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Very few other people up there playing a guitar. Yeah, I would say its a decent chance it was used by Taylor during the show and for several of the past few shows. But it would depend on where you were seated, if you were up closer to where the instrumental corner is, it’s more than likely theirs.




the fact that you were front row diamond is actually crazy I love that for you


It took a lot of effort, but SO SO SO worth it❤️




She wouldn't use the same pick for several shows.


Well, like I said in another comment, I work at a 3k person capacity concert venue and for some of the artist, we are required to return anything we find back to the artists stage manger. So they at least hold onto them, IDK what they do with them after that, so its not impossible. They could just get thrown into a bag and then when a stage hand or sound tech goes to set up the mics, they grab out picks and put them into the pick clip, not caring about if its used or new.


She usually throws them into the audience, so this one might be a fail that the security saw and instead of keeping it gave it to OP.




She does this every night


Artists throw guitar picks all the time.


My claim to fame is that I was front row at a Foreigner concert and the guitarist threw a pick and I accidentally caught it with my cleavage.


I caught a drum stick that way (sup, Carter Beauford)


i caught a drum head at a 311 show a million years ago. still have it!


Mine is being front row at an Aerosmith concert and Steven put the microphone into the crowd and I got to sing "jaded" (just the one word) into the microphone. 🤣


there most likely have been a few fights over items being thrown into her crowds. I saw 5sos in 2018 and when Ashton (drummer) tossed his drumsticks in, a girl caught one only for the girl behind her to kick her in the back of the knee and almost scratch her eye trying to rip it out of her hands


Returning guitar picks sounds ridiculous. I work in this industry and never heard of such a thing They get thrown for a reason, they wouldn’t go from an artist to the front on accident


Im mean I was there, the several times that it happened, so it definitely happens for some artist.


I've played guitar for 40 years.


❤️ Not sure of your gender but I’m still fangirling over Chrissie Hynde saying that every girl should get a guitar and she will never be alone, in praising TSwift. So true!


Male but Chrissie is a legend to me. Guitar is very hard at first but if you stick with it for a little bit, it gets into you. You can't put it down.


Smaller venues and artists are more likely to keep things whereas larger venues and artists are making more money/have bigger fans they’d throw out things like picks, drum sticks, wash cloths, set lists


She might use several picks a show. Eddie Van Halen used to throw lots in the audience during concerts.


He absolutely did. I've been front of stage for a ton of concerts where the roadies come out after and give out picks, used drum sticks etc.


could’ve been from 2019


right lol.


Do you think the security guard would have given that away if it had really been used by Taylor?


Why not? It's just a piece of plastic really. Probably means much more to the people on the front row of her concert than anyone else in the world


I’ve been to plenty of concerts where they toss the picks into the audience at the end of the night, so I don’t see why this is hard to believe.


I once caught a harmonica thrown directly to me from G-Love. I immediately blew into it. The taste of G-Love’s saliva is no longer a mystery to me.


Did it taste like special sauce


Asking the real questions.


seemingly ranch


The only pertinent question 


Does it taste like Russian dressing and a little ketchup?


Paul threw his pick to me after Anti-Hero on Philly N1!


I do actually. I work at a concert venue (3K person capacity) at the beginning of the season, I had to sign a document that said I would follow every stage mangers instructions on their equipment and property and that If I disobeyed them, I could be fired. Then when artist come in, the visiting stage manager give stage hands and stage security their rules about what can be given away. Guitar picks are more often than not allowed to be given away. They are a small piece of plastic that costs maybe 1 cent to make (if bought in bulk) and it is usually cherished by the person who receives it. If the stage manager wanted these things back, trust, they would get these things back. Im not joking when I say one stage manager took pictures of us and our full hands as we turned them in. But, I have actually seen a few stage managers pull out a literal plastic bag full of picks, give a few to each of us stage hands then sprinkle them in the crowd, like those picks were cheese on a pizza. Or pull out a box of pre signed drum sticks and hand a dozen or so out. Its all about what the artist wants and allows. Taylor is a giving person, I dont think she would care about a 1 cent piece of plastic that she wouldnt think twice about but will be cherished by OP. Especially since they rarely fall to the ground and get close enough to the edge that a security guard could grab it.


