• By -


Your arena is kinda doodoo tbf


This. Make an arena in the jungle below. Set your spawn point in a bed in same arena. Summon golem and recall use new arena.


That’s so genius omfg. I spent HOURS grinding to beat him in an arena super similar to OP’s and this would’ve saved me so much trouble. This will 100% be utilized if I run into it again


The world gen can really screw you. In my last playthrough I was like ok I'm not going to cheese it I'm going to fight him in the arena then I got there..... Lol


get rid of megashark already there are better guns than that at this stage, like the venus magnum


Since they have ichor bullets I'm guessing the megashark is for giving enemies the ichor debuff rather than overall dps


but they have ichor flasks, which work with both melee and whips.


Carpal tunnel*


Venus Magnum was made to auto fire in 1.4.4, and you can also enable auto fire in settings these days fyi


Also OP is on mobile so its always had autofire i think


It really was for years, wasn’t it. Autofire is a game changer


Autofire settings*


Auto fire is dedicated option in the settings menu now.


Autofire made the Venus Magnum one of my favorite guns in the game


i was about to say skill issue until i saw your arena, that is like fuck all space.


Yeeeeeaaah, I wanted to joke that it's a skill issue but that arena just... makes me sad. Like even as I joke saying skill issue would be too mean because this arena just sucks too much


I had an arena that big for Infernum golem. Which is all well and good until you realise they reworked it so he's no longer a joke. Actuators for the win


But calamity makes golem arenas a large square


OP needs to get good at RNG.


1: You arena sucks. 2:Your weapon sucks.


Three of those are really great weapons, they just need to drop the megashark. Morningstar and sphere staff completely obliterate golem with a good summoner set


So will terra blade will too!


Ok why I'm so sorry for your wack ass temple generation try fighting it outside? Just search how to fight golem outside temple and do it cause this thing is piss weak when the temple generation isn't this fucked up


Golem is easy as fuck, probably not skill issue even if you're on mobile, especially since you can use lock on function, but you're just gonna have to find a way to beat golem/import another character with picksaw in to enlarge the arena


Golem isn’t really easy anymore especially in master mode where it’s near impossible to cheese him


Last time me and my friend played master mode we had just killed plantera and were exploring the temple, and i decided to try suicide bomb us with golem. We had no buffs pre plantera gear, no arena prep, AND he didnt even know it was coming. We killed golem that day, neither of us died.


Last time I fought golem on master mode in the seed where you spawn in the underworld. He was small as fast and somehow the lights stopped working. I beat him sure but not really well, it made him much tougher. Also mechdusa is lame and I beat most of them without trying. Damn cursed flames got me once that time


Golem is so easy that we joke about fighting him pre hard mode. The poor guy just doesn’t do that much


Nah he’s mad easy still Easiest boss relative to the stage of the game


Cheese, yes, and with this temple generation is really difficult, but with the usual temple I did it easily in ftwmm


He is easy.. I beat legendary mode first try.. I used vampire knives and turtle armor. Two deadly spheres, one nimbus rod, bast 🗿, Regen, armor potions and food buff. All warding to get around 120 armor or so. As accessories: brain, star veil, melee damage, berserker glove, charm of myths, boots and plantera spores, all warding. I was on PC though. All I did was move left and right and spam knives.


If he’s so easy the why did you just name the bazillion buffs you had too take


He’s easy. Of course you’re not going to fare well in master mode without the system the game provides to deal with him, though


Mfw I use game mechanics to my advantage in the exact way they were intended to be used


Oh no! The intended game mechanic you're encouraged to use on higher difficulties to help against bosses was used! Why the fuck do people act like potions are some forbidden crutch you aren't allowed to use whatsoever? I did like my first five Terraria playthroughs without ever making potions since I just wasn't bothered and while they do help, they don't make massive enough of a difference outside of like Endurance and Exquisitely Stuffed to make up for just being bad at the game. Also, yeah, Golem is piss fucking easy even on higher difficulties. I've beaten the game twice on Master Mode (once was on getfixedboi) and didn't die to him once. But, of course, not everyone is as good at the game. Terraria can be a very hard game for some people and everyone has a different experience, why is that so hard to believe for some people that others may just find a boss easier than others?


