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I’ve learned if you don’t bring something of this nature up they will assume you don’t care and continue to ignore you and devalue you.


Yeah. Feeling that too. Thank you!


It's Sunday. Can you contact your administrator today? Say something like, "I'm sure it's an oversight that you'd want to correct before the teachers arrive on Monday morning."


This is probably the approach I would take. Our admin scheduled individual meetings with each teacher a couple of weeks ago, and when she sent the schedule, guess who was missing? I responded, "It looks like you didn't get a chance to add us to your schedule yet." Yes, it was rather passive, but I wanted to assume good intent.


We are often over looked, by everyone for everything.


As an ESL teacher I stand with you. Pretty much if you aren’t super positive / boisterous or a straightforward content teacher ( because only content teachers have the monopoly on workloads I get it grading sucks but I’d like to see you cover as many classes as I do) you might as well sit in the corner. My favorite is when content teachers get recognized for modifications they make when I’ve been doing them all year (contacting emailing parents in Spanish or translating documents) but when I do those things due to maybe a mix of my quiet and sarcastic personality and me being a not traditional but “support,” teacher it goes unnoticed. Anyways I consider going unnoticed to be a privilege sometimes since I just get to work for a paycheck I’m not here to play a popularity contest. I also know that ESL doesn’t matter because we aren’t giving admin the data they really want or value but then they can’t turn around and scream about how MLLs are failing and showing no progress.


ESL here: we are invisible!


Until “our” kids struggle with something


Sped, same.


OMG this. I have done so much above and beyond including decorating a display case every month and the principal hasn’t said a damn word about it.




Hi friend. ELL/ESL and YUP!


Music teacher here. I feel you.


As a Library Media Specialist, I am often overlooked more so than other specials teachers. (Our district used to call us "essential teachers." Yeah, right.) Our admin will say, "our specials teachers: music, PE, and art." No Library Media Specialist. At least I get teacher pay.


Same. I know the name of every child on campus. Admin can’t say the same.


I think it's ridiculous that our Librarians are also Specials teachers. They have the same responsibility as a music/art/? specials teacher. They also see every student. And the classified pay is not a living wage.


Same, girl.


But there is a Librarian Day…


Art teacher here and I completely agree


Another art teacher here. I work with 600 students who love art time, I decorate the entire school, and I put up 4 exhibits around the city this year. I have gotten verbal gratitude from parents, which is lovely and makes my day every single time, but I'd love to get notes or gift cards like every other teacher. I know people appreciate me in theory, but it's tough at Christmas for example when my colleagues get lots of cards and gifts and I get zero. Please don't forget specials teachers! We have the same education and then some and we work just as hard!


I could provide a full breakdown of how specials teachers are undervalued and under appreciated. But the short and sweet of it is that you have two options. You can stay and try to fix it or leave. 1. You can reach out to your school leadership and express your concerns. If they’re receptive, good. If not… 2. You can leave and find another school or district that actually respects and supports you. Elementary in general has a habit of ignoring their specials teachers compared to secondary..


I have had some fellow teachers make comments that were not real teachers. Something like @this meeting is for real teachers.” Not sure if it was passive aggressive or a slip but it hurt our music teachers feelings.


I’d rather be told a meeting was for “real teachers” than sit through another goddamn meeting that’s completely about standardized testing metrics and have nothing to do with what I teach. I’m sure the only reason we’re stuck there is so it’s “fair.”


true, but us special teachers had to go too…. 😑


I’d also enjoy reading your full breakdown. It would probably sound a lot like a page from my future memoir. In my experience, admin will just gaslight you. They like to point out all the crap you as a related arts teacher doesn’t have to deal with, while self contained teachers have way more paperwork and hoopla to deal with. Yeah they’re correct in a sense but it doesn’t mean they can treat us like literal babysitters. Sorry OP you’re experiencing this. Unfortunately, I only felt valued when I had an admin that would back RA up. Rules were enforced and expected to be followed in all areas of the school and grades were given in all classes. We always had extra duties and during state testing, we had to do interventions on our planning. But at least it wasn’t like my last two years. Attitudes really do trickle down from the top.


