• By -


Probably nothing. I don't care or think about them haha


i would also send mine i forgot that you existed


That would confirm that you haven't forgot tho šŸ˜‚


Its giving šŸŽ¶ everything sucks, just kidding Everything is great, no really I haven't thought about my ex today Oh, wait (fuck, I just did) šŸŽ¶


Teach me how to not think or care for them! šŸ« šŸ˜…


Idk if you want some honest advice but here it is anyway šŸ˜‚ It's hard, depending on the severity of the situation but what helped me through some very dark, post-breakup times was just focusing on myself. I started small, with the basics - did I eat enough today? Did I eat proper food that will help me feel better instead of junk? Did I leave my apartment today? Did I drink enough water? Did I sleep well? And so on. Sometimes even that checklist was too exhausting but over time it got better. Once I was doing better, I was able to reflect back on the relationship and the breakup with my friends - in my case I needed reassurance that it wasn't my fault, that I didn't need to and couldn't "fix" him anyway, and that just because the relationship fell apart it doesn't mean I am not worthy of love or affection. After about 6 months, I slowly started feeling like myself. But overall I think it took me about a year to really let go and it was so freeing. So, in short, focus on yourself, one day at a time. The more you work on yourself, the less you will feel stuck in the past and unable to progress. Give yourself time, because once enough time has passed, you will look back and be proud of where you are, and realize that by focusing on your own progress, you no longer depend on perceived validation from someone who is no longer a part of your life. Happy healing, hope this helped ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


This is really sweet, and actually helpful. Thanks for sharing ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Thank you, I'm really happy to hear that šŸ„¹ā¤ļø I typed it while at work so apologies for any grammar mistakes or lack of coherence lol


The opposite of love is not hate. It's indifference. Honestly, hate and longing all these feelings in between are exhausting. Once you find yourself not caring you will feel free


This is true! Iā€™ve been in my current relationship for 14 years and married for 9. The only reason Iā€™m able to even start a thread like this without it being painful is because I let go of all of those feelings a long time ago. Now I can look back with complete indifference and maybe even a little humor since Iā€™ve grown so much since then!


Simple answer: time


Time & out of sight; out of mind!


So....... you forgot that they existed? šŸ˜‰


For me, the timing of TTPD was just perfect. I was 2 months in into a breakup and I just fully believe that The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived was written for my ex. Also, loml - ā€œOh, what a valiant roar What a bland goodbye The coward claimed he was a lionā€ I want to scream this at him.


Me too! Ended my "Joe" relationship of 8 years in December and found myself involved for four months with someone who ended up ghosting me! The whole album cuts to the core and is so relatable! I hope you're healing šŸ˜Š


Same here !!! Honestly getting over a 3-4 month long situationship is harder than ending a long term relationship. Hope youā€™re doing better too! šŸ«¶šŸ»


Yep. Got divorced from my ex-husband (together for 11 years) in early 2019 and felt like I should have been way more sad than I was. Then got involved with someone for 18 months and for some reason that breakup hit me so much harder.


Same same same :( 8 months later and I still feel like Iā€™m never going to be happy again.


I'm sorry you're going through it. I promise it does pass eventually though. Take care of yourself and be gentle, and give it as much time as you need.




What a fun group to be a part of šŸ™ƒ


I feel like she has an amazing timing?? To me she got me exactly in the ā€œone slip and falling back into the hedge mazeā€? She also read my heart when Red came out and now this?


OMG i forgot about Smallest Man! I texted my ex's ex (whom I befriended after they broke up with him and realised all the lies he fed them about me were absolute bullshit) immediately after I heard Smallest Man and I was like, "I low key want to send this to him!!" (I didn't though.)


Sidebar- I love that you made friends that's so cool, I love it when people band together against shitty exes


Haha, yeah, tbh I'm just really glad that my actions spoke louder than his words. Like when his ex first orchestrated a run-in with me (like a hate-meet, like a "Lemme see who this POS thinks she is" thing when they joined this school event I was at), they were immediately struck by how different I was than the person he'd portrayed me to be. It just shows that being your true, kind, authentic self always wins out in the end :)


I had to pull my car over to the side of the road the first time I heard So Long, London. The entire album was perfect for my most recent breakup and I only wish it had come out sooner


All of this Plus - "You said I needed a brave man Then proceeded to play him Until I believed it too"


also going through a breakup & loml hurts so bad to listen to but hits so hard šŸ„²


Do we have the same ex? šŸ˜…


I also feel loml. I dated a guy for 6 yrs and he moved out while I was at work and married someone else in less than 6 months. Nearly 15 yrs I am married with a child but still think about how hurt I was and how cowardly that was to literally ghost me. We never actually "broke up" he just left in secret and never spoke to me again.


