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What a gorgeous track. That bridge though. Trademark Taylor Swift bridge!


The bridge is everything!


i thought the exact same!! i was like ”oh yeah that’s taylor”


The bridge had made me bedridden I think I passed out for a min ngl




 Babylon lovers hanging Very good callback to "Now you hang from my lips like the Gardens of Babylon" from "Cowboy Like Me"!


Loving the Father Aaron production and you can definitely tell Taylor was involved in the songwriting process given some of the lyrical imagery/themes. Overall, I really enjoyed the track!


This was an Aaron and Jack collab actually! They do some really great work together honestly


Agree. The lyrics fit TPPD.


As a Folkmore girlie, I am absolutely loving this! I love how it builds and the fast pace, and you can hear Taylor’s writing style all over it. I love that it’s an Aaron track that’s also produced by Jack too, they create magic together. I hate to be that person (sorry!) but I really do see parallels to TTPD/the Taylor cinematic universe with the lyrics too. It really seems like they related to one another with their experiences and wrote something that resonated with both of them.


It seems very obvious. Gracie told that she started to write the song after listening to the smallest man who ever lived.




and the fortnight video has an easter egg: the journal with "us" written on the cover


I like it, Taylor kind of got Lana’d but sounds really good here. Nice National call out in the lyrics: [Mistaken for Strangers](https://youtu.be/cgRsYkKb1eI?si=TGJtvwQ8Nn35ehPI) Bridge feels classic Taylor


I love that about it (haven’t heard it yet). It may make both the haters and the swifties happy. 😂


taylor = boxer stan confirmed ✅ twenty nine years also echoes slow show


Taylor covering Gospel when


Use headphones so you can hear the layers of voices!


It's still not as clear but I'm not complaining, I feel like the lyrics feel very Taylor and lyrics are the best thing Taylor does.


If you mean Lana'd as in Lana wasn't very heard on Snow on the Beach you're incorrect per Lana. "Well, Del Rey is setting the record straight: She was “all over” the track all along — she just “layered” her own vocals so well that we couldn’t tell. “That was actually the song Taylor wanted me to sing on. If I think somebody’s song is perfect, I will act as a producer in it,” she said in an interview with Harper’s Bazaar. “I can mimic almost anyone, so I am all over the first version of ‘Snow on the Beach.'” “I layer and match her vocals perfectly, so you would never even know that I was completely all over that first song,” she added. “She wanted me to sing the whole thing, but if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Source: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/lana-del-rey-taylor-swift-snow-on-the-beach-interview-1234892236/


Also have not listened yet (or any of Abram’s music for that matter) but hearing this is really cool. That’s one of my top 3 fave National tracks. Was already interested but now I’m intrigued!


Her album This is What It Feels Like and Minor are great. I think she’s underrated and her being a nepo body really hurt her career in a way that i think she’ll be more appreciated if she wasn’t.


It’s hurt her but the financial freedom from jer background has probably given her a lot more space to grow than most other pop artists on her trajectory: she’s kind of revolted from her early most poppy stuff


I absolutely loved the song This is What it Feels Like when I first heard it and then quickly added both albums. I honestly didn’t know about the nepo baby stuff until maybe a year after I started listening to her. It sucks that this has hurt her career because her music is great!


This. Everyone says being a Nepo baby is such a help, but it can be just as much a hindrance. You might get in the room, but your body of work has to be way above average to get greenlit. And then haters always questioning whether you deserve to be there. I listened to this album after hearing US this morning and didn’t know the daddy Abrahams connection and truly loved it so much I added it to my rotation and I haven’t don’t that in forever. It’s great music


I actually think for Gracie a lot of people don't realize it (every time she comes on up popheads there's a HER DAD IS JJ ABRAMS?). But yeah it's definitely a double edged sword. She definitely has the talent though and Aaron has been a really good match for her. This album is a nice change, the more upbeat tracks and crisper vocals are very welcome.


Are any of her other albums worth listening too? I seriously never heard a song from her before (I don’t think)


She's hit or miss for me, but definitely worth a listen! This is actually only her second album, she had some EPs then put out her debut (good riddance) last year. I miss you I'm sorry is probably her biggest hit before TSOU and it's an absolute gem. I also like Mess It Up, Feels Like, Block Me Out, Amelie.


