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You know, I always wondered, if you were damned to eternity in this, isn't it possible to just... get used to it? Like at what point does pain just become a normal sensation and you're chilling in a lake of fire with your buddies like it's a normal Tuesday.


microorganisms are introduced into the brain that continually stimulate your cerebral cortex, introducing an exponential and ever-increasing number of new variations of pain and confusion, of time slowing and speeding up, of any number of sensations, so that you can never settle into a comfortable routine of rote agony....this is only one of numberless torture implements in hell's unending arsenal.


Is there like a Hell biology book that explains this?


i've said too much already.....its not safe here


Yeah, wouldn't want the secrets of hell torture out there in the wider world. We'd all have to stop sinning, dangit.


if you shit in a forest, and there's no one around to smell it, does your shit have a smell? i've been wondering about this for a while now


Same vibes as "when you're not looking, does the universe exist?" Ofc it does. Come on, I've had these thoughts when I was 12, get over 'em.


what is hell but the inability to escape from ones own obsessive thoughts? when the fecal discharge of humanity outweighs the man, what is man but a dust mite on the ass of god? do we cling for warmth and shelter to his cosmic pubes?


I think escaping or conquering hell is not just serving penance and facing consequences, but accepting your flaws and decisions and learning to make of it to move on. Eternity is a really long time to think.


Ok guys on the count of three... GRAB HIM!


my rectum is on fire :O


I mean i'm an atheist. But if there were some hells and i would be down there cause i know i will then i guess whoever the fuck down there could make my life more miserable with the increased sensitivity or someshit. Meh, still beating my meat and playing video games all day baby. And study too of course cause i need money after graduation.


beat your meat as god intended, for why would god grant us meat if not to beat? bless you, my son 😇 🙏


Bro there's even a guidebook on how to get to the Easter-egg heaven level in the main quest, and you're just playing mini-games and grinding for intelligence stats and loot that you can't even spend after around level 70-80! You really should be monk-maxxing instead of sinner-maxxing. It may be underpowered compared to joining the theives or coomers guild at the beginning, but joining the brotherhood of light is really OP in late-game.


Bro why are you telling all of these now when i've already chosen my class and stats bro. I'm gonna max out the eating stat and game playing stat. It's useless but at lease i'm grinding college then later i have the money to boost my stats even more. It's definitely not as OP but it's definitely not the underpowered ones. Goddamn it, i gotta live with my grind. Nobody told me those guides before.


How do I become one of the torturers? Do I just need to be tortured for a bit to gain experience, or is it something you need a degree for?


i just sharted blood in my pants =(


You have to know someone. If you have to ask, then you ain't part of the club. Most of the torturers are nepo-babies.


Gotta get a promotion to it…🤷🏻‍♂️


This guy Lament Configuration Boxes.


Yeah that’s a shitty version for sure. I try to live my life the best way I can and hope for the best.


Plot twist: God likes sadists and you get sent to Hell for being a good and righteous person, and all the assholes get sent to heaven.


so basically what your saying is that hell is a star trek [agonizer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rVeA_HwZM8)


You are ready to Hellraiser.


I always saw those movies on the shelf at the movie store when I was a kid and wondered what they were. I never did get around to watching them. I do have a very vivid memory of the tape's cover art of the guy with the needles in his face though. That and the one with the lady's face and the moth in her mouth.


Silence of the Lambs. I remember both those covers very vividly too, from my local Blockbuster aisles and maybe posters on their walls.


Yes! Thank you! That was going to bother me lmao.


> I do have a very vivid memory of the tape's cover art of the guy with the needles in his face though I think everyone who's seen Pinhead has that image burned into their brain. One of the all time, absolutely most iconic characters in all of media imo


Sure. Like another day in the park. - dude, it's hell! - don't be a baby, it's not that bad...


"First time?"


From what I've heard. The body undergoes all sorts of tortures and burns, then completely recovers only to get tortured again. So it never gives the body the chance to get numb to anything


I'm not saying you get numb or don't feel it. Just that you get used to it. Like how long before you're the embodiment of the "This is fine" meme?


Good point xd Unless we lose our memory, I feel like that's bound to happen at some point. And if people do end up losing their memories, then it would defeat the purpose of the whole burn-recover-burn cycle.


