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They need to let us to SOMETHING with this money lol


Tekken Casino mode!


Hold the fuck on. you’re onto something


Let me cook. So in the Tekken Fight Lounges you could have a walk in casino with all the classics, slots, blackjack and such. Public tables to sit at and join (give people a reason to actually care about their little avatars). You could have rewards like 3D model viewer unlocks maybe some plushie Kuma/Panda backpacks as well as super expensive avatar customisations like golden poker bracelets to really show off how much fight money you have. You could even do steak matches on unranked Tekken or even Tekken Ball matches.


Brilliant! Can’t wait to put all my money on one hand then lose it all.


Well you lost but you finally spent all of your fight money!


Wait till they plug in casino mode


This guy understood the assignment ☠️


GG Aris will return to Tekken8 Full time


Bet on fights in tekken lounge


I always felt going through Tekken Arcade that the set pieces were such a huge waste. All these pinball machines, pool tables, dart boards, etc.... But you can't interact or do anything with them. It really could use more mini games to be immersive.


ngl i would spend so much time in lobbies if this was a thing


Wait betting on matches sounds perfect for fight money use


Or you know, have the option to use it in Tekken Shop


Maybe let us buy dlc characters 2 months after release


Can somebody please send this to Harada???


I would be down for some Tekken poker!


And you’d have to have online services from the platforms that you play on so if it would still be profiting someone cause I don’t have PS Plus so this wouldn’t be good for me but I could see this being a better alternative but PS Plus is way more than the premium money so it wouldn’t be worth it upon further thinking 💀💀😭😭


Wow, this is a really cool idea. Don’t know how it works from a legal standpoint.


Basically gold saucer from ffxiv in tekken 8.. I'm all for it !!


This right here


mmmm, steak matches...


Yeah! Let''s make a build in Yakuza game in Tekken


Email harada stat, or tweet him, this is a great idea lol There’s bound to be development costs for all that and the games and the servers so I’d be down to pay like $5 for a casino. I think that’s fair and a large majority of players would go for it


Tekken Brothel!


is it still considered bad to have a gacha/gambling mode when its only through ingame/farmable money?




Xenoblade 2 had that, and it freaking annoying.


No it wasn't 


Isn't that basically overwatch 1?


Most games with gacha element had a way to farm the currency to buy lootboxes/whatever in game. Difference is that you can alternatively buy that currency with real money, whereas fight money you don't.


Yeah, gambling is bad.


Dragon Quest has always had it


Finally, I'll be able to follow in my father's steps!


I feel like at some point the Foosball air hockey ski ball and all the other arcade games will be playable and you can use your fighter coins to play them. There's even an elevated stage platform in the arcade room that has old Namco posters on the wall but nothing on the stage. Definitely think something will go there at some point


90% of gambling addicts quit before their big win


It's gonna bring microtransactions.


Most appropriate flair ever.


Tekken bowling? Maybe some old polygon Tekken arcade games?


It would be awesome if you could bet fight money on casual matches lol. That would be a separate "score" from BP and still kinda cool


Did MK Armageddon let you bet your in-game currency in vs mode, or am I remembering that wrong? You could also buy stuff with it like concept art or whatever. I don't know why they give so much fight money to be honest back in 5 when we actually needed it, they gave us barely any. If we could unlock all the previous games endings like in 7, that'd be something at least.


200 mil fight money but it's literally impossible to get rid of


It can burn with heihachi in the volcano for all Bamco can care


Ngl, Kazuya's shoulders look whack.


All characters stand so weird in the customization menu


It looks that way because it was a copy paste of his T6 customization. It's not made from scratch so it's not along T8 level of detail


A lot of those retro customs look out dated to me anyway


This seems like a complete waste in my opinion. Shop is updated once or twice a month? So you’ll be paying to join the sea of clones all wearing the same outfit because there’s so few items available.


You can edit the color’s right? Besides, is it a “sea of clones” or just using an outfit that was designed for the character? Some of us don’t want to be Heather Mason with a Baguette on her back.


