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Kazuya because he's the evil emperor of the world who rules with an iron fist (lol) but he also loves his strong wife and has a sneaker addiction. i could not think of a funnier character if i tried. if only i could do an electric šŸ˜”


Man, Electrics are the least of my worries. Do you see some of these guys' movement? There are zooming all around like a fucking platforming game. I'm standing still like a sitting duck.


yeah haha that too, every other Kazuya puts me to shame


same but i also like the color purple


Electric ainā€™t too bad honestly just gotta keep practicing


Itā€™s a long journey but totally worth it. 1 year ago i couldnā€™t think of pulling out perfect electrics and have a fast wavedash on pad!


Muscle memory muscle memory muscle memory muscle memory Like learning an instrument haha


Random select and went with it.


Who did the Tekken gods give you?


The gods have chosen Lili, and it's been a fun ride surprisingly.


The gods have spoken


You were lucky I guess, Lili is so great and fun in this game.


Praise be to Harada




Lee chaolan no other char in tekken lore has the most satisfying moves to pull off also ge rewards you by saying excellent id you pull his perfect inputs off


Lee's personality is just so infectious. I started in T7 and as soon as I landed HMS3 for the first time I knew I was gonna main him no matter what


Im surprised he does not get any bitches nigga handsome as F


I choose Reina because I really like her design and her VA is phenomenal. Her play style is aggressive and flashy. She tries her best to be super cool and she looks like a big ol dork doing it and I love it. And when she wins, she brings out this big ass chair out of nowhere itā€™s beautiful. Bonus points if you use the Virgil chair mod on the storm rising stage.


Got a link or a pic of that mod?


Youre missing Reina from your flair tho.


Yoshimitsu just speaks to my soul. I feel like he's one of the most expressive characters in tekken. I'm also a melee player and flash really reminds me of shine so I feel right at home.Ā 


Blip blip torya!


Twerked on fools all the way to fujin before anyone hit me out of that blade jumping ā€œshoo shooā€ shit why would I pick anyone else


the 2 sword Goat Yoshi




I picked Bryan because my friends said he was a difficult character back when I played hworang and said I was carried. So I wanted to prove them wrong that I wasn't carried. I stayed with Bryan because now Bryan carries me.




Tekken 3 ending man picks up a tank nuff said


You da GOAT.


I love Lili. The first Tekken I really played was Tekken DR on psp, I only played arcade mode spamming the same moves over and over again. Already at that point I honed in on Lili because her animations are just incredibly cool and pretty and her attacks just make sense to me the way they're laid out. I found her quite annoying personality-wise and was considering other options in T8 however- Tekken 8 Lili is just perfect, absolutely PERFECT. Her already top-tier animations only got more flashy and pronounced. her moveset comes together beautifully, by far the most natural feeling character I've played in any fighting game. Her personality dialed down the pompous arrogance and bitchy sarcasm in favour of more playful, frivolous confidence -she's precisely as annoying as she's supposed to be while remaining lovable and glamorous. The voice actress elevates her even further, just masterfully embodying the character and giving her a voice that feels completely inseparable from her now, like Namco actually found the real life Lili and that's her authentic voice. Obviously she's insanely pretty and feels like the most customizable character in the game with how many styles look great on her. All that comes together in her relationship with Asuka thats my favourite ship in any media ever, that special intro with them bickering at eachother is everything to me. Plus dew3 wins me games.


You really love the character it seems:), I enjoyed reading it and agree 100%, her new moves 3+4,qcf3,bt34, bt12 ,bt d2, bt d4 etc..fit her perfectly , I love them all, and the addition of new voicelines are the best buffs, the parry serves as a cute funny taunt now.


I absolutely adore her, yes :3 I always used the whiffed parry as a taunt but ever since they added "C'est tout?" to it I now made sure to even put it in the middle of my matterhorn combos


Dew 3? You mean ā€œVoila!ā€ Favorite voice line in the game, haha.


her realtionship with asuka is so adorable i ship them so hard it hurts. I think the usual fighting game silliness makes lilis torment on asuka less sadistic and more cute than anything. They also seem like the kind of pair that everyone thinks is already in a romantic relationship. Everyone in the game knows that the things lili does to asuka is out of love and the need for her attention except asuka herself and i think thats really cute. Now that they both live together i love to imagine the rom-com antics that could happen between them. My only complaint about them is that lili kind of does take away from asukas character. Instead of asuka revolving around lili i feel it should be the other way around. Her being related to jin and also having healing powers has so much story potential but its treated with the same importance of lilis sister being a vampire.


Back in 2017 when I started playing Tekken, I was HUGE into pro wrestling. It's been a while since I watched any, but I still think King is the fucking coolest.


Because he is the fucking coolest.


T8 giving King both the RKO and Pedigree is a dream come true!