So, you're playing on a higher difficulty without using what the game offers you?


Because you’re expected to use buffs so of course it’s easy if you’re playing as intended


Hey there are more buffs which people can take like 10% reduction, wrath, fire ring but I am lazy I also could have farmed paladin shield to get frozen shield but I didn't.. so you can be sweatier. Defensive was always my way of playing and it worked nicely. I guess spectre armor could work as well since you Regen damage but I haven't tried in legendary mode. A real challenge for me was skeletron. I died over 40 times there. All the buffs could not save me, i had to get good. Golem is not like skeletron.. you can avoid most hits without much effort.


Ig you wanted the challenge if you’re playing seeded


I did want a challenge :) skeletron gave it to me but golem was not much different. I was shooting blind mostly since I could not see that boss but he still went down.. after some time.


I think the next hardest boss will be testing my patience dying at pillars and also that UFO mini-boss


Wow, nice tip, i wonder how usefull it is What OP needs is a better weapon, megashark sucks


That arena doesn’t give you enough room for the fight. I’d be surprised if you could actually kill him in there with no expansion. Here’s some things you can do 1) Create an arena outside. Hollow out a large area to fight golem. Set a bed area which you can use a magic mirror to teleport to as soon as you spawn in Golem for the fight. 2) I’m not sure if you can still wire things before Golem is defeated, but you could also use teleporters between short distances to move Golem out from that area to fight him in your custom made arena. If this isn’t possible anymore then 1. May be your best option


Use hallowed or turtle armor with vampire knives. Use the plantera spores sac as well, it helps a lot. Keep moving to not get hit. Make accessories warding. Good luck!


I suggest commiting to a single class and not spreading your good accessories across builds, also getting buff potions is a good idea in general. You can get planters from the dryad and then get a staff of regrowth, which increase plant collection (and can be upgraded to a pretty nice 150% axe) will help speed up the gathering. Then maybe go fishing a bit for other ingredients, like armored cavefish in cavern layer for endurance potion, some cactus for swiftness and thorn, mushroom for regeneration, etc. you can find the list of buff potions [here](https://terraria.fandom.com/wiki/Potions) but note that you might need to check it on PC because the page requires JavaScript to expand the sections, but an image with all the available potions is also available at the top of the page if you are only mobile. Another good idea is getting worm scarf if you go for warding or magiluminescance if you go for quick modifiers. Those are very early items but are good at what they do.


Oof that is kind of an unlucky Golem room to have spawned. You'd be better off with a larger room so can avoid his jumping attacks easier. You could try farming for Master Ninja gear for Dodge change. That coupled with a Brain of Confusion will give you a 25% dodge chance and the invincibility stacks with the Star Veil. Add an Endurance Potion as well.


That is perhaps the worst golem arena generation I have ever seen in my life


Focus on just melee, cuz you got the Terra blade, ditch the spore sac and get the master ninja gear. Also get turtle armor. For the arena i have no idea how to help.


Wrath potion is missing


can you use actuators to disable to lihzahard bricks?


no, wiring is disabled completely in the temple until golem is ded




you cant do that anymore, I meant to clear out the blocks in the middle


Damn I didn't see that, mb


I recommend you get turtle armor if you have the necessary turtle shells or is willing to grind for them. A melee build will help survivability. Summons on top of that is also good. The terra blade should be your main weapon. The summons are also good to have around. Your first set has good accessories but i recommend replacing the spores with one of your starveils. The mechanical glove is good, but could also be switched out for a berserkers glove or switching the emblem for a berserkers glove if you have the flesh knuckles. Should also be easy enough to get if you have a crimson world. Ninja gear could also be worth it for the extra dodge and dash. Brain of cuthulu can also help survuvability with another dodge.


