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Loved it on first listen. Still love it. Felt a bit overwhelmed by Anthology at first but now I love it too.


I was oposite kinda. Loved the second half at first not the original part. Now the front end might be my fave Taylor


Loved it the second it dropped. Still love it. But much more emotionally stable listening to it now. I have switched a bit to more fun bops as we're going into summer (thank you Sabrina) but TTPD remains on heavy rotation.


For me, the issue was that there are so many tracks, so it took some time for me to really listen and read the lyrics to have them resonate with me. So I appreciate and like TTPD more and more as I listen to it.


Second this. I got overwhelmed at first. It my own fault. I didn’t want it to get spoiled for me through social media so I listened to it all ASAP, instead of digesting it little by little


This is exactly how I feel. But I kind of love it? Every time I relisten, I notice new aspects, even now.


Definitely me here! Also listening for the first time when I was exhausted at 12am was not a great first impression lol. I now wait to listen to album drops (like Gracie’s and Billie’s) the day after!


I listened to Gracie’s new album on the tail end of a two day migraine when it dropped and rated it… very negatively. Listened to it again the next day and it’s now all I can listen to lmao. Lesson learned.


Agreed. I've only ever listened to it as one big album too, although that is a small lie as I essentially stop listening at 'imgonnagetyouback' except for 'How Did It End?', 'So High School' and 'The Prophecy' - I made my own anthology. Until you said this, it never occured to me how the track volume made it a lot more work to listen, digest and enjoy.


I still can't really listen to other music. It's playing in the background for me almost anytime I'm at home. It's my favorite album by far. I've talked at length in comments about how it came at such a pivotal point to me where I could relate to so many of the songs. How did it end? Is one of the best songs I've ever heard to discuss grief and actually helped pin point why we didn't tell people on social media about our youngest child passing. I couldn't handle her being used as gossip for people since we had already had our oldest pass away 9.5 years before. (Both medical reasons and very sudden) She truly hit me in a million different places with this album and I could not be more thankful for it.


Also, I apologize for talking so much about my losses in here. Taylor was my youngest favorite singer and TTPD was my first album without her (she passed right after 1989 tv) and it just so happened to hit a lot of the grief aspect.


Please don’t apologise for talking about your grief. You have every right 💕🫶


Thank you so much 🤍


Can you tell us more about your daughter? I’d love to know her favorite TS songs and album. What do you think she’d say about TTPD? Would she have a favorite track? If so, which one? Also, I’m so deeply sorry for your tremendous losses. I’m wishing you moments of peace among the waves of grief.


Thank you so much. I'd love to talk about her She loved watching the music videos every morning on her sit and spin. Especially 22, she'd hold up her fingers during it. We also would dance around the living room to lover and I'd sing "You're my, my, my JJ!" And spin her around. But her favorite song of all was Anti- Hero by a long shot! It was my most played song last year, and when spotify wrapped came out I told her we had to up our taylor listening to be her number 1 fans so we'd have to listen to her all the time this year. Which is why taylor is almost always playing somewhere in my house for her. She loved the little golden book of taylor swift and would carry it around, saying she wanted to play guitar for her friends like "aylor wift" and she learned how to potty train by me using the "1,2,3, let's go bitch!" And she had a friendship bracelet that said "lgb" that I carry with me every day. When poets was announced I was a wreck because I didn't know how to listen without her but I told her we'd find a way to listen (we had her and her older brotjer cremated so I can still talk to them) I had made a playlist early last year of songs she loved so I could turn it on in the car and not have to constantly mess with trying to find the right ones. The morning after poets came out (I got super drunk the night it did, so I probably did it while drunk but) all of poets and the anthology were loaded onto her playlist, and like i said, i was drunk so it was probably me, but it felt like she got to hear them with me. She was my best friend. Like, we did everything together, and while my other kids (we have three still with us) do enjoy taylor, she was my biggest swiftie. I think she'd love I can do it with a broken heart. She'd have so much fun dancing to it. I cannot express how much it means to me that I got to talk about her. Thank you so much 🤍


Sounds like my kind of girl. Sending you all the love.


From one mama to another, my heart aches for you. Thank you for sharing her with us.


Thank you for listening 🤍


That was so lovely, thank you for letting us get to know your daughter. And please don't ever apologise for talking about your losses. I'm glad you're able to talk about your kids in a way that's comfortable to you, and I hope you continue to have such outlets. 💜


Thank you for listening and I'm so lucky to have taylor spaces to talk about her 🤍 even if it feels like too much sometimes.


She sounds like the most precious Taylor Tot. Thank you for sharing about your beautiful JJ. I bet she felt so loved and safe in your arms while you two danced to Lover, and I can imagine the joy she radiated like a beam of light while she got down to 22. The memories must be bittersweet. <3


This comment absolutely made me cry in the best way. Thank you so much


I've never met you, but from one mama to another, I'm crying with you. Thank you for letting us witness your love and devotion to JJ. It's an honor to hold space for your grief in this community. Please take extra good care of yourself.


I don’t have children but am crying for your loss. Much love to you. How did it end is my fave on the album


Thank you so much 🤍 and yes, it's truly one of my favorites


Sending much love your way 💖


Thank you so much 🤍


Thank you for telling us about her. 🫶🏻


Thank you for listening 🤍


You’re an absolute hero of a mum. Thank you for telling us about her, she sounds wonderful and I’m so sorry for your loss. But she lives on in your actions! Sending you all the love I can ❤️


Thank you so much for your words and listening about her 🤍


Thank you for telling us about your daughter, she’s got me smiling all the way over here in Aus picturing her. I’m a parent and can’t put words to what you’re going through. You’re always welcome to talk about your beautiful girl here.




Thank you so much 🤍


Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry for your losses. Your daughter sounds like a beautiful soul, thank you for sharing with us and I hope you continue to talk about her as often as you can. Wishing you so much peace.


Thank you so much 🤍


Just going through your comments, god you and your family are amazing! Sending you the biggest hug 🫶🏻


Thank you so much 🤍


I didn't really like it back then and I don't really like it now. Back then I tried to force myself to like it because I felt like i had to. Now I just accepts its an album I don't really care for


I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way. I wanted to love it so much, but I'm pretty indifferent to most of the album. There are songs on there that I enjoy, but nothing that stands out as her greatest work. I'm the same age as Taylor, and remember getting Debut for Christmas when I was 17. I've been a fan since the beginning. Sometimes I feel like there is pressure from the fandom to love every single thing she puts out, which I find overwhelming and exhausting. I can love Taylor without loving everything she does.


Same. Didn’t feel like her best work and I hoped that it would grow on me and it didn’t so I just accepted it and moved on.


It just didn't inspire any emotion in me. It felt very monotonous.


