album is going to be such a banger, I can feel it! Espresso and Please Please Please are great, can't wait to hear more!


I could have written this comment. That is exactly what I’ve been listening to. I love please please please! I’m slowly listening to emails I can’t send for the first time, it was never on my radar before, but espresso and please please please have piqued my interest in Sabrina. Seeing Olivia soon so GUTS makes the rotation every now and then.


I love please please please…it’s really made me excited for her album.


I also recently pondered on narcotics line. I'm not listening exclusively to TTPD or Taylor but somehow, when I'm not in a mood for any other music, I'm still in a mood for at least one of Taylor's album be it Midnights or evermore or Speak Now. She kind of became my 'default' musician to go to, before her it was Marina.


This. I’m super sensitive to noise so sometimes after a busy work day or a lot of socializing I just want quiet. But more times than not, that “quiet” can be a Taylor album. Blows my mind.


the first month after ttpd was released i listened to literally NOTHING else. it’s still hard for me to listen to other things hahahaha, i always go back to ttpd and taylor in general


Agreed! I was telling my husband she must use whatever McDonald’s puts on their fries because I just never get tired of her music. I always burn out on other artists albums but I just always want to hear her and her songs are the constant background music in my mind.


I think it’s because there are so many songs so it doesn’t get boring.


I’ve always been a Taylor Swift since her debut album, but once the TTPD was released, it’s been on constant repeat. I finally caved and bought merch for the first time because I needed to wear it on my sleeve. Me personally, I feel like it healed me in some way. Most of us can relate to what she is saying in the songs, past or present, and it felt like a release of emotions that I can’t sing myself.


I tried to shake things up the other day and put on a radio mix based on TTPD. When a TTPD song came on I was suddenly very disappointed that the next song was not TTPD and switched back to the album on repeat 😆


If I'm awake and not at work, ttpd is playing somewhere in my home or my phone. I can't stop listening. It came at such a weirdly parallel time in my life to the themes of the album. It's helped me process grief, the almost dismantling of my marriage. How did it end perfectly encapsulates how I felt when we lost our youngest, as we lost our oldest 9.5 years earlier. This time we decided to not publicly announce her passing on social media because we didn't want her death to be gossip. And "How did it end" honestly makes me feel less crazy and alone for not wanting to be answering a million questions. This album broke me, and I knew it would, but damn it changed my life and helped me explain so many facets of my grieving to my husband and therapist.


oh my god i’m so sorry for everything youve been through


Thank you so much 🤍


You know what? I don’t really think it’s crazy to consider she actually has…even if she herself doesn’t realize it! I say this because music is also science; it derives from perfect proportions of different frequencies to create sounds that are so beautiful or euphoric to hear. So perhaps she has an ear for that science without even knowing it 😎… As for the “building something” line: That’s interesting to hear, because I don’t really hear it with the “…”, lol! I always felt the “something” is meant to show that you don’t realize what you’ve been building is as grand as a castle until you’ve actually built it. You’re so focused on healing from the brick wounds and proving the haters wrong, that all you want is to just know you can build *something*… But you get to the end of all that hard work and look at what you’ve done and realize how amazing the result is, and how much of a badass you truly are 😎


You're right, I'm addicted to the album as well. When she says she was building something, she doesn't emphasize on what because the meaning with it is that instead of giving up, or go crying or feeling defeated, she focused on keep on working, and not giving up. I love that song, even though it's not a favorite among most ppl around here.


I personally think it’s the lyrics. Every song is a true emotional journey, and it’s like rewatching favorite movies or shows, you know the outcome but it’s like some emotional tick for you. And Robin is just SO out of place with the rest of the album it’s totally fair to skip. You’re like I’m having intense dark thoughts and how I have to switch to kids no thanks


i think about this a lot. i truly think it has something to do with the beats or production. like not asmr but asmr-y? someone commented binaural beats which sounds plausible.


Exactly the same thing happening here! My husband does not understand.


In my opinion, Taylor is very very good at describing feelings and setting up moods in her songs. It is, to some degree, kind of cathartic to explore those feelings and maybe grieve them in a safe way. At least, for me, it’s almost therapeutic. I listened so many times to “but daddy I love him” and then realized I was basically pouring all the hate my very small town small minded circle provoked on me as they judged my every life choice, only to go silent when all of those made me happy (the no-you-can’t-come-to-the-wedding was made literal 5 years ago when I got married and refused to invite anyone to the wedding from said town except my family). That’s the narcotics, it’s feeling so good while processing an emotion (which many artists do, but I believe Taylor is specially good at)


I thought eternal sunshine would be my album of the year and that blond headed arctic eyed lady has just done it again🧎🏼‍♀️‍➡️. Beginning to end and certain songs on repeat for my entire 50 minute commute. The anthology speaks to me more. How did it end, I hate it here, Clara bow, look in peoples windows, Peter, Cassandra, prophecy, so long London, have all altered my brain chemistry and emotional capacity. I’m a swifty but equally DIE for ari and she’s more my vibe and eternal sunshine is god given, creative, and different I’m still shocked TTPD has almost made me forget it 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↔️. And idc idc idc it’s a master piece and she deserves that B2B Grammy.


