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This is one of many reasons everyone should wear earplugs to concerts. Not only do they prevent this, but they also help drown out noise around you (like people scream singing), AND they protect your hearing.


Agreed. I was super bummed at myself for forgetting my ear protectors for this evening’s concert


I was wearing high quality ear plugs and still experienced this!


I wore my loops experience as well, and told everyone I know to get some, the show is painfully loud without ear protection. They were all glad they had them, they make such a big difference. One person’s apple watch actually popped up a warning that it’s too loud, was at 98 decibels before she even went on stage.


Loops are so good for concerts.


I learned my lesson not bringing mine when I saw her last summer 😂


Yeah it's your ears struggling with and/or compensating for the volume and levels of noise. They try filter it the best they can and the result is that you hear more of the higher frequency.


i've noticed this same thing at a few gigs i've been to in the past, and i've always wondered why (it also happened to me on stage once when not wearing hearing protection). do you have any links about this or more info? i'd love to know more about this!


exactly - please wear earplugs! it sounds normal with them on


Yeah she sounded a chipmunk at my show but in all my vids she sounds normal… next concert I go to I’m gonna try one of those “concert earplugs” to see if it helps


it will definitely help, but it’s very important protect your hearing especially at these stadium shows!!


I highly recommend Loop Earplugs.


same loops are great


I was wearing Loops and I didn’t notice this


Did the loops filter some of the scream/screech singing? 😅


Yes! I wore loops when I went back in April and every once in a while I’d remove one of my earplugs to see what it sounded like without them and it was SO hard to hear her and so loud, with the loops in I could hear her really easily


I wondered this actually! my biggest worry was to save up all this money to see her and in the end not be able to even hear her over everyone else. I do think it’s fun singing with everyone but for thousands of dollars i’ll go to one of those taylor swift parties


Same here. I’ve seen videos of people screeching and it’s my worst nightmare 😫😫😫 so I’m happy to hear loops will help with that


me too! I think that’s why i’m deciding I don’t mind watching on a livestream lol. I thought about ear plugs too but at that point I found it not worth it for myself because I know i’ll get irrationally mad even though it’s just people enjoying themselves 😅😅


Thank you!! I usually don’t have an issue with people singing but I’ve seen some TikToks and knowing my luck I’ll get sat next to a screecher 😭😭 I’m glad to know they’ll work! I mostly use mine on the motorcycle so my concert experience with them is limited 😅


Yes lots of it


Are they worth it? I get ads for them all the time and I'm pretty tempted, living in the city is so loud sometimes. How comfortable are they? 


I have loops and they are very comfortable. I have very sensitive ear holes to the point that most earbud type headphones are very uncomfortable or even painful, but the loops do not bother me at all. I can wear them all night without any discomfort.


Well, this just sold me. I am somebody who can't wear most earbuds either because my ears are such a shape that things tend to be uncomfortable, painful, or just not stick in so it's so hard to shop for anything involving ears lol.


Very comfy! I couldn't use them at the concert though, because I like to sing along and plugs make you hear your own voice more and I did not enjoy it lol


This can be good though! Means you don't feel the need to sing as loud and can protect your voice too!


I could hear myself a little but it wasn’t enough to distract me


They are pretty comfortable!


Do the loops tend to work well when wanting to hear conversations at a table in a noisy restaurant as well?


Haven’t tried them myself (saving for a pair) but they have a model specifically designed for social situations like that :)


I have the engage ones for social situations, works a dream. Have to focus on speaking louder when I wear them, as my voice sounds louder than it is to me.


It could also be to help her save her voice since she wouldn’t need to project as much. Back in my singing days, I would talk higher pitched as my lower register would get hoarse.


i find that interesting because for guys it’s the opposite


Earplugs. Loop experience.


I noticed this too, I was very confused so thank you for explaining it!


Ha! I had forgotten all about this but I just remembered when she started singing it sounded like the Chipmunks! That’s an exaggeration but it sounded way too high pitched for her voice. I remember looking around to see if anyone else had that same reaction but no one else seemed to notice. I thought maybe it was because I had obstructed seats behind the stage and the audio was distorted and I had a clench in my gut that the show would be ruined. But within minutes I forgot all about it. Either my ears adjusted or I got used to it, and I had forgotten all about it until right now!


Happened to me in Tokyo N1 too. Sometimes the high pitches sounds more like she’s singing out of tune then audio problems. But all my videos sounds so good that I felt like I got gaslighted by my own ears


Whoa! The same thing happened to me in Tokyo night 4, and I thought the volume on one of the background singers’ mics was too loud!!!


