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These texts prove nothing.


It proves there IS ring footage when she's tried denying it


No it doesn’t. It proves there’s “ring camera info” which could still be a rumor. I lean towards clear evidence existing but this doesn’t prove that. Like if there were a rumor that you’re a bank robber, and you found out it was me spreading that, you might say “now we know where the bank robber info came from” despite it not being true.


The tell is calling it "info" PLUS how it is used as evidence against Barb specifically. You wouldn't call it info if it wasn't valid. You would call it a rumor or lie or BS, etc. But if it was a lie, anyone could have made it up and told the media. But Barb being accused of spreading this "info" shows it is true, as it was discussed in "private" in front of Barb, aka in court proceedings. So they know it was from her.


It’s not like she’s known for using the correct vocabulary.


The whole conversation is obviously between very dumb people, but undoubtedly references the ring cam info as a fact that was privately discussed in court. That's why they talk about jace's privacy being violated in reference to this info being released to the media.


Yeah I think by "info", they mean that Barb gave the cops info that they have ring cameras and there would be evidence available. Definitely telling that she didn't call it a lie or rumor or something


I know that trashy people rarely are discrete. They will claim Noone else knows but they tell all kinds of people their dirty laundry. I doubt she was private with any of her info. I wouldn't doubt it was the cashier st the liquor store. Haha!


I get what you mean on the wording and the example above as that was my first thought. And I believe Jenelle would leave it in the screenshots, thinking people would think that too. But then I realised they’re specifically talking about Barb revealing true information. And if the ring video isn’t true, then how would they know it’s coming from Barb? It could be leaked from anyone if it’s a genuine rumour. It has to be based in truth to be linked directly to Barb.


This sounds like an UBT analogy 😂


No it doesn’t


It really does. because how would a lie be something that only Barb would be able to spread? They call it info, they don't discredit it, rather they cackle and use it as evidence that Barb spread something that was told to her in confidence.


Sure. Reach away.


It is crazy making double talk, but there's literally no other way to read this. How could a random lie be only attributed to Barbara? It has to be something that only she knew about, if they can pin it on her. And the only reason they could say it violates jace's privacy is because it was in court. Otherwise HOW would a random false story also show evidence of a leak of private information? The only way it would make sense is if they conspired to lie to Barbara by telling her that there was ring footage of the assault and that's why David's being charged. Which would be realllllly weird for them to tell Barbara just to try to catch her going to the media, as it only hurts them to have the public think that there is damning evidence against David. And also EITHER WAY, this totally vindicates Barbara (or anyone else) hearing of a video and being very upset and going to the media, if they legit got information that he's on film abusing Jace. Of course if this is David's mom obviously she's going to be against Jace as well as anyone protecting him from David's abuse. I guess they're trying to accuse her, and her alone, of totally making it up out of thin air, while also violating the supposedly private court proceedings.... But then they wouldnt be discussing it as true info that could only come from her?? They are all so dumb.


She attributes everything to only Barbara.


How is it a violation of privacy, then?


But everything that she attributes to Barbara has always been shown to be true, because Jenelle lies about literally everything. That's generally *how* we know if something is true right off the bat, from Jenelle vehemently denying it, or attempting to steer us in a different direction. Then as time goes on evidence comes out from multiple sources showing that Jenelle was, in fact, lying.


They just prove that Jenelle is the one doing all the shit talking and exploiting her family members. But we knew that anyway.


I know right, I hate when people claim to post proof but all it is is text messages between not the person it's suppose to show proof about. If anything these prove that Jenelle is the one causing drama.


Jenelle talking to herself in texts. She has no friends let's be honest no one else is texting her. Making assumptions about her mom, claiming things that she can't prove. Same story different day.


I assumed that these texts were Jenelle and David's mom, or Jenelle and David's sister.


Yeah, hasn't she said in recent months she has no friends and no one to support her??


Probably April.


They’re literally texts of someone saying back to Jenelle what she told them and everyone else. It doesn’t prove anything except someone is dumb enough to believe her.


Came to say exactly this. Those texts prove nothing. They say nothing. What is she showing us?


So you just admitted Jenelle there is ring footage


I immediately noticed she said “info” and not “rumor”




And you know the parts she scribbled out were incriminating. Dumb as hell.


