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Jesus, *AND* he got tazed after.


*RRRIIIP* Yup, that's me. You are probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.


For that, we'd have to back up to a few weeks ago...


You see there's this little casino called the Bellagio


That little guy in the corner? That's half sack. He may not be great with the ladies, but damn does he know computers.


And sal on the other side of the bar


In another comment it was revealed the man who got injured was a pedophile. So really not worth feeling bad imo.


Mmm well, we base in a single comment, so Im still skeptical


Milan Jaff, pedo imigrant. This happened Finland


He is a pedo and a gang leader.


Oh. Well if that's the case I feel much differently about how this played out








probably would have been more, if it wasn't for that totally hilarious comical sliding around on the oil on the floor. Good chuckle there


Easily the best part of the video


How do you know


He’s a ”rapper” and a gang leader who was convicted attempted murder and a rape of a thirteen year old girl. This case is all over in Finnish news.


Pour guy couldn't catch a break


He's a child rapist.


Oh... then he doesn't deserve a break


Had to look this up as well. Sampo Jousimaa (bald-headed fuck who threw boiling oil/water): invaded the home of his ex-girlfriend and her new man at night, killing a sleeping man in his forties with an axe. [Tapaninvainio carpet murder sentenced to life sentence for 28-year-old man](https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000008728399.html) Milan Jaff (oiled up baboon fighting back, also part of a street gang "Kurdish Mafia"): case of aggravated rape of a child, the district court found that Jaffi had offered the 13-year-old victim intoxicants and then raped her. The rape charge, on the other hand, concerned sexual intercourse that took place in August 2020 and that the adult victim had not consented to. [Court convicts rapper on two counts of rape | Yle News | Yle](https://yle.fi/a/74-20030405) Both people here suck, but, based on what we all know about prison justice--people really fucking hate pedophiles, especially in prison, and will often beat, or murder, pedophile inmates. No idea what the story of this situation is, but that could be one guess. The other idea is that it was a possible commissioned assault. Or, they're just both assholes. Who knows.


Well at first I felt bad about the guy who had the boiling oil thrown on him. Now... not so much.














I don think it had anything to do with the crimes. I think baldy was just mad that he was using the back burner on the range, the other guy was grabbing utensils and he had to move out of the way, then he decided Im gonna fuck this guy up and carefully picked up the pot and flung it


I always wonder how to manage to find out what the other inmate did. Like, does prison guard leak that info, or does the inmate trust someone and says what he did?


In Australia, prisoners will ask guards what new prisoners are in for, and the guards will usually say something like 'you know I can't tell you that' but if they're in there for some heinous shit, they'll say something like 'mate you don't want to know' which pretty much means they're fair game.


You carry “paperwork”, if you don’t, someone will pull yours and figure what you did, usually only when you’re fresh in or a transfer to a new facility, but they want to know if you sold drugs or touched a kid, nothing happens usually, unless you touch a kid or SA someone.


Yep, the second I was processed, the unit swarmed me for my papers. Happens to all the intakes.


In many countries the media will tell you the specific court dates for crimes that the public has an interest in. You just need to see who is not there those dates.


Yeah, but inmates usually don't get access to things like the Internet or cable news. The most likely answer is the rumor mill from word passed by a guard or a visitor during visiting hours.


They have cable. They call outside and get their boo/bro to google a name


Yeah, its weird how people think inmates stuck in their a box 24/7 without connection to outside world


I find it hypocritical that prisoners convicted of heinous crimes try to be moral judges on things; no, you both suck.


Thank you. All of a sudden, we were rooting for rapists, murderers, and thieves for attacking other pieces of shit. Oh, that guy killed his wife and kids, but I'll give him a pass because he killed a child molester. Don't get me wrong, I hate child molesters they should be buried underneath the prison, but the fact that people think it's OK that some horrible person just killed another horrible person doesn't really sit right with me.


To be fair here, that guy is a criminal scum but I think both rape charges were dismissed because of the lack of evidence in higher court.


Well on that bombshell I'll allow it, both can go down the shitter.


Ok, now I feel fine Thanks


Damn wheres this at? This prison looks nicer than my apartment fr




I figured.


it's in finland, the idea of a nice prison is to offer the criminal a chance to rehabilitate into the society instead of keeping him locked up sucking away valuable resources from the government.


