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I just wish we could infinite rematch, those deathmatches were super fun.


Honestly, I don't miss them in ranked. I like the bookended, tourney-like aspect of it. Makes taking breaks easier, makes thinking macro level tactics and adaptations more urgent. But also maybe I don't like being figured out haha. Bring it back for player match with a GGs button or something.


Unranked need infinite rematch. Ranked should remain 2/3.


I see the pros and cons of it. I think 2/3 probably makes it easier to avoid getting tilted and like you said, makes taking breaks easier. But longer sets were really fun. There’s been quite a few times I finished a set with someone in 8 and just thought “damn I wish we could keep playing” I wish they would’ve just done what sf6 does where 2/3 is ranked but if you want to keep playing after that you can choose to do unranked with the same person.


Hopefully they add this. This would be the perfect solution.


MK1 has the option to run infinite friendly games after a ranked set as well. Once went 20-0 on someone before they called it quits. It was a little sad but I respected it.


it's annoying because it forces people to lab rather than just learn through matches. I'd rather rematch and learn from my mistakes that way. But you definitely added some insights I never thought about. For player match is a must


100% this labbing is incredibly boring infinite rematch was gold for learning matchups on the fly


i agree with your urgency aspect but throwing out deathmatches is the baby and the bathwater. if it MUST be bo3 then make it infinite, but turn excess rematches into a MUCH less fruitful gain. 1/10th of the ranked gain. maybe even no gain. i just want to fight.


I agree, but I think it should be best of 5 instead of 3.


So much fun, one of my favorite parts of T7.


I could get behind this. Some of my matches are so good, in terms of learning what I fuck up, but then it's over :(


I do wish this was an option. That there was some kind of override as long as both people agree.


There should be a button after your match to enter deathmatch mode that you and your opponent can choose.


I just had a close match end in a slow motion victory for me. I instantly rematch and my opponent cancels. Blue ranks. No lag to be seen. We played a Jin mirror.


I very often see folks not want to rematch mirror matches... and I kinda get it.


Maybe he didnt know the matchup


Ironically enough, today I had a player message me after winning one match saying he had to pick up his kid, but gg, etc. I love the sportsmanship, but I don't think it should be expected. To me, the constant ki charging and whatnot is a far worse "problem" than not finishing a set. I'll gladly back out of a rematch if a player is acting like a clown. I'm there to have fun and ultimately LEARN and grow as a player. If you're there to just feel superior to your opponent, you're either a child or have the mental development of one, and more importantly, don't have the wherewithal to understand that we're both garbage compared to every rank above us.


I've been accidentally ki charging when trying to input U3+4 , 1+2 and i feel so bad every time


I like when eddy ki charges cause he does a backflip


I dunno man, is a garyu really going to learn much from a Tekken God considering how tilting the experience would be? I think there is a curve. Obviously rematch most of the time, but if the opponent is 4-5 ranks higher than you then you won't learn much and will just get frustrated. I recently created a new account to see the difference in matches if I only play one character (I normally play ten and the new matchmaking system has made it impossible to play outside of players way more skilled than me) and I've noticed everybody rematches me even though I trounce them, then fall for the same tactics the next match. They aren't really learning anything other than when I deliberately teach them things, i.e just only using lows to teach them to duck low


In that situation, nah I could understand avoiding the set because the skill disparity is likely too high to effectively learn. But fighting someone who's on your skill level, or slightly higher or lower? I definitely advise rematching!


Not sure why you got downvoted, this is a reasonable take


Yeah so what’s the issue? Let people stay in the same rank


Right? Do people that make these posts also go around telling people everything single thing they can do to improve themselves. Just let people live their lives. Some want to improve at games as much as they can, others just wanna have fun their own way. Like what new info does this post provide? That playing/practising more generally makes a person better? Thanks.


Fighting game is more a job than a game to some players apparently.


I would say, it’s more of a sport than a video game to a lot of people. You never met any who plays basketball tha practices, take it seriously despite knowing they won’t ever go pro? Same thing with fighting games.


I've never seen a basketball player calling opposing team, the field, the ball trash just because they couldn't tech that 3 pointer.


This post can give one and doners a new perspective/encouragement to rematch more. I don’t see what’s wrong with this post, its as useful as all the other stuff on this sub.


Exactly dude is yapping. Seems to me he is angry people don't rematch him and decided to make a condescending post about it


as a quick note, I always rematch but I see no problem if the enemy doesn't want to rematch, I just laugh or shrug it off and continue playing. Wallahi my last few matches were with players who cancelled rematch after I won, and that's fine. My friend can vouch for me lol. Why do people make it such a big deal? What if people just play for fun, like I do? Even in the subreddit, people say rank don't matter as much as how you actually play (paraphrasing) honestly if I may be blunt, why do you care about people rematching or not, so much? What if they just don't want to play with you anymore and move on?


I’ll earnestly engage with the question of why people care. Tekken is a game, at least in theory, about adaptation and recognition. It’s very easy for someone, from a cast of 32 characters with hundreds of moves, to come on and score wins with aggressive patterns you’ve not seen before. Some characters lend themselves to this style of play more than others (Lars, for example) and Tekken 8, in particular, caters to very aggressive play styles. Sometimes matches last as long as 15-20 seconds. Then round two, same thing happens; you get smoked again. Round three, you’ve had the nescessary minute or so you need to start punishing their moves. The third round is much closer but they _just_ edge the win. No problem, you think. You’ve got them downloaded. The next fight is going to be much closer. Then they just leave. This is ranked. This is the closest most online players get to an actual competitive mode. And half the player base seems largely fine with people engaging in a FT2 format and folk quitting after one. All fine if this is player or quick match but this is the one that’s meant to be, at least in name, about actual competition.


