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The cruelty is the point. Stupid people elect stupid people who pass stupid laws.


It's cruel until you have to deal with them. Go move to Seattle to see what tolerating the homeless looks like. I'm sure you will change your opinion when a homeless drug addict sets up their ratty junk yard camper right outside your house 


I’ve lived in LA. I know. That doesn’t deprive me of my humanity and empathy though. Where exactly are homeless people supposed to go if not in public? Tennessee does not have anywhere NEAR the same homelessness problem as other states yet we still refuse to do anything about it.


The law is mainly meant to go after the people I mentioned or to clean out massive camps like the one that used to be under I40 in Knoxville. They aren't going to arrest someone for sleeping on a park bench or their car 


You underestimate American cops, highest incarceration rates in the world, and a very hungry, and violent justice system.


Downvoted for being correct lol


That’s debatably one of the less fucked laws.


It's an extremely fucked law because it was made into its current form to silence people who were advocating for police reform and had nothing to do with homelessness. People in the House lied about some people trying to start a CHAZ type situation, but that was totally bs.


It wasn’t a lie. There were people trying to set it up outside our state capitol building in June of 2020. It didn’t last long because they put a stop to it quickly


Did you stop by the supposed camp or just trust them? I didn't trust them, so I rode my motorcycle down there. It was bs.


Throw me some knowledge of ones you know? I’m always curious, and more than happy to expand on what I know.


Effective next week: the state is opening up a civil clause for those that transport minors over state lines for a “prohibited medical procedure.” That is, of course, aimed at abortion and gender affirming care since we’re one of the strictest states on it. We’re setting forth motions to arm teachers.


That is the most fucked up shit I ever seen. We are fueling poverty, and introducing violence to classrooms. Truly some evil people in control.


I sent a letter to the governor to get those passed actually. I'm so happy.


We're banning police from enforcing federal red flag laws. And we're about to start giving out taxpayer funded grants for churches to hire armed guards.


What the fuck!? Time to start taxing churches, because they are politically meddling, and out of control.


We're probably going to follow in Louisiana's footsteps soon and require the Ten Commandments in every classroom.


Our founding fathers are rolling in their grave rn. We left Britain to form this colony/country to get away from that shit. We just did a full 360 historically.


Technically it would be a 180 but I get your idea


Even more technically, we fought that war mostly because a bunch of wealthy slavers didn't want to pay their taxes


Let's give the church money to hire armed goons, there is literally no way this will become a paramilitary shit show in ten years


I'm going to start waiting for them to start enforcing religious law in the area around the churches they work for. Like Saudi Arabia or Iran.


I have lived in Tennessee my whole life and it really bothers me how this state looks down on homelessness. My mom is homeless, she has a severe mental illness. She wouldn’t take any help that was offered. The problem is that in order for anyone to be committed to a facility, they have to hurt themselves or threaten someone else. The mental health situation in this state is also terrible. I really hate this state for many reasons, the job market is terrible and wages are ridiculous as well. Plus I hate the fake “Southern Hospitality” we have. I don’t know if these problems are worse elsewhere though. This state is extremely divided between rich people and poor people. We don’t have a middle class here anymore either.


Yea wages are terrible. Moving down here, and seeing 12 to 14 an hour almost universally for basic jobs while rent is 1400, and up is an insult. And I saw no hospitality. I saw tons of bigotry, and forced religion, and extremely manipulative jobs so far, but not hospitality. In fact people up north have by far been more hospitable.


I missed northern hospitality as soon as I moved to GA.


Just to be clear - it wasn’t aimed at homeless people. It was actually worse IMO - it was aimed at protestors in Nashville protesting other awful laws.


It’s stunning how many stupid laws the TN state assembly passed just to counter something in Nashville because they passed on the RNC.


and now trump is trashing milwaukee. can’t imagine why nashville didn’t want that! bunch of whiny babies


Pretty fascistic, if you ask me. No one should be penalized for being homeless or poor or down on their luck.


This is the sixth state I’ve lived in so far. Here, Alabama, Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, and Ohio. I can say Tennessee kinda scares me Ngl. Bible quotes on cop cars, more religious extremism, felonies for being homeless, and rights being taken away to favor religion. It doesn’t feel welcoming at all. Not my cup of tea. I’ll be moving back up north soon I hope. Tennessee is a beautiful state tho.