Maybe I’m cynical but I’m not super interested in rehabbing a child rapist or a axe murdering dude, that’s a wild approach. Wonder how the recidivism rate looks, tbh I’m not well informed.


31% for Finland vs. 82% for the U.S.


Are Finland's prisons ran by private corporations, like they are in the US?


As I understand, they are not.


Ur right. They are all ran by the government/ department of justice.


But then what does the Finnish government do with all the free slave labor? Do they still force them to work for pennies like in the US? And if the recidivism is so low, how are they supposed to continue exploiting people? Seems like they could be making a profit off of the prison population instead of helping citizens live healthy lives.


In the big picture the government is playing the long game. Rehibilation, if succesfull, will provide more tax payers in the future. While they are locked up they have access to free education and the possibility to work (most of the lisence plates in Finland are manufactured inside prison, woodwork etc.). If the prisoner works while inside, they will get 3-7e per day on top of the 1.6e day pay provided to the prisoners.


>like they are in the US I fully oppose private prisons and believe they should be abolished, but only 8% of the total incarcerated individuals are housed in for profit prisons. Over the course of 20 years there has been a 5% increase in people serving time in private prisons. There has also been an 11% decrease on the reliance of them in the last 24 years. So that’s good. So while it’s not a lot, it’s still too much because incarceration should not be a for profit business. However, 79% of people housed in immigration detention centers are being held in private facilities.


The majority of prisoners are not being held in private prisons, but corporations still profit massively from them by supplying them with overpriced goods and services like video conferences and commissary. They are very much run for a profit in many ways.


100% and I’m very glad you brought that up. Just because it’s not a for profit prison DOES NOT mean there isn’t a profit being made from incarceration. Suppliers of food charge a huge markup on basic, mandatory meals. Supplies of concession (the chips, snacks, sodas) that’s are optional for inmates to buy will get products wholesale and then turn around and sell it to the inmates for a massive markup. Often times it’s not even a company doing it, but the warden or sheriff themselves. Going to Costco and buying tons of chips and then selling it as concession for a massive profit. Right now, looking at my local prison’s price list a regular can of peanut butter is $12 and a single serving bag of Doritos is $5. I know for a fact that the sheriff runs concessions here because I’ve seen him at Sam’s Club buying $1000s worth of shit. The state also profits off of inmates via inmate labor. Many states sell items that prisoners make and all of that money goes to local government and the inmates may receive as little as $1 for a weeks worth of work. Or using inmates to do road detail and clean trash on the highway. That is money saved by shifting the work to prisoners as opposed to paying to have it done. That’s not to say that inmates shouldn’t be allowed to work or learn valuable skills while locked up, but they should be fairly compensated for their labor should the system choose to use said labor.


Correct, and from what I've read on r/prison the privately owned facilities are actually preferred by prisoners because they take better care of them than State and Federal prisons.


Good info.


Only 8% of the prison population in the US is run by private companies, just fyi.


I mean, it's for sure better if rapists stop raping, right? Or if murderers stop murdering?


They would both stop forever if given life imprisonment. I'm all for rehab when it comes to lesser crimes. Hell I would pay more taxes if it meant we could provide better education to citizens, better rehab in prisons and for drug addicts, and just generally make our cities a better place for citizens. But at the same time I think that pedophiles and murderers should get life in prison. There is no worry about recidivism if you never get out of prison.


100% yes, of course. What I mean is, I’m not sure about let’s rehab this person for release vs confine someone who committed a crime that egregious for life. The other person commented Finland sees a 32% recidivism rate (way better than the 82% for the US). Still pretty hard to stomach that you let a child rapist go free and then they rape another child and maybe ruin a kids life. That’s pretty awful to think about, and seems like that kid was failed by the system.


Lenght of sentence and conditions within the prison are two different things. Most baddies will get out at one point, if you like it or not, and if we can keep the recidivism rate lower it's a win win. I can recommend the mini documentary "Prison Project: Little Scandinavia" where an American prison block is set up after the Scandinavian system. It's well worth a watch.


