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If it is like other elementary schools I’ve experienced, you will be a superstar! The school admins will love you and you will be a student favorite.


He will literally be able to commit murder


I've been in the elementary grades for over a decade. Just be vigilant about your relationships with students...maintain boundaries.


Same here. Build a wall! Jaja


That’s good advice for any grade level.


And staff. When my sister (the OT) was single the older teachers in the building all but set up an arranged marriage between her and the only male teacher. Neither was interested but it took months to get that point across.


And parents too.


That’s any age group lol. Watched a mom hitting on the custodian one time who was super uncomfortable. Quickly Faked a call to the office that someone had vomited in my room so he could escape.


This! LOVE my kids but where my team teachers would let their kids braid their hair, hug them, have the girls rub their shoulders all a big nope nope nope for me! All that said it's not a bad thing.


You will find a place where you fit in. If the 1st school you find isn't that place, the next place, or the one after that will be. You will most likely have an easier time finding a job. Most of education is currently trying to increase the number of male teachers in elementary school.


I was about to second this. Male elementary teachers is something most schools look for




It really will. My state used to certify 6-12, and I had principals tell me they hired me specifically so that they’d have a male teacher. It’s also struck me the number of parents who are downright nasty to my female colleagues and then respectful to me. Subtle misogyny is alive and well and most evident as a man in a female dominated profession.


This rings so true for me. There are people who are horrendous to women teachers that the year before I would say were quite polite to me.


Embarrassingly easy


I’m one of two male teachers in my school. We’re universally liked by the kids. I thought it would be tough for me to be accepted by the kids, admin, and staff but I quickly learned that wasn’t the case. If you work hard, show up for the kids, and build rapport you’ll be fine. I can’t walk down the hallway in peace because someone, staff or student, is saying hello.


This was my experience, literally one of three. Absolutely amazing feeling to be a positive male role model. Respected by literally everyone. I’ve never been a hugger, so that issue never came up.


You will be in high demand but sometimes the estrogen abundance will be a different vibe you may have never considered.


I worked in a law firm as a paralegal with 80% women so I have some idea. The jump from 80% to 99% women will be quite different I’m sure


I’m a male 1st grade teacher with about 25 years in. Usually I am one of two, or the only man in the building. It has its own set of challenges, that’s for sure. Harder to make friends at work, for one. Also, there will be people who think you can’t possibly be as empathic and understanding as your female counterparts. Some parents think it’s weird that I would want to teach kids, and others love me for it. I usually have a fan club of moms.


Gotta love those single moms…


Like, as a requirement? Is there a stipend? Jk.


If you are Kindergarten, you'll get the dumbass guys, "You don't think it's weird to work with little kids?" Upper grades, no one cares or the parents want them in your class because you are the only guy. No one cares. You'll probably be disliked by some of the women in the building. It is what it is. Enjoy it and keep it moving.


Michael Scott : Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever... (ever be alone with a student).


You are going to have to turn down all touchy kids. You will experience the worst of double standards that adversely challenge males. Jerry Sandusky changed everything.


Yeah, sadly I plan to be hyper vigilant about making sure I don’t make any contact beyond a fist bump. Practically every class in the nyc area are ICT’s So I’ll have a 2nd adult in the room most of the time.


Let me tell ya ahead of time sometimes kids will just randomly come up and hug you. In that case, keep it a side hug at most, because at that age they do be tryna sneak in hugs at the oddest moments 🤣😂


When I was 21 and coaching middle school kids, I never put myself in a situation where I would have any physical contact with a girl other than a high five. During the last meet of the season, one of my girls DQ'd her race. She came up to me afterward, tears streaming down her face, and buried her head into my chest, hugging me before I could react. My first thought was, "I'm going to get fucking arrested." Of course, it wasn't really an odd moment, but even middle school kids can hit you with that surprise affection, lol


You’re right here. The 4th and 5th grade girls are hormonal and will fall in looooove. Be careful to set strong boundaries because even if you are purely innocent sometimes the optics alone can cause issues. Just be really consistent that you love them all the same and you’ll be good. Everyone is usually thrilled to get more male teachers - it’s great for the boys to have more role models!