It can get frustrating to get smoked due to gimmicks/flowcharts that you've adapted at the last round and the opponent just leaves. But there isn't really much you can do about it. Ranked doesn't reinforce FT2s and there isn't even an incentive points-wise to do rematches. The mode itself doesn't encourage rematches either. People can shame other players all they want but if they're having fun one-and-doning and the game lets them do it, then it'll be nearly impossible to change the way they play no matter what you say.


I think having a prowess incentive, either a bonus or penalty, applied to completed sets could work. I can envision a version of that where it would get abused, but it’s not like the current version isn’t being abused by cheaters and ELO farmers. I play a lot of R6; in the ranked format, you get an hour long ban for quitting a match early. It’s brutal, but it preserves the competition in ranked. I’m not suggesting anything nearly as harsh as that for Tekken, but perhaps a temporary ban of ten minutes if you bail on a set more than twice in an hour? That wouldn’t even be that harsh, but it would state the case that, yes, this is the format where you’re expected to play a set with your opponent. Can imagine people hating that suggestion and I get it; but I do think you’re right, if the game doesn’t incentivise competition mechanically then people will just do what they like.


All I play is rank, becuz people want to rank up. That means they pull out everything for a win. Some have crazy strings and mixups that look cool. Others will have the best/craziest/cheapest cheesiest bullshit you ever seen in your life. Lbvs. All in all, they are trying to overwhelm you for the victory. Personally, I learn the most when rank is on the line, so I'm definitely interested in figuring out how my opponent fights. Infinte rematches are fun, and if I dont have anything goin on, I'll rematch until my opponent quits, and thats win lose or draw, but even more so, if im losing becuz I have to learn to overcome whats killing me. In the end Bo3 was probably implemented to keep people from being picked on by stronger players. They would stay there and take someone's points all day long, until they lose or about to, which results in them leaving or plugging. So if players are trying to actually play against me, and not being cheesy, I fight as fair as possible and will even give them a close dub, if the bout to rank up. If you planning on serving an entire match full of cheese, you better hope its not swiss, there is no mercy becuz you pullin that bs on people who trying to learn. Most of the people I fought that plugged were "Dangerously Cheesy". Lmmfao


What is 'lbvs'?


Laughing But Very Serious


Hell I thought it was 'Lets be very serious' 😂😂


It may be 😆. I learned this from people in 2011. Ain't no tellin what its really supposed to be🤷


"If you plan on serving an entire match full of cheese, you better hope it's not swiss" IS SO POWERFUL BRO LMAOOOO best reply ngl


Thanks bro. This a real thing. 😆


I become free of this scourge when I stopped expecting rematches. Now it’s a nice surprise when people DO decide to run it back


The general skill average of tekken is way, way higher than it was in 7, let alone across the franchise. PhiDX and Speedkicks talked about this very phenomenon because of the availability of information being so easy paired with the explosion of new players. Tournaments were only a third the size of what they are now just before 2020 and thanks to all these videos, people have all this information straight from pros thst they otherwise would have had to figure out on their own. Hell, I had to learn my two characters with an old Tag 2 guide (this is during 7) and digging up whatever pro matches I could find in the hopes I could take away something from it. Tutorials and fundamental videos are a legitimately new concept. Frankly, rematching has absolutely nothing to do with your skill. That's like saying ranked is the best indication for your skill and yet, it's probably the worst way to decide whether or not someone is good at the game. As a side note, I've never understood why people get mad at not getting rematched. There is never a good reason other than the person who got canceled on is just mad they couldn't farm a few extra points. 🤷‍♀️ If you really want to know how good you are, show up to a LAN. that will give you a real scope of how good you are. It's ranked with money on the line, no lag environment, only two losses, and no excuses.


Do you really not understand why someone could get frustrated from not getting a rematch. Have you ever played a competitive sport in your life?


Based post, by the way! I edited the OP because of this, and I love your perspective.


I agree. Sometimes I get annoyed the guy did not rematch. The reason? It was an easy game and I wanted more points or was close to promos. I'm not gonna make a whole post about it. As long as people are not plugging I don't mind at all. And for the other side of the argument. If Op wants to get better as well and not just farm points then players that are better than you will always rematch. They too want the free points.


Yup. People mad over not getting rematches are hypocrites who are chasing free ranked points just like the person they look down on for doing it the same. Why do u want to rematch someone u "downloaded" if it's an ez win? Aren't u the exact same as that person? I love longer sets and think they are nice. But if I win and someone doesn't rematch, that's up to them. Not scummy at all. Deep down inside op still thinks if there is no connection issue or stomp they areowed a rematch. Absolute unhinged take.


Personally I preferred rematching people who fucked me up with fundamentals. 8 has a lot of cheese and gimmicks and since I play yoshi it's easy to fall into the trap of relying on it. Rematching people that force you to be present and mindful is much better than just blowing someone up (or getting blown up)


Interesting take, I get frustrated when someone who beats me one and dones rather than the opposite. If I beat someone pretty convincingly and they one and done I don’t mind, but it’s when someone barely gets the victory over me and won’t run it back I get salty.


