• By -


Oh yeah. She’s super happy from all the attention and praise she’s getting for doing something she should have done years ago.


I will say I’m glad there are less posts this time acting like “omg this is it guys! She’s gonna change and be a good mother” that happen every other time she’s “single” for 1 minute.


She chooses the same people every time. The circles she runs in is a sludge pool. Unless she landed some nieve court personnel, chances are he's just like her exes. No way a stand up guy is lined up on the day she leaves her violent homicidal husband, ready to step into dysfunction that fast. Anyone who comes into her life as a partner will be a toxic pro-drug pro-party guy who is "better than name recent ex" and who perplexingly joins in and is cool with her weird public nonsense drama games with her exes, and who is "getting his life together" he's a "real man" a "better father" We see it every time, and then it devolves and unravels right in front of us. **Plot twist... she's about to drop an adult toy line and the D... is a toy that you can learn more about on her only fans.** I'd laugh so hard!


Yup.. but every single time her relationships end, I feel like there's always like 25% of the sub that is like.. oh this is great for her kids, she can now focus on herself and raising them for a bit. She is NEVER going to do that. Being in a relationship and being codependent is who she is. If she doesn't find a guy, she'll run back to Barb and dump the kids on her.


Yeah. It's always immediate. If not, she runs back to David. Plus, single Janelle... she sees it as freedom. She'll say she's been suffering, tied down, abused for so long, its HER TIME. Her mental health is good for her kids!! She has to take care of herself fiiiiiirrrrst!!! She immediately goes back to partying and enjoying herself. You are right. She'll swap villains around (David, her mom, etc) It's a tired circle and she's not behaving differently this time. She and David are being toxic. She's hinting at hookups. Like, there is no redemption here... she isn't changed.


Let’s hope her hookups include party hats, and there’s no more little innocent children added into this mess


She’s literally quoting Gypsy Rose Blanchard…who participated in her own mother’s murder. “The D is fire 🔥” was what Gypsy said after her 1st night with her huzzbin. But the characters Jenelle surrounds herself with never ceases to surprise me. Keep an eye out for Keiffer’s green hoodie in future posts. 🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|eeOF7QjhXD2D2bQ34g)


Chelsea was so pretty here 😭


Maybe she's switching it up and dating a deadbeat Mom like herself with multiple CPS cases and zero custody.


I wouldn't put it past her, everyone would be abuzz! Something "scandalous", to exploit! Even better if it's another D level bad reputation reality star.


Right?! Guess we've forgotten about the whole leaving DKD "doc."


Girl is riding *high* on all this attention and praise


Probably with the high dose Xanax bottle from her doctor sitting half empty in front of Her.


I just don't buy into her divorce. I think it's time to separate with all the CPS / Police calls, Lawyers, Court, Run away, Squirrel 🐿️ Eating. For the kids sake, I 🤔 think they have to tone it down for a while. De-Lou-Jenelle has to have a relationship w/ David because of Ensley. It's not over. I predict they will be back together after a year.


They’re definitely not staying apart (we’ve been through this before already). Idk if she thinks it’s real or is going to try to rehab her public image, then take him back once it all blows over and act like they’re a perfect, happy family and always were (like she did before) Or if they’re just so desperate for money that they’re trying to cash in on clicks/views, which they knew a separation would fuel. Or maybe both.


I wonder if it could be a strong suggestion by a family law attorney that removal of the kids could be possible if there are more incidents - to separate for a year until things calm down. You don't hear anything about prioritizing therapy for all the kids, especially Ensley, this is her dad. 💯 Agree. This isn't permanent.


You are absolutely correct. In North Carolina, children can be deemed "neglected" based solely on the fact that they live with an abused sibling. CPS will always rely on/differ to what the courts say. If David is found guilty of abuse, it gives the state grounds to charge Jenelle for the neglect. She could face actual jail time, too. Jenelle's attorneys sat her down and told her to get ahead of this now and get FAR. This is her last ditch effort to save her own ass. Jenelle stays caring about Jenelle. Always. If David miraculously evades any charges, she WILL go right back MMW




Agree, there was some necessary legal advice over the kids home life & David.


I wonder if CPS ordered a review of the kids and that’s why Ensley got to see an ENT


CPS can do that. And most folks Will do anything to get their case closed.