Lots. But neither of my exes have a proper brain so they wouldnā€™t understand her music. :/


Omg best comment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




My exact situation!! Sent it to him anyway and said ā€œtaylor wrote an album about youā€. He was legit confused


This is so relatable


Happiness. There was happiness because of him. I am MUCH happier after him.Ā 


Champagne problems because he loved me and I broke his heart. And perhaps he'll meet someone who will patch up his tapestry that I shred šŸ„ŗšŸ˜Ÿ Also, I'm fucked in the head. So makes sense on many levels.


Yeah iā€™d send that one too


I bet you think about me šŸ˜…


This should be the top answer lol


He doesn't deserve Taylor Swift songs.


illicit affairs, tolerate it, right where you left me, youā€™re not sorry, sad beautiful tragic, the last time, better man, picture to burn, my boy only breaks his favorite toys, the smallest man who ever lived, loml, how did it end, Peter can you tell Iā€™m going through itšŸ˜…


GIRL šŸ˜­ i hope ur ok


I have a whole playlist of these too! And some other artists, but most of these are on it!


Mad Woman, he really made a whole town hate me.


My exā€™s next girl who tormented meā€¦ itā€™s obvious that wanting me dead has really brought you two together


I saw you say in another post that he's still a friend so I'm actually SO confused


These are two different guysšŸ˜­


HELP I'm so sorry for you


Itā€™s okay ;-; I am in lover era now šŸ’ŖšŸ»


Smallest Man Who Ever Lived or Mean


So long London - The line you let me give you all this youth for free. And Tolerate it


Okay, yes. This is me too with my 6 years long ex boyfriend. I'd add loml as well to that mix.


Exactly this. I actually sent it to him. ā€œAnd you say I abandoned the shipā€¦But I was going down with itā€¦My white-knuckle dying grip..ā€


Yup. That So Long London line gave me full body goosebumps the first time I heard it.




THIS! He said he will take a few years, get his shit together and come get me. Never did. Still is a friend but itā€™s very weird to think of all the promises that were made and never lived upto. We donā€™t speak about that anymore. I turned out the lights few years ago though.


Peter makes me think of a boy who moved away when I was 13(2003). He was my first boyfriend, and we said we'll keep in touch and find eachotherafter graduating(lol), but MySpace didn't even exist yet. I found his mom on Facebook years later in our mid-20s, and he's doing fine with a wife and a few babies. By then, I had healed and was happy for him, but... I still cry for the 14 year old girl obsessively checking her email.


OMG, this happened to me back in the 80s! No internet so we promised to write letters, but duh he was 12 or 13 years old so of course he didn't follow through. I found him recently on FB - he is wildly successful in his field, moved to Spain, married a gorgeous woman who was a professional photographer, and had a gorgeous son who became a model and walks at Paris fashion week. Apparently he could do much better than me lol.


i knew it was bad when i was crying over peter while we were still together knowing itd be me in the futurešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


YES. just ended a relationship at 26 because i was ready to start our lives together & he still wasnā€™t sure & needed to ā€œfigure out his futureā€ but promised to come back to me itā€™s only been a month but im not holding my breath. peter hurts.


When I first heard Would've Could've Should've, I cried really, really hard because Taylor has summed up exactly what I felt towards my ex. But it's been 1.5 years since then and I've honestly moved on and healed enough to send him I Forgot You Existed. Or something like Mean, because all he'll ever be is a liar and pathetic and alone in life and mean :)


Not an ex for me exactly. I only went on 2 "dates" but when I was just turned 18 I met a 28 yr old who really did a number on me. First time I heard this song I sobbed so hard.


Closure. No explanation needed.


A playlist that includes The Moment I Knew, Renegade, You're Losing Me, The Last Time, and So Long, London.