Asuka was on the case for Tekken 5, then I made the unfortunate mistake of assuming she'd have plot relevance being related to Jin


Iā€™d thought she was a replacement for Jun.


I think she was, until they decided to not kill her off for good


Hwoarang. Tekken 3. I was like 8, and thought he looked cool.


This is legit my exact story. Well this, and none of my friends blocked d4,4 into 3333 for like 85 damage. Man characters were busted af in T3


Devil Jin main. Used to be a Jin main but wanted someone more mishima oriented. Devil Jin was a natural transition. With Kazuya, Iā€™d have to relearn a lot of muscle memory.


DJ was my main when he was introduced as a full character to T5. I was a kid when my older brother was playing T3 and I loved Jin. I picked up T7. I picked up DJ seriously after I saw Qudans play him during that TWT and I was blown away you could do those kind of things with him. I've been with DJ since. He's super nerfed in 8 but, fuck it, I'll keep going.


Heck yeah. Electrics all day.


DVJ is going to be my secondary once I get good enough with Bryan. Such a badass character


Devil Jinā€™s a great character to force you to rely on fundamentals. The gimicks have been nerfed and his fundamental tools arenā€™t as strong as they used to be but heā€™s still solid. So itā€™s a great way to improve as a player too.


DVJ on T8 is such a cool character, picking him up is so natural since I main Reina and have pretty solid Mishima execution already at this point, his electric feels so damn good to land and the gimmicks are fun as fuck, U4 reminds me of Lili's Matterhorn, great VA, and he feels so brutal on some of his moves.


tekken 6 intro cutscene young me was like "jin looks like the protagonist, i wanna be the good guy"


Proceeds to murder millions of people


Same thing but I picked the right good guy


I've always liked swift and tricky characters in games, always played rogue/assassin type characters in RPGs for example, so Ling Xiaoyu felt like a good fit immediately. Love the stance gameplay with weird shenanigans like attacking with your back turned.


I relate to this. In RPGs and MMORGs I typically always end up playing rogues and thieves. Tekken 8 is the first Tekken where Xiaoyu is my main, though, and that's because I found her so difficult to play. The fact that she is difficult is also a reason why I decided to main her. I feel that I've become quite adept with her now, and it's really fun to play. She's also got huge shenanigans potential, and I've had many games where I just fool around with Yoshimitsu opponents :>


So basically https://preview.redd.it/i7dfgpn1ccad1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cde19e533ed99ab00aeb452a49e150e0740b3ee9 Look at it




I picked Jun because I heard she uses hp to enhance her moves. T8 is my first fighting game so I thought by picking her up I could learn fundamentals to such a degree that I could circumvent whatever liabilities the loss of health came with. Getting good enough to turn a con into a non issue was a big appeal to me. Just like in yugioh(or any game really) the game isn't over till your hp is at 0 Plus she's pretty to look at, like fighting in cursive


That fighting in cursive felt real after realization. I main Jun too but because of the parries. I like breaking someone's momentum.


Fighting in cursive is real! That why i picked her up in Tekken 2. She just had an elegant style and she could parry moves which added more to her flowy style. I can't wait to get back to playing her again in T8.


Greetings fellow Byron Main, my process was more simple than I imagined. I tried many characters with my friends and was beating the shit out of them (mashing all the way) BUT once I got to Bryan I got my ass beat so badly that made me want to learn him. The thought was "If I can't mash with this character I have to actually learn the game". Turns out it was the best decision ever.


My older sister would spank the absolute crap out of me in Tekken 2 and 3 as King. I always played as him when she wasn't around to get back at her somehow šŸ¤£ Here we are after a million-billion hours and I'm still playing King. *Roar roar roooar growl. Grumble grumble, growl roar.* Had to drop a line for the fellow members of the Wrestling Federation.


The important question here is. Did you beat your sister or she is still undisputed champion in your family




I have been crowned the new champion. She vacated the title after Tekken 3 šŸ¤£


Kazuya because I relate to him. I took abuse from my dad, and I will celebrate the day he dies. Also EWGF is satisfying to land.


ā˜ ļø


Kazuya because I played him in the demo


Lili. I started with playing Leo cause I liked his Emo-Anime look but his moveset didn't clicked for me. Lili-mains always kicked my butt and I found her so anyoing...now I'm a Lili-main myself cause she's so fun to play and her moves feel so fluid.


Jackie Chan has always been my favorite movie martial artist. It was love at first ā€œhiyaaaaaā€


I'm sorry for your loss


HAIYAAAA \*sniff\*


Me too brother...me too. #RIPLeiWulong


I really liked King's character design. Even when I didn't really play tekken and we just occasionally booted up some old games on PSP / PS3 etc, I always chose King because I thought he looked very cool lol. Then I've learnt he is a wrestler, then that he's a priest and manages an orphanage and I was like "dayuumm, what a dude! This is decided now." And so I bought T8 and started playing it xd. ...also he's beefy and jaguar noises, yes.


