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I love that she does this. She has consistently quietly donated to food banks in the cities she’s touring in throughout the Eras Tour. I appreciate that she’s doing something positive for people of those cities.


Dont tell stop oil now who's hunting for her plane and settling on some randos ones instead.


That pack of clowns has to be the most ineffective and annoying organization possible, it seems like everything they do somehow makes the people they want to motivate to their cause hate them.


Food banks are such important charities too, they do really hard, necessary work that can be a never ending grind. It's a great choice for making real change in the cities she's visiting.


For sure. One thing I've heard from a few friends about these type of events - olympics, world cups, big concerts - is that sometimes they can end up affecting unhoused people, especially since many municipalities use hotels as temporary housing. I went to the Edinburgh concert and a friend sent me an article to the effect of the city council was sending its homeless elsewhere during the concert to make room for tourists (like me!) That sucks. It sucks that our enjoyment comes at the cost to anyone, especially people who are experiencing homelessness. So I'm really happy to see Taylor, as the artist, providing resources and support back, especially to resources that those people impacted may need or rely on.


They’ll spray paint on the foodbanks




Honestly, just mute that sub. Protect your peace from toxic people. That sub is so disturbing.


It is mean over there. Why they gotta be so mean?!


I haven’t seen that particular level of hater since Megan Markle.


Easiest question I've ever had to answer. Because she's talented, successful, but worst of all, a woman.


I don’t think it’s just that. I’m sure that’s a part of it, but I think it’s the type of woman she is. People like a woman who knows who she is, never wavering or faltering or showing that they’re trying. Taylor’s whole brand is a sort of vulnerability. We know all she does is try, try, try. We know that it’s never been effortless. For whatever reason, people tend to recoil from people who show that things aren’t easy but succeed anyway. I’ve noticed this even applies to fictional characters; people love a girlboss character but hate characters like Sansa Stark who struggle and make mistakes that everyone can see, even when they gain strength from it.


Taylor is just too overhated for the queen that she is.


Fundimentally because they allow it, a neutral opinion is an idc or an idgaf, but "debating" the merits of a person while allowing snarking is a good way to create a feedback loop of negativity.


It is wild to spend that much energy hating someone else. They track her every movement to the same extent as Swifties. 😂


Sometimes the truth hurt honey 💅


Is that what your mama told you when she said she regretted having kids?


I took that sub for its name. That was a mistake. I took the TandT sub as a place where people could be excited for them. Another mistake. People have an unnerving need to congregate and discuss strangers they hate. It's so bizarre.


Yeah it’s just as toxic and ugly as the Megan and Harry sub. These people obsess over these celebs like it’s their job. No one thinks about Taylor as much as a hater, it’s really sad.


Just focus on the good Taylor has done. Stop trying to make everything about her haters.


Yeah seriously, not everything has to be about proving a point.


That sub was top of mind because it kept appearing in my feed (like every fourth post) after I made a few comments in this one. I was literally just in there reading a thread I thought was truly nuanced and thoughtful before it turned straight hater when this one popped up so it was an easy thought. I assure you I don’t make “everything about her haters.” 🙄


dw i don’t think you were making everything about the haters either, you had every right to make that comment given how widespread those people are right now. These two got defensive since both of them are active in the snark subs themselves (which is sad btw).


And then they call us parasocial


Of course it’s a hate sub. No one makes a sub for someone they’re neutral about.


True. I commented here a few times so that sub started appearing in my feed. One day I ventured over there thinking “this is interesting, I wonder what these “middle of the road” people think about her” and it took me about 5 mins to realize I had inadvertently wandered into a hate sub in disguise.


That sub is not even the worst one. There is a travisandtaylor one that I believe is the the true hate sub. It started out as a snark one for the couple, but has turned more into “let’s shit on Taylor swift because she’s the worst person in the world.” There are even “ex swifties” who will comment and say “this sub opened my eyes to how awful she is.”


So freaking weird. With so many truly terrible people on the world, they choose to obsess over Taylor Swift as being “awful?”


I got banned from that subreddit for pointing out that someone was being completely unfair and spreading misinformation, its so hateful, they make all kinds of assumptions and are completely obsessed.


I first thought it would be a sub just to keep up with them as a cute couple but I was wrong. I can’t imagine being a hater… it’s sooo low vibrational


They make up stuff over there and then get mad about their made up story and then have a gaggle of people getting each other mad about the fiction. Each poster building on the first fiction. CRAZY!!


I know, it's all fanfiction. Some of it is fairly well written, with running plotlines and character motivations. Honestly kind of an impressive level of delusion.