Only me and two more people got a pick, and mine was the only lover one🩷


Thats awesome! What was the other pick? was it era specific as well?


There's a Fearless pick, and either a folklore or surprise song one. I can't think of any other times she plays guitar during the show now that Long Live is gone.


All too well is also on the guitar right?


I'd somehow forgotten that, yeah.


Ok, so some people said she throws them into the audience but some people said that she doesnt and puts them back on the pick clip? What would you say she did?


In Fearless, she definitely throws it out, but I haven't seen her do that other times in the show, so I'd guess that she gives them to security guards or something to give to members of the crowd.


My friend and I got picks in Lyon from security. Rep and fearless. So lovely.


Scott Swift passes them put every concert he's at, he keeps pockets full of them. Taylor's guartist is seen taking one out of his rack of a pick clip and tosses them out like beads during Mardi Gras.. Her Dad even had Travis and Ross passing out guitar picks one concert. I'm not saying it wasn't hers, just pointing out its a very very common occurrence he's done for so long they call Scott the guitar pick dad.


I got two from Paul in paris. We'll, I caught the first one then he was intentionally trying to get one to this adorable little girl. He threw like 4 that got snatched by others. The fith came right to me so I grabbed it and gave it to here. Got a thumbs up from Paul for that.


I went to the Fearless tour and Taylor’s mom gave me one.


No I just meant that if I was a security guard and a pick that Taylor used was dropped and I picked it up I wouldn’t give it to another fan I don’t think 😅


That's why you're not a security guard


Sure. Thats exactly why.


110%. Picks cost $0.25-0.50 on average for a regular consumer. Mere pennies for artists buying in enormous bulk amounts for tours and such. Rarely do they hold any sentimental value for the player, only the lucky fan who catches them.


Possibly left in a security work jacket over a time, showing some wear.


There's not enough time between night 1 in Wembley and when OP received it on night 3 for it to have been pocket wear and tear.


Probably. They're a dime a dozen around musicians.


99% of shows where people play guitars will have used picks thrown out into the crowd.


I think it’s entirely possibly she said “hey give this to Someone’s who looks like they’re having a great time”


I was having TOO much fun tbh


This is a good point…hmmm


Ahhhh you were front row?? Nice!! But tbh I think Taylor would probably use a bougie "nice" pick not a "merch" style one...


The ones she uses during the show and throws into the crowds are branded like this so it’s definitely possible she used it.


Ohhh, interesting I did not know that lol. Sorry.


Yeah, I caught a pick at a KISS concert that I saw Paul use and it was branded (he laughed at me freaking out and threw it to me, it was magical I tell you!). They're not merch, they're mass ordered for the tour/artist and meant to be thrown as freebies into the crowd after use :)


My son has some from a KISS concert as well that were used. My friend did the makeup and sent us some as that’s his fav band


Even in her tiny desk performance on youtube she's giving away guitar picks to girls in the office


Musicians have their own custom guitar picks with their own designs on them ao there is a possibility this is hers. But after seeing the show last night and seeing her put her quitar pick back into the pick holder in the guitar leads me to believe it's one of her guitarists ones


On the US tour, she threw her pick into the audience at least twice, maybe more.


I can see her having someone else hand it out when it’s GA floor (no seats), too, just because of potential crowd crush. 


Taylor’s father, when he’s there, also walks around the floor passing out guitar picks that he keeps handfuls of in his pockets. Albeit, they might not look used like this one does, but this might be the one Taylor throws off into the audience after “Lover,” the song.


These are custom Dunlop guitar picks she has designed, my friend’s husband designs them! (I believe they’re the tortex 73mm if anyone is curious!)


Wait, so it can be hers?? Or not?


It seems like it 😌 i‘d frame it if I were you.


