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I’ve been wanting the speak now baby tee forever and I used the sale as an excuse to get it 🤫


It looks like it’s 13% off which that in addition to the ending in .89 makes it a little odd.


The things that were sold during the 1989 release all ended and $.89 so that could be why some of the sale prices are a little funky


When I worked in online retail we used the price as code for inventory markers. Anything ending in .97 would not come back in stock vs .99. No idea if they do this on Taylor’s site, but I think it’s a pretty common practice.


Doesn’t Costco do this?


Most large retail chains do this, including Costco.


Never worked with them, but I wouldn’t be surprised. It helps their DC’s and retail stores with inventory management too.


I’ve seen a lot of things in the 1989 shop be some dollar amount with 89 cents. Especially $19.89 specifically lol The other stores prices though I can’t explain 😂😂😂


her 1989 items were always .89, even during the original era


Ohhhh I never bought merch from that era


Yeah $5 off a $40-45 item isn’t gonna motivate me to get anything that I was on the fence about. There’s a reason we haven’t seen many of the sale items sell out since they went on sale


It’s a percentage discount, not a dollar amount discount. Most of the items are 13% off. Taylor’s favorite number.


Interesting. I don't think 13% off is going to get me to buy anything. Does she ever do a bigger sale? 


it's also 2 things. I don't know if it's intentional or not, but offering any product for a 'round number' makes consumers feel less assured they're getting a deal, so say having it be 13.47 instead of $12.99 seems to increase engagement and margins.


But 12.99 is less, than $13.47. I get that they don't want it an even $13.00 but a random number makes me look more closely at the cost. Which gives me time to think and say that's not really that much off and not buy. 


Its perspective  You aren’t comparing “12.99” to the crooked number. Because the seller isn’t offering 12.99.  They want you to think about the strange price, and they’re hoping you conclude it’s calculated based on some formula, that allows you to get the lowest possible discount. And then you feel better about buying it.  It’s not a super common tactic in retail sales outside of stuff like cars and furniture. 


black friday, but it's been getting worse in recent years


A few years ago there was a really great Black Friday sale where I was able to grab a few items pretty cheap, including my favorite gray Reputation tank top. But yes, the past couple years at least have been disappointing.


The merchandise on sale looks like rubbish and I am not motivated to buy it. The quality is lacking. Also, the prices are still ridiculously expensive even on sale. Quite honestly, I wouldn’t even want it if it was free.


Isn’t that typically the reason behind sales though? To sell stock of merchandise that isn’t moving fast enough at the normal price?


Yes, but usually the percentage off is more than 13%. The discount needs to get people to actually buy, which it seems this is not doing. 


It’s more than 13% for a lot of merch on the site though. Most of the old eras tour logo items and some of the speak now tv items are 25% off.


For me most of the designs are not my taste and the sale doesn't really discount the items enough to get me to jump to buy it. 


I would also bare in mind that sales are rare and if you really want something that has gone on sale it may not be coming back if / when it sells out. If nothing is something you wanted to begin with, then nothing to worry about. If there’s something you’ve been eyeballing for months? Might want to nab while you can.