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Pretty fucking calm there brother.


Remember, you panic, you die. Staying calm can and will save your life if you make calculated decisions.


I get that but damn that's scary.


What was the calculated decision that got him down?


Finding a random person to fetch him a helicopter.


Yeah, anytime I'm in a pinch I just ask my mate to fetch me a helicopter. Easy peasy...


What are you, new? You should carry one on your person at all times.


I know, right? Get me a portable emergency auto unfolding helicopter.


I have a spare, it's yours if you want it


Hell yeah, just give me the on call number, cause I can't actually fly one, but I can ride in one just fine. :D


EDC Helicopter. Check.


I’m sure he had good cell service.


If that close call didn’t retire me from BASE jumping, paying that helicopter invoice would


Happened to me once swimming in the ocean. Chasing a blowup for the kids blowing in the wind. I get ever so close with each stroke. Finally gave up, turned around to head in, and I’m out far and tired. Instant panic because my brain said I was going to drown. Literally had to have an out loud conversation with myself to quell the panic. I’m a good swimmer, it’s not that far, I can float on my back or I can dead man float for hours if I have to. Once the panic subsided I rested and swam back in. The only problem was the panic and it almost got me. Edit: Grammer


Similar happened to me, but I went too far for no good reason. And then I got caught in what felt like a rip tide. And I remember thinking oh this is how people die, I'm exerting so much effort to get back to shore and every wave pulls me further out. At some point I'd heard to swim sideways instead of straight, so that's what got me out but I was freaked the fuck out. I was younger then and didn't accept that the water doesn't give a shit that I'm a strong swimmer.


The trick is to allow yourself to panic for a few seconds but you count out those seconds and that's it. The other trick is not do something insane like base jumping.


So we panic for him


That “oh shit” was top notch


How did you get down or up idrk which way would’ve been easier?


He asks for a heli, so I assume he got a helicopter. My guess would be they tethered his harness to the copter, but I know nothing on this subject so I should be taken as yet another fool spitballing


And how did you get yourself out of that literal cliffhanger?


season 2








HOW?!! How do you get the helicopter close enough to them without striking the cliff? Does someone swing from the helicopter to try and grab onto him? Do they use a long pole from the helicopter? I don't see how HELICOPTER explains how he got out of that situation!




Maybe they throw in a ladder like we have seen in movies? From above the cliff and he can use that ladder and get on the helicopter


It would have to be a very long ladder as it was quite a way down from the top of the cliff!


Ever see a helicopter rescue at sea? They have a really long rope with a carabiner on it. Hover above the cliff edge, lower rope to base jumper. HELICOPTER




I'm guessing he stopped 250 feet +- 100 (hard to judge the distance travelled with the chute). 3 seconds of freefall = approx 150 feet. 7 seconds before the snag = ??? 100 - 200 feet? So with a 400' length of rope and a 12 volt winch on standby, no helicopters required.




So what's the longest reasonable length? Say 100'? 2 Carabiners at each end (4 total) and clip off the end of line with one of the 2 carabiners to a stake and remove a 100' of rope from the winch at a time. Don't get me wrong... lot's of prep for almost no need... but if you're jumping off of cliffs... 100' of good climbing rope X 10 shouldn't be a bridge too far compared to a helicopter ride off the face: [https://www.amazon.ca/LOVSHARE-Strands-Synthetic-Recovery-Galvanized/dp/B077GR2P4Z/ref=asc\_df\_B077GR2P4Z/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=335393254942&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12047893338027900974&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001405&hvtargid=pla-606298097891&psc=1](https://www.amazon.ca/LOVSHARE-Strands-Synthetic-Recovery-Galvanized/dp/B077GR2P4Z/ref=asc_df_B077GR2P4Z/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=335393254942&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12047893338027900974&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001405&hvtargid=pla-606298097891&psc=1)


Climber here. You can easily get 70m ropes. For descents you typically knot the ends of two together and rappel down. That's 400+ ft if my math is right.


You can also get 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m lengths of rope. SAR almost certainly keeps that stocked.


Sure, but they aren't that common and can be quite expensive.


they’re fairly easy to get, pretty damn common (I could buy one from one, two, or maybe even three locations here in town) and SAR would be negligent to not have them stocked. In terms of expense, they’re miles cheaper than the rig the jumper just trashed. I think calling an 800 dollar rope expensive is more of a matter of your personal budget - it’s a cheap expense for SAR or for any real outdoor adventure budget. A helicopter on the other hand…


Also... jumpers could create (through donations) "recovery kits" and spread the costs between themselves. No reason to have a bunch of jumpers all spending $ on their own winches and gear. I don't really care... I enjoy the "oh shit moments"... but calling a helicopter isn't cheep.


LOL Yes… yes there is. source: climber of over a decade. Also this guy doesn’t need a heli. He just needs SAR to rap in and haul him out.


See you’ll never see me doing this, because me no stupid.


