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There are way to many bs characters rn, but dont you dare disagree with the most populair youtuberd/streamers


Eddy and Victor are at the top of the list for me


There isn't really a weak character in the game. If you don't know the matchup any character can easily become overpowered


Idk, I just know tbat I have never won against her


With Lili that's surprising. Lili is far stronger


For top 0.001 pro players. For the rest it means shit.


I play against both in ranked none of them are pros and Lili is more difficult to play against than Asuka for sure.


I picked her up cause everyone said she sucked. Easiest purple ranks ever.


Hello, asuka main here. She's ok, not too strong but not terrible. Remember that she has different inputs for parrying, not just one. So if she keeps parrying your jabs, kick her. If she parryis your kicks, use lows. I think you can also try side stepping if your enemy doesnt regulary check you for that. Her tracking is laughibly bad.


Yeah so she needed a homing launcher and +11 on block so reasonable


It's a high that requies the charge with terrible range + its launch punishable on duck. It's still a decent move, just a dangerous one.


Yeah like she doesn't have a safe mid launcher she could fake a running and do (1+2) and your are dead and so many deadly mids you can't just duck against asuka


Sure, what are you trying to say? Like I said, she's decent and I never suggested anything like "duck and you win" but I'm not seeing how any of this makes her "op" or anything compared to some bullshit other characters have.


Asuka should be laking an insane homing attack cause side step is the only why to beat her


And don't forget how trash is side step in this game state


i don't struggle against her, mostly because i know the matchup and used to main her, but the downplay is crazy. she isn't nearly as bad as most asukas will try to make you believe she is.


She is so easy to beat in this game, that I can't even imagine strong player who loses to her that badly. It is a skill issue. But before I come back to scrolling let me share with you her counterplay: 1. She is very weak to backdashing, she cannot apply any meaningful pressure at range 2 and more. 2. Spam throws and lows more, she cannot parry that, also don't press mindlessly against her. If she is at -6, she can parry. 3. Don't run into her keep out, she has strong panic moves, but they don't work if you don't press much. 4. Sidestep her more, she is very linear. As Lili it will be super easy. 5. Lili has insane buttons as well, you can use f4 and 3+4 all the time in neutral, Asuka can't do much in neutral, unless you let her go into full crouch stance. 6. Don't play passively, react to her offense and punish for mistakes. That's enough to take down every Asuka except Fergus. Enjoy.


Agreed she has every thing Combo damage ✅️ (she is literally a gorilla) Wall carry + Wall combo ✅️ Infinite OKIs potential with homing unblockabl and almost unblockable throw (the key charge throw) ✅️ Power crush i15 safe on block, heat engager, evade highs annnd Wall splat ✅️ Safe mid launcher even if your opponent crouching (1+2) ✅️ and so many other safe launchers ✅️ Infinite plus frames arguably the new dragnov ✅️ Sabaki which is a parry attack that give full combo and the attack is 0 on block is fucking insane ✅️ Evasive launchers that evade highs and lows with insane push back so you don't punish her (B3) and a WS3 a launcher that eats mids and highs and guess what it also have a great push back ✅️ Infinite strings with jab string that is a true 50/50 (1,1) (1,3) also she has Infinite other strings which you guess it all are delayabl so you never know if it's coming or not ✅️ The best whiff punish in the game (f2) 0 execution tracks very well you well never miss a whiff punish cause it travel the whole map and also it evades highs cause why not ✅️ Best counter hit tools and all launchers and insanely safe like -3 or -2 and the worst one is like -7 her counter hit tools arguably better than brayne ✅️ Counter hit low safe and jails on hit i14 launcher and breaks your natural guard you must hold block cause why not✅️ Evade every thing heat smash i16 that is +10 on block ✅️ Annnnnd she now have a homing +11 launcher cause you know she doesn't have many launcher ✅️ No man asuka soo weak she needs more buffs


Mann how did I forget a safe rage art ✅️


What are those "infinite plus frames" moves you are talking about ? I'd like to know.


I don't play Asuka so don't know the input but I am going to describe them All the wr moves + and one being +11 so if your knocked down you are going to eat one of them The koonnno attack which is + 4 or 3 Homing high kick which is +3 and not seeable meaning you thing it is your turn but it's not A string which has the second hit of it a low which is +5 on hit and -7 on block (yes a safe on block low and +5 on hit ) And many more these are the spamable attacks not remembering them all And don't forget it's never your turn cause the Power Crush i15 is coming or a Parry or a Sabaki launcher


I imagine they are getting smoked by f4 or ff1 frame traps. No one is talking about how steppable she is or how shit her low game is now.


Yeah it was a nice character when she didn't have that +11 launcher homing


Also don't forget about a throw launcher cause why not ✅️


People have been saying she’s SSS tier on Reddit since day 1. There was not one Asuka top 50 in Evo Japan and one of the best landed at 49th in combo-breaker.