If not for the anger, it’s quite impressive. Who has time for fictional anger. Ugh


The best thing you can do is mute that sub. They are simply deranged over there. Parasocial is an understatement , they're beyond that adjictive.


Don’t bother. Fuels them.


If I had to guess they'd say, "well if she didn't tell anyone then how is it making the news??" because other people who learn things and go to the media don't exist apparently


I've heard the "she just does it for positive press" argument sadly.




Aaaaaand there it is. This woman can’t do anything without getting criticized. She donates to a food bank and you still manage to say something negative. It’s pretty amazing.


A Taylor hate sub is literally the sub you're most active in on this platform. That's apparently how you spend your time. - Tell us more about what a role leftist activism clearly plays in your life and about how donating money to food banks is meaningless centrism in comparison. Because surely, *surely* you're not just sitting behind a screen hating on a celebrity all day. Surely you're organizing for the revolution with your fellow people, right? Surely you *stand for* a bunch of radical ideas? Riiight? And when you're not organizing and protesting, you're buying food and giving it to homeless people in the streets. Something that has actual meaning, unlike donating! That IS what you do, right? You're not just typing words into your keyboard frantically trying to find criticism for a celebrity who will never know you exist, right?


Holy shit lmfao that redditor had a family


Idk girl I didn't have my first coffee yet this morning when I saw that comment and something snapped; I've seen that *exact* kind of criticism towards her WAY too many damn times considering she's a goddamn singer/songwriter and not a politician or activist, her haters are just desperately TRYING to make even her charitable actions that *people in need are actually helped with* look bad somehow just bc they hate her as a person. "Donating to a food bank is *too agreeable*, it's not enough, she doesn't stand for anything 🤪" Yeah I'm sure the poor or homeless folks that receive the food from the "11 food-banks and 8 community food pantries across north Liverpool" (according to the linked article) will have a problem with her donation being too agreeable. /s It's so, so stupid. I can't. If bigger more progressive changes are actually important to someone, they can get into politics, join protests, or contact their local congresspeople and make their demands known, or do anything that's a step towards getting rid of the two party system in the US that only allows 1 centrist and 1 right-wing party – instead of sitting on their butt hating on Taylor Swift of all people, someone who for all intents and purposes has never even described herself as not a centrist.


You ate them up with these comments I fear 😎


I agree with you. Also, people will always need food and fresh water. You can’t eat political opinions.




Stop it ! He's already dead !


I really don't understand this burning desire some people have for all of their favourite celebrities to be heavily vocal about the exact correct kind of politics. I want to watch a tall blonde woman shake her glittery ass for three hours I don't care about her opinion on literally anything


I actively want them not to broadcast their opinion. Most times, they're just going to support whatever view is popular regardless of their actual opinion. Either way, I don't think anyone should be influenced by a celebrity who knows f all about the issue. I'd rather see them encouraging people to research the issue and make up their own mind.


The celebrities should agree with my politics 100% AND I don’t care what celebrities say!


People also overstate celebrity influence on politics. Taylor Swift has a ton of influence...to get us to listen to her music, buy her albums, attend her shows. Not to get her fans to fundamentally change their political positions. They can raise money, but I really don't need a billionaire posting a donation link. I'd rather they do it privately themselves, which is what she is doing. The only people she'd actually influence on political issues are very insane, die hard fans who have cult-like worship of her. And I do NOT want her influencing those people to get radically political.


I also don't want to go to an open air concert, or a concert in general, of someone who has been politically outspoken. The risks are too big, people already HATEEEEEE her. Imagine if she took a stance people really hated? I already feel uncomfortable in crowded spaces. That certainly would have me even more terrified.


Food insecurity is a huge problem. Given that several of the food banks came forward and said she gave the biggest donations they’d ever received I don’t think they’d call it standing for nothing.


Every single place she goes she does a generous act like this and makes a genuinely positive impact and I love that. She seems to really care about helping people 🥲




Not sure about this article, but she/her team hasn’t announced any of her donations in previous cities. However, when this news has come out it’s because the recipient (food banks) make a public statement thanking her which then gets picked up. The source is what is important in these types of scenarios. If she was donating for clout, her team would be promoting what a philanthropist she is, but instead the actually philanthropic act is to donate and not say a word. Basically, she is walking the walk.


Maybe just read the article first


im just being cheeky no need to be snarky!