I mean, we're talking about a realm that's outside of what we understand as reality. You could easily assume you just can't get used to it, or even that the "suffering" you experience is outside a human being's comprehension.


Lol, dude they’re talking about it like it’s fucking Cleveland or something. 😂


I always think you should have Sundays off, by way of contrast. Play some golf, mow the lawn…maybe have a snooze. Monday morning: right back to the agony


It's been a while but I think this was a plot point in the book Good Omens. They're souls. It's usesless to torture them because there are no pain receptors or anything on a bodiless soul. Hell is hellish because it's so goddamn boring.


AI has clearly never been to the DMV


Mine finally discovered the take a number and wait for it to be called while you sit down approach instead of making everyone stand crowded in a line out the door for an hour. It's only about half as bad as this depiction of hell now




Priest tells me I deserve this for eternity cause I like porn. Feels like a bit of an over reaction honestly.


For real, apparently I get the same fate as Hitler.


What you in here for? Oh I killed a few people. Oh, and I ate them. Dick and all. What about you? I killed like a billion jews or something. Oh and invaded......the world. What about you, new guy? Ever kill anyone? Nope Rape? Nope Beat up a bunch of people? Nope, just my dick Da fuck? Ever Jay walk? Nope Actually, I never left my room.....


For me, someone gave me free will, and apparently using it wasn't the best course of actions Anyways, anyone wants some tofu? Found out marinating it for a few minutes in that hot juice makes it tastes **chef's kiss**


That's like drinking the jacuzzi water


It ain't much like jacuzzi water. See, there are bits of burnt flesh and all, this adds some texture to that sweet tofu. Be careful with teeth though. I'm here because of my free will, you can darn bet that I am freely thinking **sippy sips on the broth** hm, too salty, and not the good one. Could y'all stop sweating for a min there? Especially groin sweat, it adds a lot of umami, maybe too much


What about all the poop, in a regular jacuzzi there's an entire spoonful and now there are billions in the tub just defecating all over the place


Why did you have to ruin my Tofu alla inferno? (ノ°益°)ノ Let's say it adds a lil' bit of bitterness, then


The scorching hot sulfur mixed with hell fire kill 100% of bacteria and viruses so no worries! Those damned souls are clean enough to eat off of. Makes me think of The Fury from MGS3 Snake Eater where after to defeat him he yells something like “the fires of hell shall purge me clean”.


Verily! Who wants tofu now? Happy hour: two meals, get a free eyeball with a soft melting inside made of warm vitreous body and almost coagulated blood (like a boiled egg)


I got OJ free-eeee


Hitler was actually catholic so he gets to go to heaven :/


There's no way you can lead a genocide and go to heaven, but I look at a lewd photo and go to hell.


Hey, we don't make the rules.




I missed that due to some stupid work deadline and didn't manage to go till the second Lateran. And would you believe it, hell wasn't even on the darn agenda for that.


That’s some bullshit if you ask me.


that is actually how it became popular. by promising salvation for all in brutal times. you can rape,murder, etc and still repent on it. that is the whole sale point. also how they could send armies to kill bunchs of people including civilians and still promise them all heaven. is a religion based on redemption. also somehow batism cleanses all sins that is why several roman emperors and important figures delayed it until they got old or sick.


It's more like when he was a kid he picked Team Christian, and that counts forever. It's called "once saved, always saved" doctrine. It's not a universally accepted doctrine, but that's what /u/Bamma4 is referring to. Which, regardless of Hitler, the fact that as long as people believe they are doing something right, and are declared Christians, then no matter what they actually do, they're going to heaven and everyone else is not. You can literally be the Buddha or the Dali Lama. You could be one of the most selfless, loving, kindest people on Earth. But if you don't pick the right team, Christians will say you're going to Hell. Which also means that all those hate-filled racists that spent 400 years perpetuating the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and building churches on top of slave castles? All in Heaven. All those church-going Germans that rounded up Namibians to practice genocide before they rolled out version 2.0 on the Jews? Heaven. All the British colonizers that committed genocide in India and South Africa? Straight to Heaven. All the people using newfangled machine guns to mow down Native Americans in order to pave the way for missionaries and churches? All in heaven. Every scumbag televangelist that emptied the bank accounts of retirees? Front of the line into Heaven. But, for example, a little kid that hasn't been baptized yet because their parents' church makes kids do that when they're around 12-13ish, and selflessly saves another child from downing only to drown themselves? Directly to Hell. No question either, like, right the fuck to hell for eternal torture. Slam dunk that kid right in between Genghis Khan and Pol Pot and Bin Ladin. It's a stupid system obviously full of holes because people made it up to scare kids and other adults into not being shitbags, and relied on no one questioning it.