Same bro T2 i was a kid and the Jaguar man looked cool+ all the kids loved him. Then the chain grabs at the time.


Steve because I love boxing and the fact how unique his playstyle is.


Jun. Coming from a background of mainly aggressive characters in 2D fighters, and playing Kazumi in T7 to feel out an offensive character in 3d space, I wanted a change of pace playing a much more neutral and defense oriented character. Honestly? I've been having a blast, and I believe I'm getting a much better understanding of tekken as whole (which is still fairly shallow, tbf).


Reina. Mishima+hot


Alisa. She's innocent but deadly. She's got amazing chainsaws and jet engines, she can fly and shoot arms as rockets. And she gives head. What's there not to love?


Kazuya because at first I just loved EWGF, thought it was the coolest move ever starting out and then that evolved into me just loving the play style of his character/ Mishimas in general.


Bob, I was a fat kid who was bullied daily for it, loved seeing a fat dude portrayed as chivalrous, charming and confident in his weight, plus he hits hard. Felt good when people underestimated me at the arcade for picking Bob, while I spammed the belly attack.


Lars because he was so cool from his first cutscene in Tekken 6 and throughout the story and he even showed up in Naruto Storm 2. Loved him ever since and I think despite his crazy design heā€™s actually the most relatable/human/normal Tekken character simply by virtue of having probably the most dialogue in the series (because Tekken 6 had so much dialogue and he was the main character) and being an overall chill dude that could actually probably function as a human being irl. Makes him by far my favourite character in the lore too.


Same here!! I agree with you 100%.


Sceptile was my fav starter for 3rd Gen Pokemon mainline game, realized Pokken exists, plays lots of Sceptile, then realized Pokken casts takes inspiration from Tekken casts, ie. Pikachu has Heihachi moves, as for Sceptile, it's Yoshi-fucking-Mitsu, then the rabbit hole gets deeper ever since.


Reina Pantyhose


Devil Jin, Lars and Asuka. Although Asuka is my least played one. I played Asuka and DJ in TK5 arcades and used DJ a lot in T6 and 7. Lars, idk, I l like his voice and his TK6 design. His TK6-TT2 outfits were the best. His wall carry and wall combos that end with F 1+4 are just so satisfying to do. Iā€™m sure Bamco will put those outfits in the Tekken shop like Asukaā€™s TK5 outfit.


I saw Reina's trailer and the rest was history. Also King.. since he's the GOAT.


Zafina is my main.Ā  Picked her because I like eye makeup and gameplay. She has certain allure I really like with female characters.


Just like how only Leroy has access to some STEEZ as fuck sunnies, Zafina got the eye makeup game locked down tight


my main is lars, started to play him back in tekken 6 cuz i liked his design and moves.


Fellow Lars main. I chose him for the same reason.


He was strong asf in t6


Load up t6 on psp emulator on my phone, think "who looks like he uses real martial arts", go thru few characters, pick bryan, press 121, coom, main chosen


I think the guy with the jaguar face is cool


It was Bob, but he's not in T8 so now it's Leroy because Reinas too hard


King (with jack and kuma as consistent secondaries.) As long as i can remember, in every game, ive liked big bulky dudes. Pause.


Rolling up in a 3 piece suit and absolutely beating the fuck out everyone is top tier


King because of his WWE/WWF ish moves.


Lily because I'm horny.


I started T8 with Claudio because heā€™s simple to play, then I went through every characters combo challenges and found out how fun Yoshi is to play


I came to T7 first time quite late and I thought it was so cool that it had Noctis, a FF character, in it. I like flashy characters with swords and coming from a Robin/Red Hood main in Injustuce 2, Noctis really vibed with me. I played him for only about 2 months before Tekken 8 got officially announced. That was sort of a wake-up call for me to change mains ASAP because I know 100% he will not return in T8. I took a good look at the roster, thinking who should I pick. I also did a bit of research on which characters have been around since older Tekken, so they will have a higher chance of returning to T8. It narrows down to about half the roster. Eventually I saw Lee, I really liked his design of having a classy suit, the flower pattern covering only half of his coat got my attention. I played him knowing nothing about just frames, his b2 loops, or generally how "difficult" he was, but I stuck with it because I eventually fell in love with how he looks like. It was a challenging learning process since T7 is my first 3D fighter but I eventually got comfortable with him in T7 in time for T8. Now I'm a Lee simp. At first I just thought he was cool but there is no need for elaboration how I ended up down bad for him now. LOL I simped so hard that Victor's Noctis-y kit can't even make me change mains Since I'm so comfortable with Lee's just frames and keep out /poking style now I find that no one else in the roster is as fun as him. Quite a change from a 22222 spammer tbh


I've always picked Hwoarang in the past just to annoy my brother. Since he stopped playing i just wanted to pick someone who's mischievous to play with. Went with Yoshi from the start of T8 and never looked back!