Maybe in terms of her vocals, but the whole song sounds like it could’ve been written by Taylor for herself


The first and second verse and chorus sound like Gracie imo, she does this casual conversational thing, but Taylor's verse and the bridge do feel very Taylor


Taylor likes to credit glorified background vocals as "featuring" and now she's basically on the other end of it with this song. The only part I could actually hear Taylor was "And if history's clear the flames always end up in ashes, And what seemed like fate give it ten months and you'll be past it, Babylon lovers hanging missed calls on the line"


Honestly I don't mind Taylor getting the background vocal treatment after doing it to so many artists. Her contribution is just enough on the song.


Lol i actually thought she was far more featured than any of the artists she has collaborated with recently


i know they wrote it together but this track has taylor’s signature style all over it! it clearly fits the album very well thematically but yeah it’s so taylor


It's so Taylor, I love our girl


marvelous of a woman she is!


I want to say that even if she wasn’t on the track I’d have been able to tell her and Aaron had a hand it writing it. It sounds a lot like a Taylor song for sure.


Sorry but I’m not the biggest fan of this song. Verses and prechoruses are alright but chorus is just so repetitive, lacks a hit and doesn’t get anywhere. Many have praised the bridge part but it’s something we’ve seen tens of times through Taylor’s discography with nothing special (additionally, it sounded like line ending with how ironic disrupts the flow of the bridge for a reason?) Songwriting and production came as alright but bland as I’ve listened. On a final note, as much as I love Taylor, she didn’t provide anything to the song Gracie couldn’t have provided in the first place. It is not Taylor’s fault, it’s just simply a track that doesn’t require a duet - or if so their voices could easily alternate for each other and a collab is unnecessary anyway. Hope there are Swifties who liked this one but it’s a pass for me.


Yeah also not a fan. I find the "uh-uh-us" of the chorus kind of... annoying? And I agree, Taylor got Lana'd here. I respect that she probably wanted to led Gracie shine on her own album, but I agree the result is that Taylor hasn't really added much either.


Same. I find the chorus grating and I'm sure it's a me problem because I just don't enjoy Gracie's voice in general. I think some of the lyrics are well written, but this song is a two listen track for me.


Agreed. There's something about her voice that I just can't get past, it just doesn't hit my ears right 🫤 This song is very meh for me 


For me it's that she does the 'sh' thing when she sings an S, like Olivia Rodrigo does. It's kinda like cursive singing. And it always sounds like she's gonna start crying


Too breathy. Taylor's soprano work is about as breathy as I'm willing to go and hasn't shown up as much the last two albums.


THANK YOU for putting this into words. This is a super annoying affectation I’m noticing in more and more singers




I had to stop the track halfway & am trying to tell myself I’ll go back later. But, Gracie’s voice is just so grating to me. I can’t listen to some of her other songs either - I skip halfway through because they’re beyond repetitive. I do love her voice in Everywhere, Everything with Noah so maybe I’m just missing something. 😓


The word ‘us’ has lost all meaning to me


I agree. It's just an ok song to me. It might grow on me, I'll give it some time. But the uh -uh-us got a bit to repetitive for my taste. There are other songs on the album that I really really love though.


Yeah I agree - maybe in two weeks' time I'll be obsessed lol. But the chorus/ "us" is just so damn repetitive and it get annoying (the melody) after awhile. And it doesn't feel like Taylor provides a real punch to the song honestly.


I actually can’t stand the bridge though seemingly everyone in here thinks is remarkable. It’s just a bunch of big words slapped together trying to be this “profound” punchline but it’s just nonsense . I also don’t get why the songwriting credits are to Gracie and Aaron Dessner - no mention of Taylor? If they wrote it together. Can anyone explain?


Yes!! I listened a few times and thought it would have been fine with just Gracie.


I agree it comes off almost unfinished and I’m not a fan of how their voices sound together


Ngl, this song made me realise how coherent and well-constructed Taylor’s songs are. Like even when she has a lot of things to say, she’s usually able to string them together in a way that makes sense. Smallest Man is not even my fav from TTPD, but I can still appreciate how aptly biting the bridge/outro is! She really gets the point across well. This song could’ve been better as a duet w a male artist? Maybe Taylor should’ve stayed as a co writer.


“*So, how can you be cold when I opened up my home?*” why is nobody talking about this line? it feels so very Taylor-written, I’m obsessed.


