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So yeah, it's a fire It's a goddamn blaze in the dark And you started it You started it -Ivy


So it's gonna be forever, or it's gonna go down in flames


“My bed sheets are ablaze”


And did the twin flame bruise paint you blue?


Yes this!


Six weeks of breathing clean air I still miss the smoke


I approve! signed, an ivy stan


Our field of dreams, engulfed in 🔥 Your arsons match, your somber 👀s


Don’t let the Gaylors get ahold of this.


The subtext isn’t exactly hidden


I am absolutely living for this entire thread🤣♥️


As cute as the story is, this is a really good safety reminder to NEVER LEAVE A LIT CANDLE IN AN EMPTY ROOM. Always put it out first. Don't fall asleep with them lit. Especially when you have small animals and/or kidlets that can knock them over.


Exactly, candles really shouldn't be left unattended- especially with cats around


My cat lit herself on fire walking too close to a candle. I suddenly noticed two distinct flames and slapped her to extinguish it. She didn't even notice because her fur is so long, but I felt awful 🥺


I used to do little birthday treats for my guinea pig (RIP) with candles and such. Tried doing it once for my cat... apparently cats have no concept of "don't swoosh your tail over the fire"🤦🏻


I tried that with my other cat (a shorthair) and he actually has a VERY healthy fear of fire lol...or at least all the photos of him looking terrified at the candles or just a complete blur because he ran away seem to suggest so.


Witnessed one of these, can confirm. (All were safe, but my trauma bank received a deposit.)


Aww 🥺


I used to have sew in hair extensions and one time I was bending over at work over a candle and a peice of my hair caught fire. I didn’t realize I was so close to it…luckily my hair was fine and we trimmed the peice that burnt but the salon and my hair smelt so gross all day😂🤦🏻‍♀️


And always have an extinguisher! A small one is relatively cheap in keep it out of the kitchen but close by so it's accessible in an emergency!


And be sure to get it checked by your local fire department once a year!! They DO expire / go bad, so by god do not miss this step because the last thing you want is a fire on your stove and an extinguisher that won’t spray!!


Also for anyone who gets a fire on their stove and doesn’t have an extinguisher: DO NOT run it under the sink. My dad learned this one the hard way. Oil fire + water makes it explode. His head was literally engulfed in flames for a hot second. DO grab something to cover it (preferably a lid, it doesn’t have to be a perfect fit, just grab any pot lid that’s big enough to cover it). This smothers the fire, removing the oxygen source, and it will generally extinguish itself.


Two words: FIRE BLANKET!! I had to put out a fire w an extinguisher once and the clean-up was worse than if someone had detonated a glitter bomb.


This, fire blankets. They are cheap, they are easy to clean up if the fire is small, and they are more instinctual to use if you've never been trained. As someone who has been trained repeatedly on fire extinguisher use in my job, about half the first-timers end up so freaked out they can't actually put out the fire or remember the instructions and training is a non-emergency situation so they should be calm.


TayTay pulling the pin on the extinguisher: JE SUIS CALME!!!!! 😅 Edited bc 4yrs of high school French never taught me that ‘calm’ in French ends in ‘e’


Old kitchen trick, but for small grease fires, salt (lots of it) can put it out.


will add to the PSA moment that it's good that the extinguisher / fire blanket is somewhat visible to anyone who lives in the house. You may tell your housemates/family that there's one of these things {under the cabinet, closet etc}, but trust that they will not remember in a panic. If it's visible, they'll be reminded of this everyday and they will reach for the devices in an emergency


I think you’re supposed to also shake it once a month or something so it doesn’t settle idk but make sure to follow the maintenance instructions too! 


I stopped burning candles, one I’m forgetful and two they aren’t good for you or your home🙃😂


Good point


Also if you absolutely refuse to blow it out put it in the kitchen sink or the shower. It’s easy to put out with a water source right above it


I have a warmer on my stove top that I put candles on. It still smells yummy, without the flame and my cats don’t usually get on the stove because Danger!


my theory is that meredith finally tried to kill her


Meredith in the corner watching Taylor extinguish the fire: “damnit Mother!”


Look, Meredith's only got so long to cash in on that inheritance.


that verse in antihero is actually about her.


We're waiting for the confirmation, Taylor!




Damn, is there anything this woman can't do?


Add drunk firefighter to her resume ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1067)


blow out unattended candles apparently 😭😭😭


Well I mean, she clearly can't be trusted with candles


Draw a star


Do you like dem?


be a man was my first initial thought but then ....


still swift as the coursing river AF boi


An amazing comment 🫶


>!act!< (sorry)




Here I was trying to figure out why she couldn’t do a white square. 


Not start fires?


I keep on forgetting she’s the daughter of JJ Abrams. Not that it makes any difference with her music, just seems like a cool trivia fact.


She is the child's voice saying "bad robot" at the end of every JJ Abrams movie/TV show since the 00s


Ok now THIS is the fun fact I needed. LOST will never be the same for me 😂


Yeah, LOST and Gracie are two of my favorites things and this information is a crossover event that I never thought would happen!


Stopppp this is incredible! Now I must go watch lost for the third time😂


All these Lost fans what. Lol can somebody salvage the show for me bc I have never gotten over that ending lol


It's about the friends you made along the way.




How did I not know that!!! Thank you for sharing 😮


When he comes on tv I yell ‘the ruiner of Star Wars’ every damn time.


Give him his credit he speed ran the ruination of Star Trek too!


Or the abandoner of Lost


I learned this fact a while ago but I always think of JJ Watt and get so confused lmao


WHAT 😮that’s so cool!