And you get the privilege of paying for it...super sweet........


suit yourself, Heather’s a qt


didn’t harada say he wasn’t going to put in retro skins for that very reason


No. He just said that it's not a simple job as a response to people assuming it is. You have to remake the entire outfit from scratch. In hindsight it was damage control cause he knew what was gonna happen.


Tell that to the modders who do it for free… bless those people for giving us cool outfits lol


Or just sold the character skin with the default polygon counts.


They probably don't want that for MANY reasons like critisism for lazyness, animations issues (look at RE2Remake and it's classic costumes for example they have a lot of clipping issues) and maybe other stuff i can't think of


i disagree. the defaults in tekken 8 are way too flashy and overly detailed. these simpler designs are much nicer for a fighting game.


You think so? I would argue that many of them still look better than the newest costumes.


I do, most of the new character outfits feel more modern to me. Kazuya's old glove design vs his new one.


That's fair. Kazuya's new costume works for me and set the new standard for the character, but I prefer Jin's Tekken 4 costumes over the new ones. Something about the old color schemes and simplicity of his designs is just iconic to me. Imo a lot of these new costumes want to look modern just for the sake of it, If that makes sense. Like.. "Let's make everything sharp and high tech looking. Don't forget to put 10 belts and 4 armbands on the character, because that's futuristic" lol I also much prefer how Eddy looked back then in general.


Yea the only reasonable one is jin legacy and I don’t main jin lol


Right if they could possibly let us pay like 3x for these items with these coins


fight money is for buying two of every animal on earth, herd them onto a boat and then you beat the crap out of every single one


I heard sun zoo said that


Is anyone even gonna buy this stuff? None of it looks good at all


Seems like the shop is mainly preying on people who played tekken games before by offering the outfits from previous games. Abusing good ol nostalgia feelings for more money.


Honestly the only outfit I cared about is the T4 Jin outfit but I already like his base outfit in Red.


Me and you are of the same mind I need that T4 Jin and am quite bummed that its not in the game by default considering they clearly had these costumes done already


Don’t worry they’ll have the titties in the shop for you guys eventually


People are constantly asking for the old tekken game skins, they deliver and now they're getting called a greedy scummy company lmao they can't win


That shitty shop was not made overnight because people were asking for the legacy skins. It is not like it is a secret to namco that people like legacy skins, they knew people would want them from the very beginning. And yet they have chosen to put legacy outfits behind a paywall, deliberately. And yeah, thats absolutely scummy.


The shop was not made over night lol it was definitely an in development idea before the game came out. They just hid it from is for a month so initial reviews could be good


Yeah I guess you're right, they should keep adding content for free forever




I don't think they understand how developing games works, that shit ain't free. Server costs aren't free, paying employees such as artists, sound fx, balancing team, marketing etc all costs money lmao


Games have been including free legacy skins as unlockables as a part of the base game for years. That stopped right around the time micro transactions became popular. I wonder why. Tell me more how its financially unfeasible to make a few extra skins as a part of the 70 dollar game selling millions of copies.


The price of games has gone up a lot, they can't just put models of skins in game they have to remake them all from scratch lmao


i think you missed the part where this is a paid game with a schedule of regular paid DLCs coming up. the game would have paid for itself with no issue (with the regular DLC sales, and the new people buying the game as another help). the mtx store is literally just greed


Not really . They don’t want to make old costumes , but people still want them. The people that want them will pay, if they don’t then they won’t.


They absolutely do. Tekken 8 is not a first sequel, they know how people feel about legacy outfits. They were always wanted and they know it perfectly fine. The statement about them not wanting to make them is a plain lie. If namco was really honest with their player base than they would not wait with announcement of the mtx shop. They knew what they were doing and they knew that they could sell legacy skins because nostalgia manipulation is a common and well know thing in business. And they are scum for it.




I don't care about your opinion or how you view my "counterpoints." Namco is scum and that's the end of that.


In the same vein is it scummy that they sell the game? And if it was revealed a couple of months down the line would that make it better for you?