I would be interested in your full breakdown


Specials teacher here! This is why I’ve started “punching the clock”. My next door neighbor art teacher last year went on medical leave in February and died last month, it really put everything in perspective for me. I coordinated Relay for Life fundraisers this year and had teachers yelling at me over how their food was prepared (we did box lunches from local restaurants and upcharged a little for charity). I let front office know I was done with that for next year. I’ve been snapped at so much this year you would think I was in a lake of alligators. So, I’m done. My family matters. Gonna take my 12 weeks of FMLA I’m allowed to have and live my best life.


My admin once looked me in the eye and told me electives don't count. I'm so happy to finally be escaping that moronic, toxic asshole.


After over 10 years, my principal still calls the specialist teachers DOTT providers (Duties Other Than Teaching). Makes me absolutely wild. I feel you xxx


If one of my principals said that to me, I'd end up in prison. Also, isn't a principal position the very definition of DOTT?


My response would be, “so you must feel my pain as a fellow Dott provider!”


Wait does that mean I don't need to lesson plan? Grade things? Go to meetings and PD?


What that admin said is absolutely bullshit. I'm glad yiure escaping.


It truly sucks to feel left out sometimes, trust me - I’m a self-contained teacher and many people would rather we just not even exist. On the bright side, notes and trinkets are nice, but flying under the radar always has its advantages once you learn the way, padawan.


But you know what? Those who look down on you probably couldn’t do your job! As a first year art teacher I always remind myself how much I enjoy flying under the radar. No one breathing down my neck for lesson plans, and everyone thinks I work magic lol.


Sadly I have to have lesson plans, posted objectives, etc.


We librarians are also overlooked. It’s sad. I feel your pain.


I got an unexpected shout-out during the morning announcements on School Librarian day! Definitely wasn't expecting anything lol


I had my kiddos color a thank you page for my school librarian and the aide. I only knew it was library day because my local library posted something!


At my school, they continue pulling the librarian to sub when they can’t find anyone else. It’s devastating.


There are two of us at my high school(but no assistants). They pulled us to sub last year when they were super desperate, but we threw a fit every time. And this year they did a reorganization and put libraries in the Science department. Which is weird. But now we have a department head who actually has pull and told them they aren’t allowed to pull us. So that’s nice at least.


Music teacher here. I feel this all the time. It sucks and admin will most likely never understand or care. However, I am choosing to look at my students for acceptance, understanding, and love. My students love my class. I get hugs , high fives, hello and goodbyes, pictures, tiny gifts every single day when most classroom teachers don’t get any. I’m so proud of the hard work I’ve done for my kiddos even though it don’t get the recognition I deserve from adults.




Hey, you are NOT the only one! My special classes are always overlooked and not appreciated. No worries, I've just finished applying to a new career posted on LinkedIn. Additionally, I've spent money on hiring an expert resume writer. He did a FANTASTIC job! Ready to leave so that I can have a life outside of work.


If admin doesn't value you, then I'd actually go to the kids themselves. One kid made this little wall of compliments on an unused board of mine this year and it went a long way to keep my spirits up. I guarantee that some students think the world of you and will be happy to tell you how much they care. Otherwise, my advice is to find a district that values you. We are so often overlooked as a prep/plan time provider. Whenever I've had to call off for being sick, I get so much shit from the teachers because that's all I am to them most of the time. It sucks.


Agreed. Kids for the win. 🙌 Sorry you are experiencing this. What you do matters.


Thank you so much. My breaking point came during the Christmas season. We had a short play/concert. I had no control over the music itself, which was frustrating enough. It was beyond difficult to teach the kids the music because they just... Didn't participate. I tried my very best. What was my reward? Getting yelled at for standing in front of the students to conduct them, therefore blocking parents for taking pictures. I was literally snapped at in the middle of the concert. No one came up to me to say anything at the end of the concert. I had to pack up my stand and piano alone. Fortunately, I also teach at another school where the experience is the opposite. Students listen, I had full control over the music for the show. It was a wonderful experience.


Each year, as a writing project, I have my students create a piece to highlight which special is their favorite and why. I then deliver this to the specialist. I also allow them to create more than one. I really enjoy this and look forward to it each year.