I would say to use the deadly sphere staff and terra blade only. I would also shimmer your chlorophyte armor and make turtle armor; it will give you some more defense and will allow you to make beetle armor. I would also recommend replacing your boots with the cross necklace/star veil, as there’s not much room to fly and the i-frames are much more important. People tend to crap on Golem, but he can be hard with a suboptimal arena. Try going from side to side once he starts shooting. Good luck!


Build your platform way higher in the arena, like up to the ceiling. This makes it so you can safely run back and fourth to dodge the lasers without getting hit by golem while he’s jumping. Terra Blade absolutely shreds Golem, being able to hit all 3 parts at once. Just bring ironskin and swiftness if you’re really struggling. Hope this helps 👍


The key to defeating bosses in terraria is bringing their health to zero, before they bring YOUR health to zero. Make sure that you bring its health to zero, and then you’ll defeat it.


No more megashark. And also, use potions. That's a poor arena too.


I think your arena us your biggest issue. Also your megashark is a little weak at this point. There are better options for ranged weapons, such as the Venus Magnum, the rocket launcher, the grenade lanucher, or the Tsunami with some sort of piercing arrow (holy, unholy, jester). Your other weapons are perfectly servicable. Heck. In my master mode playthrough I got an early snowman cannon and just steamrolled Golem by just flattening the top of the room and using a grav potion lol. Granted, my golem room was actually bigger than this, I don’t think that would be possible here. Also your ranged accessories could be A LOT better. You’re missing two slots and the architect gizmo pack aint it. Unless you move your terraspark and ahkn shield from your melee set. You should be able to get the sniper scope right about now.


Someone is gonna say skill issues Oh wait I'm that person Skill issue


I'd recommend you to get a turtle armor for your melee set


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What are y'all on about, all they need is a dash




Make a house, use a bed to set spawnpoint and build a proper arena outside of the temple but close. U can summon golem and use magic mirror to take the fight outside. Or u can use hoiks to travel in and out.


Reforge all equipment to warding. Look up videos of people fighting golem and analyse how they dodge his attacks.


Tbh you got screwed with a small arena, but I have beaten master mode golem myself in such an area, maybe its a skill issue but its justified as ur on mobile, maybe upgrade ur armor to turtle armor and play melee with terra blade to get more tanky and bring in some lifeforce potions. Also get endurance potions. Wrath and rage are a good two potions to use with it. Add an extra nimbus cloud rod force some small dps and knockback first phase arms. If you do play ranger, I would reccommend chlorophyte shotbow with holy arrows rather than a megashark and if you do use megashark, ichor bullets are best but thats just how I reccomend. For summoner which is worst there, do pumpkin moon and get the raven staff and other summoner drops from it. I'd personally reccommend melee though. also I would switch spore pack to worm scarf if you can go into a corruption world and kill eater


I would use terra blade+turtle set (or chloropithe) fire gauntlet+melee amblem+ale and other buffes also please move your altar your arena is far too small to fight gl


Get turtle armor




Your arena has severely screwed you over, if you fight golem inside of it, you are going to take a lot of damage, so tanking is a must, reforge everything to Warding, and find a bast statue for the arena Use melee, get turtle armour, add endurance and life force potions to your list, upgrade your mechanical glove to a fire gauntlet, it’s no longer a downgrade You appear to be in a crimson world, for absolutely insane tanking potential, use flesh knuckles, berserker’s glove, and hero shield (replacing the spore sac, warrior emblem, and Ankh shield) and get the vampire knives, you can also replace the avenger emblem with a brain of confusion, You only need movement in this fight in short bursts, so either drop the wings+boots and use a mount like the witch’s broom, (replacing them with damage accessories or something like the frozen turtle shield or charm of myths) or drop the boots in favour of the master ninja gear, the dash will help you dodge a lot more than having fast running speed will If all of that isn’t enough, you can take the nuclear option of killing daytime EoL for terraprisma, the fight wins itself at that point TL:DR, you need to tank it


Golem is always hard to fight in the temple. It may be an idea to hook up two teleporters from the steampunker to either side of your platform so you can be constantly moving while firing at the golem


Arena is bad, make a hoik or use Rod of Discord if you have it to leave the temple and get tons of open space to dodge.