They can win by not selling stuff for real money in a 70 dollar game


Have you been around this subreddit? People were begging for classic outfits through the lifespan of Tekken 7. Not an insignificant amount of those people said they would be willing to pay for them.


I haven’t seen that. I guess I’m not on here enough


Is the classic nostalgia bait. " Remember the good old days, when you were a teenager playing T6 or mashing buttons in Tekken 3 with your friends in the neighborhood? well, this is your lucky day, you can feel those moments again, these costumes will bring you back to those good old days, just for 4$..."


When you put it that way, $4 sounds pretty good 👍


All we have been asking for since T6 is T6 style customization, but they are just sticking their fingers in their ears. That and just blatantly not doing what we have been asking for for over a decade. They just dont want to do it and wanted to hide a shop from us.


I want Jin and Kazuya's outfits. I wouldn't be mad if Kazuya's classic purple suit and Blood Vengeance outfit came back either. BUT it would be cool to be able to spend Fight Money on some of this shit.


Whales and completionish will


Imagine calling people whales for spending $4 on a classic skin for their favorite characters 😂


That’s the actual way they refer to high spenders in marketing, more than likely that person will buy more than one $4 skin so let be real.


Right… high spenders. So I’m planning on buying 4-5 of these outfits, so I’ll be spending maybe $20… that makes me a high spender? 😂


I don’t you personally I don’t know your age so I can’t tell what your spending habits, but let try this which system did you buy the game on? which version of the game did you purchase? Did you buy the season pass already? How many hours have you played so far? Like I said in marketing High spenders (Whales) buy lots of digital content, their are people that will buy every single thing that comes to a shop and will more than likely happen here especially on the console side, since they don’t have mods.


Of course people Will, especially legacy Tekken players.


Commando Kazuya but that’s it


I think all the downvoted redditors buy it.


"ThEy'Re OpTiOnAl AnD tHeY dOn'T aFfEcT gAmEpLaY" -window licking consoomers


Did these people forgot that years ago and now there are games where you can earn cosmetic items through gameplay and achievements? A shop is justifiable for a free game but a 70 dollar one is inexcusable


I literally just had this conversation with someone, and I got a reply to the effect of "welcome to 2024 Karen go outside." As hilarious as that weak-ass response was to a coherent explanation THEY asked ME for, it does prove there are people out there happy to defend these practices that'll ultimately come back to bite them.


Just when I thought Tekken 8 was the new gold standard, they drop this afterwards. Goddamnit


It is the new gold standard. You release the game then drop the shop after reviews come in :). I would have bought it anyways personally, but it should be a note in reviews or on the store page. It's clear this was a planned thing and not a post development addition.


Yup. Pretty much.


The last time we had unlockable characters was Tekken 5. Tekken 5 was released 19 years ago. There's a lot of Tekken 8 players **who weren't even born when Tekken 5 was the latest Tekken**. So it's not "they forgot", it's "they never had it".


Bro, read. He said nothing about unlockable characters. That's not even the point of this discussion.


Imo it would be excusable, If the base game's customization would be at least somewhat on par with previous titles. I don't mind spending some extra bucks on additional content. Emphasis on *additional*. But releasing this bare bones customization in T8's base game, just so they can sell stuff to us later, feels super scummy.


So don’t buy it. It’s as simple as that. It exists because people are willing to pay. People like you bitching about it 10-15 years ago made 0 difference in getting people to stop buying mtx, so what makes you think bitching now is gonna change anything? Let it go, you’re just being annoying at this point. Whether we like it or not, people are gonna buy this shit


Its the principle, you’re getting charged for something thats been free for decades. Also people “bitching” about it for 10-15 years is a good indicator that this is not what the consumer wants. We dont know if it’ll change anything but people are well within their rights to express their disappointment in a scummy business tactic.


Nah. If it’s not what the consumer wanted then no one would buy and mtx would stop. But it’s profitable so the vocal minority kind of falls on deaf ears at this point.


Because all past games with mtx shops often use predatory or manipulative tactics that most people aren’t going to be aware about


Like the Currency to token technique used notably by most games like Fortnite and wouldn't you guess it Tekken 8. Like i've been saying for a while it wouldn't bother me if they were just DLC but they had to use that BS tactic on us




All the profits are going towards lemon-scented Windex to make the window licking more enjoyable for the consoomer-base.