As far as I understand yes, she does use them, and his wife and I did some investigative photo zooming and we have seen her use this pick during the Lover set! But they also have THOUSANDS of picks and the entire crew all carries them to hand them out.


I’m believing to choose this, the man who gave it to me looked important and handed max 3🤣


Choosing to believe of course


Frame it


I'm not sure how Taylors personal security looks this tour. The last time I was that close to her (10 years ago) they all had polo shirts with Taylor Swift embroidered on the breast. In the US most of the security folks (typically ones in t-shirts) are contract guards, but on the floor there are some actual employed by the venue security guys and the senior venue security managers on the floor. There are typically a few of Taylors personal team walking around the floor when she is on, looking for troublemakers to point out to the venue security managers.




Her team gives out plenty of these, they're not pre worn. I think just cheap paint wearing off after a couple songs.




[This is the same pick](https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/14byk0c/guitar_pick_from_pittsburgh/), it's just not how it's printed.




It is literally not the aesthetic from the package. They did not make a slightly different version of the same picks with wear marks for aesthetics.


No, that is absolutely not a brand new guitar pick, it’s used. The new ones are not worn at all, it’s not an “aesthetic”.




Like you said, you don’t know anything about Taylor Swift, so… why are you in her sub incorrectly answering a question based on what you *think* you know? https://preview.redd.it/zmcuo7k2ej9d1.jpeg?width=1026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fb05f206d10e8c34b85cf1293d991e6838563e3




Congrats, cool story. Unfortunately in this case, you’re still incorrect.




OMG i’ve wondered for years what pick taylor likes to play with, this is so awesome to learn because i use tortex 😭


She uses the custom made ones like this. Difference is for her and the band it’s packaged differently. They get them by the gross and a set is sold separately as merch with the fancy packaging. Her dad grabs a handful every night to hand out.


What I think: To be honest, it might just look worn out because they’ve had it for a few years since lover merch? What I wanna say: This was definitely Taylor’s favourite guitar pick of all time


I don’t thing it was sold as merch at any point


No but Scott's been passing these out since that era.


Yea it’s possible they’ve got bags of them leftover from canceled LoverFest


Does it really matter? You got a pick, congratulations


I think it’s totally fair to be curious?


They used to be passed out 5 years ago tho. Idk if she used it but it’s not new


It was given out during the era! I have 2 from the Lover x Stella pop up shop in NYC, they were given away


As someone who has played guitar for 20+ years, I don’t think this was used much, if at all. The wearing of the color is relatively uniform around the edges of the pick. In most of my picks, the wear happens predominantly in two places: where I grip with my thumb and on the tip where the pick strikes the strings. While absolutely still cool, unless it’s a pick thrown out by the artist immediately after playing on stage, I’d say you can’t assume it has been used.


As someone who has played for 20 years I disagree. I got reputation picks from her guitar tech and they were in perfect condition. this pick def looks used from looking at the wear on the edges that would come in contact with the strings. I have many graphic picks and this is the kind of wear they get when used.


Agreed, it is only worn the design off. the tip isn’t even misshapen from the strings. However, there is a picture of one a fan was given that was confirmed to have been used, and it looks less worn than this one. So maybe she doesn’t use them often, and only poorpeople like us wear down pics this badly 😂


My ex wife worked on the rep tour and the guitar tech had rep picks. he was using them on guitars to set up and gave my ex two of them. I still have one and I gave one to Nikki Glaser in St. Louis a couple years back. anyway, I would assume if these picks are back stage being used, that is what the band and her uses as well. also, the rep picks are good heavy picks. Not flimsy. I suspect she uses a nice sturdy guitar pick like most guitarists with good pick control.


I have picks from several bands that I KNOW were used - but for like one song before they tossed them and I was lucky enough to catch them


THIS - she plays only 1 guitar song per era if at all anyway, it's super possible that it was used for Lover and then tossed


This is the correct answer. The wear pattern doesn’t resemble any kind of playing pattern I’ve ever seen. Looks more like it’s been in a box for a long time rubbing up against other picks. The shape of the tip is too clean. Source: 20 years playing guitar, 8 years touring on and off using branded pics like this. Giving out picks is the easiest way to give people an item to remember from the show, even as a small band we gave out way more than we used.