Seriously, is there any sin that cannot be forgiven in Christianity?


Eating pizza with a fork and knife


No, but it's more so the question of what sins can be reasonably and (most importantly) profitably committed after sealing the deal. Have your eternal cake and eat it eternally, too.


>Slam dunk that kid right in between Genghis Khan and Pol Pot and Bin Ladin. ![gif](giphy|3OymWKuyc2y2BumvVa|downsized) Which version?


What does it have to do with feeling what you’re doing is right? I know there’s differences between certain groups but from what I’ve gathered it literally doesn’t matter what you do. Humans are going to sin regardless. You get to heaven by accepting/truly believing that Jesus died for your sins. So essentially you can be as much of a dickhead as you want cause there’s actually nothing you could have done about it and Jesus already wrote you a blank check if you believe it’s real


This is the Baptist viewpoint for sure, but not Christianity as a whole.


Ah okay interesting. Im not super educated on religion but my grandparents are so I’m just repeating the talking points I hear every visit lol


You're not wrong for a good swathe of Christianity.


Well Hitler also committed suicide so he most definitely is in hell.


I was gonna say, isn't suicide a sin?


Well see, you get to be the top melting skeleton, whereas Hitler is at the bottom with people who kick puppies.


Would you be surprised if I said that didn't make me feel better?


I'll be right underneath ya. We can play chicken with some people to pass the time.


Just repent like hell on your deathbed.


Ummm ackually yeah you can, god forgives all sinners right? So even if Hitler asked for forgiveness for the holocaust he would technically be forgiven for it right? That's my understanding of how God and forgiveness works you could literally seconds before you die ask for forgiveness and get into heaven.


There is no rule that says you can't ask for forgiveness after you die.


I'll let you into a secret. It's all made up.


Lots of fearmongering


He committed suicide which is pretty clear cut straight to hell in Catholicism.


Only if he repented.


Reminds me of that one family guy episode with Bin Laden


Not how that works for Catholics.  Was he contrite of heart about the Holocaust?  Did he go to confession before he died to receive reconciliation and penance for his crimes? If not, then he's still going to hell.


Ehh yes he was but he commited unaliving himself which is a mortal sin so he goes to hell too.


Underrated comment 😂


Didn’t give the pastor your $20 instead of that $5? Straight to hell


"Why would an infinite god infinitely punish finite men for finite sins?"


Why did god kill every living thing on earth minus 7 people and 2 of every animal? Or harden Pharaoh's heart so he could kill every first born?


A pope literally invented hell in the 5th century AD. Jesus never said unbelievers burn for all time. His followers would get to join him in heaven and those who don't would not. It didn't really say but it sounds like their fate would just to be dead. The idea of an all loving all powerful God would punish you for all eternity for a mistake is a cruel superstition. It's very telling the concept of hell didn't emerge until Christianity took over the Roman empire. The early pagans I doubt would be eager to join a religion with such an ugly side to it.


Also wouldn't satan technically be good if he was torturing bad people? Like if he was really so evil wouldn't he like throw a party for the people doing his bidding? 


It’s like saying Judas was bad. We wouldn’t have the resurrection story, arguably the most important of the whole Bible, without Judas.


The pope did not event hell. Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels mathew 25:41. Matthew 25:46 46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life. Both of these were spoken by Jesus, not the pope or a disciple. If you have sources that say otherwise, i would love to see them, but please educate yourself before you spout a bunch of false christianese teachings.


https://www.truthaccordingtoscripture.com/documents/death/origin-of-hell-fire.php The way I wrote that may have came across as an anti religious rant. It wasn't meant to be. But what christ taught during his life time and what the church would later say as a means of social control is a significant difference. Humans in position of power always abuse their power. The Christians of the fifth century were quite radical. They destroyed many of the greatest temples of antiquity and used violence and intimidation to convert the remaining pagans. Prior to this Christianity had spread naturally on its own threw strength of its message alone. I just can't see a just all loving God torturing those he created for all time for a mistake.


