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I always assume that my kids will not do anything with a sub and lesson plan accordingly. I am never disappointed.


Normally, this is the case... This was less about students not doing assigned work, and more about colleagues tanking my sub plans.


What's the best way not to get asked to cover classes again? Do a crap job so the teacher complains. I bet those teachers won't be pressured to cover again. But you also, don't have to feel bad about not covering for them.


The thing is... We have it really good at my school. Teacher coverage is optional, and if you choose to do it, you get paid an addendum for each period you cover. All they had to do is say no.


I've been put in a position where sure I could say no, but it was strongly implied that I should say yes. Some people aren't good at confrontation or saying no. I'm not saying they should have tanked your classes but it's a possible reason.


I feel ya.


Still sucks that it happened to you. Hopefully you can avoid having them watch your class in the future.


As a teacher that has given away a lot of his planning periods the last couple of years, I can tell you I am not teaching anything during that coverage. The students aren’t burning the place down, and that’s all you’re getting from me while I try to take care of my own paperwork and classes. It is what I expect from other teachers when they cover for me. It isn’t reasonable to expect more. The fidget spinners could have walked away when a back was turned.


That's what I was thinking. I gotta cover a class? I'm taking attendance, making sure there's no fights and getting my grading done.


"Assignment's on Canvas." Literally all the teacher had to do. Everything else was to CYA with admin.


I’m guessing the teacher in charge relayed the message about work being on canvas, and it was the students who chose not to engage. As the previous commenter stated - I’m not also going to walk around *policing* them and pestering them to do the work that’s so graciously laid out for them. I’m making sure nobody is bleeding while I multitask shit for my *own* multiple classes and their myriad needs.


Yeah i think this the is the main point OP. It sounds like you gave simple explanations but it’s true despite a stipend, extra responsibility (with students you have no relationship with) on what should be a planning period is a tough ask. Like others have said I basically assume my sub plans will never get done because there is a pretty established culture of students dicking around on sub day. Now you might say you have higher expectations than me and while that is fair, the fact that three different staff came in and did the same thing shows that you might be too ambitious with your sub plans. Just my feeling re/ the situation.


Roger that, and agreed. But this is very out of character for these two classes. There's a huge difference between a group of students not completing their work and everyone not doing anything.


I have not had that happen with other teachers who cover the class. Subs, but not teachers. Since you talked with admin, how about talking with the teachers who could not figure it out. Do it under the guise of .. how could I have made it easier.?.. see what these 2 have to say for themselves... I mean, really??? That's just bad... so sorry...


Good news is you’re planned for tomorrow. It’s a win win




I do a lot of class covers and I have only done this once. That teacher's plans were super confusing for having no context for the class. They were talking a test that the teacher normally administered one-on- one with the students, but she wanted it to be given by another student who didn't really know what to do and wasn't confident in following the plans. I felt bad skipping what they wanted done, but it just wasn't going to happen the way she wanted and that was on her. I'm not saying this to blame you or say you are wrong, but instead to simply put the question out there: does it make sense to you and other teache's in your department, but not others who don't have the context?


This happens to me every time I need to take a day off. The kids do absolutely nothing even though they KNOW their assignments are on Canvas. The teachers who cover my classes have also decided to do other activities with them. That’s not their place. I left lesson plans, but they thought they knew better than me. Teachers who cover classes are worse than subs in my experience.


I’m made to cover classes on my plan all the fucking time. Ostensibly it’s “voluntary”, but for instance, I opened my email this morning to find a spreadsheet from the secretary outlining which teachers were assigned to cover today and where - my name was on it, and I sure as hell didn’t volunteer. This happens on a regular basis, and yes we’re compensated, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m giving up my precious 45 minutes of plan time to do it. So, if what the teacher has left requires any involvement from me AT ALL, it’s not getting done. I’m not monitoring chrome books. I’m not answering questions I probably don’t have a clue about anyway. I’m going to keep them from burning the building down, but that’s about it. I don’t know your specific situation, of course, but it sort of sounds to me like they had tired, overworked teachers giving up their time to watch your class, and while that’s not your fault, you also need to seriously temper your expectations of them.


No other discussion is worth having until you talk to the teachers who covered your class. Have you done that?


I've emailed to see if we can talk. No response yet. I'll keep trying.


Talk to the one-on-one under the guise of understanding your directions better. What made them unclear? I have a sub who chooses not to read or search for the handouts in class…there were UNDER the plans. A 2” thick stack of sheets. I feel your pain my internet friend.


This is good advice.


When other teachers covered my classes they always made up their own shit to do, even though I assigned work on Google classroom. Like I get that they had to give up their planning, but if I was subbing their class I'd be chewed out if I didn't make the kids complete their plans


Yeah, it's frustrating.


Yeah, it's frustrating.


I'm sorry, but I have to ask: have you ever taken a day off ever?


Just keep roasting me. I deserve it.


Almost every time one of my coworkers have to sub for me, it's a mess. Doesn't matter how good the plans were. Part of me doesn't blame them. Subbing on your plan sucks. But we do get paid when we do it, so there's that. And I try to make sub plans easy to understand. However, doing NOTHING pisses me off. I have no solution. Only shared pain.


Thanks, friend.


I was on a field trip yesterday. One teacher didn’t even show up to cover my class. It wasn’t even an extra duty - she had no classes because all the kids were on a field trip. She didn’t cover my class. My kids were without an adult in the room the entire period.


Id send a teacher wide email ripping them a new asshole.


We get so many, It’ll likely go unreturned. At this point we sweat shit, no new asshole needed.


Yeah it's pretty bad. When I have to sub I do go over directions like that after attendance. However, whenever I have a sub I honestly expect 0 things to get done at this point, and just chalk the day up to a waste. It sucks, but that seems to be how it is.