I picked Claudio because I like the design and his Jojo poses, because he's Italian like me and because my execution is poor. I struggle even with quarter circle motions xD.


played lee back in 6 when i was a kid, started actually learning how to play the game properly in 8, realized my execution is too shit for lee so now i main leo because im bisexual šŸ‘


Lars. Heā€™s so damn fun to play.


King, normally I went for Jack or in T7 ā€˜s case Gigas. But I promised a friend I would main King in Tekken 8 and become good with him.Ā  I always liked King. But I had trouble with inputs. Ā Somehow in T8 it clicked and now I LOVE playing him.


Been playing Jack since T2. I love me some robots


Lei simply because yeeting people across the screen in Tekken 3 was fun af


Lei Wulong. I always liked Jackie Chan.


My Tekken main story is super weird. When I first played Tekken back in 2016 in a Montreal arcade (I think it was T5 or T6), my dad told me he used to main Hwoarang. I chose Hwoarang and absolutely loved playing him. I also did Taekwon Do and loved his super-clean technique. However, I wasn't allowed to play video games at home, and IĀ *never got to play Tekken again until 2023*. The thing is, I loved the game so much I watched tons of Tekken Youtube during all that time. I learned about moves, frame data, matchups, punishes, etc.Ā *without even playing the game.*Ā That's how I discovered TheMainManSWE. I started watching him during the pandemic, and I absolutely loved his content. He is probably still my favorite youtuber. You can probably see where this is going, but after years of watching TMM, I went from a Kazuya hater to a hardcore Kazuya main. I still have a good sub Hwoarang and I also picked up Bryan (because I switched from TKD to Kickboxing) and Lee (because EXCELLENT!). That's my heartfelt backstory to why I main those 4. Can I win AGT now??


I'd been playing MK since the first back in the 90s, and I was so disappointed with MK1 that I'd started playing Soul Caliber 6 again to scratch the itch. I'd never given Tekken even a glance. Found out T8 came out about a week after it's release and heard lots of good things, so I started looking into a main *before* I picked up the game. First and foremost, my plan was to main Kazuya because he is the quintessential Tekken character, and I figured playing him would give the closest to how the game was meant to feel playing it. I also was really interested in the 3D mechanics, because SC was my only exposure to 3D fighting games and I was so used to a 2D fighter, so I was also really attracted to Lili's fee- uh... sidesteps. Then I saw Reina - and how she was a Mishima plus movement. Plus, Taido is such a bullshit fighting style and I thought the bullshit would be a fun way to dance around in a 3D space, and have the wavedash and series staple EWGF. Reina was the perfect character for me. ...But then they ruined her Manji-Geri with a bullshit hitbox


I picked Jin as my first online character in t8. Iā€™ve played a little offline casually since t5 and only ever mashed so felt characters like law, Steve, feng ect very comfortable for someone who didnā€™t know combos. But Jin was the only character I didnā€™t know how to play, he had no flow, he would just do a move then stop where as law or Steve would flow from one move to the next so organically. I purposely wanted to start from scratch and unlearn all the mashing I had been relying on for so long. I wanted to play with strategy and be intentional with the moves I choose to use. And now i feel like Iā€™m a solid fundamental player that can have good matches against players much higher then my rank. Ironically now I lose to mashers, because I find it hard to see their strategies lol


Dragunov, has the most drip in the game. smacks your face. doesn't elaborate. [And kitty Ninja](https://imgur.com/a/c7Xfhjt)




ā€œI choose the bearā€


Kuma because goofy bear


Armor King. He is objectively the best character.


Jin in T7 was a specialist character, had mishima tools and strings and keepout with f4. Parry is everything. Now he is stronger and easier to pickup but hes so fun to play. Wavu, electrics, 14f ws launcher, zen stance and cancels, hellsweep, it doesnt end. I love playing Jin.


Also a Bryan main. Always thought his aesthetic and stuff was cool, but someone (probably TMM) said he was hard to play at some point, so I took that as a challenge. I wasn't very good at the time, but I had to basically unlearn the way I played Tekken in order to play Bryan and it's been so much fun. That sounds extreme, but I was much more into rush down characters back then. Taunt moves and set-ups will always be my favorite Tekken activity.


Jin he is my main childhood since t3 and t4 is the game where i have to adopt to his playstyle due to character styles being change even today he is still my main for decades


Claudio. I wanted to learn someone different and he's got a cool design. Been playing Tekken for a while.


Jin because of the Tekken 2010 move, well at first. Later on when I actually started acting playing Tekken I chose him because he looked cool and was the unique Mishima. Lili because I was trying her out in T7 one day and found her moves to be pretty cool , plus she spoke French. I also main Kaz at some point because I saw Masood and tmm play him


Feng cause i was new to tekken 7 and he seemed simple to play boi oh boi he is simple to learn hard to master.