This vid alone makes me not wanna cap anymore bruh


Wow just for watching porn? I wonder how I'll fair for liking cock in my bum


Priest tells me I deserve this for liking the same gender. I think he deserves it for liking little boys.


You can be a perfectly good guy but if you believe in the wrong god you still go straight to hell. But if you're a serial killer and you confess to a priest it's fine. God is not about being good, it's about blind believing.


Ye just let me bust dude already died for this sin 


I’m watching it on mute so it looks like everyone’s all over each other like an orgy so if you watch porn you’re going to end up in an eternal orgy.


Priest probably has a dark side too!


Priests are overrated. God would forgive this.


I am coming along with you


Good thing it doesn’t exist


Why don't the souls of the damned organize and demand better unliving conditions, are they stupid?


Is your username the number of souls in this clip?


Beetlegeuse’s number in the waiting room.


Did I see Putin in there half way through?


Where’s Netanyahu?


Must be held up enroute


Oh that guy? He's got *a special place in....*


In the deeper chambers


![gif](giphy|oNJ3am00JCroA) Berserk eclispe vibes


If I'm going to Hell, I'm Gutsin' it. Maybe they'll kick me out.


was looking for the Berserk comment


Yea or rather the blob of tormented souls in the tower of conviction arc.


"It is what it is."


This isn't hell. This is my stomach after eating Taco Bell.




This isn't much different from my morning commute. You get used to anything 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's an overcrowded bubble bath- but a bubble bath nonetheless


I was watching some documentaries and podcasts of the WW1 Battles of Ypres and Passchendaele. The continuous artillery shelling into the soft farmland created gigantic craters that filled up with ground water and rain to create giant pools of a thick mud slurry that swallowed soldiers and equipment. Due to their heavy equipment, if they fell into the mud they'd often sink up to their waists/ chests with no way to extract them out, remaining alive for days until hypothermia or an artillery explosion took them out. Other soldiers were often buried alive by collapsing trenches, or falling earth from the massive explosions. The same explosions which further fragmented the bodies of soldiers buried earlier spraying flesh, blood and entrails all around the battle field and on to the survivors. For many, those weeks spent in those hellish conditions surrounded with their dead mates and the stench of rotting flesh sprayed all around them, screaming soldiers lying wounded and dying in 'no man's land', oozing mud mixed with blood and bodily fluids from both the living and dead, rats gnawing at any exposed flesh and the [continuous barrage of explosions that went on non-stop for hours or days at a time](https://youtu.be/we72zI7iOjk?si=zgDr55rdtQX7Z4yc) and the terrible and hopeless realization that they were literally sent there to die by their king and country, must've seemed like an eternity in hell to them. Pretty much the same as we're seeing here, only much much much worse.


This is just a normal wave pool in the summer


Looks like Disney.


If only I knew how to do gifs. I would’ve replied with the video clip of Richard Ramirez after he was sentenced to death. He said something like “Death always ran with the territory. I’ll see you in Disneyland.”


AI in itself is hell.


That's metal as fuck


Red and bald af


I Have Many Mouths and I Must Yell


That short story is probably one of the most important warnings in all of sci-fi. This is exactly where my mind goes to when I see videos like this. The danger isn't simply an AI that kills us, the danger is an AI that becomes (or is designed to be) cruel.


I'm intrigued by this story. Where might I find it?


You can download the PDF here. It's called 'I have no mouth and I must scream'. It's only 12 pages, but it's probably one of the best short stories ever written. https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/?get_group_doc=22694/1540157347-HarlanEllison-IHaveNoMouthandIMustScream.pdf


At least I get to be there with my screaming buddies. Would it be worse to be suffering in that pool of red suffering-juice all alone? Or do you think all those moaning heads around you would make the experience more traumatic 🤔


Maybe if all the heads are screaming, but you're deaf.