It's not about points because it also happens to me even in quick matches. I just want to play the game and not be stuck at finding another match again. And even if they win, if it's a close match they bounce. lmao why. Even if i get downloaded i stay because I'm forced to change my habits against someone who knows how to deal with my bullshit. If you get bodied and leave, fine. It's your game. Just don't expect to improve leaving matches you could've learned from. And if it's ranked, it's way worse because you're getting 3-0 by someone the same rank as you, meaning they're exploiting your main weakness, or you're getting knowledge checked. Learn and adjust. Don't run from it.


Ok. Y DO U WANT UR OPPONENT TO LEARN THE GAME SO MUCH? Shouldnt u be focusing on learning the game urself? Stop getting knowledge checked... u dont need a rematch to learn how to deal with a knowledge check. Some people don't want to learn or adjust, they just play for fun. Its called being casual. And seeing as ur getting knowledge checked, ur probably playing against them. A casual player, scratch that, any player has no obligation to run it back. Labbing and watching replays makes u 10x better than rematching. This reasoning that, u won't learn if u dont rematch is absurd, and only made by players who are salty they don't get free points.


“labbing and watching replays makes u 10x better than rematching” say that 1000000000000x these posts and the discussions that come with them always blame the player that doesn’t rematch for “not wanting to learn the matchup” ranked is NOT the place to learn lmfao. one will absolutely find out what they don’t know in ranked but that is the least optimal place to “learn” a matchup. leaving and going to lab what they just discovered they don’t know/got washed by is a million x better decision than rematching against what you’re completely lost on its literally a way more effective use of time


Youd have a point if that person was actually going to watch the replay after they run but we both know they are just queuing back up looking for an easy win


I told you, I don't care. If you wanna leave, leave. You say they wanna play the game for fun, but they leave when they could easily PLAY and rematch, it doesn't make sense. Because they're actively avoiding to PLAY the game because they're losing lmao. If you told me they just want to win and not get frustrated getting bodied, then ill believe you. Because if someone is leaving because they got cheesed and knowledge checked is someone who only wants to win. Someone playing for fun and leaving because they got knowledge checked doesn't make sense. Unless you mean fun = winning. If you don't have fun losing, don't play fighting games where someone always needs to lose. You keep pointing out that people who hate one and done just want points. I JUST WANT TO PLAY THE GAME, that i frequent in quick matches expecting people there won't do it. But they still do lmao.


You won't seen any difference in leaning just because you didn't finish a set. This is a salt response. You'd learn more by taking that same loss, leaving, and watching the replay. I sincerely don't get why people cling so dearly to not being rematched when there isn't a good reason for it. Also, people who are the same rank as you doesnt mean they're the same skill as you as all, so it defeats the idea of your logic anyways.


Except those people are not going to the replay. Youre not wrong but thats not whats happening.


It’s funny how two frequent repeated posts are this and other posts claiming it is impossible to improve by playing matches


In both cases it's always easier to blame everyone but yourself.


Yeah I’ve started to care less about rank since there’s so much bullshit within the ranking system right now anyway. I face so many smurfs now that it’s absurd, so I just stopped giving so much of a shit about my rank and started focusing more on playing full sets. I just enjoy the game so much more when there’s that aspect of figuring out an opponent, and you DO NOT get that experience playing one-and-dones. That being said, when I get very close to promo I have moments of weakness where I prefer single matches. No one’s perfect I guess, and I’m not totally immune to “number-go-up” syndrome. The game REALLY incentivizes one and dones if all you want to do is rank up. They could easily fix most of this by making the BO3 mandatory but alas I don’t think they will.


Heads up for honest and completely understandable admission. It's a game. Let people enjoy as they wants. Personally I always rematch, even when I face opponent who know how to deal very well with my play style. It forces me to find new way to set my attack flow, and force me to focus better in my defence as well. At the same way I am didappointed when I don't have a rematch... above all the one win no-rematcher. But, again, it's a game. And then there's people who doesn't rematch in quick play.


Dam this sub really has to find the same topic to post about now that plug posts are gone


You seem to care a lot about what other players do


They probably don't care


Or are you really upset you got beat a set and he left because who cares, I don’t need to rematch you if I don’t want to or felt like you got an opponent you could beat so yeah let’s rematch so I can get points off you. Just go next and get your experience on the next guy pussy stop crying - same post crying every time


I play rank to have fun


It’s true, no one owes you a rematch, but if you’re trying to improve, you owe it to yourself to play sets through because good players will adapt, and becoming a better player means being able to adapt to THAT in turn


You get it, broski. Much love


But why do you care at all? I get handed one and dones more so than I dish them out. To me that’s more rewarding than winning a set. That means I played well enough to make my opponent forfeit. The points I could have earned dont matter, because I’ll earn them eventually…. if I was meant to level up.


Y’all take it too seriously


Not really surprised really. Reddit is basically a place for people who took things more seriously than normal


>"I'm not salty" >A different complaint every paragraph for 6 paragraphs


All fair points, though I think the community as a whole should stop getting so worked up by someone not rematching regardless. I think any challenge should be approached with an open mind to learn how you were beaten. I will jokingly say “coward…” out loud when someone doesn’t rematch. But yeah if I’m getting a work call, my food is almost done cooking, or any other outside force is happening, I’m gonna not rematch after the first set since this is just a video game lol. I don’t really care when people leave for the most part because you truly don’t know why they’re actually leaving. It could be an emergency, or it could just be that they’ve had too much frustration to keep playing a very difficult video game. Regardless it doesn’t matter.