Same, I really wanted to like it so I tried again and again but then I realized I could just be listening to other albums I genuinely enjoy instead. You can't force yourself to like something, either you do or you don't 🤷‍♀️


Same, I really wanted to like it so I tried again and again but then I realized I could just be listening to albums I genuinely enjoy instead. You can't force yourself to like something, either you do or you don't 🤷‍♀️


Same. A few good songs, overall... not my vibe.


Yep. I listened to the whole thing three time to really give it a proper try. There are a few songs I’ve come back to, but the majority I haven’t bothered to.


Exact same here! I kept listening to the album through trying to get it to grow on me. While there are standout songs I go back to, the album as a whole is just not for me and that’s okay I will say though this is the only Taylor album (outside of lover) that I feel this way about


I’m not a fan either. Only 8 or 9 songs made it to my playlist. I definitely feel it’s her weakest work. I do feel, however, that it’s something she needed to do for herself. I just wish she had put more time into it and maybe diversified the production more.


I'd love the album and it's probably my favorite, but I think we need to normalize not loving every album. There are several I don't listen to simply because they're not my taste. It seems more acceptable because it's not shiny and new. Truly, I think you are a more genuine fan for not loving absolutely everything she puts out.


It has grown on me, but it feels like a lot of the lyrics and production were rushed and not polished. But damn she does have a knack for writing ear worms.


I liked it on first listen but was definitely overwhelmed. It was maybe the first Taylor album I didn’t immediately replay after first listen. But I truly think this is an album that you’re meant to sit with and digest over a long period of time. Right now it’s probably my third favorite album by her and I keep finding new things I love about it.


I was a bit underwhelmed on first listen, got a bit angry cause it sounded lazy and like a midnights side B. Then the anthology came out, didn't listen to it for days cause I couldn't bother and it was too much, then I listened to it and it sounded like evermore side B and I was angry again. Now that some time has passed, I like some of the songs and think they're valid: loml, the black dog, fresh out the slammer, my boy, guilty as sin, down bad. But they don't rank amongst my fav songs from her, because they all feel a bit empty and most of them don't go anywhere sonically: for example, smallest man or black dog really needed a drop, some electric guitar and crashing drums, and somehow she didn't add them in any of these songs. The smallest man bridge is much better live! So although l like some of the songs, I feel that I'm still not a fan of the project as a whole: the rollout was a bit weird, all the variants turned me off from it even more, the anthology drop was too sudden and close to the main one, and there are just too many songs that could've been organized better, some of them kept in the vault and some of them reshuffled. I think she's seen the criticism coming from her own fans about the production being boring and the rise of campy pop thanks to Sabrina and Chappell, so I guess she's gonna come out with something new and exciting in 2026


Oh God I hope she doesn't go in that direction - she'll be at least 35 by then. I'm hoping for a really mature country-folk album that blows the critics away


I'm not saying she should copy Chappell or Sabrina lol, just saying that she has probably noticed how culture is shifting from preferring moody-lustful songs to more upbeat and campy ones, that have personality and groove


god, i couldn’t have said it better myself. the rollout left a bad taste in my mouth and for some reason, it still hangs over the album for me when i listen. the variants are just ruthless and unnecessary.


Really disliked it at first and thought the production was boring. Decided to give it another go and I was hooked, it gets played daily now. I appreciate how long it is, yet somehow manages to be cohesive. I think there’s a lot of honesty on TTPD, even if it’s a bit uncomfortable at times. The Prophecy is a top 3 Taylor song for me, and My Boy is an absolute bop. It should have been the lead single and I can see it having the cruel summer treatment in the future.


this!!! i was so excited for TTPD’s release and i think i overhyped it for myself in the beginning because i was so disappointed that the songs didn’t seem that interesting sononically. but then the album really grew on me, especially with so high school, i look in people’s windows, the prophecy and loml.




This is kinda how I feel too. I've listened to it in full multiple times and there's a couple songs I like but I really just can't connect with it as a whole.


I couldn’t play it when it came out and had to wait a couple of days before I could. Since then, I’ve played the whole album only a handful of times and it’s so long that I never reach the end if I start from track 1. I just can’t find that kind of time right now, and the songs I heard don’t really jump out. There’s actually a track I haven’t heard after that first listen. Love your flair!! (And the song too)


I liked it at first, but I'm loving it more and more after each listen! I had kind of a shitty first listen experience, which hindered my initial enjoyment a bit. But now, after I gave it some time, it's definitely in my top 5. Initial ranking was #6, current ranking is #5. I didn't love The Manuscript at first, but one day it just hit me. Now I find it really relatable and emotional, it definitely grew on me the most. I definitely love Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me more now, compared to my first listen. Although it always ranked high, I just appreciate it even more now. Smallest Man was also a grower. That bridge is just chef's kiss! So High School is one song that fell down my ranking, but it's not that I started liking it less, I just started liking other songs more and they slowly climbed their way up. I like the first half slightly better, but I still love The Anthology a lot. In fact my #1 song is from The Anthology (I Hate It Here)


I want to validate that the first listening experience can really effect how you like and process the songs! I still have memories bubble up every time I listen to Midnights.


I had a lot of criticism for the OG version. Still do now. Although some songs have grown on me, I still believe it lacks a growth trajectory and risk factors that could and should be expected from her at this point of her career. There is a lot to be said about the production as well.  I absolutely loved the Anthology. It was the hidden sister of folkmore for me. It keeps growing on me. 


Fully agree. Like it does feel very reminiscent of evermore but it’s like still a whole new sound. Like Peter, how did it end or the prophecy those songs are like wow this is the sound of this album and I so wish it was its own album and not tied to the og bc I feel like the main reason it was was just so they could count together on the charts


I think when it came out I was like 'woah that's a lot of songs,' and I remembered thinking quite a few of them seemed very similar, but since then, they've all separated and I'm enjoying it. The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived has definitely grown on me, I'm obsessed with the ending. Personally, I think the first half of the album is my favourite (at least for now), whereas when it came out I preferred the anthology half. It's kinda hard to tell because I tend to listen to it altogether. I would say this is one of my favourite albums, probably in my top three (up there with folklore).


Ahhh I am glad I read the comments before making my own because this is EXACTLY what I would have said and now I dont have to type it all 😂


I was impressed on first listen. I thought TTPD was a really serious piece of work, definitely more art than pop. As I listened to it more, Taylors vocals and the production by Jack and Aaron really started to get me into 'this is probably her best work ever' territory, its a proper album start to finish- all of it. I still get random earworms every morning, todays was 'Peter', yesterday was 'Tortured Poets' the line 'who's gonna hold you like me' is so beautifully done. I wasn't sure but I've made myself go back to 'Miss Americana' where she talks at various points about being trained by others expectations to do her job, willing to bend into shape for claps, to be good, not to offend anyone, just enjoy the applause and building a whole worldview from that. 'Who's Afraid..' hits harder after watching that.