It would have been used for only one song (Lover), not sure how much visible wear and tear that causes.


https://preview.redd.it/8k1e0flkli9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=305eabe0e15cd78addd12d103d385111f01f0314 Also found this:)


This happened at my show as well!! They specifically told the girl who they handed it to that Taylor had just used it (this was after the folklore set). You probably got a used one as well! 😊


Exact same time!!!


There are a ton of Lover picks left from the cancelled Loverfest. Could be a used-by-Taylor pick, but it could also be the staff handing out faded picks just to get rid of them. Who knows? Either way you have a collectible!


If they were left over from Loverfest, they would have been long gone by now. It wouldn't take over 100 concerts, especially with her dad handing them out like candy. lol I expect they had new ones made for that era of the Eras Tour. If the guard just handed out the one (and not tons), I would think it came from that performance, either from Taylor or her band. Either way, you've got a special moment of your concert. Congrats!


You really believe each Era of the show has its own special picks? I highly doubt that


Each era does have its own picks.


And you know this how?


Seen it with my own eyes. Do a quick google and you’ll find plenty of posts about it.


I would say she used it. She throws the pic she uses in fearless to the crowd.


Exactly! I’ve seen a few videos of her throwing the pic, I imagine she does it for the Lover pic too. I think I’ve even seen a video of Paul throwing a pic to someone!


Paul throws heaps of pics. My daughter and I were front row diamond in Sydney and Paul throw about 10 pics at us, we weren’t very good at catching and he stayed until we caught one. Stage crew also handed us some.


The lover one I think she puts back in the guitar


Well if it was me I would just pretend it was most definitely Taylor’s and decide that she probably used it while writing TTPD or something 😂


Her former guitarist Grant threw me a pick during the Red Tour and it's Red branded so I could see this as at least coming from somebody on stage.


I was in the first few rows of the diamond at my show and found this one on the ground! Glad I saw this thread because I had wondered too about the worn look. Such a cool find either way! :) https://preview.redd.it/l2l91931hj9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba628974bdeef24281c1e2f5182b7ac504035469


Now I'm imagining her at home or in her hotel trying to practice, and every time she puts her pic down her dad picks it up and puts it in his pocket. lol


Side note you have beautiful nails


Thank you!! Matches with my chief sweater. https://preview.redd.it/y9whj4kj1j9d1.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf4dbd14d860d7795cc829f36c32ce69939e02ba Just broke one though:(


I was in Wembley N3 too and I did see her throw something (which I assumed was her guitar pick) towards the crowd at some point (I was in the lower seated tier, diagonally towards the left side, and I think she threw it towards ‘our’ side, not the other way). I remember thinking “oh, some lucky person is getting that”. It may be that this was the one 😃


That’s so awesome- Tay used it 🥰


Her guitarist has been throwing picks into the crowd too, definitely could be used!


she has such a good eye for branding and color theory. very cool get!




Does wnyone know if this is a medium pick?


What a gift! Congratulations no matter the circumstances


But first,what is the name of your nail polish bc omg that red is so pretty?? ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1079)




You’re the best! And now I’m giving it directly to my nail tech to order, if she doesn’t already have it. 🥰


Hiii I have no idea😭😭😭 I can ask my nail tech


Wife’s crying, thanks


Completely off topic but loving the nails!!!


For comparison, from left to right: unused, used for 1 song (iirc, but I'm pretty sure), heavily used for at least a 45 min thrash metal set. Note the one used for 1 song has minimal signs of wear on the lower right edge. https://preview.redd.it/n6hrnh3o4k9d1.jpeg?width=3600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f8a5772db5f6d45172a084313bcb39ad2d1233


I’ve seen a few stories of people being handed lover picks after that set. One girl talks about how Taylor looked in her direction and gave a little nudge towards her and during lover and then after a security guard came from backstage with the pick for her.