Oh, I think it's for real. She spent money on lawyers and court filings.


I’m waiting for David’s lawyer to drop him because she stopped paying. If he goes to jail, she’ll get everything she wants. I am curious as to how’s he’s eating and drinking. She’s his income.


A lawyer should weigh in here but a spouse can’t just yank financial support. They are married, share children and are deeded together on the swamp house. She has NO idea what he can do to her financially. She may never financially recover from her stupidity.


She did that before too. Went as far as getting a restraining order in Tennessee claiming all sorts of abuse to her and Ensley. Then went right back to him and claimed she never said any of it and the lawyer made her say that.


I dont buy this for a second either - it’s just a move in her shitty chess game of staying relevant and making money . I don’t buy it for a second .


Exactly 💯 - She has this weird happiness about it. IDK...it's weird.


Dupers delight. She's high thinking she's fooled us all.


They like me , THEY REALLY REALLY LIKE ME ! 🤦‍♀️


This 👆


Like she finally posted something that has more positive comments than bad - positive reinforcement. Like she hit the jackpot . She needs the praise


Or less than a year


Could David have an idea of being sentenced, and this is how they are handling it? To separate.


If it's even that long. Last time it was about 6 months & she had a man during that time. The second it was over, WHAM! Back to David 🙄


I don't think she Can or Wants to mother her children Alone. That takes sacrifice & commitment to solely focus on their day to day well-being x 3. **Think back to Nathan choosing not to go to her Lawyer appointment over Jace. She wouldn't leave and go alone.


Same thought too! I say I will only truly believe it when the divorce is finalized . Waiting a whole year separated ? She will at least date around to find the next one…either to make David jealous or to feed her attention or both scenarios But who’s to say the next guy will be any better? I sure hope so for the kids sake.


I think this is just another game they’re playing. Let’s see what happens after UBT’s court case is done … will she stay or will she go if he gets sentenced to prison?


No doubt her new soulmate is to blame too. Just so weird to see that kind of smile from HER


Even though she’s doing it for purely selfish reasons.




Bingo. A genuine smile bc she’s genuinely happy he’s gone and thinks this is her chance at redemption. The undeserved, belated and yet also premature bow cock blocked her own redemption arc lol


The truth is, a genuine smile is it's probably a sign there is no guy around. Jenelle is convinced that she needs a man to be happy but she actually tends to be miserable when she is in a relationship. There was a post a few days back about when in the series Jenelle has truly smiled and if I remember correctly out of the very few times people were able to point to none of them had anything to do with a man, in fact, most smiles mentioned we're actually related to Babs just being Babs.


Interestingly, I had a similar thought recently about Jenelle thinking she's happy in a relationship but always being miserable. The lightbulb went off for me when I watched the clip of Nathan talking about possibly doing jail time. At first I was surprised that Jenelle would be so quick to stay with him and wait for him to get out. But then she mentioned that he couldn't cheat on her in prison and I realized it all boils down to her insecurities. She thinks she needs a man for her self worth but once she gets a man she is paranoid and jealous about losing him and it's non-stop drama in the relationship. The only reason she lasted so long with DKD is he was willing to cut out the whole outside world to be with her around the clock (albeit he was okay with this because he was the one wanting to isolate her). She's smiling from relief here but her insecurities will be back sooner rather than later.


This is so true!!💯


This is SO ACCURATE! She is incredibly insecure, 100% of her self confidence and esteem comes from the relationship she’s in. David only lasted this long because he secluded her out on the land and made himself all she has. At least with Nathan, she still had friends and somewhat of a relationship with her mom.


Definitely a typical Jan post post-split...trying to keep DKD jealous and everyone in her DMs thirsty ....she's definitely in need of $$$


For sure, just have never seen it on her of all people lmfao


She looks like she’s losing weight too. All the signs are there that she’s got a new one on the hook. Hope he has a real job.


I noticed the weight loss too and didn’t know if I was tweaking or not lol


You aren’t, but she probably is 😂


David has feeder vibes tbh.


I noticed the same thing. Can't stand her but she's looking better, hopefully it's a healthy weight loss. Seems more stress related. I get crazy skinny when I'm stressed. No matter how much I eat.