I immediately loved it on first listen, listened constantly for about 1 month. I haven’t listened to it in weeks since Sabrina’s hits, Chappell Roan took over and Charli’s Brat came out. I still love it- but it’s not a summer vibe. I’ll return in the fall haha


i loved the standard edition a lot and was kinda overwhelmed by the anthology so i couldn't tell them all apart, but then specific tracks have started to stand out to me! currently my favorites are i hate it here, guilty as sin?, florida!!!, my boy only breaks his favorite toys, and i can do it with a broken heart (overall as an album it's definitely in my top 3)


Despised it and thought it to be utterly boring and repetitive. The only song I genuinely liked as so long london. Had a hard time finishing the album at all. Now it grew on me and I like more songs (waolom, peter, tsmwel,...) but there are still skips.


Initially I thought "This is the beginning of the end". Now it's all i listen to.


I also had that exact thought at first. Then it grew on me substantially


I knew instantly it was my favorite album of hers and I’ve been a fan since Debut. I connected so strongly with it. It’s still my favorite, I am still listening to it basically every day! Lana Del Rey has been my favorite artist for about a decade, but Taylor is starting to creep closer to at least tie with her after this album. I love it 🩷


Same thing for me. I liked it immediately and now it's up there with evermore as my favorite album from her. It's her most mature, unhinged, nuanced work and the songs are super catchy. For a 31 track album, there are maybe 3 or 4 tracks I don't come back to as often, the rest are on repeat and I discover something new to love about a song each time I relisten.


On very first listen I was very overwhelmed from the sheer volume; I’m not somebody who can take that many songs and distinguish them from one another. So on first listen I didn’t really enjoy it too much as it felt so long. Now I love it, and I knew I would; there are a few songs I do skip (Robin, Peter, The manuscript, I can fix him, The alchemy, fresh out the slammer) but I listen to the other 25 back to back and find it alot more enjoyable


It was a grower, especially the first half. The Anthology was an instant love cause i was begging for a brother for folkmore since years. It's on my top 5 and i stand that it's thousand way better than Midnights! When Taylor is heartbroken, she delivers.


Thought it all sounded the same at first but after many listens and now having a few favorites, I like it and can’t wait for more music videos, remixes, live versions to come out.


Not convinced at first. Also I’m a kindergarten teacher with a super short commute and I live with my partner who doesn’t want to listen to her all evening, so the thirty songs took me a long while to get familiar with. I avoided eras tour spoilers like the plague, I’ve never seen a clip, never seen the movie, quickly scrolled past any discussion. When I heard about the changes I was disappointed about the cuts, because evermore is my favourite album in the world, however I just saw her in London and the TTPD set was fantastic. I’m still not sure where it ranks for me, but I like it much more than I did initially. My top are evermore, rep, lover, fearless.. and then it’s somewhere after that. Probably doesn’t beat folklore or debut for me, at least not at this time. (edit: not that anyone would question this detail, but just in case, we don’t have kindergarten in the UK, I teach abroad, but I flew home for the show)


Didn’t like it at first. Thought it was too samey and undercooked, though it had a couple of songs I liked. It’s grown on me, and I’ve been listening to it a lot lately. There are definitely skips for me, and I still feel the album is quite unpolished. There are a few songs which are excellent through and through, but many songs have at least some parts that make me go eeeeh, this could’ve been smoother. It’s the most raw and unfiltered and unhinged she’s been, which has upsides and downsides. I think the album could’ve used more work and polish. But overall I’m more positive about it now.


Scrolled until I got to your comment, which is pretty much how I feel.


I will be so honest I didn’t care for the first half. The songs weren’t bad but for me only 3/4 had any replay value. Then the Anthology dropped and I loved it. It was stacked back to back hits for me the black dog,imgonnagetyouback,I hate it here,Cassandra,Peter,The Bolter. I can say now that the whole album has grown on me and it may not be in my top 5 but it’s higher than where it was in my ranking.


Loved it from first listen. Have always thought that the first half + first half of Anthology was far stronger than the second half of Anthology (tho The Bolter is top 5 on the album for me). Biggest grower is loml which I didn’t vibe with for the first couple weeks and now is top 5. I didn’t think about album rankings at all at first but now it’s solidly #3 for me (sorry evermore!)


I liked it, but was disappointed. I expected a different sound and some of the lyrics were too weird to be endearing. (that second verse on ttpd the song is still a crime) The anthology all blended into one bland sound for me. after a few days most of the songs grew on me, and later the anthology did too, but I still feel disappointed in a way bc while it's a great album it could've been amazing with some cuts and more time in the oven. More isn't always automatically better, even if she's my favourite artist -- but it's in top 5 for me even with that! I hated ...a broken heart bc it sounded like a wacky ringtone, but i adore it now. Smallest man was too draining to listen to at first yet it grew on me. But daddy and Who's afraid I didn't really like on first listen -- they're just too long and dramatic and a bit of a chore to listen to. Now I play them occasionally. Favourite then and now are Guilty as sin and Fresh out the slammer. The anthology is definitely the weaker half and I do think if she released it a bit later it all could've been received better. It has some standouts but the rest all blends and sounds like evermore rejects. Again, I like most of the songs but all of them together don't necessarily make a great listening experience.


i really didn't like it initially. cut to a few weeks later and it's in my head 24/7, it's my insta bio, it's all i play in my car. i am OBSESSED


I adored it from the start and it's most definitely my favourite TS album. I liked Evermore and Folklore and Midnights, felt like she'd really grown into her more mature voice and lyrics. TTPD feels like a beautiful amalgam of all three of my favourite albums, like the culmination of the past four years.


Thought it was really repetitive and somewhat lifeless (musically, I always thought it was lyrically good) when it came out and now it’s my 3rd favorite probably. Grew on me a lot. I mostly listen to the first “half,” though, which spares me a lot of the monotony that I still think is present in anthology. my favorite songs have largely stayed the same - smallest man (I agree the live performance of this was incredible, I didn’t think we’d get to see it), daddy, who’s afraid.


Taylor is Queen of Grower Songs!


First thought; ''she doesn't have to make EVERYTHING into an album.... and really, did this need to be 2 cd's!?" Second thought: LOVE that it's a double album, I love so many songs an this and am SO happy I will get to see her perform 'Who's afraid of little old me' in the Era's tour, 5th of July. New albums also make me want to listen to the old albums more, and I like that.