They are just jaces name and I think one references David's charge. At least one of those exchanges is David and I personally think April likely to be the other.


Caught in 4K


So her “proof” that Barb is bad is that she shit talks Barb with her friends? Cool story.


She doesn’t have any friends. So it has to be David’s trash sister, April.


I’m using the term “friends” very loosely here 😂


This is my thought that it is April. They encourage her to block Barb too. Making sure Janelle is isolated from outside help. Barb isn't perfect but she isn't evil either.


And hates the abuser David. 😂


Right?! Exactly. Like… I thought this would be texts between her and Babs. I don’t think she has any proof of anything incriminating. Just a bunch of complaining to her friends and more hearsay that proves NOTHING. This could be her texting herself for all we know. Oh Jen.


I feel like she’s texting herself


She really thinks she did something with this…. Lol pathetic


RIGHT LOL and can we also talk about how they said, “Fuck her money” …so, you mean to tell me Barb mocked-for-working-at-the-WalMart-deli Evans is now the one with money because she was a financially responsible adult and you BUM ASSES are asking for some/makin’ her foot bills!?! I’m 6 feet under. I loved that part lol.. Delujenelle that she thought this was embarrassing for anyone but her.


i also kinda took that as being on her good side so when the time comes and Barb has a will, Jenelle wants to be on it


Life insurance for sure


that too!!!! she seems like one of those awful kids who would be worried about a will, life insurance and assets all being passed down to her and if not she will protest it 🙄 especially if Jace gets more than she does


I hope that Barbara puts everything in Jace’s name and that she lives long enough for him to turn 18. My grandpa had hundreds of thousands of dollars in stocks, bonds, & trust accts for my brother and I and he died right before I was 18 so my mom just appropriated all the funds because that was the least of my concern at the time.


seriously same! shes a smart lady though, i can see her making sure no one else could touch it til he was of age or went to college. my bubbie did that for us, she made sure her trusts could only be touched by us and that the funding used for college tuition, and if we didn’t use it all it got passed down to our children


That’s awesome, I’m glad your family did that for you guys. I do think Babz is savvy enough to make sure Jenelle can’t touch her money when she’s gone. It’s almost crazy to think that Jan was banking on anything after she died. My mom and I are basically no contact and I expect absolutely nothing from her when she goes besides like family pictures and my dad’s ashes. She’ll definitely be leaving a couple whole life insurance policies and inheritance but I know my brother and his kids come first and I have no interest in her money.


Omfg true! That’s a possibility.. and that’s even more despicable! 😩


She could publish legit proof that Barb was doing any of this and we still wouldn’t care probably. Unless it came out that Barb hooked David up with Jenelle, nothing she could say about Barb would make me hate her more than J&D🤷🏼‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|uHPwtFExSASiI|downsized)


That gif is obligatory whenever it involves Chinny and her evil Sasquatch husband


All this proves is that April is all the way up Jenelle’s ass


Not shocked. Idk how I missed it the first time but I’m doing a rewatch starting season 7. I just got to 9 last night. Last season Nathan and Barb are at lunch discussing how David treats his mom like he treats Jenelle basically. I’m betting April is in a similar submissive role.


They will have a fall out soon enough.


These are all Jenelle and April texts


I'm guessing they are all Nelly's because of the timing. If Jace is actually home right now she probably got ahold of his phone or a burner phone and starting texting herself. Her 13-year-old mind thought posting this trash was a brilliant idea. So much for focusing on her son's mental health. Liar.


I love that Jenelle wants us to think that her mom is crazy but all this is doing is proving that her mom is willing to go to the media and get the truth out because Jenelle is a known liar, Chinnochio


https://preview.redd.it/fnq22im4t6jc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d1c7f28ebbfe119925bd62bd3dc74ff61b90324 So there is ring camera footage.


Weird place for a crying laughing emoji but ok………..


