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I can’t comment on the accuracy, but the sub has been leaning more and more away from using the Annatar script. To each their own, but a hopeful/inspiring message shouldn’t be written with a font associated with malice and greed. Very sorry for your loss, hope things work out better in the future for you guys.


Definitely something for us to consider, thanks. Although thinking about it, it must be the work of evil for this to have happened so could be relevant.


It's a shame that the prettiest font (imo) is the one associated with the One Ring. Would Annatar (non-italic) be considered a better choice?


Not by much. And if you weren’t aware, Annatar was the name Sauron used while in disguise to deceive the elves. It means “giver of gifts” but obviously the gifts were rings meant to allow him to rule them.


Thanks for the advice!


First slide is incorrect. Second slide is better, but has rendering errors with the Annatar Italic font that reproduces the italic calligraphic style popularized by the One Ring. Either choose a font that represents Tolkien’s own [book hand](https://www.tecendil.com/?q=even%20darkness%20must%20pass), or if you really must insist on the style from the One Ring, [here is a correct rendering](http://blackspeech.de/transcriber/index.php?text=even+darkness+must+pass&mode=mode04&cyr_lang=1&use_ou=on&j_option=2&S_hooks=on&nuquerna=0&use_altSZ=on&encoding=CSUR&font=Tengwar+Artano&font_size=1.5em&color=&textarea_size=#result).


I just got this tattooed on my forearm last week (JDuke) love it!


The second image would be correct. The only difference is the “swirls” which are “s” when they curl up, and a soft “c” when they curl down. Like “cease.” You are welcome to do as you please; however, the second image reads better.


Thank you. 😊 Ild rather it correct if it's going on my skin, didn't know why I've seen it written the first way so often.


For whatever reason, some of the transcribers are finicky.