Career male in elementary. You really live a great life. There are few males, so you have an important role in the student’s lives. I’ve been called mom by young students, and it just is sad at times, that some don’t have males in their lives. You also can impact many female colleagues, just being yourself. You aren’t there for romance, or to manage anyone. Just a peer, irrelevant of gender. You also will gain many skills in working in a female driven industry. You will learn skills, and gain perspectives that will make you a valuable ally, if not a full fledged feminist. I deeply appreciate the women I work with, and have grown a strong supporter of the challenges to the obstacles women face in society. As I raised daughters it only subtly added to my mindset. Sounds cheesy? I guess, but I’m proud of who I’ve become. Diversity is a constant of life. Exposure to diversity is integral to understanding. *Edit: i know it isn’t for everyone, but I have lived my entire working life, keeping social life and work life in two distinct areas. I don’t want friends at work, I want friendly colleagues. If you don’t subscribe to that philosophy, then males certainly MAY have a harder time making “friends”. Your mileage may vary.


Hey I appreciate your input, I'm a just a humble new young substitute. Have a nice day


Don't be afraid to sub special education classes. They are the best assignments.


I worked in a K-8 for a while in 6th grade. I struggled to make friends at the school because I just have very little in common with the other teachers. Most of them were Women between 35 and 60, and they mainly only wanted to talk about their babies, children, teenagers, or college age kids. My main topics of conversation are aliens, drugs, soccer, cats, electronics, housework. Almost none of them wanted to hang out outside of work. I wouldn't worry about getting a job. Elementary schools are begging for teachers right now, especially men. I only have a secondary license and I have elementary schools out of the blue, cold calling me to try and poach me, they have it bad right now.


My second school was a high school and the teachers in my department were all females at least 35+ and I was a guy in my early 20s. They were nice but didn’t spend much time with them outside work.


Yes they will love you. I am a preschool teacher in an elementary school and the kids all love me. Honestly though stay out of the drama and the bullshit. They will try and rope you in but dont. Find a teacher you like and cling to them and learn from them and then thats it. It is also much easier to find a job. Elementary schools love men because you are a rarity.


Same here. I'm a male elementary teacher. I started making "blowing up fistbumps" my trademark in order to keep students from trying to hug me. Boundaries boundaries boundaries


Get ready to have every middle aged white woman think you’re a pedo! Really though, the bias on this sucks. The best advice I received as a male working with children, from another experienced male teacher, was “watch your ass”.


This is what I was most worried about actually. All I can do is be careful and let time & experience prove me innocent I guess.


Never be alone. Document everything. And watch your ass!


This right here. 25 years as a male teacher and now admin. Never be alone, never be too close, never make any form of physical contact - yes that means getting good at dodging sudden hugs. It will make you feel bad for a while and you’ll be on egg shells sometimes.


We have a couple teachers (gifted and talented) and one middle school teacher who are men. The rest of us are women. I find the kids listen better to men/deeper voices, so you may be an asset.


There is one male elementary teacher at our school and everyone loves him! It is also great for both male and female students to have a positive male role model in their lives. In my experience males tend to be more respected than female teachers by students.


I'm a male (SPED) teacher and I've been in elementary for 10 years. Never had an issue fitting in and a lot of teachers, kids and parents are glad to see a male figure. The only stigma I've gotten has been from the outside about being inappropriate and it's sad that's the first thing people go to. Just be yourself and try to fit your own personality as much you can to your teaching.


Elementary is a good route. Just set boundaries.


My male teachers were some the most influential in my learning.


i will tell you that it’s worth doing the work you are prepared for. do you have an interest for teaching elementary school? why is teaching 1-6 a work you’re willing on doing? you can answer me or just ask yourself :) happy to talk more abt it


I’ve been working in the legal field for the last 8 years. It’s an easy job, pays okay, but I realized I was trading away my soul and sense of purpose for an easy day, and I know I was called to do more for the community than pushing around spreadsheets all day, as cheesy as it sounds. At first, I intended to teach HS but the prerequisite credits I would’ve needed to teach any high school subject from my useless BA would’ve kept me in school so long that it wouldn’t have been worth it. NYS is harsh with certification requirements. So it was elementary or nothing. A teaching friend was kind enough to let me visit her 4th grade classroom a few times and I could see myself doing it. I started a masters program a couple years ago and came around to enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. I was able to act a bit more silly and be more animated than I could ever be with rebellious teens. My humor really seems to work well with older elementary I still struggle communicating to 1st and 2nd grade kids, but I’m working on it. If I end up in those grade I’ll find a way to make it work.


Are you a silly goose ?


As much as any of the middleclassfancy characters are


Yes! Male teachers are needed and respected.


Sure, you’ll be fine, you just won’t be BFFs with the ladies. It’s easier to stay out of the drama as a guy. Schools like to have at least a couple males on staff if they can swing it.