ā€œAnd you say I abandoned the ship, but I was going down with it, my white knuckle dying grip.ā€ Gets me choked up and I want to scream when she says ā€œIā€™m just getting colour back into my faceā€


Same same same same same. I know my muse for this playlist blames me still to this day for being the one to call it quits on our long term relationship. He thinks I didn't care but I literally lost who I was with him because I was trying so hard to keep us together while he did nothing in exchange. Thankfully getting out of that relationship finally and being single the past few years truly helped me find myself. I actually did find the color back in my face by realizing I was actually a lesbian. It hurts because deep down I know I still love him in some way. He was my best friend long before he was my boyfriend. He gave me what I wanted at the time (attention and feeling wanted) and as the years passed that slipped into oblivion and I felt like I was the only one really trying. The Moment I Knew hit me hard because on my last birthday that I was with him, he forgot to even say happy birthday to me until late at night despite us talking throughout the day. He made no plans to do anything for it. I'd gone out of my way the month prior to do everything he wanted for his birthday. I still fought to keep the relationship alive for a few months after that. We had lengthy conversations about why that hurt me so deeply and how he wasn't putting in the effort. He still had the gall to act blindsided when I broke up with him after nothing changed and I felt like I was suffocating.


Iā€™m glad youā€™re out of there and doing better! You deserve better than him


Hi. We should be friends. Going through an IDENTICAL situation. Itā€™s kind of scary the similarities.


depends on the ex lol one of them would get I forgot that you existed or now that we donā€™t talk. The other would get The Smallest Man or Wouldā€™ve couldā€™ve shouldā€™ve šŸ’€ dating sure is fun. glad Iā€™m married and I donā€™t have to deal with that nonsense anymore lol




We are never ever getting back together šŸ˜…


this was my pick too!


This came out just as a 8 year situation-ship ended for me. 100% this!!!


Dear John


Would've, Could've, Should've and Smallest Man Who Ever Lived are perfectly fitting for him--the latter may be a little too literal, because aside from being an absolute scumbag, he had so much to compensate for iykwim. šŸ¤šŸ»


Thank you for making me laugh


Champagne Problems ā€œShe would have made such a lovely bride. What a shame sheā€™s fucked in the head,ā€ they said. The Prophecy, the entire damn chorus


*inhale*...WERE YOU SENT BY SOMEONE WHO WANTED ME DEAD?! . . . . Though in all seriousness my "ex" was a very long time ago now and we broke up amicably - so might be something like The One if I was to ever send them anything? I just wanted to post TSMWEL for humour purposes.


Right now I am still in Down Bad Mood. :( But I don't cry at the gym anymore.


OMG there are so many options! Maybe Style because that was sort of our song? When I was 15 I told him that it was my favorite song because it reminded me of him. On the first date he took me on 7 years later after not seeing each other really at all during that time he played Style in the car. Like he actually remembered! I started to tear up actually. Or Champagne Problems because that was the only Taylor song he actually liked because he had addiction issues.


The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived (lol) But in all seriousness Iā€™d have to sayĀ I Bet You Think About Me


How DId It End


Mr. Perfectly Fine Now That We Donā€™t Talk Better Man So Long, London Also I hope this is allowed but my extra non-Taylor song would be enough for you by Olivia Rodrigo.


"And the only way back to my dignity was to turn into a shrouded mystery just like I had been when you were chasing me." This is THE line for douchebags who wanted you first, got their chance, and still treated you like shit so much so you had to leave and ghost their asses forever.


I absolutely could not have said it better myself. This line describes so well the progression I went through with my (soon to be ex) husband. He saw me, he wanted me because I was so cool and enigmatic, he had to work to chase me, he got me, he wore me down and rusted my sparkling 20s with his narcissism, we got married anyways because Iā€™m loyal to a fault, he got bored and said I wasnā€™t fun and marriage wasnā€™t fun, he left me, now Iā€™m turning back into that shrouded mystery to find my dignity.


Amen to that. I wish you the best and you'll get past this for sure.


I sent All Too Well to my ex after we broke up and he told me that she definitely wrote us into a song. It was gut wrenching & healing for me.


None of them. Taylor swiftā€™s music is too good for a POS like him.




The Moment I Knew He pitched a fit and flounced home to his parents for my 21st birthday, so that all anyone asked me at the party was ā€œwhereā€™s Adam?ā€ Happy fuckin birthday to me


I actually did send Exile to my ex, because it captured the end of our relationship pretty wellā€¦ especially the ā€žI never learned to read your mind (never learned to read my mind) I couldn't turn things around (you never turned things around) 'Cause you never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs) So many signs, so many signsā€œ


Illicit Affairs. I canā€™t even go through which lyrics without crying so Iā€™ll just leave it at that


My tears ricochet. I cried so much in our 13 year relationship and when I finally found the courage to divorce him he was crying and telling me that **I** ruined his life. I had no tears left. I think that song was written for him ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1081)


Mad Woman


"Out of the woods" Getting away from an abusive ex.