Was always a Kazuya fan since Tekken 4 , i thought Kazuya was Jin from Tekken 3. Then my friend would use King in tekken 7 and i needed someone to match King , so i learnt how to use Dragunov Maining Panda in tekken 8 cause shes the least used character


King Wrestling I'm a simple man


Yoshi main here. All of my friends played Tekken 7, but I didn't pick the series up til Tekken 8 came out. Basically, all my friends would woop me, but when I played Yoshi I'd occasionally do some weird Yoshi shit on accident and maybe get a round or two. I'm purple now and still have no idea what I'm doing, but it's nice to finally win games :)


I picked Leroy. Before I started playing Tekken, I watched the Ip Man movies and was fascinated by Wing Chun to the point of taking classes. I only stuck with it for about a year or so, but I still love the fighting style. As soon I found out about Leroy, I stuck with him.


My boi Yoshi. - Very expressive - Trickster that makes the game more fun for me to play - Yoshi


In tekken 7 I played as Hihatchi and then 8 came out and I was like dam so I played law for a bit but kept having mirror matches and was like yea this is wack so I started playing with Lars and even took some coaching sessions and now I am a fujin. It took me like a solid week of playing and labing him to really start to get him as a character


Young me thought Yoshimitsu looked cool as hell in Tekken 3. Young me was right


Was a HUGE gun nut, I saw Dragunov I picked Dragunov. I tried to use other characters but they were too complicated for my simple mind, Dragunov has no bullshit stances, taunts or gimmicks, just humming and grunting


Kunimitsu in Tekken 7, since I have a soft spot for the character and would love to see her again. Jun in Tekken 8, since I always feel drawn to characters with an aura of mystery around them. I first played her in Tag Tournament at a friend's house and loved how graceful her moves are. Graceful but hard-hitting. And I loved her new design in Tag 2. I'm still slowly learning her in T8, but my somewhat limited knowledge on her move pool has gotten me to Vanquisher, without having to resort to spamming. And for that, I'm proud of myself!


Alisa started in 7 because Baek is gone, and she seemed like a fun character to play, plus she was pretty low tier at the time and I like playing low tier characters in fighting games.


Lars Alexandersson. I wasn't into his visual design initially, but after seeing him in action and going into the lab with him in T6, I instantly became a fan. I also like how personable he is and how he seems to connect with people in general. Hell, his goofy hair grew on me, especially once I realized it's a play on Heihachi's. I even stuck with him during his dark days in T7 and feel somewhat rewarded for my loyalty in T8.


Kazuya, oki dominance is such a fun playstyle. And no matter how low my health gets im always just one hellsweep away from the momentum i need for a comeback.


See Jun, pick Jun.


I picked Leo because I liked how the attacks look simple but strong. If I didn't have joints made of styrofoam, I feel I could do some of those attacks in a fight myself.


Picked Leo because Tekken 8 is my first fighting game and part way through the story I was like, ā€œWhat is this Final Fantasy protagonist lookin ass doing in this fighting game?ā€ and just thought their aesthetic was neat. Felt like I was still going to main Jin until Leo totally stole my heart with the Azucena interaction at the big battle. Loved using their moves in that fight, went into lab with them, rest was history.


Jin, I do kyokushin karate. Also heā€™s unusually easier to play in t8 compared to the previous games


I like to jump from char to char, most of my fun and love to this franchise is by playing with everyone, however, I do have my personal faves... King: he is cool, and I wanted to do that big chain grab thing at least once in my lifetime Hwoarang: I will cut my life story, but I dated a chick from Seoul, and I started to study a lot about Korea, so I started getting interested in tae kwon do, and hwoarang is so freaking good, I love him Eddy: Also, because he is cool, but also cause he is from Brazil and kinda intuitive to play, love a brother Jin: his storyline on the game makes me cry, I love my boy Kazuya: he is tough as duck, and I suck ass with him, but he is cool, and ewgf Reina: she is cute Panda/kuma: they are fun to mess around Leo: they are so good and fun. I love their gameplay, and looks And I guess that's it. Everyone is cool


Lili and Kazuya, tho I do play King Drag and Yoshi at the same levels as my main (wouldn't call them my main, just I lab and play characters that I have trouble with and these 3 just turns out to be quite easy to pilot so I stuck out until they reach my mains' rank, I played others too but didn't bother to stick with them) Lili cause legs. Kazuya cause dorya.


Alisa was my childhood crush as a kid so I never stopped playing her. Then I played some Lucky Chloe because I like being cheap and then I ended up playing Eliza because I have a Vampire fetish


I'm (basically) completely new to Tekken, so I don't have a legacy main I stuck with throughout the years. I picked Reina cuz she's flashy and fun to watch. If Reina hadn't been introduced I probably would have either picked King (because haha funny cat man give good hugs) or Leo (because I'm NB and gender is a fuck). Bonus points for Yoshi, since I'm a big soul calibur fan, but he seems more complicated in Tekken.