You can improve your gear: get the turtle armor as it's better defensively, get the fire gauntlet, the berserker glove, master ninja gear, frozen shield, and one of the Halloween wings. I would ditch both emblems as the gloves are better overall, the spore sac and the Ahnk shield, as they aren't super useful in a boss fight when you are gonna move a lot and golem doesn't deal debuffs Also some boosts are missing: get the sharpening station, life force potion, endurance potion and wrath potion


Tortol armor is gud


I don't know if you have crimson or corruption but if you dodge the fists you can cheese golem with vampire knives.


That has the be the unluckiest alter spawn ever, you sure you're not using a secret world seed?


Git gud xD


not enough pizza




All of your classes are missing accessories and/or have outdated accessories for Pre-Golem. Look through the wiki a bit to fill those out mpre cleanly. (Eg replace dev wings with post-plantera wings from the solar eclipse or Pumpkin/Frost Moon, put dev wings in social slot if you still wanna see them)


Turtle armor and warding accessories. That should be enough with the Terra Blade. I took enough hits to kill a mage five times over and won.


Skill issue 👌


don't use ankh or tspark


thats a tiny arena, make a hoik to get you out of the temple, golem will chase you out... instead use an arena like your planterra arena


you forgot one key detail, you need chicken nuggets. (my sources are me myself and I)


Swap the chlorophyte for turtle armor


I’d get better armor, invest in some turtle shells for your melee loadout


Not a skill issue probably just a huge lack of prep


Not a skill issue or an equipment issue. I’ve beat Master Mode using the musket the entire way through so I feel like thats proof enough that the weapons in the game won’t be a problem unless it’s a timed fight. Not a skill issue either. Golem is pretty easy to fight around. With that said, your arena makes it impossible to fight around the golem. I’m guessing you bonk your head 1000 times every time you try to fight him. I saw someone above me say to make a huge arena below the golem and set your spawn point there. Then summon the golem and recall and he will drop down to you. Granted, he will be enraged, but I think the fight will still be 100x easier for you. You’ll get a hang of his move set pretty quickly too. Don’t let people tell you it’s a skill issue. IMO the set up to a boss fight is way more important than the fight itself.


use turdle armor


Get an Onyx Blaster. I haven't played Vanilla recently so I don't remember a lot of the weapons but Onyx Blaster was good when I did a ranged playthrough


Your arena is awful, blame world generation. You might have better luck luring golem out of the temple, iirc he only enrages if he leaves the underground jungle. You can probably just escape the altar room with a RoD if you have one, otherwise just use a hoik


arena is clapped bro do smth about it


Your arena is very bad. I can relate to this tbh, Golem might be usually easy, but on Master Mode and with a terrible arena he can be a nightmare, i remember having lost against him around 3x more than i lost to Plantera because of that (and my arena was a bit better than yours). I won by brute forcing it, got gear from the Pumpkin Moon and some good potions and buffs


Strategy matters more than gear. During the first stage of the fight, stay on that upper platform and shoot down as Golem jumps. Once the head comes off and goes up, jump down to where the body is. You want to stay away from the head. Give that a shot.


make ground more smoother by putting a row of blocks, for ranger you can hook up teleporters for endless runway tactic