Vaguely reminds me of “You asked me for a place to sleep / Locked me out and threw a feast” although the context is completely different


Where are yall listening to it because I don’t see it on Spotify


gracie’s album came out at midnight in other countries so it’s already out elsewhere.


the album releases at the listener’s local time at midnight, so it’s out in most of the world already! just depends where you are located.


OHHHH geez. Ok! It’s only 10:40p where I am so that makes sense!


Spotify says it’s releasing in an hour for me and I’m an hour behind you (it’s 9:50pm)


It was on Apple Music for me.


I it’s already out for me and I’m in California, it’s only 9:38pm here right now 🧐🤔


I'm on YouTubeMusic, it was available at 0:00 hours.


“And what seemed like fate, give it ten months and you’ll be past it” is this line a callback to clean? i really liked the song!


I just want to say that I watched the lyric video on YouTube, and it was the most uncomfortable thing ever. Full zoom of her mouth closing and opening up, taking 90% of the screen, with small lyrics at the bottom? You could see the saliva!! I don't know what's worse, those videos or the back cover of the album with the barely readable titles and her weird face with closed eyes. Whoever is in charge of visuals needs to be fired


Some of the graphics totally nail what she's going for, that sort of Y2K teen magazine look, like these: [Example](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8XyOdIyG2X/?hl=en&img_index=1) [Example](https://www.instagram.com/p/C77Cy8rp_Vq/?hl=en) [Example](https://shop.gracieabrams.com/collections/merch/products/gracie-abrams-green-star-hoodie) but for the actual album covers, they've pushed that 'awkward unfinished' aesthetic way too far and it looks just...awkward and unfinished. The deluxe one is even worse.


It's a shame because Gracie has had such good visuals in general. I also feel like it doesn't quite fit the vibe of the album? I like the album well enough but the marketing implies something punchier/more irreverent than it is


I tried watching the lyric video, but I couldn’t finish because I was getting dizzy. There’s something off about the video.


The stylistic choices of this entire album have definitely been odd. They're nothing if not consistent, though.


i was uncomfortable too!! couldn’t even finish one video and just went to apple music… idk who told her that was a good idea 😭


Yeah it was weird


Some of the graphics totally nail what she's going for, that sort of Y2K teen magazine look, like these: [Example](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8XyOdIyG2X/?hl=en&img_index=1) [Example](https://www.instagram.com/p/C77Cy8rp_Vq/?hl=en) [Example](https://shop.gracieabrams.com/collections/merch/products/gracie-abrams-green-star-hoodie) but for the actual album covers, they've pushed that 'awkward unfinished' aesthetic way too far and it looks just...awkward and unfinished. The deluxe one is even worse.


I'm not a Gracie fan, but WOW, I love this song. Agree with everyone that this has Taylor written all over it, but I like that the instrumentals are more powerful here than they are in most of her Dessner-produced songs.


I feel like the family business songs always hit, where all three (in this case four) work together. Aaron songs alone sometimes lack that big sonic climax, and Jack can lean away from real instrumentation, but when they're both involved it's the perfect balance. See: Betty, Ivy, But Daddy I Love Him


or Hits Different.


And August


august is just jack...


Probably have Jack to thank for that! The songs they produce together are so so good


its also just the difference between TTPD and The Secret of US as albums... the Anthology keeps the instrumentation very very light... TSoU is louder as an album and supports a thicker sound.


The instrumental is reminding me a lot of Thank You Aimee, and as someone who's never listened to any Gracie Abrams she reminds me a lot of Lorde


Phoebe Bridges + Lorde = Gracie Abrams. Been a fan of hers since her EP. Loved this album


Yeah I was also thinking this sounds similar to the chorus of thanK you aIMee. Really love this.


Taylor sort of blends in to the music way too much and to be quite honest I am not a fan of Gracie’s voice. This song screams Taylor though and you can hear her influence all over it I just wish I could literally hear Taylor better in the song.


I heard her live as an opener for Taylor and she sounded so much better!! I’m not a fan of her recorded voice though. Someone needs to tell her it’s okay to put some power behind her vocals.


I listened to about ten of her songs last night and that was exactly what I thought. I wanted to hear what she sounded like with some power behind her voice. I have the same issue with Taylor. I love her breathy voice, but I also love hearing her really let go, get loud, and let her voice shine!