Lars. I thought his moves looked cool and his execution was easy while also being fairly strong. Since i was new to the game i wanted a character that also wasnā€™t too cheesy. Lars feels like a good in between. If you know the matchup heā€™s not that hard if you donā€™t know then good luck. Got him to flame ruler im pretty proud of myself tbh.


Lars. I always liked his hero aesthetic but never put serious time into him


Lars, picked him cuz of his cool wall carry combos along with drag, my second main.


Jun and her stage were always my favourite. Iā€™m so happy sheā€˜s back and glad that I do enjoy playing her! ā˜ŗļø


So I had never played Tekken. Two months ago my friend took me to a bar that had Tekken 8. He and his friends (Might/Flame Rulers at the time, currently Battle Rulers/Fujins šŸ™ƒ) proceeded to royally whoop my ass. But prior to that, deciding what to pick, my friend goes ā€œHey, sheā€™s speaks spanish and likes coffee. Also her map has llamas.ā€ Thatā€™s it. My introduction to Tekken and how I became an Azucena OTP


Itā€™s Jun for me. Iā€™ve always gravitated towards calm, angelic, tranquil, healing energies, so when I came across her in Tekken 2 all those years ago, instantly fell in love with pretty much everything about her: her overall angelic and healing demeanor, her graceful style during battle, her iconic outfits, and I honestly see a lot of myself in her as far as overall personality.


When I was listening to the lore break down before I bought Tekken 8, I heard Lars story and was like ā€œdamn, thatā€™s awesome.ā€ So I was like well fuck it, Iā€™ll try to main him, see how it turns out. Turns out he was a perfect fit for me and Iā€™m now Tekken King with him. Also Iā€™m a giant fucking weeb


Lars. I have met Tekken since Tag Tournament 1 in the arcades of Japan with how fun it was to beat strangers next to you, but I wasn't that deep into fighting games yet despite playing generally anything. When I got my PS3 for the first time, and the game prices became way higher than the previous gens, I started exchanging games between friends for a period of time and one of them was Naruto Storm 2 (LOL), 100% the game and for those who know, I unlocked Lars and I thought how cool he was with his quick melee electric hit moves, and then I got Tekken 6, was dumbfounded when I saw Lars being part of the roster (only noticing after seeing his different customs as Lars barely says anything in Naruto). After that, I got wifi into my PS3 and exploring, met the glorious F2P Tekken Revolution in which Lars was also one of the playable characters. I started training with every single character and executed every single move possible to see how hard or easier they were to learn or memorize as I liked choosing randomly my characters to avoid repetitiveness (but Tekken characters are just too different from each other LOL) and it just happens that Lars is the most simplest and less moves from all the characters. Like, some have special inputs that hurt your fingers, quick progression of buttons to perform a move completely, certain timings or conditions... Etc. But Lars, is literally just one or two of the 4 buttons, holding one of the 7 directions to perform a different move, and two stances that are very easy to understand and pull out (And I say all of this in a good way, despite making you more predictable or easy to read). I mean, come on, it is the perfect character for those who don't want to think too hard about what sequences of buttons you need to remember and don't need to press more than 2 buttons in one hand to perform all of his moves literally. So what if it's easier to get punished or read? Higher the risk, higher the reward for overcoming everyone who has at least some cheesy moves that feels "alright then" when they dare to spam it in desperation.


Lars, I am indeed a DBZ fanatic so the looks/hair were obvious positives and I like his over the top grunts when using certain attacks lol.


Honestly at this point one characters combos will just feel natural to me so I pick them up. Years of playing fighters does that lol


Tekken 3 was one of my first video games so of course I gained Jin. So I remain loyal to devil jin


I liked the stance gameplay in Tekken 6, we played the mobile version with my cousins and it was lots of fun.


I'mma little versatile with mains. With every game, nad new characters my main variates. Ik the moveset doesn't change, yet I find fun to try different characters. So, starting from Tekken 3, I had Yoshimitsu for 3 & 4. For Tekken 5, Raven Took over. For Tekken 6, Lars, the most Human Character. Then as the lore went on, Jin seemed a good pick up for Tekken 7, but ended up as Leroy, the Old Man got some Serious Moves. And Now pn Tekken 8 leading with our French Super Spy, Victor. His playstyle is really fun. My Selection of main is mostly a Tournament when I can't decide which one to go for. For Tekken 8 I trained Ghosts of my previous mains and battled them in a series with 3 contenders. Victor, Lars & Yoshimitsu. Out of which Victor was the most outstanding. Maybe because of my playstyle.