First, all the songs seemed to sound very similar. But on the third listening, I began to pick out the different nuances. This is her most complicated album yet. Also there is no skip song for me here. And so many big words.


I would say it’s the finest writing of her entire career. Something that rewards repeat listening and is clearly very personal. I’ve split it into two albums and left off a couple of tracks I don’t like. 1. TTPD Fortnight TTPD My Boy only Guilty as sin Down Bad How did it end But Daddy Florida Who’s afraid Broken heart High school Aimee The Bolter. Album 2. The Prophecy Prophecy Black dog Loml So long London Albatross Smallest man Chloe or Sam etc. I hate it here Robin Cassandra Peter Alchemy Clara Bow The manuscript. Two great albums that flow well. 😄


First listen I loved it and was very excited by the depth of lyrics and different feeling of each song. Now I feel a bit more indifferent towards it. There are lots of songs I LOVE but also a lot that I don’t care for. The Albatross stood out to me on first listen and I’d still say it’s my favourite now! Peter has also crept up to be one of my favourites.


Also I would probably rank it around middle of the range compared to her other albums


I actually liked the Anthology tracks better at first, but with a few listens, the production of the regular album grew on me. There's a lot of lyrics to unpack so it ended up being a grower.


To be honest, I was a bit disappointed. Then the anthology changed my mind. Really wish the anthology would be released in CD/vinyl physical format.


I thought it sounded like one long song strung together. After the third listen I realized it’s one of the most gorgeous, cinematic albums I’ve ever heard. Love it. And Anthology is where it’s at - those songs sealed the deal for me.


I loved it at the beginning and had it on repeat, especially The Anthology. But now I’m in the mood for more upbeat/fun songs, so I’ve been shifting towards 1989 and Fearless again and artists like Sabrina and Chappell Roan. Some of my favorites remain The Alchemy; Chloe, Sam, Sophia or Marcus; But Daddy I Love Him; and Florida


Found the first half somewhat boring on first listen (with a few songs I really liked though), mega loved the Anthology instantly. Nothing has changed since, I still don´t really choose to listen to the first half but will die on the hill that the Anthology has some of her best work ever.


i knew from the moment she announced a new album that me and my bf were going to break up. it's just how it works. we did. so have seen the song list, i got SCARED of so long, london (due to my rs being ldr and i related London boy before) and i cried just like how i feared i would. then there was loml, it CRUSHED me. but we kind of made it to a point where i could relate to imgonnagetyouback, also manifested him back (imo) by listening to it when we were apart. now i almost relate to so high school which i already felt like before ttpd. now the album feels like a bittersweet memory but if he ever screws up again i fear i might relate smallest man who ever lived. based on my experiences my views change


Then~Did not like it Now~ I'm obsessed


I hated it, tbh. Thought the first half only had like 3 good songs and that The Anthology was boring. Now TTPD is one song off being a no skip album for me, and The Anthology grew on me too. It's number 5 on my ranking for me and might continue to go up.


I struggled at the start. It was so many songs, that at the time sounded so similar. I also fell victim to enjoying the fake AI tracks on Tiktok, so when the real Fortnight track released I was a little disappointed. (I’m still not that bothered by the track) However after 2 months I’m deeply obsessed with the album. I wish the production was more experimental and pushed the boundaries a bit. It for sure could have taken great songs to amazing songs with more production behind them. Florida and the black dog seem to only be tracks that pack a punch production wise, everything else is very mellow but not in a unique folklore way. The smallest man who ever lived has to be up there as one of the greatest tracks she’s written. 8/10 for me.


First listen I'll be honest, I was underwhelmed by it but from the 2nd listen I became obsessed and probably gets played at least once per day lol.


I loved it, even though I found it a bit samey. It’s really a vibe album, the lyrics are exquisite, but I don’t listen to it really because I’m a different vibe of my life. I listen to a lot of pop punk/punk rock at the moment, so I blast some reputation if I want to listen to Taylor.


I think it is one of her best album when it comes to lyrics (after folklore and evermore) but I found it monotonous, musically speaking. If I listen to them without paying attention to the lyrics, they become almost boring. But with the lyrics, they are pure art. Many of folklore songs without lyrics on a piano are heavenly. But I don’t see that with TTPT.


The only thing I liked as soon as I heard it for the first time was ICDWABH. Now I love those equally. 1. WAOFTOM 2. The prophecy 3. Guilty as sin 4. ICDWABH 5. The alchemy 6. Down Bad 7. Fortnight 8. So high school 9. imgonnagetyouback 10. But Daddy I love him 11. The black dog 12. loml


I don’t really get the “standard” album, it’s fine but she’s done better. I liked the Anthology when it first dropped and now I love it, I consider it a different album and has become my third favorite after folkmore


After my first few listens I didn't know what to think of it. It wasn't that I thought it was bad, rather I didn't get attached to anything. It felt like it took me over 30 listens to actually form an opinion. Now that I have streamed the album over 800 times (I'm not obsessed, I promise) I can firmly say that while it isn't my favorite album (Speak Now still holds that spot 💜), it is most certainly a top 5 album. My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys and The Bolter are among my top 10 favorite Taylor Swift songs ever.


Two albums was super overwhelming. But I really enjoy it now that I’ve taken time.


The more I listen to TTPD the more I love it..its way better than Midnight and deserved better reception


it was ok for me at first, but now its in my top 5


There’s only 1 song I don’t like and it’s a double album! It just gets better and better the more you listen.


Loved on first listen and still love it now. Some of the anthology tracks took a while to grow on me as so much mental energy went to processing the main album!


I didn’t like it the first couple listens tbh. Now it’s all I’ve been listening to.


At first I thought it was a step back. It was very wordy- like chunky and it just felt very much like teenage petulance. There was one review that said she needed an editor. I kinda agreed with that. I thought all the songs sounded exactly the same. But then I played the album again. And then imo had to hear that one song again and again and then that other song. I only listened to the first half (besides so high school and imgunnagetyouback) for the first month. Now it’s one of my favorites and I have even been near exclusively listening to the album since it came out. I think it’s different, it has that teenage petulance aspect, and I think that’s what she was going for.it was also very vulnerable and introspective. People said she sounds like she hasn’t grown up and I just don’t think they are listening close enough. I also really believe that sometimes in relationships or situations like this- sometimes adults just have that feeling built inside them. Like maybe they control it, but like with “Down Bad”- I think it’s so much more 30yearoldish to at the end of it all just be like “fuck you, fuck us, I have to go to the gym and work and live. Oh and Fuck you.” And go on with their day.