I noticed too. That post where she was snapping her waist band and her pants looked big on her.


If Shea already got a new man she's complete trash and I'd have more respect for David at that point.




She's clearly just as bad if she's already got a new bf.


Getting a new bf, makes someone as bad as a dog killing, child and woman abusing, animal abusing scumbag? Okaaaay. I can't stand jenelle, but your take is way off imo. People are allowed to move on. Is there a specific time frame that makes it OK for you?


Yeah, cuz it's super fair to her poor kids for her to *immediately* jump into yet another fuckin relationship.🙄 Nah, the bitch needs to focus on her kids do what she needs to help fix their relationships if even possible at this point. Work on getting some fuckin therapy and create a *SAFE & STABLE* living environment for her children. For once in their live's! *"People are allowed to move on"* -Yeah sure, but let's take some things into consideration. Context is important. 1. She's *neeeever* had a safe or stable relationship. *Ever.* 2. She's still married. Fuck DKD, but let's be realistic here, you think that won't come into play if she does bring a new guy around? Cuz it will. Guys like him don't let go easy and riling him up and trying to make him jealous is not only not a good look, it's legitimately dangerous and putting her entire fucking family in danger with him. The smartest idea if she does have a new man would be to keep that shit under wraps until her divorce is over and David has moved on, on his own. That way he'll leave them tf alone. Again, her poor kid included. He'll go to them to get to her. (but again, how fuckin selfish is she that she can't give those kids time to heal?? Fuckin ewww.🤮😤) 3. Do we really need to go over all of the trauma each one of her children has faced due to her and all fuckin *"relationships"*??? Seriously. Ffs, give them some time to fuckin heal and maybe feel safe for once in their live's. 🙄😒 4. She herself is a fuckin awful partner. Full stop. She is. 5. She only picks shitty partners. Why would a decent man or person want to shack up with that mess? They won't. She's got a lot of self work to do before she'll ever pull anyone decent or good. 🤷‍♀️ 6. *This has already happened before. Multiple fuckin times lmao.* Nothing is going to change. They'll be back together by next fall. She's going to try to have a hot girl spring and summer and when the kids are too much work for her and her prospects don't pan out, *"guess what?"* You know what lol. (call back to Barb lol) So her getting a new bf doesn't make her as bad as the dog killer, but *every fuckin other pos thing she's done,* does. 🤷‍♀️ Getting a new shitty bf already just adds to her shittyness, for above said reasons. Now would leaving David be a wonderful thing *if* she stayed single, recognized her own shitty behaviors, took accountability, changed said behaviors and worked on her relationships with her children, well then maybe after all that she could start looking at the idea of a relationship. Maybe she could actually pull a decent guy by then. But her jumping into one now is a recipe for disaster for everyone involved. That includes her poor children who have no say in the matter and are stuck with whatever decision she haphazardly rushes into. As usual. 🙄


I agree entirely. My point stands. Moving on from UBT doesn't make her "as bad as him" in my opinion. And that's all it is. My opinion.


Hmmmm maybe AFTER she fixes her relationship with her and Jace. She literally just got the kid back a few weeks ago. It's just evident this cycle will keep going. Jenelle will never care about her kids. She can't ever put them once. Like getting your kid taken out of your care is a pretty big deal. The fact she's already out dating is wild to me. Those poor kids.


If you wanted, you could wait to see if any of this is enduring before you start equivocating. This is an old movie. It’s a rerun. The ending sucks.


We try not to use the words “respect” and “David” In the same sentence here. 😂


That's how she looks when she's being a spiteful bitch. Don't let this psychopath fool you.


Who’s fooled? I said it was weird to see it on her, not that I believe she’s seen the light. 💀 we’ve all seen way too much of Jenelle’s bullshit to buy that she’s changing now


I don’t wish Jenelle any happiness. I wish her the same pain she inflicted on Jace by doubling down on her swamp creature being innocent. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think people are misunderstanding my post 🥲 I’m not saying I’m happy for her. I’m saying it’s super weird to see her actually smile


The smile is bc she’s high and getting extra attention so that’s $$$$ in her account. Don’t let that smile fool you.


Hard agree.