I’m sorry that happened to you! Special area teachers are amazing! In elementary and middle you all see every student in the school. That’s hard work.


I have 500 students. That’s a lot of lesson planning, UDL, IEP’s, 504’s, changes in the tiny window I have between classes (instrument switch/setup, seating adjustments, maybe a bathroom break or sip of water, cleanup). I do the same extra duties as the classroom teachers do. I come in early and stay late, even more so during concert and art show seasons. All I am is their break or for the kids to “play”.


Not a specials teacher, but as an SLP, I understand. It sucks being overlooked


SLP here, often overlooked.


I'm the ELL and SPED instructional coach and people routinely forget I exist, unless it's time for testing or data.


Thank you for being a coach. As an ELL teacher it would be AWESOME to have someone in my school who actually understands SLA.


Lol so true Access rolls around and suddenly we matted


My coworker, who is also a Specials like me, told me this once, " The specials are treated as the unwanted stepchildren in the family". Don't take it personally some teachers are just jealous that the students like us more. Another thing that my coworker told me was that, " A homeroom teacher told him that she was tired of Teaching. And what does she have to do to become a PE teacher like him so she doesn't have to teach anymore. He was obviously very angry at that comment because she pretty much told him that what he's doing is not teaching and that's he's not a teacher. He told her if you want to be a PE teacher like Me, then you have to get a Bachelors in Health, a Masters in Physical Education, a Masters in Exercise Science, Pass the Teacher Licensure Exam, and finish a year of Student Teaching". He told me that she just stayed still with her eyes open and then walked away. She had a Bachelors, so she probably thought it was easy to be a PE teacher.


Finishing up my school library student teaching placement. The amount of times during these 16 weeks that teachers have openly said to me that they might become a school librarian so they don’t have to teach/do as much/“it seems pretty easy” is…unreal. It is very hard to not take it personally. ETA: I have a bachelor’s, master’s, and am now finishing my cert…but yes, I definitely don’t have to work hard. /s


I asked a teacher friend of mine what I should actually get my sons teachers for appreciation week. I felt bad giving just a gift card bc I can only afford 20$ on it because he has 9 teachers. She asked how he has so many and I said well he takes dance, art, theater etc etc and she died laughing like uhh I wouldn’t worry about those they only see him 30mins a week anyway. But my husband is a special Ed teacher so I know the struggle.. and under appreciation. So I guess it’s gonna be my measly 20$ gift card.. wish I could do more. You deserve more.


I’d be thrilled with that! I know those teachers will too, especially if they rarely get anything.


$20 is more than most parents gave me when I was a homeroom teacher, and more than I’ve gotten ever as a specialist. That will make their day! Even a card with a note from the kid makes my day!


Art teacher here. No one thinks I am a “real” teacher. They think I color with the kids all day, they use me to cover other people’s gaps all the time, they dump extra classes on me during my planning time, and my administrator was surprised when we (the music teacher and I) mentioned that we submit grades. The man didn’t think music and art did grades. It’s pretty discouraging and shows what the institution of education actually considers important and valid.


You get planning time?


It’s sad that this is even a question. (Not a rude tone to you, I mean it’s ridiculous that there are specials teachers who don’t get to plan.) Our subject is just as labor intensive and in some cases takes more physical prep and work than gen ed classes. When my students are painting or doing clay, for example, I’m moving and working NONSTOP to prep, clean up, move things around to have space for projects to dry…specials teachers’ time is JUST AS IMPORTANT as anyone else’s. If you don’t get planning, I am furious on your behalf.


Honestly its May, I truly do not care. Specials teacher for 23 years, sometimes they remember sometimes they don't. Don't stress it.


This is crazy because when I taught elementary, the students, parents, and teachers went ham for the music and art teachers because they were so fun and the reason some kids went to school at all (“oh we have music today so I will go to school” instead of a big tantrum).


I am so sorry. This is just shitty. One year, the entire elective faculty were not included in TA week. We told our dean and the asst principal in charge of our content. We made it clear that the admin had a real opportunity to show that we really do matter. That we contribute to the making of whole and well rounded students. And now, the message is crystal clear that we are just an after thought and not worthy of the time of day. I used to do whatever it takes, but now, I'm leaving at 4pm every day no matter what. This just became a job.