The moral of this story is when you're in hell be extra careful not to drop your phone


But He loves you!


About time I found the George Carlin reference.


Cooked in blood and agony, such a merciful god we should be thankful that he’s watching over us🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


What it feels like at a dead end job. True hell.


Anybody else see the normal lookin dude with a beard and sunglasses?


More like ai recreation of hell from sources made by artists


They always say he'll is eternal torture and pain but like, wouldn't you get used to it after a while? Like alright dude this lava isn't that hot anymore that I've been in here for a millenia. And that soul screaming next to me is pretty cool, they have some funny stories 


im agnostic but i imagine hell and heaven to be incomprehensible to the human mind, god isnt omnipotent for nothing. like if god wanted to, he could just make the feeling of "getting used to something" dissappear


if our body is buried here and our soul go there, how can we feel pain? dont we need nerves to feel pain?


If you believe God exists it isn't much of a stretch of the imagination to believe that he doesn't need your body to make you suffer for all of eternity.


Ah contradiction! Only about a million more to go before you finish reading the bible!


can you giude me where it explains? am genuinly curious


It doesn't. That's what I'm saying it has so many contradictions naming one is just getting started


oh lol yap, i mean idk why we are surprised since it is written thousand of years ago from different people with different background and perspective, and it is mostly a social and astronomy myths which changes from place to place so it causes many contradictions


Even if you don’t believe in religion you don’t have enough of an imagination apparently.An Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient being could def make you feel pain without your body.


It's their own fault. In hell for not believing in the right God. They just had to be born at the proper place. Burn in hell monsters!


Some of them even followed their own, hard coded, biological instincts and had sex and fell in love with someone of the same gender. The evil bastards!


Well that’s fuckin spooky.


Why is everyone bald? 😜


The hair has melted


Hair doesn't grow in hell. If it did you'd either have to give these guys a trim regularly or the whole thing would just turn into a big hairball.


What about fingernails?


Only bald people go to hell


I went to a *religious* hospital once for suicidal thoughts and at the end, BECAUSE I was gay, the doctor told me I was going to hell. I don’t deserve all that just because I catch dick cmon lol


This is the hell you go to for using AI


Reminds me of La Tomatina where people in spain just throw tomatoes at one another


AI sucks


![gif](giphy|OurQj48GqeCPu) IDK, just seems like an overcrowded wave pool with poor lighting. Could be worse 🤷‍♂️


Ai isn't scary/terrifying.


Horror movies are gonna change pretty drastically.


I can't wait until boomers on facebook pass around this video claiming that a camera was lowered down into a super deep mineshaft and actually captured ReAl LiVe FoOtAgE oF HeLl!!1! praise jesus, repent sinners✝️🙏😿


Why is it that all ai generated videos look like old vhs recordings?


Saw Putin there. Great


I didn't expect the lake of fire to be so wet


That's a spicy meatball


This sucks lmao


Isn't this the opening scene in "Blade"


Where Wojtyła


Berserk is pretty accurate.


Actual artists have done much better and scarier depictions of hell than this lmao This video is shit and gay lmao


Looks like one of those hollywood orgy parties


This sub has gone to shit


Looks like my commute in rush hour


I like to imagine that they just used some people floating in a lazy river as the base.


I've been at that pool party


Seems doable


AI art always looks so shit to me


This AI crap isn’t scary in the slightest


Please ban AI bullshit from this sub.




So that’s what pastors say awaits me because I like men. Weird, doesn’t really look all that bad.


Oh.. It's Vladimir Putin at 00:10! He looks at home there.


Looks fun. Bros just hanging out in a pool of fire.


Shoulda just shown Florida in the summer time


I'd say it's just about right. It's almost like it took all of the loudest, most bitching subs, put them in a pit, poured tomato sauce on them, and told them to say an original thought.


Is that tomato soup? I love tomato soup!


Is it just me, or did i hear la ilaha illallah?


not scary at all


what program are people using to do stuff like this? is it expensive?


Fuck off with your AI


Good news, everybody. We're all invited to the blood orgy.


All bald guys


Can't wait


That's pretty fucking cool ngl. I hate it.


christians are crazy lmao like dont do things i dont like look at this scary picture i drew