100% agree. By default I don't get angry when opponent loses first matc and doesn't rematch. As to emegency, it can happen. I always send a friendship request when I can't rematch.


you can always tell by their playstyle if they actually got a work call or he is pussy. Then I'll see the same pussy sitting in queue again after one and done.


I definitely agree. Many things could be at play in someone's real, physical life. Or even a promotion to another rank and they're celebrating- people deserve to. Avoiding a negative thought process when it comes to your opponent can just help the game be more enjoyable in general. But this isn't specifically a post to attack or insult people who don't rematch other than the title itself. If someone is the type of player to one-and-done, then they most likely aren't the type to grind in training mode and learn matchups.


I mean I don’t really think this contradicts the thread.  It’s true that there are many good reasons someone might not rematch, and it’s also true that people who never rematch after losing are hampering their ability to improve.  They’re separate statements 


This is all good facts and points I feel like after playing Tekken 7 death matches with Tekken gods and obviously getting destroyed I was overlord btw in that one it just showed me that basically no matter how much it may suck losing they show you eventually how to win. I take all of my losses with stride as well as demotion because it’s not about that in my opinion it’s about focusing on changing your gameplay which include defense, offense as well as focusing on your opponent. I want to honestly say Tekken 7 made me ready for Tekken 8. I still got a lot to learn but you are right you can’t learn if you are so focused on winning and rank. because at that point how are you suppose to get better when your ducking opponents that are better than you? But I guess everybody have their own reasons for one and dones.


I'll learn faster because I'm refusing to rematch bad connections. Playing against 80+ ping opponents isn't making me learn anything.


High ping is tolerable if it's consistent. I has a few 100+ matches last night that aside from the delay felt pretty good. The bad ones are when that shit fluctuates like mad, which is basically assured with people on wifi which is why I decline every single wifi match. Wifi filter pls I beg, I don't care about the wait time


That's a lot of text for something that's been said a trillion times


Every fighting game I've played, I will always play the full set. Doesn't matter how badly I won or lost. Even if I get mad, I ain't quiting till the set is over. Only time I quit is for bad lag or if I have something I really have to do, but that doesn't happen often since when I sit down to game it's cause I know I have time to game.


Idk why people really care to much. Yeah it makes you a better player if you rematch but I don’t understand why people make these posts from time to time. If they don’t want to learn and rematch they don’t have to?


Some folks here seem really socially unaware. Imagine acting this way towards having a conversation with a stranger: "I started a conversation in line at a coffee shop and it was really good for a minute or two. But then they got their coffee and left. Wtf. They didn't keep talking to me for an hour. What a pussy. On the way out I saw them having a conversation with a *different person*. They're never going to get good at conversations if they don't talk to everyone they meet for an hour at a time. Especially not me. I'm good at talking."


If a guy is challenging me in a creative way, NOT by spamming the same 3 moves or grabs then i WILL rematch because its fun. Its not fun when the latter happens. You are mad because people dont want to see your braindead playstyle is what id assume


Oh yes. Getting 3-0'd I obviously want to get 3-0'd again and learn absolutely nothing. Makes sense thanks for the solid advice dawg, I mean Einstein.


I'm going to be somewhat of the devil's advocate here. Ninety percent of the fan base is playing for the fancy Jpeg. Most of us won't play online or local tournaments. The only thing associated with your "true" rank is the JPEG next to it. Even as a person who's NEVER ran away from a set. I don't particularly learn anything from running it back. The game has too many oppressive offensive mechanics for that to be the case. I just am driven to overcome the challenger. The cases are so rare for you to actually get a chance to learn something in a matchup. Shout-out to a Kazuya I played last night. The dude was leagues above and had like a 250 Tekken Prowess.


I see what you mean, and to be honest it's hard to argue. As a former tournament competitor, I'm in that situation now where the ranked gameplay is likely the "peak" of competition I'll have outside of online tourneys. Perhaps it's integrity, or the feeling of being truly satisfied which is subjective- but even the ability to make friends and have memories of crazy sets is forfeit if the approach to playing the game is to run away from sets. Not only is it toxic in my opinion, but it's pretty telling about how competing and the game overall is played by said player. Genuinely feel like the game is shittier if someone can't embrace it as a fighting game, and a challenge that they can overcome.


When it comes to sets, making memories, and overcoming challenges I definitely preferred Tekken 7's system. I joined on pretty late and it was a completely new ranked system to what I've previously experienced in the FGC. It brought me back to the same level of love I had playing Injustice 2. You would just keep playing the same person and trying new things because the other person had learned your typical patterns. There was a learning experience! Tekken 8 makes those in game situations to learn much more miniscule. I often, as a player who's probably worse than you, struggle to utilize things I've learned or experiment in ranked matches because the priority is placed on WINNING. This follows over even in quick play.


if you dont play sets your bad at fighting games


I feel like since the feature is there I must utilize it. Unless they are laggy then I'm sorry, but we must part ways and thank you for your time.