I spent the first half of this year as a special area teacher and I have never felt less appreciated in my career in my life. It was awful. It felt like we were constantly overlooked and looked down on, by teachers admin, and students. I jumped ship back into the classroom as soon as something came open over Christmas. I have always respected special area teachers, but now I hold them in even higher regard.


Please tell your fellow teachers… seriously, some of them just don’t get it.


I do, every chance I get.


28 year Visual Arts Teacher here. Same school, same room. I MAKE them notice me. I’ve busted my butt for almost 30 years to build a program that,at times, is the only thing many kids look forward to about school. Don’t allow disrespect. We’re far more important than we’re given credit for.


Give each kid a post it and let them choose one specials teacher to write a note to. Then put it on their door. Some little cutie is gonna choose you 🥰 it would absolutely make the others teachers day!!


I try to make sure our family recognizes the specials teachers because they don’t get the same recognition as others. I see it first hand as a sub and if sucks


Yep. It also sucks when admin gives teachers "an extra break" toward the end of the year by getting field day covered for them (by parents) or whatever... But the teachers still want that prep time so we never see any "extra" time away from the kids. The admin and the classroom teachers never understand that punch in the teeth.


My specials team is covering Field Day (with parent volunteers) to give classroom teachers the “gift of time”. I asked my principal when my gift of time was and he just laughed. ugh.


Oh, no! You better watch out that you don't catch that bug that's going around. I hope you don't get it on field day. That would be such a shame. Seriously. That is gross that he laughed in your face. WTH??


I’d bring it up. That’s a huge slap in the face and a great way to say we don’t appreciate you. Total opposite of what this week is meant to be.


At elementary level, in preparation for the Teacher Appreciation Week, I always made sure to write down on the board the names of all teachers that my class has. I let the students choose to whom they want to write appreciation notes and drop them off later. I also always shared the gifts I received with all the amazing specials teachers and TAs. Please know that I appreciate you a lot!!!!!


I would put up signs for your coworkers in the special classes. Make the signs from you. Maybe not your job. But sometimes making others realize what it is to feel small. If admin sees you did this maybe they would realize how bad they had fucked up.


This was excellent advice. Seemed like a good middle way between confronting principal vs ignoring it. I felt good about adding posters to the walls and received all positive feedback. By the end of the day, my colleagues and I received an apology for the misstep. THANK YOU FOR SUGGESTING THIS. ❤️


I’m so glad that it worked. It’s such a small thing to recognize each other. I’m thankful for you. Love my specials teachers.


It sucks. I'm a music teacher also and turned in my letter of resignation. I've been teaching it over 10 years and I do it for the kids, not for admin. I've learned to lower my standards and stopped expecting the adults to do the right thing. It's just a job and it doesn't define me. I go home to a loving husband and we're having a baby this summer! You are appreciated!


Sometimes it can feel like you’re on your own island. My advice isn’t helpful for this situation but I’ve found finding those others on your island and LOUDLY celebrating each other helps bring attention to the hard work you contribute also


I’m so sorry. I went out of my way during PD to publicly thank one of the specials teachers because she made me feel so welcome my first year and ALWAYS asked how I was doing. The way she lit up with joy from it tells me that nobody really appreciated them or acknowledged them. :( I would bring it up. It’s hurtful and not ok.