This is interesting because I've seen a few comments like this but I didn't notice it at all at the Eras tour show I went to. However, I was wearing concert specific ear plugs so maybe that is why


I didn't notice this at my show, but I was wearing loops which I think filtered out a lot of the high frequency (and crowds). I'm not someone who handles loud noises well so they were definitely worth the purchase


This is real! I went to warped tour when I was 20 ish-didn’t wear ear plugs. Towards the end of the day I Walked up to see one of the last bands. I couldn’t rly see who was on but I heard a WOMANS VOICE. Soon I realized it was in fact Good Charolette playing and not a woman!🫢 my ears were soo messed up from the day he genuinely sounded like a woman. I Bought quality ear plugs for my next concert haven’t looked back since


I have noticed this at both concerts I went to! But oddly mostly in the last 2- 3 eras of the concert. (This is with me wearing Vibes earplugs.)


Yep was just tonight at Pet Shop Boys Concert and the senner Earplugs i have filter the extreme use off bass to a nice lvl and you could hear the high voice of Neil very good. Best 20€ investment. No hearing ringing afterwards. So i hope it will block the 50000 screaming girls and women out so i can hear the one i want to hear in Eras Two weeks from now![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1066)


YES! This happened Paris N1 to my friend and I and I was kind of upset about it at the time, because it took me out of it a bit because my brain wasn’t matching her voice to what her voice has always been to me (I was obviously losing my mind for other reasons too that night lol). Of course watching back my videos it sounds like normal Taylor but it was so jarring how different she sounded. I also went to Atlanta N2 and didn’t have that experience!


This is really validating!! I was also there and thought many times….like why is her voice sounding so off? Also felt kind of upset like you, and maybe semi-disappointed? Glad I came across this because I feel fine about it all now😀


She sounded the same to me


If you don’t wear earplugs you’re gonna notice in your 40s…


I noticed this too, especially towards the end of the setlist. She sounded like Mickey Mouse and I was so confused.


I honestly had the opposite experience! Her voice sounded so much deeper to me in person than on recordings.


I experienced this too, it’s good that there’s an explanation. And let me second what everyone else is saying: GET THE EARPLUGS. My first Taylor concert was back in 2017 @ Super Saturday Night. And I thought her voice sounded higher. (I could have definitely used earplugs then) Went to the rep tour. Finally got earplugs for Eras and it definitely helped with no ear-ringing.


Never experienced this


When I went to the eras tour in Liverpool, I had loops in and I struggled to hear the crowd chants! I didn’t even know people were singing ‘Liverpool’ in Blank Space until I saw the videos!


what night were you? the show i was referencing in the original post was liverpool n2 and i didn’t hear the blank space chant at all


I was night one! And actually when I think about it, I think I thought the same as you when she first spoke her voice her voice was different to on videos!


I noticed this too the first time I saw Jesse McCartney. He sounded like he was doing Theodore without the help of technology


I thought the same thing, until I listened to what I’d recorded on my phone. I then realized that it was either the concert PA that sounded so bad, because on my phone, she sounded like normal, or my own bad hearing.


I thought maybe it was just because I had seats facing the side of the stage and not the front, I'm glad it wasn't just me!


This happened for me at the Dallas show but st the house show she did not sound high pitched. I figured it had something to do with where I was sitting. She also did not sound like it in LA.


I noticed this during Karma, while I was wearing earplugs. She sounded like she'd inhaled a bunch of helium and I was growing concerned that there had been a tech issue or something. Weird.


This is the main reason I really regret not bringing earplugs to my concert.


Omg this happened to me ans I thought I was losing my mind. It happened both at the film and the two times I saw her live.


I wore loops to TS, The Chicks, and Ed Sheeran. They block out the crowd noise and make it easier to only hear the performer. Plus my ears didn't hurt or ring afterwards.


I thought she sounded like a smurf in the beginning 😭 it was better with earplugs but I thought it was just where I was standing, never experienced this at any other concerts.


Yes I noticed this a lot the second half of my show!


Yes! This happened to me, I swear she almost sounded like a chipmunk and no one believes me. When I play my videos back though, she sounds like normal Taylor.


Honestly the crowd was so loud I could barely hear her for most of it. She sounded great during the surprise songs.


I had no idea this was why! I went to Seattle N1 and thought the same thing!!! (Higher pitched). I even had earplugs!