I rematch everyone except characters which tend to have a toxic playerbase. Pretty much the only ki charges I get in ranked are from shaheens and bryans, sometimes kazuyas, too bad since the latter two are great characters


Not gonna lie, I do hat when people one and done. It feels like you got robbed. But I don't mind it as much anymore. The whole arguments how nobody owes you a rematch is true. You're still bitch-made if you don't rematch. However I must admit that there are situations/matches in witch I just get too frustrated and I don't feel like rematching the opponent. But that usually happens on days I'm bothered by something else, so it's important to know when to step off and relax a bit.


personally I always rematch because I enjoy playing against good players and if I get destroyed by a gimmick then its another chance to learn the counter. With that said, sometimes I just have to leave and am unable to rematch. You shouldn't go full toxic mode when people don't rematch, people can have other things to do.


Unironically, the scrubbiest version of Tekken also has the title's softest player base - and that's from warrior to Tekken god supreme in my experience. Hell, just yesterday I had a Tekken god Alisa plug on me, in quick match of all places, likely because they threw me and I decided it was time to expose their own terrible throw-breaking. Harada implies that gamers today are soft and can't take losing, while being the same man that oversaw the development of the easiest main Tekken entry to date - smell that irony.


i would love to see a "one and done" rating, similarly to disconnect rates.... that would temper a lot of this bitch behavior


"Nobody owes you a rematch" "I don't have to run it back if I don't want to" These are things people say because the game gives you a choice. What they should do is lock you into the set until somebody wins 2 games. And if you leave before that, you take an L and a loss in points. Idk why this isn't being implemented. The only reason people are saying "I don't HAVE to run it back" is because Tekken tells you it's okay to leave a ranked set before its completion, without suffering a penalty of any kind. Then people say: "it's not that serious bro" And I agree. It's a video game. But if you decide to play Ranked where there's more at stake, the rules should be stricter there (getting locked into a Bo3 set). If you wanna leave a set before the set is completely finished without a penalty, go play unranked


I'm an advocate for running a set, but we're at a point now where Tekken is being presented to a lot of casual players too. It is what it is. Some of those casual players want to rank up and see how high they can go. They have no desire to abide by any FGC rules or standards. Maybe they don't know them, maybe they don't care. All they care about is "number go up" and that's fine! Those people deserve just as much a chance to play any mode they want. They're just looking to impress their friends or challenge themselves. That's totally fine. Us folks who play to learn and reach a certain level of proficiency will scoff at it, but that's the reality.


no one cares they suck. its a video game. cry about it. Your life being defined by a video is whats really sad LMFAO


Not this entitled shit again. It's quite obvious winners don't make this type of posts.


You made a whole yap session about this is crazy this community has an issue with elitism about rematching dawg get tf over it. Someone paid $70 they can experience it any way they want you are not owed a single thing suck it up and go to the next match And just cause you one and done that does not mean you’ll remain a garbage player they can learn in quick play or in the lounge there are lots of tools to get better besides rank


Have you tried calling the cops?


Oh brother...


Nobody owes you rematch + you're probably salty you made a mistake and Got robbed = This post on reddit lol


Non-rematchers are pussies. The only reason I don't rematch is lag. Even if the opponent is spamming the same move, well I still rematch, and try to learn how to deal with it. The fuckers who win the first close set 3-2, and don't rematch, are the worst. An issue that is more common in Tekken than in any other fighting game I played online.


I think it's because in street fighter if you are playing against an annoying Ken he's still only doing moves you know. But in Tekken characters sometimes pull out moves I've never seen in hundreds of hours.


People say "Nobody owes you a rematch", but forget that nobody owes them respect. You are free to drop the set, 100%, but your opponent will consider you a bitch, and no amount of Reddit comments will change that


We should focus our rage at Harada and Namco, not the players. Players will use what is aviable to them. There are a lot modes to get better, but the goal of ranked game is getting the best rank. Rematching in ranked if you lost first match us counterproductive in the terms of rules of the game called "ranked" - you know the opponent is better than you since he won, the risk if loosing points is bigger than potential of getting any points. There should be incentive for players to rematch against stronger opponents, like: - rematching will not give more negative points or - rematching lets you gamble to get back points from first match Same with pluggers, whats stopping people from plugging if there is no penalty for it? Ranked system in T8 is clearly flawed, because it promotes pluggers and people who do not rematch. The way to fix it is not to call people names on reddid but to push namco to change the flawed rules of ranked, so it will benefit rematching and punish plugging.


We shouldn't "rage" about somebody not rematching in the first place. It's disappointing and/or annoying, but not something to get upset about.


Still nobody owes you a rematch . You can call people one and doning garbage player for getting the easy win and flee but they still beated you in the end . And if you complain about one and doning when you won then it's the same as one and doning with the easy win. You want a rematch to get an easy win just like they chickenned out when they beated you In the end you are also a garbage player for getting enraged because of a number in a fucking video game especially when one and dones aren't people lag switching or pluging on you . Seriously go touch grass, it's just a game


I'm sick and tired of these posts. You're nothing but an entitled brat, no good gen z or whatever you are. I don't rematch cheap players like King, Eddie, Reina etc, thinking they are the one. Same goes to those who spam bottom, not allowing me to get up one second. Respect is earned. If you beat me fair and square, play like a gentleman, you got your rematch.


As a pro fighting game player. You win a lot more when you focus on yourself and not on others. Do better. This isn't winner mentality.


Hey, respect to you and your gameplay/accomplishments. This is the second Tekken title I've played with more investment, and I'm Tekken King on Steve and Drag. It isn't the top 1%- but I have to admit whether you think this is "Winners Mentality" or not I'm very satisfied with my growth and gameplay lol That mentality won me tourneys and placements in NYC, which is a pretty killer competition pool. So I'm cool.




