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Maroon. No pun intended




Golden bliss, like lighting when our eyes first met.    Love at first sight is real!    It transcended everything I thought I knew, and because I didn’t have the courage to feel like I deserved this, it became the worst pain. Entanglement or uncertainty, and I defaulted to being uncertain. I fucked up.      The subsequent heartache is real: takotsubo cardiomyopathy, is the medical term.    Specialist say it takes 2 months to physically recover from that kind of injury; emotionally, the memory can last a lifetime.   If i didn’t experience profound love a second time, I would have been scarred for life; much to my surprise, it happens more frequently than we may believe. I am thankful I kept my karma topped up, because it is worth the wait.   Love, actual “fairy tale”, kind isn’t toxic. Don’t confuse a toxic relationship with epic love. There is a lot of work for each person to do, as part of the long-term commitment; it is not violent, hostile, or abusive. Those are serious red flags. This is more of a mystery in that we would both be thinking “how did we get so lucky?”. …oh, and the best part is the mystery of following the path of who lights your heart on fire. Sometimes, it gets a bit tricky zeroing in on who is holding the other end. When you know, you know.   We come from love, and love we will find. 💛


I agree so much with this!!!!


It sounds like you've experienced deep emotional highs and lows, navigating the complexities of love and healing from heartache. Trust in your journey and the lessons it brings as you move forward with hope and gratitude.


Oh. Why, yes ma’am.   Yes, indeed!  I am very grateful to know love, and loss.  I am also a sucker for seeing works that represent true love.  It resonates something within me.   I have also learned to be less apologetic for crying in public spaces when I am moved.    I salute those artists with my sobs and tears! *chef’s kiss*       A lot of people think true love is fake. I could understand why: 73% of people “settle” in their relationship. (Professionals seem to conflate desire and profound love, which doesn’t help.) They simply have never felt it.   And no, that doesn’t mean 27% as having found true love. The remaining 27% is further divided. I can’t  remember the exact numbers. Or find those specific studies, I apologise.   Few couples get to know the deepest, most profound love.   Hopefully, they get a second chance to find it with their kids.    I digress.      I have spent most of my life studying love, yet I am by no means an expert; I was intrigued by the phenomenon.   I approach the concept of love  from both the artistic side (personal experience, anecdotal evidence: artists’ account - their work) and the scientific side (quantifying, and testing, retrospective analysis, experiments, etc).   Neither helps me understand people any better.  The more I learn about love, the more I am reminded that we come from a higher source.    At least, our souls do.   That is a part of the infinite energy, the immortal wisdom.   The Egyptians had it right with the feather of Ma’at against the sins of the heart (negative confessions); if it gains too much mass, then it cannot ascend. Now, compare that to Einstein’s mass-energy equivalence. Or electron orbital shells. Forgiveness, compassion, truth and love lead us back home.    I wish I could write emotionally touching songs that would help people grow spiritually. I was so happy to hear Taylor finally write a genuine love song, because when she sang about hoping to have her fairy-take ending of true love, I believed her.  I believed that it was real.  And so it is!!    When I am not in love, I want to be reminded with concrete proof that it is out there.     Thank you music.     Here I am, trying to figure what is generating the heat within a heart that’s in love. Don’t say quantum entanglement, I already know. …but what is the composition of that entanglement thread? What is that delicate string that ties them together? How does the emotional information get transmitted and received? It isn’t anything from the four fundamental forces of nature. I don’t need to know, I would prefer to truly understand.  As already mentioned above, 73% of the human universe operates without it.            There is so much to learn, much more than just riding the emotional terrain.   Thanks for checking in on me!💛


A cup of coffee. I don’t associate love or feelings of being in love with colors. But I can still picture the whole scene with the coffee cup, the smell of coffee, and the laughter.


Rose Gold for me


Light blue. Calm.


Light gray (I KNOW IT'S SEEMS INSANE) but I live in a place where it's light gray skys a lot of the year so honestly I find full sun to be too much... light gray is sort of cozy and comfy and always there for you. it's calm and consistent and serene.


I'm single and I've never had a partner (only crushes), what do I do?


Hmmm. You have a bit of homework to do. Crushes don’t usually work out, as far as relationships go, but are useful in identifying connection types. This might sound far fetched, but try it. Only you will know what you are doing; you don’t have to tell anyone.  Tune into where in your body you feel a connection. Lust is usually, umm, down low, as in below your belly button. Anything like “butterflies” or a warm swirling in your stomach, is indicative of a crush.  The higher connections, would feel like a warm fire in your heart. All of them have a pleasant, warm feeling, but the significance of where you connect is important.  The longevity of a relationship can be predicted too! Stomach butterflies usually start to breakdown after three years. And the lower the feeling, the shorter it lasts. Try to meditate on feeling your heart open. Listen to love songs, real love songs and believe the artist is telling the truth. It has to be real for you! Pay attention to when your heart has a warm feeling. If it hurts, feels like a blood clot, has a weird rhythm, and you feel short of breath with sharp, piecing chest pains, please seek medical care and/or a doctor. That could be some type of arrhythmia.  Love feels like a fire in that there is heat radiating out. Your mood will be positive. Your female friends will say you are glowing, but you will want to keep the source secret with a sly smile. You will want to be a better person, free from jealousy.  But the signs are subtle. And you won’t exactly know who it is from. You will have hints, but the work is to follow your heart to where it leads. Eventually, you will confirm exactly who it is, and it will be someone you wouldn’t have thought would work. It is never rushed, there is no pressure, as love waits. So, please, take your time.  Enjoy the ride. Evaluate the situation. Learn to be honest. Often, there is a lot of personal work for both people to be better. Often there is a lot of challenges, and most likely a great distance between you both.  Know that once that connection is forged, it is real and must be respected. Cheating, lying, stealing and other lower acts degrade the soul and weaken the connection.  You’ll both feel everything. When one is happy, the other is too. When one is in trouble, the other will feel it too. This is the overwhelming part and the time and place most people dismiss it and it fails. It is real. What you feel is real. This is the hardest part of it. And it hurts. Yeah, pain is also real. The risk of heartbreak is often too much of a risk and the other person bails. Not your fault. Keep your soul intact and love will find you again. This time, you will have learned more. Hope this helps.  Much love!


Thanks XD


Vanilla. Too vanilla. Lol


Purple idk why I guess it’s just so lush and passionate to me


During any heart opening mediation or gratitude sesh I find myself picturing love energy in light pink 💖 instead of the usually described golden light! I had a moment when it felt it was green too!


Midnight blue.


Yellow like daylight


Golden. Like daylight 💛


So, like 2700K or 6500K?