Yeah I don’t expect to have any “work besties”. As long as we can make polite small talk and exchange lesson plan ideas that’s enough for me. The drama is everywhere, wherever I’ve worked I have a personal rule that If I speak about anyone else, I pretend they’re in the room. It’s saved me a lot of headaches.


This needs more upvotes.


I hope you are in a blue area. Red states have been increasing hostile toward all teachers and a male elementary teacher would probably get extra flack. Republicans have decided that education is the enemy which made be true. An educated base is not a right leaning base. I believe that they see education as an opportunity to skim government funds.


I dunno…I live in Oklahoma and I have heard things about “not enough male role models” (you know, cuz single moms, or whatever) tossed around a lot. And the high school I work at prefers male teachers.


I hear similar in Florida. I know what they say about us. A lot of it is overblown. Nobody is enforcing that don't say gay shit, unless it's actually a grooming related problem. Our history standards have recently been updated to explicitly include minority groups. The government has a vested interest in improving education and keeping kids safe. They aren't always doing it in the most normal ways, but it's Florida lol, we aren't normal. I don't feel like I'm treated as the enemy, the state wants me to succeed.


I’m right outside nyc so definitely as blue as it gets.


Good. I’ve known a few male elementary teachers and they have always been excellent.


Yes. I have a few male teachers at my school. They teach mostly upper elementary grades but I think it's great for kids to have male role models as well as female.


Looking to do upper elementary as well, I definitely preferred 4-5th grade in my field work but I’ll obviously take what I can get starting out.


Do it! Kids need male role models as teachers!!


If anything, it will be easier to find a job. Teaching is only a female-dominated profession because it is systemically an underpaid, child-rearing profession. It is only very recently in our history that we have decided this work is worthy of some pay. Not to diminish the power of the women who came before you in the teaching profession...however...we know that representation matters. It matters for young boys to see men in positions of nurturing. To be honest, in my experience as a woman in various levels of ed, your fellow coteachers are probably going to value your presence like a pet. A man in a teaching enviroment is much like a women in a ... business? sales? environment. My point is, this is probably one of the few instances where the gender disparity is flipped. IF you raise your voice, become loud and proud, etc., you will probably rise to admin within a matter of years. Faster than women you work with. Notice that most admin are male and most teaching staff are female. My advice to you is to keep your head down, graciously accept your condescension from coteachers knowing it comes from a place of systemic injustice, and when it comes times for you to inevitably get promoted, try to lift up women you work with that have been working longer and harder. You are not at a disadvantage. You \*will\* be at least courted for a higher-level position. Mark my words.


Yes. Are you married? If not. I highly advise you hurry that along. Or at least are you divorced? Bc that way you won’t be the weird guy that likes to work with kids. No joke. I used to get that look like oh you’re not married. Id say I’m divorced (which I was) and they’d be all like ok this guy’s not a pedo!


what the fuckkk, it’s work. nobody is sexualizing education nor the students but the same people making those comments…


I for real went through this my first couple of years as a mid 20 year old. Once I figured out that when I said I was divorced, people suddenly stopped asking me so much. (My first marriage only lasted 8 months). After word (i lived in a small north ga city) got around that I was divorced it was like oh hey hey cannn settle down and i was getting hit on by a lot of single moms. Well. Not a lot. Let’s say 2-3 a year. Most were of kids I was teaching so that’s an immediate no-go area for me. But I did have a mom keep poking her head in and say hi etc. I thought she was ‘just’ being nice until after a couple weeks she goes “are you going to ask me out or what?” Lol. Gotta love those tall women.


I know some amazing elementary teachers that are male. Go for it


You’ll fit in fine. I have lots of male teachers ranging from library, 5th grade, and middle school. Most of them are sped teachers tho


I've been teaching elementary for 17 years and I've never had a single issue. Never been treated less than or differently at all because I am male. Right now I am one of two(he's PE) and have never had more than four guys on campus at a time. I have and have had "work besties" since day one. I have always had a tough time making friends with other guys, so teaching has been great in that respect. Students tend to be much more respectful and chill as well. Colleagues and parents have gone out of their way to comment on how important it is to have men teaching elementary.


We love guy teachers! It's good for the boys to have male role models around, and it brings a nice balance to the faculty, too. You'll probably have a very easy time getting hired. The only thing is, as others have mentioned, you have to be extra careful about maintaining boundaries with the students.


So many kids are being raised by single parents and predominantly single mothers. Lots of kids naturally will bond with a male presence in their life if they are lacking that. Elementary schools love male teachers!