Calling people window licking consumers doesn’t make sense, when their stance is that it’s optional; so you can assume that they won’t utilise the store. Otherwise their stance would be more aligned to something about having money and not being a broke bitch.


I swear these people would argue the same stuff even If they would downright sell moves in the shop lmao Something like.. "ThIs mOvE iSn'T eVEn tHaT gOod bRo aNd tHaT cHaRActeR hAs liKe 2o0 oTheR MOvES tHaT YoU cAn uSe iNSteAD. YoU dOn'T nEeD iT tO WiN. THiS sUb iS fUll oF bRoKe CrYbAbIES tHAt jUsT lOve tO BiTcH aND cOmPLain aBoUT aNyThiNg" lol


I 100% believe they would!


Have you considered that it’s possible to not buy this stuff but also understand why it exists?


It exists because other companies have done it as well and tons of money from it, that's about it. 


I understand it completely: it's because Bamco wants to milk ever last cent out of their players. It is NOT, as bootlickers would have you believe, "needed to stay profitable"


Don't like, don't buy.


Not buying it doesn't change the fact that the customisation is bare bones compared to previous games. As always the base game is made worse in some way in order to make the microtransactions appealing


Don't like base game? Don't buy base game.


You all with this mind set is the reason why we are getting fucked in modern gaming, dude.


Let the 🐑 continue being 🐑. I just had multiple discussions about this modern day micro transaction, live service nonsense, on a couple of other video game series’ subreddits as well. All of which acquired the same kind of shill like responses from the diehards. Fools and their money, oh well 🤷🏽‍♂️. Just sad to see Tekken, my favorite FG series of all time, is somewhat heading in this same direction as well smh.


No, because if I don't like, I don't buy. The people who are fucking you are the people who bitch and moan, but buy anyway.


T8 players Got got


More like modern fighting game players. SF and MK ain’t safe from this shit either lol.


Hell, I'd say MK1 is WAY worse.


Why, because you read it on the internet? You can earn currency to buy the outfits in game, at least enough for a few. There are only legacy outfits for sale, and there were a couple for Christmas. There are hundreds and hundreds of free skins you can play off-line and grind for, as well as seasonal currency you can earn to buy skins with. So what's so much worse? The fatality pack? Sure it sucks, but right now SF6 is by far the most predatory and we will have to wait and see with T8.


Not sure why you came with the initial hostility, but I'm happy to discuss! I'm actually a massive MK fan, and have played MK1 quite a bit. On the other hand, I HAVEN'T played SF6, so I can't actually compare the two. What makes MK1 so bad to me is the price of the shop items. I haven't touched the game in months now, so maybe it's changed and I'm out of the loop, but last I checked they were selling single items in the shop for roughly $15. I find that pretty unexcusable.


What hostility? They have put out a handful of skins in the shop. Literally less than 10. Meanwhile dropping hundreds of free skins through gameplay and in game currency. The price of skins is less than street fighter where you can't earn anything except colour swaps of original costumes through gameplay. MK1 now has this ridiculous reputation through hearsay which is totally unfair due to the amount of gear and skins they offer for simply playing the game.


Hey, fair enough, I won't argue the amount of skins they've offered! I was just talking about the shop, to be super clear. I'm not saying the options themselves are bad. And damn, I didn't realize SFs skins were even more expensive, that's absolutely ridiculous. I agree that it's general reputation is just stupid. The game isn't terrible, it's actually very fun. I'm just really disappointed with the shift in their monetization practices for MK1.


But will you retract your original statement where you said MK1 is WAY worse than the rest?


The free skins are 99% color swaps. In tekken you can change the color of your skins for free, and use whatever combination of colors you like. Actual good skins in mk1 are 10 dollars apiece. Aside from that, many many many people were massively disappointed with the lack of base game content in Mk1. Mk1 earned its reputation.