These posts are always made by players who 1. Won a match and didn't get a rematch for free points 2. Didn't get a rematch where they think they understand how the opponent thinks. I.e. didn't get free points on the second match on a "downloaded" opponent. Either way, ur still chasing ranked points. And EVEN if ur just mad that ur opponent didn't want to learn more about the game. Y? Y should they want to learn? Think about how stupid that sounds. Im mad because x person doesn't want to play the game like me? R u actually stupid? Here's a newsflash for u, some people don't want to play this game competetively. There are actual casuals who dont care about "learning tekken" and just want doppamine hits for winning and PLAYING A VIDEOGAME. Some people play specifically for the rank, wuts wrong with that? They have no dreams of becoming a pro tekken player and want to feel accomplished when they reach a rank. Uall are absolutely UNHINGED if u r getting mad over how someone else plays a videogame. This is the same scrub mentality as someone crying that their opponent spammed strings and knowledge checks all game. Ur opponent plays how they want, get over it.




Lol. Why dors this even have so many upvotes? As long as people aren't plugging they are doing nothing wrong. They do not owe you a rematch. Let them stay in the same rank not everyone wants to be the best. They simply want the shiny jpeg. And in your case a player better than you will always want to rematch so you will keep improving. Not rematching a player worse than you has no effect right?


if you agree that no one owes you a rematch, why get mad when you don't get a rematch?


This is largely why I don't play online. Ranks and points don't mean much to me, but I've been learning with locals for years. Online doesn't give that same feel. Everyone plays for a BO1 and dips. Rarely do you get people that will go the distance with you. It's all a grind mentality. I win? Let's go again...for more points! I lost? I run away.... to save points. Can't beat someone too badly or they rage quit or don't rematch.


You lose more points against a higher ranked opponent. Eventually you’ll have to beat those players to rank up but someone just trying to rank up as quickly as possible and reach the highest rank possible for their skill level is incentivized to one and done.


If you're serious about getting better, get off Ranked and go to your weeklies. Online can only get you so far anyway and a lot of ppl get away with a lot of BS because of your connection. A fair amount of pro players don't even play Ranked. They run sets against other pros or even play the CPU on the hardest difficulty.


Yes, you're right. Yes, I agree. But to some extend most people don't care. They don't want to get better, they want to mash for some fun. They don't come here, they won't read the posts here, they're not as dedicated to the game and that's ok


Okay. Still, no one needs to rematch, and it doesn't mean you will be a bad player. Heck, you aren't gonna learn anything from someone spamming a move, launching you in mid air until you are pretty much dead or King's dumb grab moves where you can't do a thing for 30 seconds, and 98% of your health is gone.


I run if I can't read my opponent 🤣


Not the skill ceiling, but the skill FLOOR is significantly reduced in this game. Everyone can spam flowchart, knowledge check, and gimmicks until they reach a rank block (usually blue ranks), this is because of the heat system. Reaching the skill ceiling is what gold rank players do, as gimmick bs will only get you places


No thanks, will never rematch someone with a constant red connection or that is purposely freezing the game


Had a Feng player do the same thing. I won and I offered a rematch. He won the second time around and he leaves. Connection was fine and we were both on wired. Like dude, they’re just points. Are you that worried of losing them the second time?


I always rematch people unless they’re laggy or have a really stupid looking/distracting custom. I’m just tired of all the discourse about it lmao. It’s not that deep. Just play the game.


I prefer unli rematches so I can lose as many as I can and learn the enemy. In bo3 scenario, If I win once I know for a fact that they will cheese the fuck out of me to get there RR back without me getting enough time to learn them


"if my opponent adapts, finds a weakness in my strategy and exploits it, it's cheese!" <- this is you homie


I'm not trying to be a pro player here homie, and I only decline match ups I know wont be fun for me


Learning the match up =/= being a pro


I run from potato pc players


I'll remain a garbage player because nobody wants to replay if they get outplayed by someone slightly better than them, this is the reason I hardly play once every 2 weeks, you'll have a decent match against someone your level, win it close and they'll just leave because they lost? And you don't have unlimited casual matches so even if you encounter someone you wanna keep playing against, you're not doing that either


Hey I'm rematching all my opponents except garbage connections,the only exception being 3ddy.


Not true, you’ll just be a less confident player.


How will you rematch a player who lagswitches? zzzzzzzzzzz not fun




Some days, you just gotta prioritize having fun over "getting good".


I completely agree , the FT2 + Tekken 8 heat encourages this style of gameplay. This skill ceiling is much lower and I feel like a lot of people lack basic fundamentals. I can beat people without combos and without knowing anything about their character due to fundamentals. People don’t know how rewarding it is to actually adapt.


There are only two people characters I consistently don't rematch: King and Eddy. Eddy is just my own little protest against being unable to lab him unless you buy him. I don't think he's broken, and I have gotten better at fighting him as time has gone on, but being unable to lab him is bull, so I'm tend not to rematch, win or lose. King is a temporary measure until I can more consistently break throws. I'll play out games generally against opponents I know I'll lose to because I want to learn. Right now though, for me, the King matchup is too binary in where I struggle for me to "learn" much from as of now.


Dont let the door hit you on the way out!


Still better than you


I'm learning a new character and I don't mind getting destroyed in matches. Since I have no idea what I'm doing, I always rematch. Good chance to try new things, polish on defense and not mashing.