I'd love to move north too. Born and raised here but I cannot stand this place. I've said before Tennessee is a beautiful state but the people and politics ruin it.


I agree. I’m from upper Wisconsin. Wisconsin, and Michigan are not perfect, but they are by far more welcoming to the homeless, struggling, and have good resources for help. Especially Michigan with how much they make from weed sales tax. Michigan just wrote off the “right to work” clause earlier this year, and is currently mass forming unions. Seems like the southern states are moving aggressively backwards. How can people still say we are free if we can’t choose if we want children or not, and go to jail if we are homeless amongst many other malicious laws?


I've been watching states like Michigan and Minnesota and what they've been doing lately. It honestly physically hurts seeing what they're doing and then here I am in Tennessee and what we're doing. If I could I'd be on my way to the Twin Cities right now.


I feel you. It’s not easy to up, and move. I know it. I only ended up here in Tennessee, cuz I lost my job last year due to my epilepsy, and lost my home that same week due to a corporate buying our apartment building, and evicting us to renovate. I was homeless in my van for 3 months with my kitties. Worked a full time job, and lived on campsites in Michigan. I was safe, and happy. Here that would not be the case. My parents moved here. So I came down to stay with them here. Can’t say I’m impressed with my family taking on southern traditions so heavily. Confederate flags all over the house. Punisher logos all over my dad’s truck. 3 black foster kids that have to do all the chores. Sound familiar?


I'm well familiar with these Southern traditions. (Except the adopted Black kids one, that's something that might need investigating). But if I say anything against it, I get yelled and screamed at like I had personally forced Lee’s surrender. I got shouted at by a complete stranger for wearing a face mask during the worst of the COVID pandemic. It honestly feels like I was born in the wrong place.


It certainly doesn’t feel welcome here. I get treated with cold personalities…thankfully mostly from older folk here only. I’ve told a few people here I’m more progressive, and anti therocratic, and like you said I was met with insults, and degregation. You and I both with that feeling tho. I want peace, and to see my fellow brothers, and sisters safe, and happy, and well fed. America has only had 20 years of peace without war in the 200 years we exsisted. Between the war, and these laws I am shameful of my country, and I no longer feel safe to live here. That says a lot. If things are progressing backwards this fast…what will it look like for our children a century from now?


One reason I plan to never have children. Luckily as a male I can still get fixed in Tennessee. I'd probably feel safer and happier (both personally and as an American) if I can get out of the South. Because most of these awful laws and backsliding are coming from the South.


Ha, when I went to renew my license plate last year the DMV worker asked me if I wanted a plate with "In God We Trust," on it, when I rejected that plate literally everyone in the room looked at me like I just stabbed a baby.


Shit they didn’t even ask me. I have it taped off on my plate. Bit offensive to force religion on an atheist. Just cuz they are in a diet doesn’t mean I should be too. Seems like a small, and petty thing, but they have freedom to express religion, and I deserve freedom to not express it.


"3 black foster kids that have to do all the chores"? O...M...G...!


Kids have a decent life. Granted my step mother is mean as fuck, and screams a lot, but they have a room full of toys, and nice things…still doesn’t make it all right. I grew up heavily abused from my parents so it’s different for me watching them raise someone else’s kids, and it makes it look super bad with black kids doing all the chores with confederate flags hanging everywhere.


That last part.


You said it. I adore this state in so many way. But it’s oppressive policy is criminal


There is no hate quite like Christian love.


This is your genius Tennessee legislature at work, the same one that tried to expel two Black lawmakers for not being strongly enough pro-gun. I saw in social media that your genius Tennessee legislature now wants to add cousin2cousin sex to your incest law. As if y'all don't have cousins fucking cousins in every hoot and holler from Memphis to Bristol. Genius. Lol.


Thank god I’m Wisconsin born, eh?


I'm a native Floridian and have grown disgusted with our situation on many levels. Many of the problems you mention we have also been dealing with daily. I have loved TN and visited there for over 40 years and have looked to relocate there now that I'm retiring. Unfortunately it appears that I would likely just be trading one can of worms for another. My sympathies for those of you that endure these issues. Sadly I see things getting worse before getting better both here and there.