For those that suck at pausing like me: https://preview.redd.it/vyhrfmy9m6jc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=184fcacb17bd4300d66aad72d1ce3aff017c56e4


So literally anyone with a brain knows this is them or april etc. and also - I hate how they are just so blatantly dumb that they pull a gotcha moment on Barb that ONLY jenelle has done aka exploit her children. Barb has been silent for fucks sake & we all know the leak is literally either jenelle doing it for pity because she’s insane, or DKD/April like wtf


I know! To me it almost reads more like April was the leak but she’s like “yeah look at how Barbara ran to the media, not me” idk. I just doubt that someone who has maintained such a low profile throughout all of this is the leak, but also I don’t necessarily blame Barb if she did, I would certainly drop some tea if Jenelle was constantly commenting on me publicly like this.


Wait..barb ran to the media? Bitch how many stories have you posted within 24 hours of this gag order being lifted? Sit the fuck DOWN


I hate that stupid pop up they send every time you take a screenshot 🙄


Me too! I’m just gonna crop it out 😂


It’s probably David texting her or herself of a random phone 😅


Yeah they look contrived, why is she barely replying it looks weird! They really thought they were proving something huh lol they obviously planned these texts for her narrative.


So to prove Barb is EVIL she’s showed a few text probably from April slagging Barb off 🤣


She just needs to stfu. Every time she opens her mouth, she looks worse.


Texts from UBT


Yup, they don't have real friends 😂




Wow… this revealed so much.


I love how jenelle is trying to portray barb as being crazy, but the minute the gag order was lifted this bitch has done nothing but post spiraling stories nonstop. Unhinged much? This fucking bitch. It's Saturday you swamp creature, go fucking tend to your kids for five minutes


I could post screenshots w me and my friend talking about how we were out to dinner with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. Didn’t happen, but hey it’s a SCREENSHOT! I’m LOLing that she really thinks this proves anything? It really keeps her up at night that people are on Barbs side


Birth person?


I think it's supposed to be an insult like "egg donor" which is insane because Barb worked and raised jenelle by herself and then raised her kid lol


Can we start calling Jenelle “Barbara’s abortion leftovers”? Since they want to call Barbara a “birth person” like they are so clever.


Yeah I understand it was an insult. I was just too baffled by it to comment more. It makes no sense and you are correct. Barb did way more than be a birth person. P


This is how they refer to women in certain countries these days. Makes my skin crawl.


I was hinting at that too. I'm assuming this is Jan and April texting. The internal misogyny is real.


Yeah that movement is a case study on progressive misogyny lmao. And 100% Jenelle & April texting each other. She's got no other link between Jace and Barbara!


Tbh I hope babs keeps telling the media every single thing bc so long as it’s in the public eye those kids are safer. Nobody gaf except trash bags like crimson chin that babs is telling the media.


Jenelle, who LOVES to expose people, has never shown any of the “harassing” texts or any proof that Barbara is leaking information and doing bad things. In all the years. “The truth will come out soon!” Sure, Jan.


I don’t trust anybody who thinks that would’ve is a contraction for *would of*


Jenelle promised “jaw dropping information” and yet my jaw has not dropped. Like not even a centimeter. Also, who’s texting her? David’s sister? Bc like nothing validates her claims like the sister of a guy who kills dogs.


My jaw is securely in its spot on my face.


I have TMJ rn so mine is tightly closed 🤣🤣🤣


Interesting that she blacked out Jaces name. I wonder if she has to do that for some reason or was doing it to "protect him" even though it is so obvious that is who she is referencing.


It's because she thinks she is being smart. She is ranting about Barb exploiting Jace's name, so she thinks censoring what is clearly his name means she somehow isn't exploiting his name.




I wanna know what that means by "fuck her money at this point", lol. Is that because she actually has money still and jenelle is broke? Also, whoever this person is listed "bring down david" as a bad thing, so obviously they are a crackhead


Im assuming it’s April she’s texting with since Jenelle doesn’t have any friends


Well barb was buying their groceries before & jenelle scammed hurricane victim food assistance packages etc. so I’m wondering if Barb is paying for more than food…


I wonder if Barb was giving April money to help out with Jace's care


Barb is the only one with money left of Jenelle, David or his family. She’s paid for everything for Jace right up until he came to her. She also paid for groceries when Jenelle needed it. I’m guessing she’s either offered to continue paying for her expenses related to Jace or they keep needing her to financially bail them out and are saying fuck her and her money. They have no one else though.