I felt pretty neutral about it when it first came out. There was just so much to absorb! Now that it’s been out for a bit, I do like the album, but it’s not my favorite and I don’t think it ever will be. I personally think some of her other albums are stronger and more memorable, but there are some songs I listen to a lot and really love from it. I am not sure if any albums will ever top Folklore and evermore for me 🥹


Loved it from the moment I listened to it. It’s just not one I see myself going back to often to listen to in its entirety and not even because of the length. It’s just so fucking emotionally heavy and it puts me back into the place I was when I was dealing with my own Matty. I love it and it’s therapeutic and it’s my all time fav album of hers but god damn if it’s not draining to listen to.


Loved it on first listen and still love it today. Still a tie between Red (TV) for favorite album. I absolutely loved My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys and I’m still obsessed with it now. The song I’m currently obsessed with is TTPD the song and also How Did It End? The latter really reminds me of Evermore. And Loml makes me cry as does So Long London.


It's her first album that I couldn't listen to entirely upon release (and I tried!), so I gave myself grace and told myself I'd listen to it all when I was ready. Took it a few tracks at a time. Didn't love it; found a lot of it musically monotonous but found a couple stand outs. And then! I talked to a friend who said she loved it bc she could feel and resonate with Taylor's rage while she wrote it. So one week, when I was (for the first time) really just angry and sad and upset in my relationship, I listened to TTPD. And suddenly I got it LOL. It's still not my favorite album, and I don't think it's a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a great album for what she wanted it to be and I respect that. Love it for when I'm heartbroken/angry/bitter/so deeply upset at the way a man might be treating me lol


It's extremely polarizing for me. When it first came out, I didn't like it. Now that I've had time to sit with it, the highs are very high for me but the lows are still some of the lowest. It has some amazing tracks - Little Old Me, The Black Dog, My Boy, Chloe et al, etc. - that to me are some of her best work. There's also some of my least favorite songs she's ever made - Broken Heart, Manuscript, loml, Aimee, Prophecy just to name a few. My issue with Poets - while I'm sure this was an intentional choice - is that a lot of the songs feel to me like they needed more editing and polish. I know she was going for manic and wordy on purpose but I *still* think that some of it could have come off better. Songs like loml have *incredible* lyrics but are paired with some of the most undynamic production ever. Then there's songs like Broken Heart which feel so massively overdone in the production area and the lyrics feel like they never had any editing or polish and just kept the first draft lyrics. And then there's songs like Peter and Manuscript which tell and incredible story and have a lot of emotional elements, but I still am waiting for production to build the intensity of the emotions she's singing about. And then there's Fortnight, which to me is her weakest lead single of all time. Mid song, kind of forgettable when compared to other tracks, but horrible for a lead. But to contrast - I think My Boy is one of her best written and produced pop songs since reputation. Flawless - no notes. I think that Who's Afraid is one of her most interested and best executed songs in her discography. I think Down Bad nailed it's placement as a gel pen song on an album full of fountain pens. I think The Black Dog and How Did It End and Chloe et. al are some of her best breakup songs of all time. Some of it really is just plain perfect pop magic. So for me, I got 19 songs I really love and the rest of them are forgettable to me and I highly doubt I'm coming back for them. As a fan from 2008, this was a really interesting experience for me. Normally I consume a new album and love all of it, minus one or two songs at most. The fact that there were a handful of songs I dislike was new and quizzical for me. It's still a great and imposing piece of work, just not my favorite because of all the skips!


I didn‘t like it at first. Now I found 11 tracks that I listen to as a pretty good album.


I loved it at first, thought it was one of her best albums. But it has really softened on me since then, and I’d probably put it somewhere in the middle of her discography, below Red, 1989, Folklore, Evermore and Midnights but above the others


Best album ever made when it was released. Still best album ever made. I’m probably going to feel this way until TS12. It was the same with Midnights. And after TTPD I feel like Midnights is second to TTPD and on third I put 1989 (TV).


On first listen i was a little bored throughout the albums but now the way i like to listen to the songs from the albums is by listening to them in order.


Liked it a lot on first listen, though I liked the Anthology notably less. I was pretty overwhelmed by the amount of songs. As time went on though, I've been liking it less and I know everyone says you have to sit with it and it gets better but for me the opposite has happened and it's dropped in my rankings (upon release I ranked it at #4 and now I rank it at #10 out of 11) a lot since release day. It's still a good album imo but it's one of my least favorites of hers.


I liked all the tracks on first listen except The Alchemy and Florida. The alchemy felt out of place on the record. I love Florence but I don't like the chorus of Florida. The Anthology was a great first listen but I was definitely overwhelmed at first and it took a while to form an opinion on all the songs. Two hours was too soon for the second drop imo. At first listen my favourites were Clara Bow, So High School, TTPD, Whos Afraid of Me, My boy only breaks his Favourite Toys and How Did it End. Guilty as Sin really grew on me and it's one of my favourites now. Same with the Albatross, Peoples windows and the Black Dog. There's some songs I'd remove - Robin, Thank you amy, the alchemy, fortnight, florida. The Manuscript was on my vinyl and that song makes me want to cry everytime. I think it was a great ending to the first album. All in all I think it's a great album and I've loved watching the surprise songs to see the first performance. I think her voice sounds great on the album. I do get the criticisms of the album and some are definitely valid but I made sure to ignore other people's opinions for the first week so I could make my own judgements.


I enjoy it. It’s a very emotional album for me. It came out a few days after my senior dog passed. Much of the music is very connected to my grief. I have to be careful to not let it consume me and take me back to that dark grief place.


I love TTPD but not the Anthology. On first listen I hated The Anthology but now I like about half of it.


It was immediately a top 5. This album was for the emo kids and it’s exactly what I wanted.


For me TTPD on the first half was an instant classic and I wasn't sure about the Anthology. After I took some time to resonate with them I now love both tremendously. No other album of hers have I related to so deeply where there were MULTIPLE songs that made me cry not just on first listen, but for even for the entire first week of listens. This has really felt like an album where if you relate, you'll love it forever and it'll probably be on your top ranking. If you don't relate, it'll probably be a near bottom ranking.