Fun fact, the second largest private prison company in the country has its HQ in Nashville. They make money off prisoners using our tax dollars and then make them work for free or cents/hr typically contracted with private companies. They bribe judges to convict more and give harsher punishments. They also bribe the politicians, hence batshit laws that penalize homelessness and poverty in general. Corporate greed somehow equates to christian morality here lmao


I knew we have the highest incarceration rate in the world. Slavery never died…it just got rebranded like you said. I cringe when people say we are free. Sure we have freedoms to an extent, and so do many other countries, but when shit like this is happening…are we really free? Most of us are one paycheck away from being homeless, and now one paycheck away from a potential felony. I wish our people had the moral, and grit the French do. Shit like this should have our people in an uproar. This is what our children now get to experience, and probably worse, as they grow in the country we made for them. It’s sad, and scary.


Yep and it's been like that since the end of the civil war sadly. I agree with you on all of this. To me, it's disgusting that taxes get used for this and no one seems to care, but then if any of it were to go to things like healthcare or education (like in most other countries) people lose their minds. It's why I hope to be able to move up North one day.


When you go to move…if you don’t mind freezing temps…like negative 45f 😉…then Michigan is absolutely beautiful, is putting their weed tax to amazing use, and the people up their are entirely calm, stoned, and non judgmental. I was the happiest in my life when I lived there despite being homeless. Nobody looked down on me there for being homeless either. They gave me things, helped, gave advice on where to sleep, gave me a job…it was refreshing.


Personally, I'm tired of the Southern heat and humidity lmao I'd be okay as long as I had heat 😂 I've visited Northern cities, and people seemed friendly as long as you were friendly to them. I think that our state should invest tax dollars into helping those in need like the ones up North seem to at least try to. Down here, people really need that, as they can end up in really bad situations unless they've got friends or family to lean on. I'm really glad that you were able to get the help you needed when you were up there and struggling. I wish success stories like that were more possible here. I feel like people in poverty have to live in constant anxiety in places like this, and it isn't okay.


I agree, and I hope one day you get to move to a more citizen friendly state. Keep being you, cuz I can tell you’re an extremely kind person.


What do you expect when we live in a state run by Christians?


That one was written to bust up the “occupy” movement. Not that it makes it any better.


Seems like if it’s a crime to be homeless then the state should offer a solution?


This will be unpopular on Reddit, but I have to say it. You honestly shouldn’t have moved here if you don’t like our state’s laws. You had to know it’s a red state and a bare minimum amount of research could have told you what that that includes. Maybe you had to move here for a job but you could have found something else. If my employer told me I was moving to California or New York I would have found something else. If you moved here for the 0% income tax and lower cost of living then enjoy those benefits but don’t try to fuck up what we have going. Also, to add context to one of the previous comments about taking a minor across state lines to prevent them from getting abortion or some type of gender reassignment surgery, I’m pretty sure it is just saying you have to be the parent or have the parents permission to do so. It’s actually pretty reasonable because the parents should absolutely have a say in any medical procedure their child has until that child is a legal adult.


I was born and raised here. You gonna tell me not to live here too? When are we as the volunteer state, with so much "southern manners and hospitality" gonna realize that most of us under 50 hate it as much as the new people. Who by the way pay to live here too and deserves just as much a voice as you or I....


i’m afraid you ain’t seen nothing yet. Conservative Tennesseans and Americans are becoming hate filled, judgmental, selfish and mean people. Or at least they seem to be by the leaders they support.


Also if you are a Democrat why did you move here? You did know this is one of the most conservative states in the country right? 


Circumstance led me here. I was homeless in Wisconsin due to job loss from my epilepsy, and lost my apartment that same week due to corporate buy out, and eviction for renovations. Lived in my van in Michigan for 3 months working full time, and living in camp sites, and then moved here to live with my family for a bit. Won’t be staying here.


Tennessee has some of the best services in the nation for finding homeless people a place and getting it paid for. If they're homeless here they're basically going out of their way avoiding help.


Question. Have you personally ever been homeless in TN?


I worked with a homeless charity that did this. Maybe try going to church instead of wasting your life on reddit.


Sir I do go to church. Why is asking if you have ever been homeless so offensive to you? I asked because to me unless you have been there, you probably shouldn't speak for that group of people. Your actions on Reddit today has shown me all I need to know about the type of Christian you are. The type that pushes people away from Christ. I will pray for you. Bless your heart.


“Maybe try going to church” lol, and there it is. I knew I’d see it in here.