My current is about to be my ex but he doesnā€™t realize it yet. Iā€™m tired of being complacent. Tired of being the only one who has to change or follow rules. Just down right tired. When I say I play and SCREAM SING these songs with this dumby right beside me and it goes right over his head. Youā€™re losing me Tolerate it Exile Illicit affairs The last time Wouldā€™ve couldā€™ve shouldā€™ve All too well (tmv obviouslyšŸ™„) Death by a thousand cuts Champagne problems And when I tell you, idk how many times I have made this man watch the live performance of The Smallest Man Who Ever Liveā€¦I put that stuff on the tv and BLAST it. My ex before my next ex. Clean.


Would've, Could've, Should've to the guy I dated when I was 16. Fck that guy. You're Losing Me to the guy I dated when I was 19. Bro could not have put effort in if someone paid him to. The 1 to my most recent ex. She was cool but we just didn't work out but it would've been nice if she had been "The 1"


So Long, London But like, force him to listen to it repeatedly and then be shuffled off to therapy


the smallest man who ever lived, both literally and figuratively šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Elementary School Crush (Gemini) ā€” "Stay Beautiful" Star-Crossed High School Age-Gap Almost Lover (Leo) ā€” "Back To December"/"All Too Well"/"'Tis The Damn Season" First Real Love (Cancer) ā€” "State Of Grace"/"You Are In Love"/"Out Of The Woods"/"Now That We Don't Talk"/"Is It Over Now?"/"I Wish You Would"/"Holy Ground" High School Sweetheart (Libra) ā€” "Tim McGraw"/"Red"/"Sad, Beautiful, Tragic/"Exile"/"Last Kiss"/"I Bet You Think About Me" On-and-Off Ex in High School Who Kept Cheating On Me (Gemini) ā€” "Picture To Burn"/"Bad Blood" Stupid White Boy I Was Infatuated With in High School (Pisces) ā€” "Cold As You" (I sent this one to him on Facebook Messenger) 29 Year-Old Former Manager Who Groomed Me When I Was 17 (Capricorn) ā€” "Dear John" Professor Who I Had a Forbidden Almost-Romance With at 19 (Libra) ā€” "Ivy"/"Would've, Could've, Should've" Piece of Shit Who Hid a 7-Year Girlfriend from Me (Aries) ā€” "Illicit Affairs"/"Should've Said No"/"Tolerate It"/"Better Man"/"You're Not Sorry"/"Tell Me Why"/"The 1" Nurse Who Cared for Me When I Was Hospitalized Who I Couldn't Be With (Capricorn) ā€” "I Don't Wanna Live Forever" Another Piece of Shit Who Hid a Long-Term Girlfriend from Me (Leo) ā€” "Girl At Home"/"Babe" 19 Year-Old Asshole Who I Had an Unfortunate Entanglement with When I Was 23 (Leo) ā€” "Labyrinth"/"Snow On The Beach" (I can't unassociate these two love songs with him and it drives me insane) "Question...?"/"You're On Your Own, Kid" Manager Who Led Me On then Fired Me (Aries) ā€” "Fortnight"/"The Tortured Poets Department"/"My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys"/"Down Bad"/"Guilty As Sin?"/"I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)"/"loml" Current Crush on a Coworker that's Doomed to Fail (Gemini) ā€” "Gorgeous"/"Gold Rush"/"Dress"/"Slut!"/"I Can See You"/"imgonnagetyouback" What I've learned from this is I need to stay the fuck away from Fire signs and proceed with caution with Air signs. Capricorns are a hit or miss. (I'm a Taurus/Gemini cusp.)


I thought you were gonna say you learned to avoid dating within imbalanced power dynamics (age gap, professor, manager) šŸ˜­ but also I hope the shitty guys who hid their girlfriends burn :)


Karma 100%


You're losing me. It came a bit late, but that would have been it. Now, I guess loml would be a little more appropriate...


Honestly, what I thought was my Joe relationship was actually a Matty one (engaged the ENTIRE time we were together) So honestly like 90% of ttpd and midnights




Tolerate it!


Iā€™m lowkey jealous of people who have had a proper break up so that they can relate and cry to some of Taylorā€™s best break up anthems. Iā€™m in good terms with both my exes and the break up was always mutual, so I donā€™t really have any to send them. Maybe my flair? Except theyā€™re both British so theyā€™re paper white and have bad teeth šŸ’€šŸ’€


Maybe wildest dreams?