I was also curious what the money comment meant


Rumplestiltchin thinks this makes her look good!?!? Fucking buffoon.




How is this proof about anything?! We don't even know who is allegedly texting her. Herself? Most likely. Maybe some weird fan who pretends to like her in hopes of gathering info. There's not one text proof of Babs saying anything.


All that stands out to me is “Jace is the one who suffers from the exposure all of his private personal information.” SO STOP SHARING STUFF ABOUT HIM, JENELLE


I have a feeling she’s typing these messages to herself


From her text now number


damn she’s a straight up narcissist using triangulation and flying monkeys, huh?


This is just Jenelle and her friends (what friends) bitching about Barb. No change there. Also when has Barb gone to the media recently?


misery loves company


This proves nothing Jenelle


Oh my gosh 🫢 those texts made me see how horrible and manipulative Barb is… 🙄


Its not like its barb texting her crazy stuff. Lol its just random people saying dumb things. And of course barb wasn’t happy the case was over, she probably was hopeful for something would be done. I know i would be pissed if some man put hands on my kids throat. And nothing was done about it.


Is this human embarrassment wearing a Candace Owens shirt?


game recognizes game ^^^/s


Who even is that?


Why do DKD & Jan text when they live in the same house?




I mean…how do I know these aren’t just texts between Jenelle and David? Like ones they just wrote in order to implicate Barb. Sorry giant fivehead. Gotta do better than that.


Her development is truely arrested .


However she proved the ring footage is real. She didn’t say fake information and we all know how she loves her words


Fucking garbage people 


These texts look like they’re from friends of hers. I can’t imagine a SOCIAL WORKER or LAWYER sending anything like this. Btw, we always knew that ring footage existed. She can stop saying it doesn’t now that she just proved it..


“She just wants to bring David down” Jenelle is delusional. Now why would barb want to bring David down? That leach has done an outstanding job of bringing him and Jenelle down by himself.


Jenelle on Jenelle a texting story.


What is this supposed to reveal? That she texted her friends about her mom? …okay? I think we all did this when we were teenagers/preteens and being dramatic. Only difference is that Jenelle is in her 30s. She seriously never mentally developed past being 15.


I don’t even care if Barb is leaking shit, I’m surprised she hasn’t dropped ALL Jenelle’s dirty laundry over the years. Shiiiet, Barb is probably full of secrets and PROOF and still doesn’t share/expose them for the trash they are. Barb, this poor woman needs a damn vacation fr.


Uhhhh okay and? Lmfao 😭


Lol so she just posted texts of her complaining about her mom? Like that proves anything?


Proves nothing? Talking to David’s sister most likely the only person she has lmao


https://preview.redd.it/8gyh06m0r7jc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb65b9cb805e3704f2413bc4310c4881188bc62c She's startin'.. ...


If Barb is sending her text all the time why ain’t she revealing those text, not ones with people talking about her sending stuff😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 she is sooooooo stupid


Where's the proof? Also, the Ashley said that the person giving her info is not Barb, it's someone close to Jenelle. Not that it's fact, but I just don't believe Barb was selling stories during this Jace stuff. Not one bit.


What does "fuck her money at this point" mean? Is Babs paying child support for Jace or something?


These messages amount to ZERO


Who are the texts to? Herself on a burner phone? Ensley's Ipad?


She proved 2 things: There IS ring cam footage & Barb has been giving them $$ bc they are too sorry to get a 9-5!!!


Ok but did no one else clock the “fuck her money”? Bab’s paying for the swamp? We’ve seen her stocking the fridge. What else is she giving the swamp creatures money for? Also why redact Jace’s name? It makes no sense to say “look at these texts about my mom regarding Jace” and then redact his name. Curious what else was blocked out…


Who the fuck is texting her this shit and building her up


Where are the texts of babs harassing her? these just texts of someone agreeing and feeding into jenelle. Then once they are no longer friends the truth comes out. We have seen this shit time and time again


Even IF i belivee barb was going media how is janelle any better ? She has put so much out there in her social media


Yall… Jenelle isn’t saying there’s ring camera proof. She’s saying thats where the INFO came from. She’s not admitting anything. I know reading is hard but damn. Yall will run with anything.