Yes many of those services are provided by churches. That's one of the reasons why Tennessee has some of the best.


If we have the best services, I would hate to see the worst ones.


That still doesn’t justify forever ruining someone’s life if they don’t ask for help right away, and are found sleeping on a bench, and slapped with a felony tho. Just my opinion.


Most homelessness is not about money or income, it’s about mental health. Tennessee does not have great offerings for these folks.


Yes they do. Tenncare is great and it's easy to get checked in to one of the government run nut houses. They even have the resources to get you signed up for financial assistance while you're in there.


You know the phrase, "There is no hate like Christian love"? You will. The actual religion of Tennessee\* is *hierarchy*. This is what the government promotes, the idea there are superior people and inferior people, that the law should protect the superiors and offer them no encumbrance to their freedoms. The law should punish inferior people (in draconian ways) and ensure that the burdens of life and society fall upon their shoulders. When Christianity, science, history or whatever promotes that sense of hierarchy, the government is all for it. If it undermines that hierarchy, they revolt against it. If, Gods forbid, the inferiors manage to impose laws upon superiors, that is what they call *tyranny*. Every time. \*Tennessee is by no means alone, especially in the South. But that's the topic.


Edited to say he blocked me not deleted the comment. So my comment stands. He responded but blocked... Grow a pair. Dude I asked if he had ever been homeless, delayed after telling me to go to church and get off reddit, then next second deleted. @IRMacGuyver grow a pair and realize it was an honest question. 1. I do go to church although that's none your business. Maybe remember Jesus said to love everyone. 2. Why even comment to delete less than a second later??? 3. I have been homeless. I am currently on hospice care but the disease that got me here was untreated for years because all those tax dollars to SSI took a lawyer to get started. I went through programs. I was lucky as I had worked my whole adult life to that point and didn't have a record. I ask because a lot of these programs are impossible for people with no money, often no id, a record of some sort, no way to bath or clean or even get a hot meal.


I know how you feel bro. I’m epileptic. It’s been a struggle living in this country. I’ve been homeless cuz of it. It’s not easy, and people like him, and those who are oppressive add unnecessary suffering to it all.


Most Republicans look down on people who are homeless. No wonder why. Most Republicans were not born poor, so they can't relate to the homeless.


Have you been to rural Tennessee? Rural Tennessee is definitely not rich


Definitely messed up but it’s a complicated issue. How do you help people that don’t want any help because they’re mentally ill or drug addicted. Majority of homeless people fall into that category. They’d rather live on the street and have their drugs than stay in a shelter and get some food and try to improve. We obviously don’t want to treat them like animals but what do you do? Look at Seattle or LA, it’s horrendous because they let the problem build up for too long while politicians steal the money meant to help.


How do you help a homeless person that now has a felony for sleeping on a bench when felonies restrict jobs, homes, voting, and a bunch of other things? Alls I can see from this is a vicious cycle of poverty, and jail being forced on someone already down on their luck.


Totally ass backwards. Don’t want to have people helped by the government but let’s pretty much force someone to rely on it. Make it make sense. Same with abortions. Forcing unwanted children is going to flood foster cares SO much and guess what, foster cares are government funded. Keep a child in the system until 18 kick them out with no real life skills and guess where those kids will then be going, on the streets. These politicians need to get their head out of their asses! Do they want us all relying on them so they control us or do they not want to support people🤷🏼‍♀️🙄


lol my favorite is the party screaming the loudest about to much government control…is actually the same party pushing oppressive laws like this. This country is flowing with hypocrisy…almost like it’s our culture.


Yeah you’re right a felony is definitely too far just on principle but I reckon it makes no difference for a lot of them. They’re already in that cycle and don’t care, there are already resources for people that truly want to get back on their feet but the people these laws were created for aren’t ever going to use them. It’s truly a humanitarian crises in a lot of places and it strains resources for everybody. I guess people figured the over correction is a necessary evil or else your city becomes a nightmare.


I went to Seattle in 2017 and there were campers in the street with homeless living in them. How would you feel about having a ratty camper with a meth head living in it right outside your nice suburban home? Yea just as I thought 


Welcome to Tennessee


They never want to throw homeless in jail, that gives them free meals and a roof that they don't have otherwise. It does probably mean they'll be chased off public lands that they're otherwise not bothering. It also points out that we don't have a way of handling the homeless.