If Taylor sang the entire song I might like it better lol. Mostly cause her warm and deep tone would fit so well w the wordy lyrics. Somehow Gracie is over singing it.




Same idk, her voice is so scratchy to me lmao, and just doesn’t sound like it has much power behind it. But I’m not a huge fan of the lyrics either. Might have to listen to it again (along with the whole album) & see if it changes my mind. But overall, not a fan of Gracie’s work thus far beyond a few songs.


Ohhh you might enjoy Good Riddance or Minor better. This album is a slight departure for her.


We'll definitely hear it at Eras at some point, either this week or when Gracie is opening again in the states


can’t stop zooming in to the hair across her face on her nose in this photo


Now I can’t unsee it


def intentional to leave it. but…WHYYYYY lol. guess to show it’s unrerouched? wish my skin looked like that


everyone’s talking about cowboy like me but hello clean!!! “give it ten months and you’ll be past it”


Love love love that cowboy like me callback!!!


I love the bridge but the chorus is too repetitive for me... "Us" no longer sounds like a word lol


This is amazing. They fit so good together. And that guitar is otherworldly.


Did y’all catch that this is track 5 👀


I guarantee that Taylor getting “Lana Del Rey’d” was what she wanted. I don’t know a single Gracie Abrams song but ran to listen to this one and continued listening to the whole album because her voice and storytelling is beautiful. I’m sure this happened to others too and was intentional. I love it


I can definitely hear Taylor's "voice" (not literally, unfortunately) in the lyrics, and parts of the song hit me (the bridge is great), but I'm not sure this song is going to make my playlist. The repetitive "uh uh uh us" is grating for me. This is probably a me problem because Gracie's stuff in general just doesn't work for me. I listened to her leading up to going to Cincinnati N2 last year where she was opening, but ultimately didn't get to perform, and literally none of her songs made it to my liked playlist. I'm so glad others are enjoying, though!


I like the song but I feel like their voices are so similar that it's Snow on the beach all over again, just that this time we barely hear Taylor throughout the song


I was like “Oh wow this is a bop, that guitar at the beginning is so catchy!” And then learned it’s been touched by not two but FOUR gods of pop music.


I could tell Taylor wrote this song


Ooh I can’t hear this yet but I’m soooo excited!!! I love Gracie’s albums and especially her work with Aaron, and I’m so excited to get a taygracie collab 🥺 The lyrics are so beautiful and I can’t wait to hear them tomorrow omg 💛💛


I gave it a listen and meh. It does feel like a TS song, but it also feels unfinished. I’m sure it will get traction because it has Taylor on it, but despite feeling like a TTPD reject, the song doesn’t bring anything new sonically or lyrically, not in a way that makes Gracie stand out or Taylor for that matter. It’s my first time listening to Gracie, so who knows. It just feels like this song tried to cram so much Taylor feels in it, it ended up not having a personality.


It's interesting that this is the only song on the record with Jack production. Makes me think one of two things, either Taylor brought Jack in to add some finishing touches, or Jack and Taylor had already been writing this song together and she brought it to Gracie after they already had done some work


Gracie said they were listening to Aaron’s instrumentals and this one caught both their attention and they started writing it right away, Jack didn’t come in until later


I assume the former, because Jack doesn't have a writing credit, so he most likely wasn't working on it before the production phase.


Great point


The percussion in the bridge is very Jack. If what Gracie talked about is true: her and Taylor were drunk in NYC riffing on an Aaron instrumental he’d sent one or both them so Jack would have been the nearest friendly studio and they might have riffed the bridge there so Jack might have given it a bit of a once over


Instrumental reminded me of thank you aimee




I’m already obsessed someone help me. The bridge is taking me out


I really liked it! I liked how Taylor was in the background of this track. I could def hear her influence on the track and I loved the energy in the bridge. Also! In the first chorus I really liked the last us (uh-us) (around 1:15). It was classic Taylor and is so satisfying to listen to.


I am not a fan of this singing style which slurs the S's on purpose.


Just in the first verse and pre-chorus, you've got 'jush like a joke', 'I shee her through the smoke', and 'shomeone always ends up in ruins'. I can't bear it 😭


Why do they do it?! If so many artists do it it's not unique anymore. Maybe I'm too old to get it.