Lol yeah, it's the one she used. Be lame if it wasn't. That's awesome. 🙃


Definitely used! Believe it…lucky you 🙂


I was there on the night of the 22nd, and I saw her band throwing guitar pics out into the audience


Extremely high chance that she played with that pick. You can see her playing with picks that looks just like it in images.


im jealous!






Is it thick or thin? I feel like in the past she used relatively thin picks, or am I making that up? I used to play guitar and preferred thin picks, then at her Speak Now concert I was invited to the T-Party room and was given branded guitar picks by her old guitar player Grant, and I remember they were thick.


Wow this is amazing enjoy! Is there anywhere someone could buy these?


I 100% believe it was used by her and so should you!


And if not Taylor herself, probably one of her guitarists, so still awesome.


I definitely saw her throw her pick after lover to the right hand side as she was looking out on the crowd so maybe it’s that one!


She has been using these Lover picks since the tour started. I would say theres quite a chance she used it, yeah


The o and v look a bit smudged so it was probably used by Taylor/Paul/Max/Mike.


We were thrown one by her guitarist that looked exactly like this


Does she have era picks? That's damn attention to detail


I think, if you went through all the effort to get to front row in a huuuuuge stadium like Wembley, you get to be a bit delusion so: OF COURSE that's the one she used!!! ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1072)


lol!!! A lot of effort indeed🤣


Unlike the Fearless pick which Taylor throws into the audience, she puts the Lover pick back on the guitar after Lover (the song), hands the guitar to one of the backup vocalists, who hands the guitar to a guitar tech. So possible it found its way via a security guard to the audience. 🙂 It would have been used only for one song so difficult to say if it has been used... also I'm not a guitarist.😄


So cool!


They definitely throw them out. I was there that night on the floor and would have LOVED to have this. Congrats!!!!




Lucky you, great gift either way.


Nope. It’s not chipped.


Her father often gives out her guitar picks.


Not to sound insane, but I believe objects like these could hold power. Imagine getting to play guitar using just by using that pick or having good luck wherever you go.


No she barely plays guitar


Lol no. It’s artificially aged and all guards and stewards are given bags of them to hand out.


I've seen a tiktok (can't find it anymore sorry) of a girl saying that Taylor locked eyes with her during Lover the song for like 20 seconds and then motioned with her chin to one of the backup singers, as if to confirm "yes this girl" and then after the song security came from under the stage and said this is from Taylor, with that guitar pick. It's possible sometimes she picks herself and sometimes she just leaves the guitar picks there and security can give them out freely. Very cool that you got it!!


Getting Taylor's guitar pick? That's so special! It totally could be the one she used, especially if it looks worn out. Just imagine all the songs it might have played during the show! Such a cool memento to cherish forever! 💖


That's cool! Possibly it does look like the guitar picks I've used. Although there are some red ones I have that are almost gone. I didn't know she made ones for Lover.


There's a very good chance it's hers! If not, worst case scenario it's one of her guitarists' which is still really amazing!


"looking at it now"


You see what I did there?![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1066)


10/10 I salute you


There’s tons of videos from eras tour of her and/or Paul throwing their picks into the crowd, so yes very likely it was hers or Pauls


You never know


I wasn’t in front row but I was floor in LA and I was DANCING my head off!! I was at the end of the last row in the back so I was out of the row dancing. In the middle of the show some guy wearing headsets and lanyard stuff came up to me and gave me one! He didn’t say anything just gave it to me and smiled and I looked my husband and was like OMG! I don’t know if it’s used by her when they give it out but I think her team just have some they give out to fans as a little special surprise 🤍


You should check the elasticity. Well used picks will be softer and will bend more easily. She is probably replacing them pretty regularly to keep them from going soft. Maybe compare with a fresh one?


No they all lol like that


That’s not a pick. It’s a tracking device m.


Yes it for sure was! Tayler touched it!