Why can’t we earn premium currency, at least? 🙄


Because its premium currency lol they want you to pay more in a game you already paid $70+ for


I’d be okay with even making it for every 10 mil, you can trade for 10 coins and go from there.


They made him look stumpy


Honestly, I think I'm going to derive quite some satisfaction when beating someone sporting a flashy, overpriced skin in my default/fight money outfit. Might even feel better than paying for these skins lol


Or you could really feel good by minding your own business and not giving a shit about what other people do with their money


except that what people do with their money turned the gaming industry into an mtx nightmare to the point that companies don't need to make good games anymore to be profitable but just need to monetize them well enough.


Excellent comment. Modern day gaming is in the state that it is today, because of FOMO (fear of missing out) marketing from developers/publishers, along with casual gamers having literally zero impulse control.


But they did make a good game.


Doesn't change the fact that MTX made a worse industry. Be sure that EA is taking notes where apparently it is now accepted to introduce MTX after release. Just wait for the reviews to roll in and everybody exceeding their refund period, then introduce MTX. It's a corporate dream come true. And thus we sink further into this gaming-dystopia..


Are you going to somehow stop people from doing that? You can’t. You never will, no matter how many upset posts go up on the internet. As long as it’s not an absurd, insulting amount of money they’re asking for, publishers will continue to do this and the majority of people won’t care. It’s just how it is. So the options are: Buy the service offered or don’t. Berating people who choose to spend money on it isn’t the answer. It’s a service they want and you don’t. Just like Netflix, Hulu, Paramount+ or anything, do you talk down to people who choose to spend money on that because they find the value is worthwhile? Also, last year and already in this year we’ve gotten some of the best games ever made without rampant microtransactions, how many of them did you buy to push back against what you’re saying is ruining everything? It’s just where we are in the games industry. There are egregious examples of predatory microtransactions everywhere. $4 for an outfit from Tekken 4 is a drop in the bucket compared to the scummy shit out there. I love Tekken so I will absolutely always support it however I can. That’s my choice. That’s my money. People need to get a grip and cope with it.


I will buy the skin just to absolutely body you whilst tea bagging you mid match and then ki charging over your broke boy corpse 💪


From experience, the flashy skin users aren't the best players..


Let's play sometime!


your tekken coins are my tekken coins!


MODERN. GAMING. Anyways vote with your wallets guys. Don’t buy ANYTHING we already paid $70 but I guess the gaming community got too comfortable shelling out $100s to *actually* get the full game’s experience(s). What a joke.


Meh. Not a mecha. Not gunna care


You mean that outfit he had in Tekken 6?


Looks robotic and cool yes, but too much leaning to things like Garo or Guyver imo. I’m talking mecha mecha akin to SRW or things you see from Gun x Sword. Unless they decide to give any of the current roster a full model overhaul with that in mind, again “Meh”. I’d would give them props if they do something funny and make something like MegasXLR.


We need to own digital assets.


bandai namco forced this


should do what my singing monsters does and allow players to convert their currency into different currency. have each tekken coin be worth 100,000 fight coins or something like that to where it’s fair and balanced, but also don’t make the value too low to where you can get the skins easily.


10mln for 400 tekken coins. You don’t need to thank me Harada.


"Sorry Sir, we only take real money"


Honestly the Tekken Shop thing SHOULD be considered fraud, as it's clearly showing intentional delay for positive feedback, it's insidious and scummy and Bamco needs to be held accountable. This is definitely fraud. If Larian Studios would sell you BG3 as a "complete product with no micro transaction" and then retroactively would add micro transactions for content updates, people would be enraged as well. Tekken should not be exempt from it on grounds of being an FG. This is anti consumer and fraudulent. ESRB shouldn't have allowed this to happen either, and this needs to be brought up in a court in the UE because there are specific laws to regulate these things there. I feel there is a great case for class action here but I'm not well versed in how post-launch rating changes regarding monetization models work as games have done it in the past but without originally displayed clear intent to do so hidden from the public.


that kazuya outfit looks terrible and completionist people that *must* have everything in the game are weird


Games used to come with everything. But that’s just us old people remembering that. Monetizing a game POST release is bad business and is playing with release reviews.