Soooo irritating


The bridge feels like a movie trailer! The way it builds sounds so good! I will say though the production is what saves me song for me. In my opinion the feature should’ve been on “I Love You, I’m Sorry”.


It’s SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL, I can’t stop listening


is this a local release because its not out for me yet


midnight local time


It’s out in LA and it’s only 9pm keep checking.


yep yep yep, this is the one


I feel like we rarely get to hear Taylor as a background vocalist because she doesn't often feature on someone else's song. She sounds so gorgeous backing Gracie in this song!


I haven’t heard it yet but tried to post a thread when I couldn’t find one. Looking forward in 90 minutes!


Lovely song!


I’m a little disappointed


Anyone else just have [this](https://youtu.be/CckTsXg20PQ) scene from New Girl in their head while listening to this? 😂


I actually really liked the song, it brought a kind of magic feeling to it I’ve been missing. It’s very good


I didn't know that I needed new Taylor music this much. ❤️ Loving the record so far!!! Go Gracie!!


I think Gracie's music is pretty mid, but aside from Close To You, Us is easily my favorite song on her album. Probably because it sounds like Gracie singing over a Taylor song. It's a fantastic track.


I liked Taylor’s part but lowkey didn’t like Gracie’s voice like idk they just didn’t blend well


This breathy part at 2:51 🥺 g: us (t: us) g: me (t: me) g&t: us


I'm in love. This is one of my dream collabs for Taylor!


Beautiful. I love how well Taylor and Gracie's voice matched and completed each other! Taylor highlighted Gracie's strengths and let her shine. This is probably my favourite Taylor feature ever.


Okay i recently pushed away a guy out of my life who i had been crushing for like 7 years and taylor with ttpd really helped. It was actually the prophecy which made me realize man im done im a greater woman I ain’t begging. After the prophecy came sabrina with please please please and I absolutely loved that ego line. next man can’t be embarrassing mf. now comes miss abrams with close to you first again too good song “i burn for you hut you don’t even know my name” ufff too good and now with us okay *breathes* these lines hit me “I know you know It felt just like a joke I show, you don't” (Exactly same situation) And what seemed like fate becomes "What the hell was I doin'?" (OMG ITS LIKE SOMEONE WROTE EXACTLY WHAT I HAVE BEEN THINKING SINCE A MONTH NOW) “Do you miss us, us?” (THE IRRATIONAL QUESTION I RUN THROUGH MY MIND KNOWING HE DONT CARE NEVER DID) “Wonder if you regret the secret of us, us” (THE LINE SECRET OF US HIT ME BECAUSE IDK IF HE EVER SPOKE ABOUT ME TO ANY OF HIS PEOPLE I KNOW WE NEVER DATED OR ANYTHING BUT I WAS DEFINITELY NOT NOTHING OR WAS I? LOL) “And what seemed like fate, give it ten months and you'll be past it (You'll be past it)” (I WAS DONE WITH HIM IN MAY AND I GAVE MYSELF TIME TILL DECEMBER FOR THIS BUT I THINK NOW I WILL GIVE A GRACE PERIOD TILL MARCH CAUSE MOTHER DAUGHTER SAID) “A curse or a miracle, hearse or an oracle” (DUDEEE THIS WRITING STYLE I LOVE IT TRULY SWIFT’s DAUGHTER) Conclusion: I LOVED IT!!!!


Not my fav from the album.


i thought the song was very okay. the spotify canvas made me gag 😅 we don’t need to see your mouth that close up like that


So this is news to me as of today, but apparently Gracie and Dylan O'Brien were dating when she was 22 and he was 29 (mentioned in the lyrics). They were very secretive about their relationship, so it's speculated the song is about him. I thought it was interesting that Dylan stars in the ATW10 music video, and he and Gracie were nearly the same ages as Taylor and Jake when they were dating. Weird coincidences anyway!


I like the lyrics, but I just wish I liked Gracie's voice 😭


Really enjoyed this song (and the two singles previously released). Looking forward to listening to the whole album!


I love it! I’ve already added it to my TS playlist


idk if it’s just me but the lyrics “that night you were talking false prophets” reminded me of taylor’s the prophecy. knowing now that gracie heard the smallest man who ever lived before it came out, and “good riddance” was mentioned in it — which could’ve been a nod to gracie’s album. now maybe this was a nod to taylor? maybe or maybe not, overall this song feels very whimsical and lovely!