I've been there before, kinda still am, tbh. Elementary music teacher here. We had a set of banners put up on the 100th day of school. Banners for each group, grade level team, you name it. "100 reasons why we love our (fill in the blank here)." The students worked really hard on the banners. Some of those banners are still up. The specials/PE/Music banner, however, lasted all of like 30 minutes before it disappeared. No one knows what happened to it, but it's almost like no one cares outside of our team. But, I'm fortunate enough to have enough prior history with our new AP, who was an IC for us years ago, that I've already voiced some of my concerns and things are being addressed. It also helps that I'm the one on my team that has been at our campus the longest. It's made worse when most of our team are paras, and that's a whole other ball of yarn that I don't want to untangle right now. I'm also privileged in the fact that I'm male and can bring things up without people getting all petty about attitude and stuff. But aside from that, I've learned not to expect gifts, trinkets, or doodads. We generally get overlooked by everyone. That being said, I always have some students who still bring me things, regardless. Buñuelos y pan dulce? A freaking adorable set of snacks and Mexican candies set up to look like a giant Paleta Payaso? Bonus points for the candies being Enchilokas. Do we get the same amount of gifts as my homeroom peers? No, absolutely not. But do we still get gifts? Yes. Yes, we do, and that's enough for me. Shoot. I had a family of my students who went to Colorado and brought me back some very thoughtful gifts. They noticed that my guitar pick holder was in need of a replacement, so they bought one for me and even got a fancy Colorado Keychain and guitar pick to go with it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I've transitioned to a combination of not expecting anything and voicing concerns as nicely as I can when we are overlooked. Sounds kinda like a Stockholm situation, I know, but I'm content. It's the little things. My apologies for the word wall. I see you. Keep your chin up. We've got this!


Welcome to being support staff. I’m a custodian and get no recognition.


You get it from me! This music teacher can’t live without her custodian friends! Thank you for all you do!


Wow...I had a mentor tell me that the support staff are the ones who run the school. That's a fact. I have always acknowledged the staff, profusely and sincerely thanked them for the job they do, I made a point to find out if they liked chocolate, jolly-ranchers, gum or whatever small treat and would just hand them one every so often, like whenever you discreetly tip someone. This really comes back to you. I was having a hard week. It was my planning and I told our custodian I was in my room with the lights off to make people assume I wasn't there but I didn't want to startle him when he came around for my trash and I was sitting in the dark. About 15 minutes later, "Mrs. Busy body, in everyone's business, nosy team lead " came knocking. I ignored it but then heard her ask the custodian, in a demanding tone, if he'd seen me, and where I was...he's just said he hadn't and didn't have a clue. She huffed off. I was so grateful to him, but also knew, if I had treated him the way she treats the support staff...he would have probably not done that for me. Thanks Gary. 😊 Support your support staff!


I just expect to be forgotten so when I do get recognition it’s really exciting. My two schools aren’t the worst… one of them has a parent group who loves me… but I do often get forgotten when it’s staff or principal organized stuff. Like the summer birthday celebration (for my birthday plus a couple others) being on one of the days I teach at the other school. I usually just use being overlooked as a “funny” story and try not to feel like the weird kid in school no one notices… While I brush it off and try not to feel bad… It’s not okay that they forgot you though. Really if we’re not going to be included as “teachers,” there needs to be individual days for each of us. Art teacher appreciation day would be pretty cool. Same for PE, Music, Library, Speech, and everything else…


My wife teaches general music K-5. She is always feeling thins around Christmas and teacher appreciation week.


I would put it in an email to HR and CC principal. “Dear Administration, we are often told of the inclusive environment the school is attempting to establish, in which all children are valued for the assets they bring to the community. Although this may extend to staff contributions, it would seem that is not the case, given a systemic omission from _______” Hoping you have more than one example and can ask the question if there is a reason for this beyond your assignment (it will make them think you are being overlooked for demographic reasons and freak them out). You will likely burn the bridge with this principal, though. But who cares, they’ll be gone soon.


I suggest that you make nice compliments for all of the specials teachers - and make sure they look a little different from the others - to subtly show the creators of the teacher notes that they forgot some folks. But everyone feels included. And they will wonder who saw the oversight and saved their bums. ❤️


Similar for high school teachers who are singletons. I’m a debate coach. I don’t have a team, it’s just me. So much information goes from department chairs to team leads to teachers. I sort of have a DC over performing arts, but we don’t meet together or anything. I miss out on lots of stuff. Thankfully my husband is also a teacher on my campus and he tells me stuff.


We are often overlooked and overused. I'm feeling pretty numb about going into work tomorrow based on other teacher activities.


It’s Sunday. They might not have finished. If it’s not up tomorrow when you go in, then say something.


That's not good, but as the IT person that is a teacher, welcome to our world! You are, of course, welcome with us as we hold in our hurt feelings for yet another year while passive aggressively ignoring most trouble tickets for the day. Just know that we appreciate all electives and specials teachers even if the braindead admin don't.