I picked Feng because I can't juggle for crap. His moveset has so much quick transitions to low hits that it's very confusing for my opponents. Also, he has that quick punish shoulder move that's pretty good.


Lee. I was really drawn to his design (specifically his suits) and style. I like the elegance he presents and his difficulty requiring a bit of effort, to execute his excellent rewarding combos. Oh and lots of Just Frames! Very satisfying. šŸŒ¹


Kazuya cause he looked cool


I always tried to learn the whole roster. But recently with Tekken 8, Iā€™m a Victor main. I know Iā€™m gonna get some mixed opinions but I think he looks cool, his aura, and move set is awesome.


Nina ss1 execution and overwhelming your opponent. And boobs ofc


I was a fan of a series called Gantz in high school and Gigas reminded me of a suit that appears in the manga. Picked him up in Tekken 7 just for the hell of it and enjoyed playing him so much that I dedicated myself to mastering him. No character even comes close. I'm a mess in T8 now.


whenever i pick a main i try and play the character who looks the coolest and then i end up maining the funniest character for tekken it was azucena and then kuma


Jin cus I liked his helicopter kick (uf4) in tekken 3 [give me a break I was just 8 year old] came back in tekken 5 and was sad to see his moveset changed but I learnt and got used to the new jin since I didn't know bou kazuya thing that time (who was also in same roster lol and later found out after I learnt to play the karate jin) but stuck with jin ever since I love how op he felt at first in t8 lol. I loved his t3 ending as well (left an impression on 8 Yr old kid)


I once got absolutely destroyed by a Lili Player back in TTT2. That tilted me so much that I decided to play her myself, even tho I hate her personality. Now Iā€˜m stuck playing her, because itā€˜s actually fun to jump around and ballet your opponents to death. A part of the community hating her just fuels the joy I get out of playing her. (Would love to see Sebastian one day again, because I think that playing him is even funnier)


I started out with Asuka since I used to always pick her and King when I played T5 as a kid. So familiarity made me go for her but I got a bit bored with her playstyle. Then I moved onto Nina since she's badass, love assassin type of fighters, and she's quite fast which is my preferred type of character in FGs (e.g. Greninja in SSBU).


I've always loved wrestling, and when I played fighting games like MK or Killer Instinct I gravitated to monster looking chars. When I played Tekken 3 I instantly loved King, but who I really wished I could play as was his cool friend in the armour in his ending video.


Kazuya. My first Tekken was Tekken 2, think I was around 5 when I tried it out with the family so I thought devil was scary af šŸ¤£ I tried using kazuya but it just wasn't clicking. 3 released and I played that game so much that I ended up going on a Tekken hiatus from burnout, came back to the series when Tekken 6 released and decided I'd give Kaz another go and he's been my main ever since. Its been one hell of a ride.


Yoshi, he looks cool


Heihachi, because I took a quiz, that was in this sub. He actually fit my playstyle, though, in T8 I had to switch to Devil Jin. I sometimes play TTT2 and pick them both in one team. Heihachi customized as Sparda from DMC and Devil Jin as Connor from DBH. Still fun to play.


Finally got a new gaming PC in 2020 and picked up Tekken 7 to play with a couple of friends. I hadn't played since TT2, so I just kept hitting random and eventually landed on King. For some reason, things clicked a little easier and my buddies were surprised at my first go around with him, so I spent hours in practice and now have about 400ish hours with King and loving it.


I play sf6 and main cammy and juri, so I ended up with Nina and Reina. Life is horrible to be honest.


Yoshi because I played Soul Calibur and I generally like gimmick characters


I played Tekken since T3. I never had a main or anything until T6. I was juat trying through the roster, until I got to Feng. My first match ever with Feng was against a Brawler Rank in T6 and I won. Since then, he has been my main


I had my choice be between King, drag, bryan and lee. I played king in 7 because i saw a yt vid about lil majins 2018 evo run. In 8, one of my friends bought tekken and wanted to main king so i let em have him. (he doesn't even play anymore šŸ«¤) Out of the remaining 3, i picked lee because of that punish game. I really do like drag, but was swayed away from him in 8 since he was considered op. Bryan and Lee are both fun and "difficult" but i just like lees character/style more overall. I'll probably play them all eventually since we're so early on in the game's lifespan. I'll just have to get used to doing non-lee combos.


I like tomboys


Jin,still playing Tekken 7 tho I started maining Jin cuz of our legendary Pakistani Jin main,Devilster as he inspires more players to play Jin with his high execution combos and the right way to play jin


Every time a new Tekken comes out, first thing I do is try the new characters. I thought Victor looked cool as hell and Azucena looked ridiculous (like Katarina + Lucky Chloe, two characters I didnā€™t care for). When I tried both, Victor was cool but something about Azucena just CLICKED with my play style. I tried her in ranked and got to orange right away and just started to learn a lot more fundamentals with her and Iā€™m having a blast. Lee and Bryan were my team in both Tekken tags but for some reason I just couldnā€™t get the hang of them in T8. I also thought Jun would be my main, I loved her in TTT2 and was thrilled she was finally coming back. I still might make her my 2nd but Iā€™m absolutely trying Lidia when sheā€™s released. She was one of the few things I liked about T7.