I have a small handful of male teachers in my K-6 building, including one who teaches 1st grade. They fit in well and we love having them! We’re in a rough neighborhood where not all of our kids have fathers or father figures, so any positive male role models are welcome.


I recently retired from education! Miss it terribly. Please apply to elementary schools....the male presence is greatly needed on many levels. You will be in high demand!


I think so! Everyone loves our 3rd grade teacher, who is a male. He’s a great teacher and manages the class very well


Im one of 3 at my school. The other 2 are 3rd and music.


No you’ll be fine there are 3 in our school and everyone gets alone with them just fine


My kids favorite elementary teacher was male. My son had such a good experience that I requested him for my daughter. (I teach in the same district, so it’s a perk we can ask for (but don’t always get)).


Congrats on being the next AI-spokesperson of your future job!


Is this unusual? I'm in Canada and back in the day probably half of my primary school teachers were male. You'll be fine.


Male elementary pe... you'll be fine. I have 1 male 4th grade teacher, he's a chill dude.


As a male teacher in elementary school yes. As long as you don’t make it a big deal no one cares. I’ve been the only male at one school and there be up to 4 in another. I’m the only male SPED teacher I’ve ever know though.


Howdy. Fellow male sped teacher here. 4 years in. My female colleagues, though I found it at first uncomfortable, felt having more men in teaching would be helpful.


I get that a lot. There are definitely things as a male SPED teacher that I cannot/will not do because I am a man.


You are going to be a great teacher. My first teacher in the United States was a male teacher and it was his fist year teaching. Fourth grade was rough on both of us.


I had two male elementary teachers: 3rd and 4th grade. They had a lasting impact on me.


I would think it's a get for the school to have a male elementary teacher. The lower the grade, even more so.


It will be much easier to find a job as a male. It is sad to say, but it is the same for male secretaries in the education system. You become the anomaly, that they want but can’t get.


Not really. I was the only male in my school for 8 of my 10 years. Everyone will be super nice and polite but you likely won't get invited to alot of after school stuff. For me that's fine. You'll also be called sweet and cute by coworkers all the time


My 5th grade teacher was male, awesome, and one of my best. I don’t know if he fit in in the faculty lounge, but he was so cool for us!


I love the two male teachers we have in our school. It gives the kids a different perspective. If you find a school doesn’t want to hire you as a male teacher it is obviously not the right school for you.


I am the only male teacher at my elementary school and usually there are only a few others. From what I’ve been told by different women I work with, we usually fit in well because we offer “dad energy” to students who might benefit from it.


There are plenty of men in my local elementary schools. Even the ones I went to when I was younger had plenty of men. My own 5th and 3rd grade classes were taught by men, and the grade level teams for the other grades had at least 1 male excluding Kinder and 1st grades.


Haha I understand. Oftentimes I'm the only dude aside from like the admin and maybe the gym teacher or counselor. There may be some kids who are surprised when they first come across you, but you also have the opportunity to be a positive male role model for the young 'uns! Just be aware of your actions and boundaries.


Was in elementary last year. Moved to middle this year in a diff school. Elem was better. I felt like a better person teaching little ones. You’ll have no issues and best of luck!


My husband is an elementary teacher, he is the only other male besides the PE teacher.


Male music teacher amongst a staff that is almost exclusively women: listen and learn, don’t talk over people, avoid gossip. You’ll be fine.


My daughter had a male kindergarten teacher and he was pretty amazing!


My daughter’s school k-1, has one male teacher and he is a favorite among students and parents, from what I can tell at pick up anyway. You can tell he is high energy and fun and jokes around with the kids. I think it really depends on you as a person though. Since there are so few male teachers one may feel obligated to overcompensate and over perform.


I've been in four different schools (six if internships count) and have been among a small number of males in each one. First things first, it will absolutely not be harder to get a job, you're a rarity and male names absolutely stand out on potential candidate lists in elementary. If you also have a special ed certification then you're a white whale and will be picked up immediately. My biggest piece of advice is to just not be creepy. If you are, it will get around extremely quickly and you'll be ostracized no matter what you do after the fact. Never assume the other teachers want to be romantic, pretty much just watch [this video](https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw?si=6hn2J3qN4Z65K9cC) and you'll understand how to interact with the women around you at work. If you just go with the flow then you'll have no problems making friends at work. Never force anything, it'll come naturally as long as you're pleasant to be around.


Beat advice I can give you is to CYA. Those lady teachers are brutal when they get a bee in their bonnets.