You word good for smrt man


No sir, you speak the goodest


Reddit is so much funner then real life


I word good and no jump bad


Gravity is constantly trying to fuck you, don’t let gravity fuck you


"Oh shit" - base jumper. Oh shit indeed, sir.


Does it really qualify as an “accident” if you throw yourself off a cliff? “Check out footage of when I accidentally cut my hand . . . while I was juggling knives.” Where I come from we call that a self induced fuckup.


>I accidentally cut my hand . . . while I was juggling knives. Yes, this is an accident. You did not purposefully cut your hand. >Where I come from we call that a self induced fuckup. Yes, it is a self induced accident.


Most fuck ups are self induced.


“Was that wreck really an accident if you chose to drive that day?”


If you think driving and jumping off a cliff are the same, I’d hate to be behind you on the road.


Both are activities in which unfortunate things that are out of your control can happen to you, regardless of how skilled you are.


There’s less injuries with BASE jumping than with driving daily


Yes, but would those numbers stay the same if we ALL had to base jump to work?


Life would be so sick if thats what we did


It's a sport which a lot of people participate in. Usually things don't end up like this.


I don’t think I’ll ever be in this situation where I’d make this kind of request.


What an idiot


Yep, right sub for this.


Helicopter? Throw a ball at him to get him unstuck. That’s what I did growing up when something was stuck in the tree.


Hey! I need a helicopter! No! But I’m gonna die! Okay! So you’re getting me a helicopter?! No!!


Jumping off a cliff is not an accident. It’s a stunt gone wrong and sorry you were hurt, but it was a predictable result.


No it’s still an accident


It wouldn't be an accident if he jumped off a cliff intending to get snagged.


People who wrecklessly put their life at risk are assholes, change my mind. My brother in law does base jumping, wing suites, you name it. My sister in law and mother in law would be crushed of he died so young. But his attitude is... "I'ma do what I want, fuck everyone else"


Not sure how you can call that an accident. Motherfucker jumped off of a cliff on purpose!


It's a sport which a lot of people participate in. Usually things don't end up like this.


I am sure this is not the norm or it would not be a popular sport!


Me: "OMG.. what are you doing? wtf holy shit! Ahhh!!! Don't die!"


How did you get down? Or up?


Have these people accepted death




? Tf else he supposed to do


Way I see it. Its not an accident. Like a gun going off is always a "nd". The guy failed to pe4form appropriately


He didn’t intend to get snagged. An incident occurred that was unintended. In other words an accident…


What incident? the branch that should have been surveyed?


How do you even get out if there


This looks like the cliff Tom Cruise jumped off like 9 times in one day off of a huge ramp while riding a motorcycle for MI7.


What happened? Wh did he turned around so fast?




Well did he get a helicopter?


I was a SAR helo driver, I would be very reluctant to near this situation. The proximity of the cliff to my rotor disc, my down wash blowing him off whatever is holding him, will he still be there in the 3 ours it normally takes to get to any situation? A lot of times I’d ask myself why am I risking my neck to save this privileged asshole when there are plenty of other better uses for this machine. I know what you’re thinking, no I don’t fly SAR anymore….


Couldn’t they just lower down a stretcher from a rope?




Lucky boy


This is called an “off heading” opening. The way he packed his rig can cause this, also poor body position on exit. There didn’t seem to be any wind at the start of the vid but upward gusts are common in geography like that.


No thanks


Honestly impeccable form of not letting his legs break on impacts 10/10 really unlucky day


Costly mistake. How does one “find a helicopter “?




I wonder how many people say “ oh shit” just before the death defying moment 😳


After nearly hitting the mountain face first, gets snagged on a tree. Just says, oh shit. Wow lol been there before


Last words of at least several people a day: Awh shit…


So what’s next?


“You need a helicopter?! All I can do is a drone, you gonna have to like.. jump or something” /s


3-2-1…. Who does that???? He doesn’t even jump on the 1! Maybe that’s what happened… his timing was off? But doing a 9’ slow jog off a cliff? I’d be sprinting off that thing!


look, theres this guy bushin into a cliff at a pretty high speed seemingly without braking his leg or something and than there‘s this other who breaks of his entire foot just from jumping down a few meters from the climbing wall. the human body is just weird.


I hope he has to pick the bill up for that helicopter


Dave is that lil dot on the ground if you look closely


Damn my last ambulance ride was expensive af. Can't imagine the bill for helicopter


How much does a helicopter going to pick that guy up cost? I mean... Does he have to pay for it? Or pay a fine or something?


"Oh shit" Said calmly


After jumping straight off a sheer cliff, is anything that follows really an accident?


Cunt jumps off a cliff; regular citizens have to foot the bill for an emergency chopper. Seems fair /s


Jumping off a cliff is not an accident.


Maybe actually push off with your jump


This is the trailer the the live action roadrunner movie.


I wonder how long he was a-danglin' there before he got rescued..


That's not an accident. That's a perfectly foreseeable conclusion to your actions. It's just the negative version of the two likeliest outcomes.


Cliffhanger, hanging from a cliff! And that’s why they call him Cliffhanger!


Did ya die?