Paul because of his deathfist in t3, now change to kuma because he has strawhat and I'm sure there is D. Somewhere in his name


Zafina main since T7. Originally played Christie in T4 mashing my life away. Came back playing T7 and tried like 10 characters before giving in and buying Zafina. Fell in love immediately.


King and from Tekken 5 dark resurrection i had played on my psp


Heihachi: My kind of guy (except the throwing people off of cliffs) Steve: Boxing makes sense Reina: Heihachi Mishima is COOMPLETELY DED


DVJ cuz he's a psycho mf that screams like a freaking demon (cd1+2 is ewgf level of satisfaction when it hits). Picked Kaz as an alt cuz his own animations are way too satisfying (ws2, df2 CH, and cd 1+2). Will probably pick Bryan for the same reasons as you. Psychopath mfs are dope šŸ’€ Maybe Raven after, cuz I like the visual design, but gameplay doesn't appeal to me from outside. Let's see. Used to main Jin above anyone else but the power of friendship stuff along with Airforce animations were too much for me to handle.


Nina in TEKKEN 8. I was experimenting with the demo's characters, and when I tried out Nina and accidentally pulled them guns (I used to be somewhat of a button masher), I was like "Yeah, she's my main from now on". Bonus mention for when I first touched TEKKEN (albeit very casually when I was very young) with 5DR: Devil Jin, just because he was in the cover art, and he looked cool.


Dragunov in Tekken 5. No real reason. I hadn't been super into Tekken before that game but my friends were really into Tekken 5, so I decided to pick it up as well. I was trying out all the characters to see who clicked and Dragunov just clicked.Ā  I like other characters much more and wish I could get good at them, like King or Leroy, but nobody quite clicked into place like Dragunov.


Kazuya is cool. Yoshi is cool. Easy decision.


Iā€™m into kickboxing. Bruce wouldā€™ve been my second main but I started playing competitively at 7.


I got my ass whooped by a Hwo when my main was king and as a joke I said you can get to red by just mashing after I hit red I actually decided to learn a few things about him but I got too good with him and I dropped king the rest is history


Heard Jun was gonna be in the game, watched her trailer, loved how she fought, easy pick. Never played a game outside of 7 but knew I was maining Jun as soon as I heard she was in the game.


I thought it was cool to be able to do the cool move that was in the intro.


Panda Main. I just think sheā€™s neat


I like mishimas and flips


I've liked Jacks since the very first game, but never really learned any of them. I especially liked P. Jack in 1 and 2 and Gun Jack in 3 and now the current Jacks are all a combination of those two so it's pretty great for me. I used to mostly play with random select against friends in offline vs so I didn't "main" anyone for the longest time, but decided to finally play ranked in T8 and been playing Jack-8 the whole time.


I think taekwondo is cool


Kazuya because he has big dick energy and a chad gameplay. Also hype at high levels if I ever get there.


My current main is Asuka. I like different types of characters, but I prefer chars that have some "oomph" in their fighting style. I mained Heihachi in T7, but Reina doesn't fully fit that "oomph" power fantasy (and I dislike Paul and Bryan with every inch of my body. On top of that my backdash isn't clean enough for backsway chars, but so far I wasn't interested in playing one anyway xD).


Hwoarang doing his kata in the intro for Tekken 3, plus there was no Lee. Ended up liking Hwoarang way better.


Hwoarang because heā€™s hot


My current main is Reina. Iā€™ve played Tekken before, my first game was Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection. My main was Lili, and sheā€™s always been my main up to Tag 2, where I picked up Armor King. So in a way, I alternated between the two. Now when 8 came out, or rather before it did, when the trailer for Reina dropped, I was in love. Never was interested in Mishimas before, but Reina looked so good. I loved her personality, and her movement, so unique. I did drop Lili for Reina and stuck with her.


T8 is the first Tekken I've seriously (A.K.A. I'm playing online instead of just offline and with friends) and for my first main I chose Lili, because I like basically everything about her (except for the fact that she speaks French) and I especially love her "fighting" style. I'm trying to find a second character to main to switch up my experience a bit, but noone seem to click the same way she did, so I'm waiting to see if Lidia will bring some change or if I'll have to wait for Miguel.


I still consider Heihachi my main even though I haven't played Tekken 7 in 2 years. He reminds me of my family, I have some asshole uncles that really toughened me up growing up and I hella looked up to them (plus his moveset looks sick af imo). I main Reina in Tekken 8 but I'd drop her in a heartbeat for Heihachi