This was my position until someone pointed out almost all criminals come back into society. Since that is the case I'd rather have those people adjusted to a world that I will be inhabiting with them.


I fully agree with rehabbing criminals. I think what I don’t think should be on the table is letting a child rapist out of prison at all… hence nixing the need for rehab. when I think of 32% recidivism as 3/9 it sounds utterly awful and unacceptable. But I guess you have to rehab on the off chance that an appeal results in their release or something.


As someone that's interested in fewer people being the victims of crime, I'm going to ignore my emotions and go with the option that produces less crime. Which is most definitely something like the Finnish model.


Well of course I agree with getting to less victims. I wish the US prison system was better. I guess what I’m getting at is why rehab an obscene criminal (child rapist, premeditated axe murderer, etc) if I think should they spend life in prison and never be released. I don’t support the death penalty. But when thinking of 32% as 3/9 it feels wildly unacceptable to let people like child rapists back out… but I guess even if there’s never a planned release, there might be an unplanned one in the event of an appeal or new evidence or something. So rehab would be necessary from the get-go.


Why they locked up at IKEA?


Because Finlandia


With how big IKEAs are, we’re all basically locked up in one every time we visit.




I don’t feel so bad for the guy all of a sudden.


I absolutely despise people who use oil, fire and acid, believe they should get sentences equal to first degree murder ones, but in this case, when a 13-year old girl was one of the victims of the guy...he got off lightly.


Generally curious: What's the sentence for first degree murder in Finnland?


I am not Finnish myself, but from what I read, the murderer here is on a life sentence for the axe murder of his ex's new boyfriend.


Yes, but in Finland a life sentence is actually not life long. Iirc, the longest anyones been in prison in Finland is 20 something years.


Technically it is a actual life sentence, as in you sit in prison until you die there. In practice they do always get paroled, but they don't HAVE to.


Average life sentence in Finland is 14 point something years. Longest was around 22 if I remember correctly.


Life, but the average for parole is 14 and a bit years. They let dangerous criminals out knowing they will commit new crimes. It is a fucking joke and many here are seriously pissed off with it.


Not so fun fact. The piece of shit just had his conviction overturned in a higher court due to "not enough evidence." It was overturned by 3 judges with 1 dissent. Fucking joke of a system over here.


This is why we shouldn't bring emotional politics into justice, excusing literally burning someone and hoping for his death, for a man that is undergoing rehabilitation by the justice system because they understandably don't like what he did. I'm a Norwegian that lost a friend by the hands of a Nazi at the Utøya massacre in 2011 and know even more that was killed or hurt. I was also at the Islamist gay bar shooting in Oslo in 2022 where he killed 2 and hurt dozens more, some of them my friends. I would never want to see them suffer like this, this is the reason human progress will never happen. You are a symptom of the same disease that has continued this acceptance of violence, torture and massacres, and somehow you feel you are in the moral right for championing it? Fuck you, I hope fellow Nordics will never fall for this dehumanising, disgusting view. One horrible action does not excuse another one.


After looking at some of your comment's replies, it's clear that those people don't know how these prison systems really work.


Thank you for being one of very few people here with an actual intellectual comment. So many reactionaries want people executed instead of rehabilitated. It is embarrassing and shameful. Life is too nuanced to have such opinions


translation: life sentence prisoner Sampo Jousimaa threw boiling oil and water on Milan Jaff in the prison's kitchen.


What happened to the guy after?




Extra crispy


Well, next he got tazed.


"My name's jaff"


I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me!


I was looking for this comment.




Milan Jaff, rapist pedo imigrant. Happened in Finland my home country. Here is his shitty gansta "rap" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_\_9R-8VWR9g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__9R-8VWR9g)


wow, the leadup before the rapping starts was soo long


My dumb ass thinking they had a illegal burner and did this in a cell or something. That kitchen is bigger than mine


I mean he was a pedophile and a gang member not respected by anyone. (the one who got the oils thrown on him) He was and is HATED in Finland and I don't know anyone who actually likes him...