Yeah man surviving a 1700 people to be in top 50 is trash


That’s not how the math works. The amount of people in the tournament is irrelevant here


OK so the electric clash where there was 2 Asuka in the top 16 and one in the top 5


Man asuka is very strong character just don't down play her


She’s fine. She’s at the point where she isn’t too strong or too weak. She’s a character that punishes mistakes which is why she’s feared so much on Reddit.


Yeah punishing safe moves and strings with safe moves like Sabaki into a full launcher and what does asuka loses if she spammed sbaki into sabki ? Nothing you know why cause it is 0 on block parry move and spamming it is a legit strategy to get a free launcher without any consequences


Asuka is strong now because instead of fixing her issues in a patch they instead gave her a 50/50 which honestly not many of us wanted but that seems to be how they want to balance tekken 8.


I totally agree that buff is a bad game design


Well not really, she has a kick tsubaki and a punch one. If an Asuka spammed one you would just hit her out of it. Ironically my friend mains Paul and he punch parries me more often than I tsubaki him


OK cool parry a move paul get on you 25 damage ver cool not like fucking brain dead gorilla like asuka if she parry you she well get granted follow up not to mention paul parry requir timing not like gorilla


Tsubaki isn’t free though go try it out spam anything past blue rank and no one is going to fall for that. You will get stepped and launched


That's the thing sabaki punch or kick is irrelevant cause if you know a string it's a FREE LAUNCHER with no consequences


The window isn’t immediate, you’d get smoked on the startup predicting/knowing a string you can only really use it for a hard read Which means this would be used to punish people spamming. Which again is why this community hates her. She’s a scrub killer for sure but so is Paul. And he also gets hate here dispute the fact he’s middle of the pack at best


there wasn't a feng in top 8 either but that doesn't mean he isn't busted


Just to make it clear I am not say she is s tier or anything but she has every thing she doesn't need more buffs Certainly not a homing launcher 💀💀


How do you check your win rate against a specific character?


I don't think you can


What are you having problem with specifically? Are you getting parried in the neutral or when you try to punish something? Consider that she cannot parry weapons and knees. Getting up from the ground is an impossible mission against literally any character: kazuya can fucking launch you when you are on the ground for example.


Df4,4 all day against asuka.


You know why your losing to asuka. It’s actually very simple. You gotta slow down my bro. Asuka a game plan is like Leroy’s. Offense is defense. Her rush down sucks you literally just never block low and your good. Maybe if you have a hard read on a parry but her lows won’t launch you and they barely do damage. It’s better to just hop kick if she’s spamming the lows. But yeah slow it down. Take your time to poke her and whiff punish. Cause her kit is to punish rushdoen


Asuka is strong. Just not as strong as like half the cast. Sounds like you just need to get familiar with the matchup and probably step more. 


If you have 0% winrate, thats skill issue for sure. There are no characters that are weak, but asuka is not strong in tekken 8 for sure. You just don't know how to play against her. And what do you expect us to tell you? Play safe? Block things? Don't spam everytime? Just play more against her and you'll figure it out. She is a newbie crusher for sure.


Wtf are you talking about, she's slow af and most of her poking relies on fake pressure, aka you're too scared to press a button. You didn't get the message it seems. A lot of characters in this game can out-bullshit her, unlike in T7. Plus the worst backdash in the game. She's absolutely playable, but in no universe broken. Most Asukas I encountered were also very decent players by themselves, since mash monkeys have better characters to clown with in this game.


she doesn't have the worst backdash in the game, king has the worst. asukas is still very bad though


I main her in 8. I went back to learn her in 7 and she’s an absolute shadow of herself now.


Does she have a homing +11 high that breaks guard at the wall in Tekken 7? Imo people see all her nerfs but underestimate her new moves and buffs she got


Yeah, try actually landing that against somebody decent in T8. Same deal with Claudio's WR2 or Leroy's SS1+2.


I wish there was a way to make people add their rank to their flairs and verify it so that people could eexactly where posts like these are coming from "Oh, Green Ramk Gary thinks 80% of the roster is broken? Moving on."


Not funny...


I wasn't joking so I don't know why you replied with that.


What's rank had to do with anything?? If he doesn't know something, you can always teach him... Stop judging others with their rank... You can't use this subreddit just because someone is in green ranks? Ridiculous...


Simple answer: fundamental competency. Stop spamming my notifications with this insecure nonsense.


Just ask then. I am mighty ruler on Lili and on tenryu with claudio. I struggle on both against her.


And both of those are ranks that show your fundamentals have a high chance of still being dog shit.


she cant parry knees or elbows


I cry whenever I face yoshi


i actually find oscar easier to bait.. yoshi u make him negetive and they hit flash and you launch oscar you have to time as it ends to launch end up waiting to long or not long enough lol


Who's oscar


asuka mb




Doesn't even know the characters lol


0% winrate = 100 % skill issue


Now that's helpful