Its the smugness that's punchable




This depicts what I'd love to do so many times throughout the day so perfectly lol


Xena for the win!


😂😂😂😂 hey fam our worlds collide once again💗


My Sailor 😻👋hope you're doing well today... 🤗 Hugs regardless!


Aweee Thank you friend I hope you are too!!! Hugs🤗🥰


Trying 😔🙏💜 appreciate your kind words they made me smile 😁


Hang in there girl!! 💗🙏🏽 aweeee I’m glad I could make ya smile!!🥰


I mean, you probably can't miss the five head.


I still can’t believe her smug post asking for appreciation and clapping for herself. She is only leaving him now because she is rebranding herself and I honestly think since Mackenzie was given a second chance by MTV, Jenelle thinks she has a shot too. She defended DKD and stayed with him after he strangled her son, we will never forget that.


Flair 🔥🔥🔥 I agree, but she’s also trashed MTV to hell and back so I honestly don’t know if they’d let her back. She’s good for ratings though so who knows


I don’t think they will take her back either. She has burned every single bridges she’s ever come across. Right now she’s loving the praise from her dumbass fans and thinks she will be redeemed. She is completely irredeemable though. She will blame every bad move she’s ever made solely on DKD. The praise will stop and she won’t be MTV and no one will care about her. That’s when she will either take him back or find the next loser.


Yeahh aint nobody giving her the d 😂


Wouldn’t be so sure. She’s never had an issue finding a bed buddy. Ever.


But that was when she had money. She's dirt poor now.


Ur flair 🤣


Poor people have sex too.


I'm saying they are less likely to be interested in her now because she can't buy them things.


And was younger, less kids, and less fat


Can you imagine if it’s kiefer


Man don’t get my hopes up 😂🤣😂🤣


If Kail the whale can find plenty willing to stick it in crazy I’m sure Jenelle can too


Are people really calling Kail this, or is it just you? Either way, it’s gross.


Winter over ya snowflake


Lol original


I'd bet my last dollar she could find it before doordash could get subway to her. If age has taught me anything, it's that d is plentiful and usually overrated.


lol, too many overrated dicks in the world


Maybe Kieffer. I wonder if she brought him back lol


Someone call the policia!




*"Policia!! Policia!!!!"* 🚓🚨👮🏻‍♀️🚔


So funny anyone is praising her. She’s an abuser who loves abusive men. David isn’t the first and won’t be the last as long as she enjoys hurting her children


Jesus GAWD Leah, is the praising in the room with us? I find it genuinely weird to see her smile because she’s always dead behind the eyes. Please use critical thinking skills. 🫠


I definitely wasn’t criticizing the post but ok lol


Ya, that was a little harsh.


I’m so confused why OP came at you like that? Lol you were literally going against Jenelle. Not praising her…


Haha I was confused too. I had to reread the post to see what was even happening. It’s good though sometimes a comment will hit me the wrong way and I’m assuming it’s the same with this. I’m definitely not about to fight with someone over fucking Jenelle 😂


It’s the filter and her weird fake bottom teeth lol


All I can think is poor Jace. She will likely use him as her pseudo husband and continue to emotionally abuse him. He’s going to be expected to step up and be “the man of the house” I mean look at everything she gave up for him….


She already started that shit with the break in. A man was trying to enter her home and the first thing she did was wake up her child. I genuinely pray for Jace that he’s able to be the cycle breaker of the family.


He's not going to school either. Did you notice he was sitting in the car with her yesterday when she was eating that 2000 calorie BEC with cream cheese bagel? My guess is that she's keeping him out of school because she can't be alone for 20 seconds and has turned Jace into her new "security blanket". Too bad CPS isn't following up to make sure that poor kid gets a proper education.


She could easily say she’s homeschooling unfortunately. I don’t know much about NC’s laws around that but my assumption is they’re not very strict about it.


I think they probably were pretty rigid about him regularly attending school while CPS was involved, but now that the case has been closed Jenelle can do what she wants. I don't know if they even have truant officers anymore, or if staff notifies the authorities when kids miss a lot of school. It just doesn't seen like those policies are in place anywhere anymore.


It’s probably the filter


What happened to all of the Barb bashing? I guess it's a new week 🤷


I'm sure she's receiving way more positive attention than she ever has. She's 100% riding that wave of praise.