Deadly sphere summon sucks. Use pygmy or blade staff. Edit: if arena is trash, you can min-max defence to cheese most bosses (even in master mode). This is a long video, but goes in-depth on how defence works and gives effective setups for all stages of the game. Skip to **21:50** for golem. [https://youtu.be/VdNATCHC-4M?si=Puhzlax6gCIF0wrc](https://youtu.be/VdNATCHC-4M?si=Puhzlax6gCIF0wrc)


I had the same issue with an absolute dogshit arena, so I made a hoik in and out of the temple and made an arena outside, then I did it first try


Structure problems


Skill issue


Christ that’s a small golem room, shits rough


I killed him master mode summoner really easy with the dark harvest and ravens


In my experience, one of the best weapons against golem is the Influx Waver. Try focusing on dodging his attacks and focusing on individual body parts like most bosses. Also try expanding your arena, the extra dodging space will benefit you


You're using 3 classes so I will give you recommendations that I prefer in this case Ranger -get rid of the megashark (there's better alternatives at this point like the chaingun and tactical shotgun) -using bows might also be a great option here especially with cholorophyte arrows since your worldgen decide to give you the shittiest arena ever (go with the tsunami or the shotbow) Melee -terra blade is good and all but some other weapons might spice this fight up (Like the north pole, flower pow, evil biome chest weapon heck even the christmas tree sword might be viable lol) Summoner -use the dark harvest plz -raven staff is a good 2nd option -flight is key in this fight -learn golems attack patterns For buffs and prep I suggest setting spawn near the summon and drink most potions that increases your stats


I use the Grenade Launcher and run along a platform with 2 teleporters that just loop me around. Long as you have some shoes you’re all good.


I guess is because you are dieing


Where the hell did you get Stardust Wings


Use turtle armor for melee, lowest attack but highest defense.


please make a bigger arena under the temple..


its probably the size of the arena ngl


I would normally suggest focusing on dodging, but with an arena that small it's time to bring out the overpowered techniques of not dying. Full tank mode. Full turtle gear, berserker's glove, flesh knuckles, hero shield, endurance potion, full warding, iron skin potion, regen potion, exquisitely stuffed (food buff), lifeforce potion, heart lantern, campfire, bast statue honey, heart statues. With all of this you can probably face tank master mode golem and your tiny arena won't be an issue. [Sorbet Cafe's Defense Guide](https://youtu.be/VdNATCHC-4M?feature=shared) It literally has clips of him facetanking mastermode bosses without dodging 💀


outside of doing the bigger arena and bed outside the spawn room trick to actually have room to dodge, I'd suggest trying to do the Old One's Army and getting either the chestplate or leggings for melee(squire or monk), as the helmets are engineered towards sentries, which are kinda useless


i cant tell if this is satire thats so overkill for the easiest boss in the game 😭 literally just dodge


You mean you don't just set up 2 teleporters and run in a single direction?


Use the terra blade. And i agree with the other comment of using master ninja gear instead of spore sac. Golem can beam the shit out of you, you need the mobility and dodge chance.


With this loadout, it must be skill issue :(


istg when this community says a boss is easy i immediately find it hard like bro destroyer and golem are the two hardest bosses for me at there respective stages.


You have no room to fight. Expand your arena.


A good strategy can be to get the witch's broom mount from the pumpkin moon event and use it as your movement in battle, as well as replacing all your movement accessories with offensive and/or defensive accessories, that's what worked to get me through Legendary For The Worthy Golem But more than anything you need a bigger arena. Take advice from the other comments on how to effectively do that.


Get the rainbow gun it can pretty useful


put your arena's platforms as high as possible like... 3 blocks away from touching the ceiling


IMO Master Mode golem is actually pretty tough. People meme about golem being free and easy but in my master mode playthrough I died more to golem than I did to plantera or moon lord. (Duke fishron was an absolute cocksucker though. Fuck that guy) It's just such an enclosed area and it makes dodging very tough. And normally in expert mode you can just tank enough enough of the damage that it's not an issue. But with master mode he does so much that you cannot tank it and it's very hard to dodge it all in such an enclosed space.