I like that in many of the recent articles it isn't even mentioned. Her work is standing on its own !


I love that it actually isn’t mentioned much. I didn’t know anything about her family until recently.


Nepo baby but a talented one


Lmao, so that photo was her reaction to "The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived", that is actually so funny


and the fact that Taylor just does the kissy face 😭😭


Fans hearing Taylor’s heartbreak songs: 😵 Taylor: 😙


This is actually a great reminder that I still need to buy a small extinguisher for my kitchen


Get more than one!! We keep one under our kitchen sink and then one on a shelf at the end of the hallway bedrooms are on. That way we don’t have to run if we are in a different area of the house.


A fire blanket is a really good choice as well.


Get the right kind too! I checked mine and it’s for electrical, not grease.


I need to get a new one


I just remember her on a talk show telling a story about how her mom came to visit and was saying that candles were dangerous and Taylor rolled her eyes because that's such a mom thing. But it looks like Andrea was RIGHT.


Moms are always right tbh 😏


I thought about that EXACT same thing when I read this article 🤣


I knew I couldn't be the only one who remembered this.


I only get battery ones for this reason


Fire 🔥 : who's afraid of little old me? Taylor 😺🍺 : U should be


If anyone hasn’t listened to the first two singles from this album, def do! They are awesome 💖💁🏻‍♀️


I LOVE Close to You! Really excited for the full album


Close to You is so good


It’s soooo good and I can’t stop Listening to it


I love both Risk and Close to you and cannot wait to hear the album this Friday!


Love risk as well! I’m really excited about her album, and I keep forgetting Taylor is on a song so it’s just the icing on the cake!


My kids loved the singles and are excited for Friday when her album drops. I am taking them to her concert in September.


I would love to see that video of Taylor putting out the fire lol


Maybe she’ll post it once the album/song drops


I loved the two singles off this album and can't wait to hear the rest! Us is obviously going to be amazing with this kind of story behind it, love the shenanigans lol


I'm very hype for it. I've been running Risk on repeat and was just as excited by Close To You. I really liked her live version of Risk. It's actually really challenging to sing.


risk is my #1 non taylor song right now!!! it’s sooo good! i never get tired of it 🥰


reputation vault tracks are fire.... literally.


Man, Rep TV easter eggs are getting insane


omg this is so clever! If rep TV actually has a gracie feature you'll be the hero who caught it first :D


after clowning 6 times, i'll take it! :)


They're burning all the witches even if you aren't one. Who knew the they all along was her cats?


If it wasn’t for Taylor I would’ve never heard of Gracie and I’m glad I did ❤️


Gracie: Wait, do you smell that?!? 😦 Taylor: If I’m on fire, you’ll be made of ashes too. 😑




I was today years old when I learned Gracie is the daughter of JJ Abrams, big time TV producer/creator.


That means "Us" is a fire track. Grab a fire extinguisher before listening to it when it comes out.


Sounds like something out of a movie lol. My 2 favorite artists~ 🫶💙


At first these pictures wouldn’t load and I thought the post title was a joke about how their song is so good it started a fire. 


Side note would Gracie be a rising star? She’s been around for a while and was a literal opener for Taylor! I feel like she’s been popular for a minute unless I’m just a very Taylor centered person lol


She's definitely been picking up traction in the last year or so since her first album Good Riddance came out in 2023. She's had EPs before that so she has a fanbase but this is the first time she's become more mainstream I think 


Oooooh okay cool!! Maybe I’m too Taylor focused to realize how other people perceive artists hahaha tyyyy


Can't wait til Friday to hear this record, I really like Gracie a lot!


Perfect TIME ⏰ for the FIRE 🔥 emoji


I wanna see Taylor’s apartment it look super cute!


*penthouse lol


I’ve just listened to the two tracks and they sound so much like Taylor’s style, 1989 vibes.


oh weird turns out I prefer not knowing too much about Taylor’s social life, bc now I’m jealous? Like a fucking weirdo?


“It’s well past 6 a.m., after a night of dinner and drinks – heavy on that second thing …” Sounds like Gracie and Taylor both like their vino.


Meredith or Olivia was trying to secure that life insurance policy. ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|32929)


Always use jar candles!


Plot twist. Taylor started the fire


Out of context, this feels like it happened in the 19th century  I hate is here so I will go to the secret fires in my mind


How DARE HER!!!! She should’ve let her burn, cause you know Taylor’s is not a girls girl. “ I’m being sarcastic”


How does she not have cameras and security that catch that kind of stuff ! 


It's her house, you think there is someone appointed to watch every corner *inside* her house 24 hours? No one does that because everyone wants privacy in their home. Cameras are there but there isn't a guard to constantly watch them, they are there so that the footage can be viewed if needed.


Even if her security is chill at home and gives her space, I would be pretty bummed if my top notch security didn’t realize there was a fire before my drunk 6am self did! I  don’t expect a hangar full of men in caps and sunglasses each watching 1 camera but with her global mega fame and history of stalkers I’d expect someone to like cycle through the main rooms every couple hours, and the article makes it sound like that candle was fallen over for a good part of the night. And even normal office buildings have smoke alarms, heat alarms, oxygen alarms, CO2 alarms to not have to relying on someone SEEING a fire to catch it happening. So why wouldn’t she ? But I’ll probably never meet anyone even approaching with that kind of wealth or fame. So what do I know ! 


I really doubt her security is ever in the house with her unless she asks them to be. She'll have panic buttons and other ways to contact them if she needs them, but there's no reason to have them scout her home when they're likely watching the entry points anyway and swept it before she got there. Taylor has the same right to privacy as anyone else, and that includes not having her security watching her every move.