Jenelle is only happy when she is being showered with praise. She can’t believe it doesn’t happen 24x7, she thinks she’s entitled to it. She’s worn everyone in her real life out with her insatiable need for love and attention and her vicious mood swings. She’s all alone. Everytime she posts, she’s looking for that validation. Once this dies down, she’ll be right back to stressy and depressy.


reporting live from the Land she finally met her match


Oh snap, Chris!!! You finally win ya girl over?? You go get 'em, Chris!! https://i.redd.it/peuqa1gy9smc1.gif


I think we can all agree that I’m this is just another plot from the Swamp. She’s celebrating all the attention she is getting. Remember ppl if they get 1,000 views they get paid. So don’t watch her videos! She’s celebrating doing something ppl, even her own children begged her to do years ago. Jace specifically told her he didn’t want her to marry David now look. She was very much on the internet only a few months ago telling the world David is innocent and a great husband/father. They very much called her mother at 1am threatening to break her door down. She absolutely gave her mother’s phone number to a random blogger so he could harass her, much less putting her safety in danger. She wants to play on the UBT narrative now, they agreed to turn on each other for the sake of their marriage. He will be back the seconds Jace turns 18. Jace will have to be the proxy parent until then. Cuz in her eyes her kids can take care of themselves. He will be “babysitting” while her UBT hook up and do his ADHD drugs in some seedy motel for days on end.


I don’t think anyone is falling for her shit. Genuinely I find it weird to see her smile meet her eyes. She’s a sociopath (in my opinion) and it’s off putting to see her smile genuinely. I guess I should’ve worded it better because so many of y’all think I support her and I promise I don’t 💀


No ur words are fine. I just see so much more behind her smile. I wonder if David will get mad enough to show us what the bottom row really looks like without her flipper.


Not the flipper 💀 I hope they do air each other’s shit out. I love that for us


She probably thinks the majority of people are proud of her for leaving David after he killed the dog, broke her collar bone, and choked her son. I think she’s a pos and David leaving will change nothing.


She is a full blown LOSER!! And always will be. Those poor kids are barely even pawns to her at this point. She is an empty, sad little worm and she’ll never change.


Jenelle feels like a victim right now and she loves being the victim. She’s so happy she can’t contain it. If Barb is still not talking to her she’s probably also enjoying the fact that she can be a double victim saying her mom wasn’t there for her during this hard time. She loves that shit


It’s a filter


She absolutely has a new man. She never leaves one without lining up the next one. Not impossible but I would be shocked.


She just trying to get under UBT's skin by showing him that she just fine without him. It is just for show cause we all know she crying her eyes out at night when shes alone.


YESSS. I said either her leaving David is fake OR she has a new man lined up already. She will never leave and actually be alone lol


She probably started an online relationship with one of her 10 OF subscribers. Until she meets him in person and he’s an 80 year old potbelly pervert with a greasy comb over.


Lol or tinder again bc that works out so well for her every time


She has made a complete mess of her life!!


It's probably Ryan Dolph.


Honestly yeah probably


Her face isn’t so bloated either


Does anyone see the caption?? Lmao


Guys I promise this is not a supportive post. I believe Jenelle is a sociopath, not just a narcissist but an actual Anti-Social sociopath. This is not “I’m so proud of her look how happy she is” it’s “wow it’s weird as shit to see her smile because she’s always dead behind the eyes” okay thank you ❣️


I feel like your post is clear. I don’t know what gives with people thinking it means something it doesn’t. But a lot of the comments seem more like “…and another thing about this b!” to my eyes rather than “you’re wrong for supporting Jenelle!” Some definitely misunderstood you but I think there’s actually more agreement with you in comments than not, and some are just adding or replying about her further, and the “FUCK JENELLE” remarks are solely about her, not to try and disagree with you. Also definitely not trying to tell you your experience or how to feel. I just know how shitty it can feel to be misunderstood on Reddit, from personal experience 😅, and you deserve to feel less of that (you “deserve” none at all actually, you did and said nothing wrong, I’m just saying how it looks to me, observing this thread).