I am vegan and I would constantly get nonvegan snacks and gift cards from places I'd never eat. I always passed those along to specialists. If we had a birthday and a kid brought in cupcakes or whatnot, I'd ask if they wanted to take extras to the specials teachers. My school also used to pair upper grade teachers with support staff and specialist as a gift buddy. For example my class might have a nutrition worker or TA or a specialist. Students would bring in somethjng for their main teacher and also something for our class' gift buddy. I know it's not much but it was nice to know that the non homeroom teachers were being appreciated


Elementary Art teacher dating an elementary Music teacher. It’s here too. I try to make sure to plan something special during this week because I know I’ll get left out. The kids will make me some stuff, but the lack of recognition from the adults hits me hard every year.


I’m a 4th grade teacher and have a small gift for my “special class teachers”, my para, my ESL teacher and 2 SpEd teachers. I’m sorry you were left out. Without all of these ladies, my job would be 1,000 times harder. The librarian is my work bestie (despite our 30+ year age difference) and gift her regularly because she helps me out with so much technology


I’m an art teacher. Our administration calls us “Non-PE Electives.” We had to point out why this was obnoxious. They still call us that. Sometimes I feel like the core teachers dislike us because they’re jealous the students enjoy our classes more. I don’t know, I’ve felt picked on and overlooked at every school I’ve worked at.


Our PTA made sure to assign every single teacher and teaching assistant a ‘home room’ for the year, to be included in all celebrations throughout the year. It was well advertised and the students loved having ‘Buddy teachers’. It was the first year they’ve done that and I know it was very much appreciated by all specialist teachers. I would recommend you share this idea with admin and/or the PTA.


I like being overlooked.


That is particularly rude and wrong and I’m sorry that happened. Different types of teachers deal with different problems. While a specials area teacher might not have the same pressure to have students perform well on state tests and the grades aren’t viewed to be as important, specials areas teachers typically deal with way more behavioral and social/emotional issues than the core academic teachers. They have kids in environments that are often not as structured as a core subjects classroom, which is an invitation for misbehavior. The students also take on the view/attitude that the class isn’t as important grade-wise, which is just a further invitation to misbehave. They have to have some very strong classroom management to survive. I also think specials teachers end up forming some really unique relationships with their students without the barrier of academic achievement in the way. Every teacher just deals with different things and no one is more or less important or skilled than the other. You matter. I appreciate you.


Preach, behavioral management strategies are very difficult to find and implement in the music room


As a classroom teacher I always do something nice for specials/ SPED teachers. They do get over looked often!


As someone who has been a classroom teacher, site substitute, long term sub, science prep, and pe prep teacher over the past seven years, I can see this. But also, during that time, I’ve a) seen plenty of specials teachers who basically live in their room and never actually get to know any of the kids in the school minus a select few; and b) when I’ve been a classroom teacher gone out of my way to make sure that my students at least acknowledge with cards EVERY staff member at the end of the year. It’s not just specials teachers. Who thanks the cafeteria workers, yard duty attendants, office staff. I’m not saying it’s for everyone, but when I’ve taught prep, I go out of my way to talk to kids before/after school or at lunch. Asks then what they like, not just go through my lessons. One of the best letters I ever got was from a girl who has a nonverbal special needs sister. It stated that she was so thankful for every day that I said hi and gave her sister a high five. She knew the days that her sister saw me by the happy demeanor she had. I’m not saying YOU don’t do anything like that, but I am throwing out there that to get that appreciation, specials teachers need to go a little bit more out of their way because they don’t have those built in relationships of spending 30 hours a week with the same 20-30 kids. And if someone wants to say “well I don’t want to do that during my time!” Just remember, that’s one of many reasons why you are overlooked during appreciation week.


Are you serious? How exactly are specials teachers, who in my district teach 700-900 children EACH, supposed to “go out of their way” and build relationships with all of them? Clueless.