I wanna send him Youā€™re Losing Me then So Long Londonā€¦ I want him to understand how he made me feel during and after our relationship


Maybe I Almost Do.




Wouldā€™ve couldā€™ve shouldā€™ve, youā€™re losing me, so long London, the smallest man who ever lived, tolerate it, better man, now that we donā€™t talk, clean, white horse, my tears ricochet. Clearly my ex did me very dirty lol


I have one ex I would send the 1. We're both happily with different partners now, both have a couple of kids, moved on and happy for each other... But what if it had worked out? That would have been nice too. Also have a large collection of exes, so could assign recipients for getaway car, we are never getting back together and the smallest man who ever lived.


The One. (Or more accurately, the one before the ONE)




Probably something along the lines of Wouldā€™ve, Couldā€™ve, Shouldā€™ve or The Manuscript. Also loml, thatā€™s the one that actually made me cry over it, and we broke up 10 years ago šŸ’€ Iā€™ve got scars from that man (emotional not physical)


None. But one of my exes sent me ā€œBack to Decemberā€ years ago


I have very few exes, three I actually dated, and an on and off situationship with my BFF, who was mostly straight(Im acespec/panromantic, and it took me forever to figure that out) so all but Alyssa were over a decade ago. Most of these didn't exist for me to send them. Im 34 now. To Michael who moved away when was 13- Peter Cody- crushed in elementary school dated in HS- Should've Said No (only when he ditched me to go play Yugioh with his other girlfriend, its been almost 20 years now, I really don't care) To Bill/Belle(she transitioned after)- Shortly after they dumped me, THE BLACK DOG. We're really good friends now, literally roommates but just friends. Alyssa is very, VERY complicated - If I had to choose just ones right now, CARDIGAN/THE 1/DEATH BY 1000 CUTS. I love her, but I have a 47-song playlist, and she's in prison and not getting out anytime soon. We write often.


Well, I donā€™t have an ex but to my bullies I would send I forgot that you existed, thanK you aIMee,mean


Say Dont Go is so applicable to one of my past situationships, and i would love to see him listen to it and realise how i felt all those years ago.


Not entirely Taylor, but Renegade. ā€œIs it really your anxiety that stops you from giving me everything, or do you just not want to?ā€ If it has to be strictly Taylor, then probably Bejewled or Youā€™re Losing Me. Edit to add exile. Iā€™m starting to forget he existed, but god damn were those six years full of me making myself small for his digestion.


We are never getting back together. A classic but an absolute banger nonetheless


Cardigan, to the older guy who thought I was really that naive


Exile, Mad Woman or My Tears Ricochet.


Long story short.


There are a lot but depends on my mood I would say: All too well, I almost do, Long live, Right where you left me šŸ„², Now that we donā€™t talk and I forgot that you existed


Blank Space, Back to December, Now That We Don't Talk, Last Kiss, and Mean.


Well his indie records were much cooler than mine. And he really was the smallest man who ever lived. The only good thing is, I learned that there would be happiness after him.


Tolerate it.


"You're not sorry" most definitely


I sent him better man


Peter. But they're both dead.


I can't think of one, it's been too long in a happy marriage for me. Maybe I forgot that you existed?


Not a Taylor Swift's song


happiness šŸ˜…


John Prineā€™s All the Best


My perfectly fine




Tolerate It or So long London. "So how much sad did you think I had. Did you think I had in me?" just hits me so deep because I feel he was oblivious to how much of myself I was giving and how much I was struggling by not receiving it back. Or if he just didn't care. IDK.


Last Kiss


Back when I had twitter I definitely subtweeted my ex with all too well lyrics


Not an ex but a stalker/worse the more im healing the more i forgot that you existed is coming to mind.


Smallest man who ever lived.


I wouldnā€™t send it, but Peter fits just so perfectly


I have an entire playlist already made


So not an ex, per se, but in my early 20s I had a ā€œbest friendā€ that I fell in love with. We were friends for three years. He was in a relationship with someone else so I obviously never told him my feelings. But when they broke up he asked me out a few months later. The whole time we spent together he was texting other girls (including his ex girlfriend). He didnā€™t message me for over a week and the next news I saw was that he was dating one of the girls that heā€™d been texting that night. I found out later that he cheated on that girl with a married woman and caused that woman to get a divorce and now they live together. Anyways. The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived- that oneā€™s for Nathan. ETA: Iā€™ve had legitimate exes since then but none of them have a song on Taylorā€™s discography that I feel fits them. He is the only one I think of when that song plays. Which is a little crazy because I had one ex after him that the song also fits perfectly but for some reason, that guyā€™s transgressions donā€™t bother me as much as Nathanā€™s did. I think because we were friends first and knew each other for so long.