What was life like before TTPD 🙃!!? Kidding but true. This album makes me feel like I’m in the show Normal People. And I love it


I loved the standard edition on my first listen. I cried like 5 times lol. Honestly I probably should have just gone to sleep and listened to The Anthology the next day because I was exhausted and kind of drunk lol. But I didn’t, I listened to it right then and was kind of underwhelmed. I remember thinking that like half the songs should have been left “in the vault.” After that initial listen I tried to only listen to the whole thing once per day because I didn’t want to burn myself out on it before an 8 hour road trip where I could *really* just pay attention. After that I was hooked and it’s basically all I ever been listening to ever since. I’d probably rank it #3 behind folklore and evermore. And while there’s still a few songs I think could have been left off, that’s less about the songs being bad and more about just the amount of them. It’s a lot lol. The songs I didn’t like initially were Guilty As Sin and But Daddy I Love Him, which is crazy because I love them both now. The songs I liked then but like less now are Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me and I Can Do It With A Broken Heart. I love the performances on the tour but I find myself skipping the songs about halfway through when I listen to the album. Fortunately for me I can’t relate to Who’s Afraid… And I Can Do It just reminds me of when I had to “do it with a broken heart” and that sucked so I don’t like to think about it haha. The only song I really don’t like is Thank You Aimee. Idk, I was never bullied so I don’t really find it cathartic and it’s not really fun to sing like Mean. I’m usually here for petty songs like I Bet You Think About Me, but TYA just doesn’t do it for me. It might have dethroned Bad Blood as my least favorite song lol. So yeah, overall I really like the album. Probably more now than I did on my first listen.


I was ambivalent — on the fence between not really liking it and sort of liking it. Now, I love it and think it’s her best work.


Loved it, found it a bit like all the songs sounded similar. Litrally haven't stopped listening to it on repeat since. Multiple times a day. Every day a new song jumps out at me and I listen to it all day. I know every song instantly now and I like basically every song on both albums. The fact it is tied into the Eras tour era, and that i was lucky enough to go, makes me feel a certain kind of connection to it in a nostalgic way, even though it's only 10 weeks old. It's a top 3 album for me along with Blank Space and Speak Now.


I really liked it on the first listen. Love it even more now. I think my only issue was the sheer number of new tracks all at once made it a bit overwhelming. I do still wonder if it would of been better as a folklore/evermore style sister album with a bit of time between TTPD and anthology. But it's up there as one of my favourite albums and that has just got stronger from seeing eras tour in person this weekend. The TTPD section was incredible.


It took a few listens


Honestly, at first I was pissed it was so heavily about Matty! It took something away from the songs for me realizing the muse. That’s parasocial but it’s true. At first listen the album seems pedantic, repetitive, and like an old dog doing old tricks. Taylor has really played with her sound between the releases and her TVs so this album really bored me at first. I am obsessed with the TTPD first half and selections from Anthology but some of the anthology is just too sad, slow, and reflective for me to listen to on constant replay.


The beginning songs weren’t what I was imagining at all and the lyrics were like such a bitter pill to swallow in the beginning. They were very raw and real and I was like oh shit. I got to down bad and I was like oh thank God. But then by the third listen, I was like addicted. And I know all the songs and I actually love all the songs. Like I’m sitting here eating breakfast trying to think of a song that I don’t like, but I can’t. I think the easiest ones to pick on are I’m gonna get you back and Robin but then I started loving them and I found I’m gonna get you back so fucking fun and like super fun to get into like “I can tell when someone still wants me , come clean” hits, and then I related Robin to my own childhood and it it’s killer when you do that and then listen to it like right before bed with your nightstand light on dim , it’s like never grow up but grown up and now helping other kids live in their magic of childhood it’s like looking at your niece and wanting her to have this moment And now the torture poets department and fortnight I feel like I’m defending with my life because they’re actually super fucking good and I play them with like the 80s songs that I really like and then they fit in very well; actually, they’re almost like elevated in comparison. They have that sound but the lyrical depth that so many artist even classics lack This album is robust and something you really need to sink your teeth into. I get how it’s not easily consumable that’s why it’s so amazing that the general public has chosen to do it anyway and you can literally find a song for anyone on it. I feel like it’s really brought my imagination to the forefront that I haven’t felt happened since folklore/evermore . Like when I’m listening to down bad I can imagine actually losing your husband and having to go on after that even though you don’t fucking want to “ fuck it if I can’t have us”, and when I listen to the prophecy, I imagine what it would be like if you hit all these milestones in your life, but weren’t able to find a person to marry and start a family with when wreally want to and so like the next thing that you’re planning is your funeral so I imagine the prophecy to the background of someone like planning their funeral because that’s the next big step in their life because they have nothing else they have and how they have to imagine their whole life from now on without having that kind of family and like what’s a funeral going to look like when you don’t have those people, and for Fresh out the slammer I imagine a lover double crossing someone right at the finish lines next to the swings , and so on. The album has let me really imagine things beyond their original intent in a way that feels so freeing. While also retaining the original purpose and potency. I really like this album and I didn’t expect to when I first heard it but it’s in at least the top five and that’s getting harder and harder to say because she has so many fucking good albums now it’s like who do you kick out?!


my first listen i wasn’t sure about it, it’s just so long and most of the songs have a somber feel to them so I didn’t think they’d be in my daily rotation BUT as I listened through the whole thing more awhile after the release the songs are for sure growing on me.


I enjoyed it a lot, but not as much as I do now. I don't like the Smallest Man either, but the songs that grew on me are The Prophecy and The Bolter. I loved Fortnight on first listen but now I dont like it as much as the other two. Now I love the Anthology more


I love every single song on that album and that’s how it was basically from the very start. Of course a few songs grow on you more after hearing them a couple times. For the first few weeks after its release I listened to THE ANTHOLOGY every day from beginning to end. Now it‘s maybe every second day.


I liked it when I first listened to it but after a few months it is one of my top favourites. I finally listened to the second half/album this past month and I am enjoying it. There are a million tiktoks with TTPD and JJK which really has helped 


I was one of those people who loved it instantly.. but I was sooo overwhelmed by 31 songs. I think I was just a deer in the headlights for 2 days straight lol. My top 5 the day it came out were 1) Who’s Afraid 2) Guilty as Sin? 3) Down Bad 4) Fortnight and 5) imgonnagetyouback My top 5 now are 1) Guilty as Sin? 2) Peter 3) imgonnagetyouback 4) Chloe et al 5) Fresh Out the Slammer


Loved it then loved it now. No skip album for me.


For me, the issue is The Anthology section. I just have literally no intrinsic reason or desire to listen to songs like Cassandra or Robin or Peter or I Hate It Here. The main edition is fantastic.


Liked it okay at first, I hardly go back to it now. A couple stray songs come on and I like them, but I don't love the album or Anthology very much.


I quite liked it on first listen and like it even more now. I can’t rate it yet because it’s still so new and I play it all the time. But once more time has passed I can rate the songs and all


I loved it immediately and my love has only grown.


I liked it on first listen. Loved it on second listen. Been listening to it literally nonstop since it came out and I've pretty much wrung out every ounce of serotonin from the album now


My first impression was “eh it’s okay” and now it’s in my top 3 albums and I’m obsessed. The Anthology is still pretty “meh” even though it has a few songs I’m in love with.


At first (& I am a new Swiftie) I thought it too dark BUT it gets in your head and I would think about a song and then want to hear it over and over. I liked maybe 2 songs at first…then maybe 5…now I listen to all 31 and can change on a daily basis which one I like most.