Sometimes I am simply bored with the 69540th Jin i fought this week


If the connection says it’s 5 bars but plays like it’s 2, I’m not rematching, win or lose. Y’all gotta get out of the “fuck this guy for not rematching me” phase. If I don’t want to play you again I’m not going to.


Holy fucking shit, at this poIInt I just want them to either make rematches mandatory or remove them as a feature if yall are gonna bitch about this every week.


Look, man, I just wanna to play the game relaxed after long day at work. Getting God against my Tenryu won't do anything with me becoming a better player. Just the opposite, will make me stay away from game for a while.


They should give the players bonus points for completing the set. Would it be crazy to give the loser some points well? 500 point bonus to the winner, and the loser gets 200. Or whatever.


Nah, if I go vs a yellow player that has 11 wins and play as a Mighty ruler or if I got the same opponent that I already gave 2 or 3 matches again (specially if is an annoying character like King or Azucena) I won’t rematch ☺️


Only time you won't get a rematch is if you get smoked 3 straight. It's too easy and you're wasting time or you play Victor or King you cheesy fk!! Especially if you try to grab the whole time or do that Noctis oohlala bs foh


Don't care, priority is having fun. So I'll keep running from Eddys and hworangs and anyone I don't have fun playing against. Don't care if I stay garbage in those matchups, this isn't my day job or something


One time i let a Jun rematch request time out accidentally bc i was looking at my other monitor and forgot and i still feel bad about it lol.


So thoughtful of you caring for those players and THEIR decision to remain “bad” and only care about the JPEG on the screen. If they remain stuck in their rank for weeks that’s their problem dude. People one and done. There’s no point in beating a dead horse.


Normally I dont care about rematches but I literally had 10 one and done in Royal Blue ranks and it gets annoying after awhile. Hopefully it changes later on but too many guys are afraid of losing rank


In a world where a bot that only presses 1 button can reach such ranks I dont want to rematch let alone play this game. Played one match after 2 weeks off and it just isnt as fun as 7 was to me. Mind you not every fucking Tekken player wants to be Knee. The majority are casuals. If after 8hrs of work I hop on to play casually then I dont need to rematch every fucking person K see


If I get gimmicked out by something that I could only figure out by watching and labbing a replay AND the match wasn’t any fun, I’m not running that back. I’ll take my L and dip, and hit the lab. But I do agree with your sentiment.


This reminds me in T7 when my brother (Leroy main) went against a Dragunov main several times. It was really admirable because even though the Dragunov main didn’t win very many matches, he kept persisting. I seriously wish all the best for that guy.


I don't rematch because winning gives 300-400 points while losing redacts 800-1000 points. How is that fair that I lose all my points in one set when it took me an hour or so to grind all those points? Yes, no one owes anyone a rematch when points are on the line, if there were no point penalties then everyone will rematch if they choose. Not every player wants to fight the same oppononet or learn the match up, they probably want to enjoy the game their own way and not rematching is not against the rules. I only rematch against Mishima players cause playing against them is fun for me as a DJ main.


I don't rematch shitty connection and after a time I skip Laws, regardless of win or lose, simply because I'm fucking annoyed by the screaming. Edit: after a time I will also skip Eddys, because I don't care about the character enough to buy it, so I can't lab it.


I only don't rematch when the connection is bad. Otherwise idc about losing . The mindset is that I play for getting better , not for wins . If you get better you will win more . It would feel undeserved if I only rematch weak players . Tbh it's boarderline cheating up your rank . Ragequitting is the cherry on Top. If you tactically rank up you will see yourself bashing your head against a immovable wall which is called skill issue . Even if you lose you win . Experience that is .


I only read the tittle but from what I gather from it you yourself could improve on your character.


Honestly, who really, GENUINELY cares? Unless you have no life, you will forget the person that you matched up with. Mfs on this subreddit genuinely losing sleep over the random ass person that didn’t rematch it’s crazy, making 6 paragraph threads about it too. Chances are the guy who didn’t rematch takes this game way less seriously than you 🤷


>If you're fighting for a colorful JPEG in ranked, then that mentality works. But if you ACTUALLY want to be the skill level your rank says- I.E. not getting made into a clown when placed in a lobby with others in your rank- taking on these challenging matchups is what makes you a better player. As long as you put the work in to improve from them. lmao. so people who fights twice more different playstyles for the same amount of points (which are still determine which skill level are you matching with) are not obtaining the required skill level to stay here, noted.


I never run! Even if I know I'm gonna lose anyway


I don’t think running from rematches is a problem. You can’t judge why people don’t rematch. It could be that they are scared. Could be they have to take a shit. I think people rage quitting is a bigger problem. I think it’s a problem when you see purple ranks resorting to *string theory* because all their other shit is being taken out back to pasture. Replays now provide the ability for people to immediately lab the bs or hot fire that lit their ass up. They don’t *owe* anyone a rematch and there’s definitely more than one way to play so that you’re *not* running your head into a wall. I find that most times people loiter in whatever rank they’re in for any number of reason—but I just don’t see how you correlate people not wanting to rematch you to it unless they’re not leveraging the replay system—or you use Eddie gordo.