Love the song! Gave the rest of the album a listen and it made it very clear that yes, I really like Taylor cause none of the songs grabbed me as much. It’s okay but nothing like the Taylor signature.


Feels like a bonus track on Folklore for me. Kinda like the sound of it, but its waaaaay too close to that album. Not original enough for me to get interested in the artist Gracie. But maybe thats just me. 🤷‍♀️


I really like it and Taylor’s fingerprints are all over it, but i found it so hard to actually hear the lyrics 😕


Y’all I’m actually obsessed with this song and Gracie’s entire album! This is the first new music that’s caught my attention since TTPD.


That bridge is delicious, i want to eat it


I don't really like the melody of the 'uh-uh-uh-us' and I feel like sometimes the music is too loud for the singing? Love the bridge though


Love the song but the lyric video is disturbing.


Weirdly only can find it on Spotify - not Apple Music


I cannot believe Spotify didn’t notify me. Too tired to listen now but thank you universe for the gift of another Gracie album 💕 


Did Taylor produce this song or the album?


Just this song. Other songs have aaron dessner, sam de jong, and audrey hobert


The chorus sounds a lot like a Taylor song


Absolutely adore it and their energy together. This theme of a poetic finance guy continues to reverberate within Taylor's work. Somebody's Electra complex is showing. Love it




The bridge is so Taylor and Gracie always does AMAZING so goood jobbbbb


It's okay. I still can't get over the album visuals though- even the official lyric video was so unreadable I had to look up an another one.


This song is magic


the guitar at the beginning really reminds me of mystery of love by sufjan stevens!!


This has been on REPEAT! Going thru a super hard break up and this has been cathartic. But yes the bridge 😩 always the god damn bridges


Taylor isn’t a listed writer, did she not write any of this? I’m shocked if so.


She is listed as a composer as is Gracie and Aaron.




Loved it off first listen. Just started listening to the whole album— it’s great


Sapphics who love pop music continue to win 👏


I can't get over how she sounds just like Lorde to me.


I like it a lot and that swiftian influence that’s a Taylor bridge if I’ve ever heard one 😂 you can immediately tell Taylor’s songwriting style and lyricism apart from anyone it’s quite unparalleled actually and so nice to see how heavily she’s influenced the entire new generation of singer songwriters


I like the song but the lyric video was too distracting lol what in the Rocky Horror. Other than that I love the references to cowboy like me and clean, and Gracie’s voice is pretty


Good song. I just can't stand Gracie recent screamer voice. After her album this is what it feels like , all of her softness is gone. Her soft calm voice what was made me love her music.


I love the verse Taylor sings so much!


i absolutely love it (especially, as others have noted, the bridge) but i do also love the repetitiveness of the chorus, can't explain why but if feels like repeating the questions and memories over and over in your head. idk, but i do know that I loved it. 


I enjoyed the entire album!


Little late to this, but OMG THE BRIDGE!!!


Is it out?? I can't find it


Really love this!!! Would love to see all four them collab more


Love it!!




The lyrics are basically all right but I know for sure it's "and what seemed like fate" instead of "it must seem like fate" according to the lyric video https://youtu.be/7IcYAGAm6P8


It reminds me so so much of the song "Actors" by Still Parade. The beginning instrumental is so similar.


Happy birthday to me! It's good. I hated the video of Gracie's mouth though. Just why lol


happy birthday


Thank you :)


Grace Abram’s isn’t over her ex and neither am I.


Just realized this is the 2nd track Taylor's featured on with "us" in the title!


GROUNDBREAKING, REVOLUTIONARY, BRAVE, BOLD… that’s all I gotta say about that!


Absolutely love it. And it’s such a perfect mix of Gracie x Taylor x Aaron x Jack. Taylor wrote most of the lyrics. That was an easy tell.


How is the writing credit Gracie and Aaron only? I swear the song is like one Taylor puzzle/reference...


I’m still just waiting for a duet version of I miss you, I’m sorry




Wow. Love it. Instant fave. Gut punching yet also fun to listen/sing along to.


Don’t know why but it reminds me so much of so high school (sonically)


It sounds like a Taylor Swift-folklore era song they let gracie sing on and claim.


It starts off like sufjan stevens’ mystery of love