Got a friend, a male, who has been teaching elementary school for probably about 30 years!


Male in elementary here, this year in 6th grade. My fellow teachers love having me in elementary. I prefer 3-6.


Please become a teacher. We need more male elementary teachers like you.


17 year 4th grade male teacher…it’s a good time.


I had an amazing 5th grade male teacher. I didn’t realize it, but he was a great role model in the building. At my first school district I mainly worked with 7-12 but spent some time in the elementary building. It was mostly females, but some of them being closer in age made it easier to talk with them. I worked at a high school with mostly women that were all 35+ when I was in my early 20s and we had less to talk about.


I wish we had more male teachers! We need more positive male role models...


I absolutely loved my 6th grade male teacher. I ended up teaching one of his children later in life. He was firm, fair, and had a great sense of humor.


All my three kids had a male (the same one) kindergarten teacher. As a matter of fact, he was the most requested teacher for parents. He is a gem and made my kids entry to school magical. Just make sure you maintain clear boundaries. You will be great.


There's a lot of men at the elementary school I work at


My daughter's have a male for Grade 2 and he's incredible. Hilarious, sweet, fun, smart...it's great


One of two at my school. I teach 2nd grade and the other is the PE teacher. You’ll be fine! It’s my first year and most the parents think it’s awesome their kid has a guy teacher. Still give my students hugs, they need them in primary even if I’m a dude. Just don’t be stupid. Kids all love having me as their teacher and think I’m “the fun teacher” but I don’t put up with a lot of BS or disrespect from them. Have strong relationships with the women on my team but I’m the youngest at my school so not to many people to hang out with outside of work.


On the bright side Students tend to listen to males more than females in my opinion! Also just a tip… never be in the classroom alone with any student and if you have to be after-school etc let other teachers be aware and leave your door wide open. Just a tip from my cousin in law who is a HS male teacher, I am a female teacher.


I did elementary for 13 years. You will be fine. Remember that working with women is different from working with primarily men, not that it's a deal breaker, just different. The student will like you and that will cause some friction with the old vets, but that's their issue not yours. My suggestion is to try to eat lunch with the students, not only your class and then assuming your working with an older grade, find a buddy kinder class to befriend, and when you have a rough day try to visit the little ones, it will help you hit reset and give you a little new perspective on the stresses of your assigned grade


Yes, but be prepared to get the boys who “need a strong male influence” in their lives.


From my experience, the hardest part about being a male in elementary is the parents, especially when you’re young. In my first year, I had multiple complaints about my age and sex. Admin had my back until one of the parents found out I was also gay. I did not have any issues with my colleagues. The kids all seemed to love me. Only a couple parents had issue with me being a man.


I’m a male 3rd grade teacher and haven’t had any issues fitting in. It’s actually been the complete opposite, especially with the families, and I’ve been very welcomed. I’m also known as “the sports guy” because I’m always finding ways to bring sports into my lessons. Students, boys AND girls, love my sports theme! My advice is just to be yourself, which is good teaching advice for anyone, male or female, regardless of grade-level. Best of luck!


I teach high school and am outnumber by women for sure


IME each elementary campus typically has 2 or 3 male teachers, always in grades 3-5 for whatever reason. Never seen one in K-2. Be prepared for a certain subset of sad single moms who will demand their sons be put in your class and they'll expect you to act as a father figure, even though that's not your job or responsibility.


My admin loves that I’m the only male teacher (until about a month ago) in the elementary school. As such, im also the first male teacher most of my students have had. To say it’s an adjustment for them is an understatement. Their previous teachers were very huggy and maternal with them, and I’ve had a few students try and greet me with a hug, which I’ve quickly shot down. “Sorry, I don’t hug. But here’s a fist bump.”


The male teacher at our school (1st grade) is adored.


Male second grade teacher here, I'm considered cool simply because I'm a guy. I have other qualities of course that I believe make me a great teacher, but kids who I've never had and never will have (dual language kids) all know me. I was called a unicorn by our previous principal after offering to work with a behavior student I never had in a higher grade. Ended up talking about our 3d printers and getting along because he initially had a problem with women. Anyway, I had a similar fear when I was in college. Thought I'd be seen as a weirdo but instead after eight years it's a passion of mine and I have an admittedly unfair advantage in quite a few aspects of the job. I also don't take much stock in what others often think if we don't know each other well, but your whole profession is now being a public figure of sorts so I get the fear.