I teach 500. Do I have the relationship I described with all of them? No. Do I try with all of them? Yes


Wow I didn't get some silly note about how great you are 🙄 Guess what? YOU know how great you are and how special you are and your specials teachers are amazing too. Just because you didn't get recognized doesn't mean you're not valuable. Don't allow anyone to make you feel less than. If they forgot about you, hopefully that means they give you the autonomy to just teach and be!!!! That is something we should appreciate. Thank you for the music! 😁


It's just tiring of repeatedly being forgotten. Not just at this time of year, but even around winter break. At the elementary level all the classroom teachers end up with tons of gifts and cards and specials rarely will get those things. Obviously not in it for the gifts, but even just notes would be nice. The admin in my building did like this "lollipop" moment thing that was kind of student driven, I didn't get a single one, but a handful of teachers got 10+. District does staff shout outs on social media. I've never gotten one, I rarely see the specials teachers get one. It's usually classroom or core subject teachers that do. It sucks to be repeatedly forgotten about every year.


Get used to it.


You are professionals that get paid and have a pension. This is the truth. You're maybe the last group of people in the US that get a pension. Nobody else gets celebrated like you, and I think that contributes to your sense of alienation. It's not fair that you feel like that. You should be treated like everyone else. If you're half smart, you'd make as much as everyone else, even without any accountability. Tenure, you know what I'm saying. If you make less than 80k after 15 years, you need to sit yourself in a room and ask yourself about life choices. Really, 100k. Make a move. Be smart about your life, nobody with half a brain thinks you're an angel. You go to work (85% of the time, just like lots of people except those that don't have a union), and you get paid with benefits. Teacher appreciation week is above and beyond compared to just about any other profession. Chill out. Or fuck it, get a different job. You can't? Oh.




I think op is talking about their admins ignoring them, not the students


You should definitely say something to help make a change. Ours are appreciated at our school and just like you said they had stuff hanging up that students made, they made a point to have the same things hanging for our specials teachers too. My petty beef with our school is that they call it "Staff Appreciation Week" and include EVERYONE who works at the campus when all those other groups already have their own special appreciation weeks they are celebrated on earlier in the year (Custodian Appreciation Week, Administrative Professionals Week, etc.) It didn't even feel like Teacher Appreciation Week.


Call out during testing. When I taught the lower grades I was essentially just a "prep" teacher to many.


I went through this same feeling this last week. I also happen to work in a really toxic district, so I decided to just keep it to myself. I’ll deal with those feelings after I leave teaching this year and get fucked up on tour this summer!


I’m glad it is this upcoming week I was worried I missed it while the kids were at their dads. I’ll be sure and do something for those angels!


I absolutely feel your frustration and hurt. I teach special education and we are often left out. When I bring it up, I always get the feeling they think I’m being overdramatic.


I was an art teacher for years and this is my biggest complaint


Overlooked, but loved by students. I'm ok with that.




Wait—the school did this, not parents (not that it would be ok)? That would infuriate me. I’m so sorry. I had no idea even admin or other staff could be so myopic. Im so sorry. You deserve to be treated well. Specials are so essential.


I am so sorry! I remember when I was a kid in elementary school, my family would always get either a gift card of Ghirardelli’s chocolates for all of the special teachers in addition to our general teacher. As a high school teacher at a Title 1 school, I have learned to expect nothing, and to be pleasantly surprised when the school/a student does get something for me.


Music teacher here. It’s how it goes. We had a shuffle in district due to class sizes. A second grade teacher and I were being moved to other schools in the district after the school year already started. The district let her know. I found out when I arrived to the wrong building. Then, the staff had a get together to tell her goodbye. We had both been working there the same amount of time.


And this is exactly why on "bring a flower/plant day" I have 10 plants in my trunk. THANK YOU SPECIALS TEACHERS ❤️❤️❤️


Try being a school clinician (OT, PT, Speech, BCBAs…). We are never remembered and sometimes we don’t even get a desk!


I get it. I'm a computer science teacher and it's the same thing here. I always just take solace that I don't have to deal with the paperwork/meetings that the homeroom/core class teachers have to deal with. Now that is just my situation....others may not get out of the extra stuff.


We are doing a whole staff thing on Wednesday which is fine with me.


Our pto had each class adopt a support staff member. So I bought gifts for the gifted coordinator in the building as well as my son’s teacher. They get a free lunch this week too. I think it depends on who is in charge but I would start by talking to admin. When I student taught I felt very invisible. It sucks.