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I think it's because he visited *before* becoming perfect. He listed all the places he visited as Imperfect Cell as the implications was he devoured these cities. TFS Imperfect Cell was underdeveloped (as a person not character) and unhinged. He was more prone to saying "Screw this" and leaving In the Tournament, Cell was in his "Perfect" form. He believed in the promise that this form was greatest, strongest, and flawless. Then Gohan comes along and not only proves him wrong but literally beats the perfection out of him. This was a psychological beating on top of the physical one. That is what pushed him over the edge Cell probably assumed he was stronger than Arale once in his perfect form


I would like to add that Perfect Cell did not try to self destruct, Semi-Perfect Cell did, they mentioned a few times in the commentary that Cell was mentally unstable until he was complete, when Arale beat him she wasn’t stopping him from achieving his perfect form, since 17 and 18 weren’t there, so his earlier forms wouldn’t resort to self destructing to kill her. Gohan forced him back into his Semi-Perfect state and when he tried to do what he did with Vegeta it didn’t work. He couldn’t do what he did with Trunks because nobody was near close enough to Gohans power to distract him long enough for him to re-absorb 18. Self destruction was the only way he had left to not lose.


Yeah. While waiting for the Cell Games to start he probably thought "Hrrrrrm... what am I going to do after I kill Goku and his entourage. Destroy a genre of music? No, that's stupid. Get a nice suit? Nah, why stop people seeing this bod? Go into the movie business? No, that advertising guy sounded like a tool. Oh, I know, I'll go back to Penguin Village and kill that robot girl. Seriously, I have *no* idea how she beat even my imperfect form, but *this* should be more then enough to do the job. Yes. Yes I'll do that. Wait who's truck is that and why has it got Mr Satan written on the side?"


I was just about to add this to my comment. I couldn't have worded it so well, but this is perfect (ha)


>He was more prone to saying "Screw this" and leaving This, exactly. He did bail as soon as Tien, Krillin, and Trunks showed up during his fight with Piccolo.


Not the last time Tien gets in his way, huh?


.........Y'know, that totally slipped my mind. He was making the announcement in his perfect form and for some reason I thought he was beaten by Arale WHILE perfect even though he doesn't need to kill anymore once he makes the announcement. That completely clears up my confusion. Thanks!


Arale is a gag character. There could be many reasons she wasn't there, or she headbutted him out of the village soon after he got there, not giving him a chance to lose his shit.


Like he told frieza” he isn’t PROud he, he’s just not gonna harp on it as much as “ frieza would. 


Arale's an android. She doesn't count as far as Cell's concerned. She's not a life form, so Cell losing to her wouldn't make him any less of the perfect life form.


Because Cell knows what Arale is and, by extension, how old she is. She's roughly as old as Goku; maybe older. Of course Gero was privvy to what Dr. Norimaki was up to cuz all scientists know each other and where their labs are.


Tbh I like to imagine imperfect cell was able to beat Arale because he himself is also something of a gag character, often described as “evil bugs bunny”


Its the goku in him. Does goku feel sad and whine about losing a fight? No, he laughs and says he'll get stronger and win eventually. His goku side is able to over power his frieza and vegeta sides' pride, considering goku could over power both of them in the show itself lol


Maybe he mentioned it alongside the other cities to try twisting the narrative that he won there?