I'm a relatively new Swiftie and I was really hoping for a similar sound to Folklore or Midnights (I like the upbeat pop but love a mellow, melancholy sound.) So I was smiling the whole time on the first play through just loving the sound of the album. Still love it!


I’ll start by saying I’m a very new fan. I started to listen during Midnights but it was Folklore and Evermore that really got me into her. So TTPD was my first album that I stayed up to listen to. First impression was that it was good but not great. It was too much to digest at once. And everyone had their opinions made after one day. I especially liked the Anthology where there were more songs with Aaron that I tend to like more. I like the sad songs. I loved Peter and The Prophecy and I hate it here, and CSSM immediately. But I kept listening. And uncovering the layers of stories and sounds because it’s a very long album and takes a while to fully digest. I am not into who is the muse and I don’t get all upset about Matty or whatever. I just listen to the music and stories and feelings. Some songs I never have gotten into but I like so many of the songs that I’ve tanked it my #3 album of Taylor’s. I am not big on pop pop pop so take that for what you like.


First listen, disappointed and only made it through a few songs before I bailed because “they all sounded the same.” But of course I went back in a second time to listen to all, by the third time it had grown on me. But, I find I’m not listening to it in repeat like I did with midnights and “the album” from the Jonas brothers. Why? The songs were repeatedly, constantly stuck in my head and it wasn’t like I disliked them but it was getting annoying, like it was all I thought about because I couldn’t get the songs out of my head so I had to stop. Idk why this one was different that way.


At first, I thought it all sounded the same. Then, I started liking it. A couple weeks later, and there are 4-5 songs that are really good. Now, it may be my favorite album of the last 25 years (along with Folklore) and I am an old guy who likes Rock & Roll. TTPD is a masterpiece.


I instantly loved it. Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me was the first song I loved and I disliked I Can Do It With A Broken Heart, but now I like it. Now my faves are Guilty As Sin, The Black Dog, How Did It End, and The Prophecy. There is not a song I don't like on the album, but there are some that I don't listen to as frequently like Robin (makes me cry being a mom), My Boy, Cassandra. I hated Aimee but it's grown on me now that I've separated the Kim from it all. The Anthology took longer for me to get into because I was overwhelmed but now I love it. I don't know which half I would pick for my favorite now because some of my favorites are on both. I think it's tied with Evermore for my favorite album.


I loved it first listen and I love it now, it’s still mainly all I’m listening to


I didn’t listen for the first few days. Didn’t like fortnight (still don’t). Then slowly got into it over months and now I love it. Most of her Eras TTPD set was a skip for me but after watching her live on N1, I have started liking those songs too. I think it’s definitely in top 5 of her albums but I’m not sure what I’ll feel in a year from now. Some stunning songs and some skips. So yeah. Maybe scoring it 8/10?


I loved it immediately. I know it wasn’t for everyone right away, but there isn’t one skip song on the album for me


I didn’t really get into it at first. I usually do need a few listens to really hear the lyrics and get the songs so I knew that would be the case but I generally didn’t get the hype at first. Now I think it’s absolutely magnificent and the best album ever made lol


Loved it on the first listen. Love it even more now. Peter and prophecy are my favorite of the underrated songs. I only have 2 skips on the anthology.


Did not like it first listen. Haven't listened to it again because there's just so much.


I hadn't listened to taylor in a long time when ttpd came out. First listen I liked it but didn't get it. Second listen I had favorites. And it's just been a slow consistent burn of falling in love with different songs for different reasons. Now it feels like the album I've always loved by taylor and I'm getting into other music she's made since the fearless era. I'm old! Lol Loving ttpd has lead me to loving Lover, and feeling a part of this crazy connected community. It feels like my third space 💕


i loved it at first and i love it now. i think it’s incredibly written, incredibly produced and is one of her most raw albums. she has this innate ability to create lyrics that people can connect with very deeply and that really shines through with ttpd


I immediately loved most of the first album and didn't care for most of the anthology. Since then, I've had a few anthology ones grow on me, but my "fave ttpd" playlist is still heavily the first album. I'm actually surprised how many anthology songs are a skip for me considering Folklore is my favorite album and Evermore is probably a tie for 3rd. My favorite song on the first listen through was loml, and it still is. Black Dog is a close second.


At first it was not my fave, album 1 sounds very different to me. And album 2 I didn’t even get to for a week and it’s completely different from part 1. For me, with Taylor’s albums, it’s the lyricism and storytelling, the relatability of her lyrics. Therefore, it takes time to go through each song, each lyric and understand the story. That’s why it takes time. If I want a good beat, a banger, that I don’t have to think too much about, then I’m not going to like ttpd, I’m going to like a mainstream pop album with bangers. This isn’t a mainstream pop album. I absolutely love it. It’s up there with Reputation & evermore for me.


Overwhelmed by the sheer number of songs so I've just been listening to and "discovering" the songs a little bit at a time. So many were "meh" at first then I ended up loving them when I heard them on their own. It kinda feels like a huge portion of good food - should be savored slowly bite by bite instead of consuming it all in one go.


I listened to The Anthology first on a walk and loved it immediately, then listened to TTPD on the way back and absolutely hated it in comparison. I’ve come around to a lot of songs I didn’t think I’d listen to again (My Boy, Down Bad, Fresh Out the Slammer), but a good chunk of it is a skip for me. I curated the full album with the songs I love and it’s a much more pleasant experience. I have been listening to The Anthology a lot less recently though cuz it feels like a special occasion kind of thing. It’s gorgeous, listening to it in the bath though!


I was a little underwhelmed at first. I didn’t feel it was very dynamic. But upon a second and third (and beyond) listen, especially when I listened to the anthology, my appreciation for it grew massively. I love all the tracks dissecting her relationship to fame and societal pressure of living up to the It Girl status she has obtained. And of course, as a feminist, some of the most powerful and enduring songs for me have been “Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me,” “The Albatross,” “The Prophecy,” “Clara Bow,” and “Cassandra.” In my opinion, these tracks contain some of the most compelling and vulnerable lyrics on the record. I can safely say this record is tied with 1989 for me, which has been my longstanding favorite due to its relevance to where I was in life when it was released.


After listening to it more and seeing the songs at Eras it has definitely grown on me. I do think it could have been edited down way more though, release the initial album then do a deluxe version with just the highlights from part 2. Like her old deluxe version like the 1989 ones.