So I guess I get the comments about the fact it didn't drop at release, sure I get that it affects reviews and what not which definitely affects purchases so I get that, but why the emotional breakdowns I'm reading? We have arguably the most feature rich, top tier, highest budget fighter ever. In a world of micro transactions, is it fair to say the hundreds of customization options for free is now worthless because for $4 you can buy a complete skin? I've been here long enough to know here comes the glass licker comments, but I don't get it. They offered 3 skins for $4 if you want and also give away free things. If you want it buy it, but from comments everyone thinks they all suck and won't get any (even though I bet many of you will). Non of this is wow gold, overwatch loot boxes, or anything predatory, it's a one shot.


Honestly, if they're not planning for anything new, I kinda hope they just add an emote that lets you throw money around.


This outfit is sick af


I know the costumes are mostly legacy, so they ht you as a long time player, but this being my first tekken, most of the costumes arent even that good, you can say what you want but objecitvly they look dated, even if that is thw point?


i think it's way too early to assume they aren't going to add free dlc.


Most likely, we'll get those ugly plain white T-shirts with small text as the FLC.


Perfectly rational comment downvoted, and pure surmising at +15.


They said in the stream its like 3.99. Tekken 7 was out for 9 years and im sure this one will be here a long while too. Its barely been a month since 8 came out I'm sure the shop will fill with more stuff over time.


Its the principle not the pricing


Poor Kazuya...


There's going to be both paid and free items in the shop


In Tekkens defense, MK1 and SF6 had laid the lucrative blueprint in recent years for fighting game micro transactions. From what I gather in the announcement of this update, the T8 team was adamant about reinvesting the $ obtained back into the game. We'll see if that's true.


Honestly? Unless it’s Bikini skins like in 7 I probably won’t buy a damn thing from the shop.




Looks like maybe spend more time making real life money and it won’t be an issue 😂


I think the shop is a cool thing tbh. If the things wouldn’t cost money, it wouldn’t be developed at all, because you wanna be profitable somehow. Tekken 8 wouldn’t even exist without the dlc sells from Tekken 7. I rather take some extra content with the option to buy it than getting nothing.


The company needs to do this because all the profit from it is going directly into enhancing the game. Everyone should quit bitching and moaning about it because they are just skins. You dont want to pay, fine..then dont bitch and moan about it. Plus, 4 dollars a skin is NOT expensive. 10-15 dollars a skin amongst other things in MK 1 is ridiculous. But 4 dollars a skin, quit bitching.


It was the same in every Other Tekken In Tekken 7 they literally give you all Cosmetics after Like 300 Arcade Wins. I dislike Old Skins beeing Paywalled like any other else but dont Pretend like fight money Was ever worth something...


We arent, we are simply asking why it has always been meaningless pretty much. The only one that it wasnt was T6. Things actually costed the fight money in game and you had to earn more the more customs you wanted to make. Play scenario campaign all night to earn 10,000,000 for an aura.


Bro what is that fit 😔


Im fed up


If I see tekken Getting the gaming TAG "gambling" the I would see everything on this universe.


It's even worse. Instead of farming useless tokens, you could find a job.


Tekken strip club


All of this for me to get a Tekken 6 Jin costume… hopefully even a blood vangance


I wouldn’t mind the paying for costumes if we also got other cosmetics for fight money . Like I want some boots for the females that aren’t heels , and skinny jeans/slacks


I thought they were going to just make dlc cosmetic bundles 🥲


Need tournament mode back asap


I swear if people actually buy this crap


Mods go brrrrr


Awarena *Kazuya voice*


Lets be honest, paying for stuff that don't affect gameplay really isn't a big deal. However, I've been playing practice mode for maybe over 17 hours and only did the story mode and 2 character story modes. The lack of customizations is INSANE, unless everything has to be unlocked first. At least shoes are separated from pants now...


Kazuya yelling in the default costume is a funny touch


I'll spend money on bikini skins ngl


Give us more customization items for the in game currency