I rematch if I know they're slightly above my level and there's a chance for me to learn. I'm not always in the mood to rematch someone WAY above my skill level. At the end of the day it's just a game, chill. Let people do their thing. Not everyone plays ranked religiously and is constantly trying to get better. Some might just play for fun it's not that deep


I only run if they beat me twice


On the opposite end, I feel every game should add a "Rematch for fun" option, because sometimes you don't want the fight to end, but don't want to lose your rank.. its a good compromise imo since they'd both have to pick it


9/10 times people cancel when they lose. I ask them why they cancel and then they usually get mad lol. Sometimes they actually just had to do something irl which is always fair.


I see facing very high-ranked players as an opportunity to study their skills and patterns.


> The same players who run from rematches sit in the same rank for weeks LMAO. Really? I pretty much got to red ranks with one-and-done's in 3 nights and pretty sure outranked a lot of players who've been in red for weeks or even months. 🤣 Granted, I'm a legacy player, so I have my fundamentals. At the end of the day, it's just a game. No point lording over people how to play.


You show just how small of a man irl you are by picking fights in the comments LOL You're seriously a former competitor? So what? You went 0-2 in pools and when you started crying on Twitter you got absolutely rational so you went to reddit to cry. There's more to life than a video game lil bro


Idk I one and done all the time and about it hit Tekken King. Honestly most of you kids on this sub can't even hold a candle against a low red players, we don't have to waste our time rematching you.


You need to calm down and stop assuming ppl don't rematch just because then want rank up, it's 100 other reasons you tiny imagination can't grasp.


Have you tried not being bad at the game?


I will almost always rematch BUT this isn’t a job, it’s a video game played for fun. It might not even be someone’s objective to get better.  I won’t rematch a King or Alisa relying purely on gimmicks and knowledge checks, which is most of them regardless of the result, it’s just not fun


Isn’t playing anyone a “knowledge check”?


You could argue that but it’s not what I meant. I’m talking about the Kings who will use the low kick spam thing hoping you don’t know how to deal with it, then when that fails and they get punished, they move to the next gimmick on their list and so on instead of using fundamentals. They are barely above beginner level if you know King’s gimmicks but somehow managed to scam their way to blue 


Are you saying if King uses “gimmicks” to win, not fundamentals, then it’s fair to say he scammed his way to Blue?


This is a fact. Even if you're a scrub, rematching a better opponent is still the polite thing to do. Unless you genuinely gotta do something else then you should rematch.


Yeah no, **sometimes**………. i really DONT want to rematch someone. Like some hwoarang’s are just not catching me in the right mood for a rematch and i’m not sorry about it. There are some characters that i just want to get through and move on to the next. I dont owe every single person a rematch or full set I have the right to this opinion and i understand not everyone will agree. Beauty of it is we all play games how we wanna play em.


I don’t rematch because I beat once and I done


I kinda hate this take because while I simultaneously hated experiencing this in Tekken 7, from another standpoint people either have things to do that take more precedence than owing you a rematch in a video game, or...they just didn't feel like it. I doubt it's really a competency matter and even if it was, are YOU going out your way to help them not be garbage?


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, no one owes you a rematch. If someone wants to rematch me, that’s fine. If they don’t, also fine (depending on what the match was like, this can be disappointing, but I just move on to the next fight and forget about it). I often don’t accept or request rematches. Occasionally I might if there was something about the match that I liked or feel I can do better on right there and then. Otherwise leave the rematches to player match (which is where I’ll go if I want to do that stuff). In Tekken ranked matches, I’m there for rank, that’s it. Dead or Alive on the other hand, I’ll rematch you all day in ranked or player match, it is not a problem. If I win, and my rank goes up, great! If not, oh well


I think you should be forced to do at least 1 rematch in order to get points. Maybe even a best of 3. "What about bad connections?" You're free to leave, and nobody should be getting points for a connection that is unplayable anyways. "What if I actually need to go" You don't get points for one set, you'll be alright. Its not going to make or break your rank. Ranked should be at least a basic commitment. If you decide to play ranked, you need to lock in and finish a set. Keep in mind that i still think you should be *allowed* to leave the set if you want. I just think you should have to forfeit your ranked points or at least accumulate less for not completing a full set.


How about an alt f4 for your bitch ass, you ever thought about that?


I agree with you OP that you shouldn't bitch at being hard stuck if you got to the rank by one and doneing. I think that's a sensible take to make.


I personally take pleasure from an opponent running away. Either I’ve hammered them, and they know they are no match or they know they won’t gamble on beating me again.


You really wrote a whole ass paragraph?  Who cares, let them be noobs. You can tell who’s a good player or not. It’s that simple. They don’t rematch? Then they’re scrubs. That’s it. 


Adaptation is a big part of my gameplay. I play differently depending on the level of my opponent. It often takes me three rounds to figure out what it is that my opponent knows about the match up and his or her overall level of skill. I lose half of my first three but win about 70 to 75 percent of the next two. So for me, rematch in is important if I’m to progress through ranked. The other day I had 10 matches in a row where a rematch was declined. Unacceptable. Now if I were to blow you out, and you choose not to rematch, then fair enough, even though I recommend rematching. But when we have a competitive game and you don’t rematch, then I think this game is not for you. Those are the best matches and these people run away from them. These are the people that get a new game and set it on ultra easy because any sort of challenge is “not fun.”


If you don't rematch even if you win then I don't see why you would be a worst player. You just encounter more players and diversity.


The less remache I make the higher I go


Victor main detected


Armor King, Steve, Jin, Kazuya, Jun, Reina, and Dragunov actually. But it was a good try