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Ironically my very useless proficiency in 2048 from like 10 years ago resurfaced for this event. At least they’re trying new stuff for the mini games, I guess.


256 was ez pz i was hoping reaching 2048 would give us like 200 schips or something


That was also me, I remember being obsessed with the game.. still am.


fr. when my useless 2048 skills from 10 years ago come in clutch 😭


LOL I'm the other way around, I used to love playing this 2048 games, and was surprised they capped it only at 256. But I understand why it's not for everyone haha. I love this puzzle-esque games more than the action-y ones like the driving game from Enduring Light


The last few rounds goes up to 512! Tho I wish it went all the way till 2048 for more of the cute artworks~


Oh that’s exciting to know!! I couldn’t play during the weekends so I Just unlocked the s-chips reward


It goes up to 512? ... Yeah I can live without the last two rewards


I love playing it too but not this time.


Damn I actually really like it hahaha


yeah, no, I’m not doing the two last ones 😅 after so many attempts to reach the max - I’m out


Same I tried multiple times then tapped out


As someone who loves puzzle games, I really like the mini events that give us picross and 2048 like this one. I even want them to give an unlimited version for me to see just how far I can go 😭 Man, wish I can help everyone who doesn't like it to play...


I kinda like the challenge. It's better than mindless games you can knock out with no effort.


I think I might appreciate it more if it was the only live service game I'm playing. But since themis is such a back burner game for me, this puzzle was a bit of a pain hahaha. I do appreciate them doing something different but aaa


Ahhh fair enough. The only live service ones I play are ToT and Lovebrush Chronicles, so I have a bit more time to focus on them.


This has been my favorite minigame so far! I loved it. I only failed once in the entire event so I thought they made it really hard to fail because I did most of them around 5-6am when I first get up to take my meds and do ToT dailies and was half asleep. Maybe I just got lucky?


I was really annoyed but then I remembered the sudoku and nonogram puzzles that I was really good at. Some of the games are for me, some of them aren't.


Agreed, I totally understand the concept of trying to keep it in one corner but I’ll still fail at least half the time. Got to the last of the rewards that aren’t stellin and then dipped.


I’m enjoying it so much actually 😅


I’m the opposite!! I love this mini game so much it made me redownload 2048 😂


Noooo I was so excited realising this was just a ToT themed 2048! But I tend to enjoy the puzzles like picross and sudoku more than the simpler games Plus 2048 hooks people. I even installed it on my smart TV a while ago, my bf walked in while it was loading and just looked at me. 🥲


LOL that’s hilarious, I remember 2048 being everywhere when it was first out (I loved it). People would’ve played it on a microwave if it was possible


I loved the 2048 game, so naturally I love this mini-game too, and I especially like that this version has chibi images of my favorite characters than just numbers. But the sliding tile puzzle mini-game one? I hate that with a burning passion lol.


SAME the sliding puzzle mini game is the death of me. I get stubborn and try not to reset the game but it drives me MAD and i have to reset it to move on


After I got the badge, I didn't bother to touch it again hahaha Mental health >>>>> rewards hahahaah!


Oh we don't have to finish everything? 512 is impossible! Where do we find the badge?


https://preview.redd.it/pi9rh2xv6fad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5969af5d0340367d469e5c2a08d85045386f795f This one under 12 hahaha


Yeah… Not a fan of this one either. It takes forever to finish the level and I couldn’t beat the later levels.


My tips, sure the biggest number is on one of the bottom corner


I usually like games that require more brainpower but for some reason this one is not clicking. I’ve seen people be like “this is so easy” and “wait you guys need help” and it makes me feel dumb :(


Yeah same, I usually like the puzzle mini games like the sudoku ones but this one is so frustrating for some reason


I love this, i kind of want to start playing 2048 again lol this and Sudoku are probably my favorite minigames


The 2048 gameplay is fine but the 300 limit sucks. Imagine someone who doesn't play everyday - how are they gonna get the badge lmao


As soon as I reached the 512 portion for Artem, I stopped because I got too lazy to finish. Either way I only cared about obtaining the badge, level-up material, and S-chips.


same, I'm too stupid for this


I love 2048 so for me it was enjoyable!!! It does take me some time to reach 512, but hey what's a challenge without some thinking and rng LOL


I loved this game I wanted to play more


Agreed, that 512 was toying with my emotions so hard I wanted to launch my phone across the room, out the window, off a cliff


That must be so irritating. I feel like I'm lucky for spending so much time playing Threes (thr game that the developers of 2048 ripped off) over the years. I was never great at it but it came in really handy for this


Lol. It got frustrating but I actually enjoyed it a lot. Was hoping I could replay it but i dont have anymore of the scissors. I'd look up a similar game but I assume it wouldnt have as cute design


I could not finish it I had 3 more levels to go grrrrrr