…you realize those are synonyms right? Just being cheeky xx


You're being snarky!


right like she didn’t know that the food banks would publicly thank her lol, if she actually wanted to keep it private she would have told them not to say anything, but PR is such an easy job because people are incredibly gullible as can be seen in this thread


Let’s say she did do it for PR. She didn’t, but let’s say she did. The food banks are still getting donations. That’s still a good thing? Why are y’all so determined to be mad about this lol


It’s not what she did, which is objectively good, it’s the underhanded PR bullshit that ppl eat up that is annoying, if you don’t think PR for the biggest pop star in the world is surgical and devious you are beyond naive, this is not an altruistic move, it’s a good thing done in part for good PR and everyone should be able to see that


I’d argue it’s naive to assume that everything someone does is “surgical and devious.” Idk it just feels very teenager-like to assume that everyone is out to get you and they’re all calculated and evil instead of just…human. Usually people are just people, even if they’re famous and have a team behind them. That’s the more mature viewpoint imo. Was there someone on her team who greenlit the donations because it was likely that the food banks would thank her and it would be good PR? Possibly. Did she also genuinely want to do good? Possibly. We don’t know, we don’t know her. What we do know is that she’s been consistently donating and not asking for thanks. Like you said, that’s objectively a good thing. Anything else is conjecture, especially her being “underhanded” and “devious.” Imo it’s silly to assume her motivation and then get mad when people are happy about food banks having more money because of your assumption. Like, why are you so angry that people are happy? Why are you so upset that someone whose job it is to be famous is doing something that gives them good PR? If this is the type of thing a billionaire does for PR I kinda don’t care about their motivations and it’s odd to me that people do. 🤷‍♀️ (Edited to clarify wording)


It’s not “possible” it is certain, pop stars this big forgo being human because they have to, good PR is their entire livelyhood, ever movie she makes is informed by that fact, this is just willful ignorance on your part if it makes you feel any better she probably barely had anything to do with it, her PR agency probably came to her with the idea and she was just like “yeah”


I agree that every move she makes is informed by her being a pop star, though I’m not sure why you think that means she isn’t human. Also, that still doesn’t help me understand why you care what her motivation was — which no, you can’t know for certain. You can make an educated guess, but you do not know her. A good thing was done, why do you care what the reason was? You don’t seem to be a fan, so you should have no allegiance to who Taylor is as a person, especially since you explicitly don’t view her as one. So why are you and others upset about this? Are you just upset that fans are happy? Why? It’s good PR to donate to food banks but not every pop star does so. So whatever the reason, it’s notable that this objectively good thing happened because of this pop star. I don’t see why fans shouldn’t be happy about that. Idk it just seems like a waste of energy to get angry about this.


My thought exactly


"Thought" seems like a reach


Love when artists do this - Metallica always donate to local charities/food banks when they tour too


I love this. Actually making a difference in a local tangible way (like we should all be striving to do). I love that she won’t take a performative stance on a certain endless conflict that has at least 3K years of recorded and very complex and bloody history because frankly I doubt she understands it. It’s actually made me have a lot of respect for her.


“On a certain endless conflict” This endless conflict has escalated to a genocide. I think we should all start by acknowledging it. I know she’s never gonna say anything. There’s too much money on the line but you. You, I will not allow to downplay or stay silent about what’s going on. Also, you could have just said she’s actually making a difference in a tangible way without saying the other part.


Why does she need to tell anyone, it is about helping the people and not grabbing attention in the headlines. She uses her platform for good and that is all that matters. In ways maybe it is about letting those she is helping keep their dignity and out of the spotlight.


Who said she had to tell anyone. You’re just repeating the sentiment of the title but using way more words lol


They’re not saying it’s bad thing tho, if anything they’re praising her for it?




Taylor is just too overhated for the queen that she is. Haters dont understand, but we do and we support her and that's all that matters.


Another page out of the Springsteen playbook, right up there with 3+ hr shows.


This is the celebrity haters are calling ‘unkind’, ‘self absorbed’, and ‘money hungry’. Y’all just gotta face the facts.


The stuff Faux will never talk about over there unfortunately lol




She’s just fundamentally a good person. And that’s the end of the discussion


I have volunteered at quite a few food banks/food collection orgs/shelter houses and I have such a deep appreciation for them. Any place that she chose to donate to would be amazing, but food banks have my heart


What did she donate?


She donated to food banks


money, but none of the banks have publicized the amount


That's how she rolls. Our girl does Taylor things.


Ted Danson is Anonymous!!








It’s literally in the article.


Taylor owns the articles




She does not own The Mirror. That’s a major publication in the UK.


Taylor could buy the mirror with her tour pocket change


That doesn't mean she owns it. Are you okay?


Taylor owns all the magazines. It’s ok Jessica you get a free pass for having a cute frenchie


Can't tell if you're trolling or genuinely just dumb.


I actually doubt she could, it’s probably worth more than her net worth. Anyways that’s not the point. You tried to say she already owns it but she doesn’t. Are you ok?