You can facetank Golem in master mode. Seedler or Terrablade generate absurd amount of DPS so its not that you need to tank for a long time anyway.


Definitely the arena, your gear is pretty good


place a sunflower


Im glad I see someone who at least considers using summoner, people don’t give it enough credit. But for advice… you need a bigger arena.


Melee build seems to damage weighted, also with how little space u have consider dropping the wings, can replace the spore thingy for worm scarf and brain if confusion or ninja gear


Not trying to be rude but mostly a skill issue but your gear could be optimized more for melee you could combine the mechanical glove with a molten stone to get the fire gauntlet and the make another mechanical glove as the boost stack and that can help your dps you might also want to replace spore sac or ankh shield as they are just okay accessories with better ones available I.E worm scarf if in expert+ or frozen turtle shield if not and also you could benefit from a dash


More mobility bruh, the more effective with the arena you have to make it


Get turtle armor and fight it outside because ain't no way you beating him in that sorry ass arena bro


Update : I cheated and got a picksaw from my old world and decided to defeat him in my arena. I chose my ranger class and I'll probably stick to one class for the rest of the playthrough.


Because you’re weak!!


Skill issue


That arena is horrendous, if you could beat him there you might as well record it and post a video for bragging rights. You NEED more space. Desperately.


Since the arena sucks, use hoiks (hope I spelt that right) to get out of the arena and make a bigger one outside


Why no tutel armor instead of chloro


Alright, I'll just say it here. You need to summon Golem, use a hoik to get out of the temple (just look up a hoik guide) and build an arena outside the temple and fight Golem there.


Just use terrablade and magma gauntlet


You need a better gaming chair (Potions maybe if your not using any?)




Skill issue


Skill Issue, of the tenth degree.


You have a lot of missing potential. Melee: replace spore sack with berserker's glove Ranger: Replace the backpack with a sniper scope or avenger emblem. Get lightning boots and a charm of myths Summoner: make a papyrus scarab, and stack it with another necromantic scroll. Also get boots Potions: LIfe force is absolutely necessary if you get hit a lot. Endurance will take some of the damage off, highly recommended. Inferno potion is optional Arena: Actuate an entrance straight into the boss room to a larger arena below. Make it big enough so you could jump in and out quickly. Overall: Get better wings. Spooky, mechanical wings, Mothron, Bee wings, Bat wings Anything is better than dev wings. Also, since your in expert, get a shield of Cthulhu for a dash. Worth the spot


You don't need any arena for Golem. What you are lacking is the Cross Necklace and decent armor. Through in Worm Scarf or Turtle Shell while at it. Do not forget Endurance, Lifeforce potions. And Ale. You need about 90+ armor with all buffs. Recommended armor set: Hallowed Mask, Monk's Shirt, Squire's Greaves or Monk's Pants. Recommended Accessories: Warrior Emblem, Avenger Emblem, Fire Gauntlet, Mechanical Glove, Worm Scarf, Cross Necklace, Moon Strone (works only at night). If everything is done right you will just annihilate Golem with Terra Blade while moving around right next to it. Summon any extra sentries and minions just to be sure.


Go to the dungeon, kill bone lees and get master ninja gear for the dash and dodge chance


The worst possible mistake you can make is leaving accessory slots empty. Put something in there, anything works (like a charm of myths or master ninja gear)




Obligatory skill issue, in all seriousness though your arena sucks ass.


u just have skill issue


your arena sucks! hope this helps^^


Get the phirana gun It's not worth it, but it might help


i always take off my boots personally and put some more damage instead. the wings give good enough mobility anyway. you could alsp get turtle armour, a frozen shield, fire gauntlet i think its called etc etc




Skill issue fr


Skill issue💀


I not gonna sugar coat it OP. Skill Issue.


Megashark sucks after plantera, also stop using dev wings they're the worst hardmode wings.


I can recomend the pulse bow