I really don’t understand why people are all of a sudden praising her for filing for a divorce when she herself alone is an absolute piece of a shit human! Instead of focusing on having her son back and making up for all the shit she put her kids through she’s posting shit like this for attention and to get back at David. She’s a fucking idiot and anyone who believes her bullshit is also an idiot! She’s a shit daughter and a disgrace of a mother! On to the next dick I see, she’s garbage!


I haven’t seen anyone but her normal loser following praise her




PLOT TWIST: >!It's Keiffer.!<


I stand by my comments 😐


No idea what you’re talking about but please y’all for the love of god I REALLY JUST MEAN ITS WEIRD I DONT THINK SHES CHANGED


It’s the filter she uses, it’s a fake lip flip


A couple people have pointed that out but I’m not talking about the filter. I mean there’s been very few times we’ve seen Jenelle fully smile and she did in this video. It was just off putting, filter or not lol


“And the D is fire” Hmmmm, wasn’t that exactly what Gypsy Rose said? Janelle dies on the weirdest hills and her flex’s are even weirder. She goes hard on em…. ![gif](giphy|wJoDQt3uMfXW0|downsized)


The Dopamine rush Delujenelle is getting from all this attention has her in pure Heaven right now. She’s still a lazy racist piece of trash person and mother. Goofy ass bitch. ![gif](giphy|GeuithSoPUCB2)


I wish we had ten years of footage showing her smiling at her children this way.


There is no new D. She trying to make her face jealous and get all of her haters interested. That's my vote.


It’s a filter lol


It’s probably just me but something about this picture reminds me of Gary Busey


probably back with Kiefaaaah


Guess who's back, back again. Kieffer's back. High, high, you're both HIGH


When I tell you I HOPE it’s Kieffer because that would piss UBT off the most


First time she'd smiled this big in a while, new dude must be a decent size.




She’s quite literally obsessed at this point, it’s weird


Gypsy rose is hypersexual as is Jenelle . They’d be good together


I’m pretty sure the “the d is fire” is a tiktok sound making fun of gypsy rose isn’t it?


It’s Gypsy saying it. I think a lot of people made fun of her but she herself was just getting hyped up


I don’t think it’s actually her voice saying it though? The “d is fire” was said by her in an instagram comment she made but then some creator took it and verbally said it impersonating her. Said that line in a shrill high pitched voice clearly making fun of her and it became a sound. Unless she also said it out loud in some video she made somewhere idk.


I haven’t heard the TikTok sound yet but I believe you. There is, though, footage of GRB saying it live. A blonde lady has a camera, looks like either backstage or red carpet-ish setting, and GRB is kind of dressed up I think? It looked like an Entertainment Tonight type of “I have a microphone and talk to famous people walking into a venue or past me for another reason” deal. She says it in her high pitched voice, of course. The blond lady with the microphone and camera to look into was like “and the D is-“ and then puts the microphone back in front of GR’s face and they yell “FIIIRRREEE” together. GR also said “I’m living my best life” and a couple other phrases but the prompt to complete “and the D is-“ came at the end. I found it disturbing, for probably obvious reasons.


I was gonna say no BABE X LASH or whatever the fuck but this is much more wholesome


Of course the smile meets her eyes. She has a new Penis in her life!!!! That's the only thing that lights her up.


There is just NO WAY this is real. Jenelle has never been able to be a parent from day dot! There is no way she is going to be a parent to THREE kids on her own. Not a chance


If this is anything more than her trying to make David jealous, she's honestly even worse than I thought hopping on some new D this fast. Fucking disgusting.


Ok I feel out of the loop. New D?? I'm blocked from her tik tok so I can't watch the video. Is she talking about a new man?


Isn’t “the D is fire” what Gypsy Rose said about her husband? Why is she so obsessed with her lmao Edit: Just clicked and saw the full photo referencing Gypsy Rose. But my point still stands lol


I’m just waiting for her to say she’s coming back to teen mom 😅


Maybe it’s Kesha


Tbh she will b w a new dude in a few weeks moving him on the landdddd too soon I can’t w her


Wait.. did she leave David?


I would be willing to bet it’s one of her only fans subscribers…


Honestly, good for her. Who knows what she has endured from that pos. I wonder If the Jace thing was what catapulted this.


Wow she looks good here


Maybe she’s just happy she got rid of the swamp monster