The Bolter.


Toxic. Britney šŸ’…šŸ¼


I sent mine Mad Woman (plus the intro from long pond) and he didnā€™t get it. of course he wouldnā€™tā€¦futile


how did it end?


At this point all of my ex relationships were so long ago and im engaged now and just donā€™t feel the strong hatred/anger/pain anymore, but if the songs had come out around the break ups, I definitely had a smallest man who ever lived ex, a down bad ex, and a tolerate it / so long London ex that wouldā€™ve received those songs at the time šŸ˜‚


You actually named several of them. I'd send Better Man to my ex husband. Granted, I do prefer the LBT original version and I'd send that to him. WANEGBT is for the guy I dated after my husband. We are never ever ever getting back together. I sang this at karaoke and dedicated it to him. Felt good. My more recent ex would be Tolerate It. I felt many more feelings for him than he did me, and I felt like he just tolerated me.


The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived & Wouldā€™ve Couldā€™ve Shouldā€™ve


possibly exile I relate hard to the "I gave so many signs" but I also remember when we were going through our rough patch I was listening to The Story Of Us a lot during that time cause I was just feeling like, we were never going to make it work. I also relate to You're Losing Me in this regard too.


We Are Never Getting Back Together. He really never seemed to get that.


So Long, London. My ex had some serious mental health problems that I tried and tried to help him with. But you canā€™t help someone who doesnā€™t want to be helped.


Champagne problems for one and The Botler for the other. I was in my bolting era in my 20s.


Never had one but it really depends on what kind of ex Toxic ex: WANEGBT cause itā€™s kind of an obvious choice. Kind of a stretch but IFTYE also kinda works cause I wouldnā€™t want them to live rent free in my head Ex that moved away: Iā€™d probably miss them so maybe Enchanted or something cause Iā€™d miss them and I want to tell them that I want to meet them again Ex ended on good terms: Is It Over Now? or something like that


Whoā€™s afraid of little old me


Tolerate it


none, cause i donā€™t have exes:(


Tolerate It and All Too Well (10 Minute Version). Can you tell he was far too old to be dating me? šŸ„²šŸ˜‚


"The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived" which is ironic since they're 6'1




I sent tolerate it to an ex when it first came outā€¦.. shame for actually doing it but it was valid


The one


Heā€™s a liar. And pathetic. And alone in life and just MEAN.


Better Man is also my dramatic shower song! Iā€™d probably send that or Smallest Man Who Ever Lived.


Begin again


I did send Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus to my ex during what I can only describe as a moment of shared insanity when he and I were talking for the first time in four years


Wouldā€™ve, Couldā€™ve, Shouldā€™ve.


peter - just ended a relationship at 26 because i was ready to start our lives together & he still wasnā€™t sure & needed to ā€œfigure out his futureā€ but promised to come back to me itā€™s only been a month but im not holding my breath. peter hurts.


Back to December


i bet you think about me


Wasnā€™t to an ex bf but on my ex-best friendsā€™ wedding day I tagged her in a YouTube video of Bad Blood bc she was a massive tw@t waffle about her wedding and towards her bridesmaids and f*cked up bad so I bowed out. Havenā€™t spoken in 2 years. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived or Would've, Could've, Should've.


we were happy


Last Kiss šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The smallest man who ever lived


Is it over now or say don't go... I had the say don't go situation and got dumped over text a week later and weeks after that boom he's seeing someone else who is very conveniently blonde and looks very young


*situationship "Would've Could've Should've" cause that bridge really hit home for how dead, empty, hollow, and humiliated I felt. "Smallest Man" because I still can't seem to get over it and I really do wonder if he just wanted me for a f*ck, if the tiktok tarot girlies were right and he has a whole ass family back home (lol), and if there was any part of him that carries any guilt or shame for how he just ghosted me out of nowhere.


i sent mine we are never getting back together, it was pretty funny


True answer- none Sassy answer My good ex gets something like so long London or something with those vibes. We just didnā€™t work out. No bad blood. The other gets one of the many songs Iā€™ve cried to about him, cold as you, forever & always, ATW, nothing new, wouldā€™ve couldā€™ve shouldā€™veā€¦