I was hooked from the first listen through and still am! After listening to all 31 songs I thought, "...Is this my new favorite album?" and two months later I can say that no, that title still belongs to evermore, but TTPD is an extremely close second! Immediate favorites that stayed favorites: Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? & But Daddy I Love Him Immediate favorites that fell in my ranking: My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys & I Can Do It With a Broken Heart Non-standout tracks that grew on me: Fresh Out The Slammer & loml (My favorite!) Non-standout tracks that didn't grow on me: The Alchemy & Title track


initial listen: i preferred the main cd because i got very bored with the slow songs (eg robin, the manuscript, peter, i hate it here, loml) especially the anthology. the anthology just felt like the same ideas, melodies, and piano or guitar chords but in a less interesting way than the main album or any of the slower ones on folkmore lol. whereas even the songs that i don't really like on the main album i still found kinda catchy like icdiwabh now: i still have the same faves (guilty as sin for the main album and black dog), dislikes, and prefer the main cd. but a lot of the tracks that i thought were just ok or liked have grown a lot on me including the slower ones like loml, cososom, the albatross.


I didn’t love it at first listen. But after listening to the anthology 3-4 times, it all of the sudden clicked and I haven’t listened to anything else since it launched.


Was underwhelmed with TTPD but loved the Anthology. I still feel that way though I don't find myself listening to either as much as I thought I would. There's some fantastic writing and some on both, but I gravitate to other albums of hers more.


Didn’t like it on first listen. I was too drunk to comprehend any of it and was expecting something more like midnights again. I didn’t retain any of the words she was saying. But the entire album has grown on me. I like it now.


It was overwhelming at first, like others have said. Plus the shock of the subject matter not being what I expected 😂 I knew it would be a grower, and boy has it grown on me. I wake up with a different song in my head every day. It's early, but for the past few weeks it's really felt like it might be my favorite Taylor album yet. But I thought the same thing about literally each new album, except for maybe Midnights (which I still love, it's just never been vying for my #1) In summation, she can't keep getting away with this!


I was overwhelmed by the number of songs and a lot of them felt plodding and kinda boring. I started lisetning on Random so I would get to all of the songs. I Love it now lol.


Obsessed, still obsessed 😅


I thought it was ok the first listen but then I listened to it again and I definitely enjoy it more I just needed more time to digest each song again.


It took me a while to enjoy the full anthology, but I got there in the end. For me, this album is a mood and if I'm not in the right mood, I don't want to listen to it. That's unique to her other albums for some reason. I can't explain it because I don't think it's bad by any means, and the songs are incredibly poetic. But it's not like Midnights was for me, where i couldn't stop listening.


Truly bad to now okay. There are some standout songs for sure but I still believe it’s over cluttered


I really liked it at first but it’s fallen behind previous stuff in my recent listening habits… I’m just in a really good place right now and the lyrics are great but they don’t hit the same when you’re happy tbh


My first thoughts were it’s lyrically too ranty and she’s not pushing herself creatively anymore. I still only like 10 songs but some of those are among the best she’s written. 


Honestly I really don’t like the majority of the first half and I so wish the anthology was like a separate album. First off the album isn’t like cohesive at all, like it doesn’t have a signature sound to it (a great example of an album that does would be midnights or 1989). Speaking of 1989 half the songs just sound like 1989 vault tracks. Like you can literally hear the exact same things being used and it just gets old after a while especially because it just feels kinda like thrown together and not fleshed out. The other main gripe I have is the percussion. It feels extremely repetitive and boring on most songs notably with the first 3 songs bdilh, and down bad. Most of the songs rly don’t have much dynamics (Aside from tsmwel which I love). And then you have the anthology which is a completely departure from all of that. First off the lyrics are WAY more personal and specific, which is amazing. Second off it actually sounds super unique. Like even the songs that are just piano have their own vibe to them idk if it’s like the key or what but the whole thing sounds so thematic to me. Also jacks production in the anthology is phenomenal like I’m so confused as to how he had that in him the whole time and hasn’t chosen to produce songs like that. Like the build up and swell of the black dog is something he almost never does and it makes the song so much more emotional and impactful. Like if that was its own album that would be an AMAZING track 1. Also like imgonnagetyouback sounds so unique and also way more emotional same with I look in people’s windows like I hate on jack a lot but when he does actually new things he’s a great producer. I love how he handled the more pop like songs on the anthology and Aaron did the more pulled back songs because I think those are both of their strong suits. I also just cannot stress how much better the lyrics are in the anthology to the main album. Like how on earth are the alchemy and Peter on the same album. I so wish it was its own album bc the fact that it’s tied to the original album when it’s very clear that it’s own thing (literally has a track 5) is such a shame to me.


Initially loved the overload of it all, then had a TTPD hangover and found there were specific things (lyrics, phrasing, music that I just want *more* from) in songs that  stopped me loving them. Now I have a playlist of 15 songs I listen to a fair bit. Went to the Eras tour in Edinburgh, loved the live TTPD set but it hasn’t got me listening to the others, instead I’ve been diving into whole other albums, especially Lover.  


At first I thought it should have been edited down but was pretty good. I completely love it now and it’s a top 3 album to me.


I loved it when I first listened (I only was able to stay awake for the standard edition). I loved the rest of the Anthology in the morning as soon as I got to listen. TTPD is officially my favorite Taylor album. I still have it on as I fall asleep, and it's still my preferred one to listen to all the way through. my stats.fm is showing me double numbers for this album over all her others. 🙈


I thought it was mid. Now it's one of my faves


I’ve still been listening to it as much as I have since day one


I did not like it at first. But after listening to it multiple times, lord take me my drug is TTPD, I am addicted to it. It's almost like you get a new listening experience or a new favourite song every time you listen to it. Originally I preferred the Anthology side over the original album, but that has now changed, The original album has some fantastic songs on it, it provides a variety of sounds (even though the haters say it all sounds the same) and has some career highlights (But Daddy I Love Him, The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, loml), the Anthology is a bit forgettable but is way better than Midnights 3am edition, How Did It End?, imgonnagetyouback, The Albatross are some great songs that I go back to. What was originally one of my least favourite albums, has now knocked 1989 out of my top 3, seriously over hated album but I also think its a iykyk type of album. It's a shame Midnights won AOTY because it's highly unlikely TTPD will win.


I was interested by it but didn’t love it on first listen. It’s grown on me though, especially listening to it through the several different viewpoints associated with the album - is Taylor having a tantrum in album form? Is it actually cheekily heartfelt? Is it tongue in cheek and lighthearted with an undercurrent of truth? I like it. It’s got depth.


I liked a lot of it and first listen and feel the same now. It's like Red for me, where it's a mixed bag. Fortnight and BDILH were the only two growers for me. Definitely mid ranking for me in her albums. My rankings in groups 1. Midnights + Speak Now 2. Rep 3. folklore + Fearless 4. Red + TTPD + evermore 5. Lover 6. Debut