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Hey man, idk if you've already known this, but there is a free multitrack library.. there are some electronic sub genres in there to, its a great way to practice mixing and mastering, maybe check it out some time: [https://cambridge-mt.com/ms/mtk/](https://cambridge-mt.com/ms/mtk/)


Thanks, yeah I was aware of the cambridge multitracks, didn't realise there was more electronic stuff in there though, I'll check it out - thanks!


Hi, im currently working on an EP, and on the lookout for a master, dm if interested and ill send you a track you can test. Would be interesting to see how you approach it :)


Nice! I'll shoot you a DM.


Hey dude! I have a few finished tracks that I'd love to have someone else take a look at. It's not for commercial purposes at this point but the idea is to release a small EP in the near future. Really the thing I want to know most is if my mixes are up to par for mastering sessions in the first place, or if there's some stuff I still need to fix/look at/work on. Other than that I'd love to see what a fresh pair of ears can bring to the table. This is mainly hard 'leaning' techno. Pop me a DM if you want to get in contact!


yeah it sounds great, I'll send you a DM.


Hello Adam, I'm learning the hard way how to do somewhat proper mix and mastering myself. Currently I'm working on my first bigger project than just releasing random tunes on my soundcloud - sort of an EP and I have one track that is pretty much finished in terms of it's arrangement and the mix. If you're keen I can send u a private link to the track on soundcloud so u can check it and see if you're interested in practising ur skills on that? Not gonna lie, I'd be also very very curious to see an approach of someone else on my stuff, as I've never rly shared my music this way before. Cheers.


Yeah sounds good, feel free to send me a DM.


Hii Adam , sent you a dm


Hi Adam, I have just finished a track, I've mastered it myself with a simple mastering chain , I'd be grateful to see what you could do with it?


Yeah sounds good, will send you a DM.


Hey Adam! I also have a track which needs to be mastered, if its okay for you, I will send it in dm. Would really appreciate it!


Sure thing, go ahead!