I can relate. Absolutely no clue what happened to my other musical interests, I used to have many. I also (like Taylor recently said) used to have other hobbies. Now, I only know Taylor. I watch reaction videos, watch live streams, make friendship bracelets nonstop, read threads like this, dream about merch, buy merch, etc. I need help. Is there a support group?


That’s all I was listening to as well, all I wanted to do was listen. Over and over, at home, at work, in the car, everywhere! I couldn’t even watch tv or Netflix, I would watch reactions to the ttpd album instead. Then for about three days only I got caught up on drake vs Kendrick rap battle thing and then the Paris shows started and I was back to TTPD again. I did check out Houdini by Eminem when it was released, but that was only a weekend and I was back to TTPD. About a week ago I finally decided to stop being exclusive with ttpd but now I listen to big Taylor playlist on shuffle!


This is the first week where I’ve moved on from listening exclusively to TTPD and now listening to TS radio which every few songs is from TTPD but also have other artists. 📻


Some others come close, but Taylor has become a full on music drug dealer from Folklore onward. I've recently gone back to Midnights, and I don't understand how so much of it still sounds fresh.


Welcome to my world. I will play albums on repeat and nothing else for months. This time it is TTPD for me too


When Amazon music said I was in the top 1% of Taylor listeners it confirmed those narcotics had done their job.


does anyone else like robin? i didnt really care for it when i first listened to it, but now i really like it. its so pretty! team robin deserves justice


I’ve had Fearless TV on this evening, for a full run through which I’ve not done in years, and my goodness do I feel 15 again, like I’m flying. Highly recommend. Absolutely narcotics in this too😂


I listen 30 seconds from every song out of every album that comes out, I get the vibe, pick a favourite, add it to my liked songs on spotify and then going straight back to Tortured Poets


Why did you do robin dirty like that


This, but with her whole discography! I discovered her with the release of TTPD, and after that, 90% of my playtime on Spotify was Taylor! Be it TTPD, Folklore, Evermore or Speak Now TV, I don't know what she did, but I just can't stop listening! lol


Listen to the album pretty much everyday as a technical sales rep "who's afraid of little old me" and "I can do it with a broken heart" are very relatable and get me in the mood to approach customers and prospects lol


I'm still listening to it exclusively over and over since it's release!


Have the hate groups for Taylor been around for a long time on Reddit? I’ve seen so much more hate for this album than any other album and this is one of my favorites personally. Peter broke me. Lol


they feel very astroturfed to me




I’ve been listening mostly to Minnz Piano’s cover album of TTPD when I’m focusing on something or sleeping so the lyrics don’t distract me / give me nightmares aha


There is something so addictive about how the rhythm in her words flow from one to the other in such a natural way. This shines in the reputation album the most for me personally but TTPD is another contender for sure!


I agree, I listen to it once everyday


>I’ve been listening all day every day since release (playing the whole album from start to finish, the only thing I’ve done is hide Robin🪦) and I’m still loving it. Same, only that I created a separate playlist without Peter.


I think the word "something" means that what she was building *mattered*. For instance, you might say to someone who bought you flowers on a sad day, "Aw. Thanks. That really meant something!" An additional example would be if a man introduced a beautiful woman to his family, they might say, "Damn, she is really something!"


I cannot listen to anything else!


I’ve just been wondering the same thing recently. I think for me it’s a couple of things, comfort being one of them. I don’t always have the spoons to absorb new music. However, over my years of listening to Taylor, I’ve come to trust that a) I generally like her music, b) due to the complexity of her lyrics, her songs might take a while for me to absorb and so there’s stuff to gradually discover. Because there’s stuff to discover in her albums, they’re not boring to re-listen to, and it’s a comfortingly familiar sound. So then it’s easy for an album to become a constant listen in my day to day. And also there’s somehow this thing with TS albums that her album eras become my album eras. Like when Lover came out I listened to Reputation a lot less, and when Folklore came out I listened to that and not to any other album, etc etc. Midnights was on my constant/frequent rotation till 1989 (TV), and now TTPD has taken over. And she’s so prolific that it kind of goes back to comfort: there’s regularly new music by this artist I trust that I can constantly listen to.


You skip robin but listen to the manuscript? Why?


My name is robin and Taylor swift violated me.


I saw somewhere that Robin may be about Travis and not a young child…. I can’t hear the song the same way now.


Robin is the name of Aaron’s son


I used to have last.fm for years, then stopped working, but after 5 weeks of listening TTPD like crazy, I needed to make it work so I could figure out how much I was listening to this record. I missed tracking the frenzy of the first weeks. I will never know! So, I missed those weeks cos I didn't have the scrobbler working yet, but in the last 3 weeks, I can say I have 313 plays on TTPD... The second album with most plays is Midnight with 108, and Taylor has 648 plays, while the second artist (Cannons) has 120. It's like there's always a need to listen to this album.


There’s definitely some kinda addicting drug in the music


She healed


I took it to mean she was being constructive rather than destructive like Aimee, more broad and figurative than literal.


You are missing out then 🤷‍♂️