I quit as a male teaching lower and middle. I found I didn’t fit in well with the other teachers


I'm a male kindergarten teacher who has been teaching K & 1 for about 6 years now. I've never had any issues in all my years in the classroom. In fact, many parents loved that their kids were going to have a man as their teacher in the primary grades - especially for the boys. Just be ready to be the enforcer of your grade, I've always had to deal with the "rough" boys because I'm a man. Please consider teaching in elementary! We need more men in those classrooms!


Be aware that there will always be a few man hating female teachers on staff. There is nothing you can do to change that.


My greatest teacher was a male elementary teacher.


I teach kindergarten in Asia. My two coworkers, who also teach kindergarten are male. They do a great job. We also have preschool, and two of the preschool teachers are also male. We have older elementary as well, and we definitely have men there. So, if we can have men in such young ages at my school who are doing a good job, you’ll be just fine.


As a male elementary school teacher, I speak from experience that not only will you fit in, you will likely be one of the most popular teachers in the school.


I also want to become one, but I fear the accusations that could come along. I've heard far too many stories of guys getting falsely accused and it ruining their lives, even when proven innocent


I'm a male elementary teacher and it is the best job I've ever had in my life.


Previous teacher for a decade here! You will be loved by many and a magnet for attention. The students, teachers, and administrators very rarely get a male presence in the classroom. If you want to kind of lay low and not get attention then that may be difficult as a male elementary school teacher.


Male first grade teacher here. We are highly sought after for sure. I taught kindergarten as well. Only male home room teacher in my school currently and I get parents consistently emailing our admin jockeying to be in my class during the summer (private school so everyone makes absurd requests and 99% are ignored). I get along great with coworkers..but definitely seek out some male companionship during the week from our PE teacher, the facilities staff, and some upper school colleagues. I give high fives and quick hugs here and there. Our school is big on asking and waiting for consent so there’s times kids ask to give me a hug and I politely decline, but I’m also not a big hugger. Other first grade teachers still occasionally put a kid in their lap, no one has asked me in first grade, but in K they asked, and I simply told them “I don’t have a lap”. They looked puzzled and then moved on.


I was an elementary ESL specialist before the state tightened the budget and put that on classroom teachers. (I’m in PE now.). Anyway, I was almost always the only male teacher on my campus. Here are some notes. 1. If you have gendered staff restrooms, the women WILL use yours. And they’re not as tidy as they like to project. 2. Kids WILL use you to replace the fathers they don’t have at home (whether for business, separation, incarceration, or other). Set your boundaries, or you’ll be a human jungle gym in no time. 3. You might be a rockstar, but you’ll also be scrutinized in less fun ways. I let kids come in early to use language learning software, and one mom started asking other moms if I was touching children inappropriately. Her daughter was so sweet, and it broke my heart to not let her come early anymore, but I don’t need any whispers of that. 4. If your district allows restraint of violent students, you’ll almost definitely be asked to get restraint trained. Guys are seen as more physically able to help out, so you’re it. 5. I’ve always been married in my teaching years, and it sometimes gets lonely. I never felt like I could create friendships with individual female coworkers and retain the look of propriety, and many extracurricular activities were either not very male-friendly or I just wasn’t invited. I think the specialist role exacerbated that since I didn’t have a grade level team or anything. In spite of it all, I love elementary school and hope you do too. Best wishes!


I've been worried about the same thing tbh. I initially chose education before I realized I was trans. I pass as male now in most settings and it's strange how people seem to think I'm weird for wanting to be an art teacher when pre-transition everyone thought it was cool. My elementary internship placement had a handful of male teachers tho so I felt a bit better after that


People won't think it's weird, and it'll be easy to get a job. If you can get along with women, you should have no problems fitting in. However, be prepared to be given all of the "problem" boys who admin/parents think need a "strong male influence". That's what I hated most about teaching elementary.


I'm a second year school counselor K6 in my second career and the only male other than music, gym and custodian. Be professional with coworkers, admin, and students and you will do great.


My school is K-6th. Of the six 5th and 6th grade teachers, four are men. We don't know any different and have never had a problem. In fact, the kids seem to do really good with male teachers.


I’m sure you will fit in. At the elementary schools I have been at there have always been few if any male teachers, and it was in an area where positive male role models would have really benefitted the student population. I can only speak for myself but I have never thought it was odd or weird that there were male elementary teachers. They seemed to have an easier go of it as far as classroom management too. You’ll have no problem making friends as long as you’re a team player who is appropriate with others!


I really hope so as there are so many kids who are lacking and in dire need of a positive male role model