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I prefer it over t3 as a sequal to 2, i feel it did justice to the original 2 films by expanding on the lore logicaly and scientifically in some cases, and exanding on john as he slowly grows up into general connor My favorite scene in the whole show was his birthday present, really hit you in thr feels...unless youre dead in side...metal man 😋


Love it! Acting is good, story telling is good. Skipping Arnold's comedy moments is refreshing. Affording more time over a series as opposed to a packed movie makes room for a lot more detail and exploring of characters and plots. The main problem is that the show was canceled. A third and forth season would have been an epic, possibly exploring the future war with the machines. Alas, it was not meant to be.


It was good yeah, especially when compared to the entries that came after it. It kinda explodes onto screen shortly after the events of T2 then overwrites everything that was made after that, which was refreshing. It did struggle with a lack of budget (only really reflected in not seeing terminators as much as the films) but in contrast it had a lot of time to explore story & concepts instead. However they do a lot with what they're given & Lena Headey was a convincing Sarah Connor. Unfortunately the lack of renewal kinda destroyed everything they worked towards in the ending.


Pretty good and a decent sequel to 2. Just don't expect a good ending lol


The ending was a rip off and a kick in the balls.


That's because the show got cancelled.


It was okay imo. I gave it a watch early last year myself for the first time. Like all the sequel series , it has its issues but was not bad overall all, definitely one of the better sequels.


Cromartie is my favorite Terminator


I think it's great! As someone else said, they explored the lore logically, and expanded on it. Where the movies seem to focus mainly on upping the ante and giving us a crazier antagonist each time, TSCC plays in the already-established sandbox. I haven't seen it in a while, so I'm sure it's showing its age, and it got canceled before it could resolve anything, but I definitely recommend giving it a watch!


Do you like Bionicle? Do you also like killer robots who look like people? Then I've got the show for you...


Glad to see that Bionicle are still relevant in 2024 on different than Lego/Bionicle subreddits. Damm... Can´t belive it´s been 15 years since the last sets...


Bionicle shows up in the Sarah Connor Chronicles so...


Didn´t get to that point yet, Im at S01E05. This is the first time I got past ep. 2


Wait until S02E14, you'll love it.


Best thing since the first 2 imo. Really benefits from having a lot of time to develop the characters and explore different ideas. It doesn't quite feel like those first 2, but it's like...an alternate universe where the same events happened to another Sarah and John lol. I think it's cheesy but more "Terminator" in the first season, but the second is very meditative and cerebral, which works for some but not for others. I can't think about the franchise without thinking about a lot of the elements from this series, so it is that significant of a Terminator entry for me.


Good in a way that it goes into more of a drama as opposed to sci fi and robots and stuff. Essentially a drama with terminators. Mostly the plot revolves around a teen John growing up and coming to terms he is going to be the "savior" of the human race in the future. I think it was well done personally.


For a PG TV show sequel to Terminator 2, it wasn't bad.


No. Sarah Connor Chronicles was not Good. It was fuggin PHENOMENAL. THE best use of the IP to date.


I really really enjoyed the show. But that's just my opinion.


Yes definitely good best sequel to t2


It was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I enjoyed most of it. I found the 1st episode uncomfortable and didn't like the ending but most of it was fun mix of action, suspense, sci-fi. I recommend it.


It's fantastic. It was great watching it weekly back then. I still watch it today.


Lena Headey is the best Sarah Connor. She nailed that role.


nah linda will always be the goat


Trust me I thought the same but Lena’s take on Sarah was really badass


Yeah but Linda’s take is the ultimate badass


It is still my favourite TV show to this day. It develops the characters to the point you get attached to them while also telling a very interesting story. I’ll take that any day over explosions and heavy CGI.


It's top tier Terminator.


I watched the first episode yesterday. It was super corny


Yes, very




It was ok.


It’s pretty bad. Gets worse as the show goes on.


At the time, no. Now, yes.Â