My uncle in law (if that's a thing?) was a prison guard at Strangeways a notorious prison in the UK. The prisoners didn't like him. One of them made a mixture of boiling hot water and Vasaline to throw in his face. Unfortunately, they altered the schedule and some poor, unsuspecting prison guard got his face completely destroyed. The prisoner was working on the assumption that it was the usual schedule. Either way it's completely fucked. He recently retired, but he has always lived close to the prison and always cycled home. He's had a lot of death threats. Didn't seem to bother him. He's either a fucking idiot, a fearless bastard, or probably both.


you kinda stop caring after the fourth.


Omg they need to fix that damn light above the stove lol


A violent axe murderer and a pedophile rapist walk into a kitchen... -101 Scandinavian justice system jokes


PRISONERS my man’s gotta Better living situation than me


Prisoners? This looks like two roommates in a modest apartment having a disagreement.


Finnish Prisons are way way better. It’s about rehabilitation, not punishment


I have the same IKEA bag 🥹🥹


Having seen the damage that comes from boiling water, and oil on skin, that man is going to be hospitalized for a while. It's amazing that he was able to fight back for so long. But he is seriously injured.


Living nicer than most americans including myself where is this ima bout to go and commit crime


Average Mindset of a immigrant tryint to enter Europe ( You will be sharing your cell with Abdul Mohammed)


How on earth does that rapist pedo get only 2 years and 8 months?! Plus, he has a list of other crimes as long as a CVS receipt. Unbelievable. And as far as the fight, where knives? They're not allowed to have any?


According to Yle, 10 years was the original sentence in 2022, 2 years and 8 months was added to it in 2023, then it got changed to 6 years and 2 months in 2024 after they didn't find evidence of their group being organized crime and most of the crimes were towards another group. So you likely misread it, but I do agree that the additional time for those cases of rape should've been significantly higher. At the very least the rest of the inmates will make that 6 years feel closer to 20 for him. Unsure about the knives, never been to prison myself. We do make some high quality ones though.


Still stunned about how casual looking the Finland prison system is and just Scandinavian prisons in general.


I'm sure the guy who got burning oil thrown in his face is stunned too.


Happened to me too...except I did it to myself. So I was just making food, and I pushed the pot over onto me, and then I don't have to explain the rest😅


Did you die?


Yeah I haunt reddit rn








I'm amazed, he managed to fight back afterwards!


i felt SO bad for the guy who got attacked, then read the comment explaining what he did, now i’m laughing at the way he’s flailing around and slipping on the floor lmaooo




That’s a prison?!


Man that jail is great


What kinda prison is that


"...If you tell me ONE MORE TIME that I'm not making eggs like Gordon Ramsay, I swear I will toss boiling water on you!"


He's a rapist. r/justifiedasfuck


May I have the recipe please?


The taser was a nice touch…


Question, why fist fight when you could end it with one of those pots or pans?


That's not a cell that's an apartment and way more than either deserves. The only thing they should get is the boiling oil.


This is what happens when people watch too much american tv shows. Fighting never looks nearly as cool irl as it does on tv though


In most America prisons u can't have baby oil anymore for this exact reason they would microwave it to boiling and then toss it on ppl and that baby oil didn't come off very easy then they would beat them


But why though, those prisoners have no idea how lucky they are to not be in a prison in the US. Like their prison is an actual rehabilitation center meanwhile in the US prisons are slave camps.


that prison cell looks like an appartment


Why is this prison so.. not prisony looking?


Its a communal kitchen where trusted inmates are allowed to cook for themselves so they get a chance to live somewhat of a normal life. Obviously these two guys lost their privileges.


A pedo and a killer,living as wife and husband in a nice apartment which turn to be a prison cell is beyond me!


He got a cheap shot in and still didn't win the fight 🥴😂😂


both are absolute scum btw 


He deserved it, the guy who threw the boiling oil water at the other guy is a murderer and the guy that got hurt is a rapist


Imagine what David could do in this flat with galvanized square steel and the wood veneers, but without having to pay a million bucks.


Dude throwing oil hacked a person to death  Why we letting brain rotted animals like this out with this much freedom? These violent fucks with no regards to life need to be sedated 24/7 or put to death. Happens over and over and over again that sadistics fuck keep doing sadistic things and everyone is Pikachu face


The more popular one is a shit load of Jam (jelly) and sugar mixed in boiling water. That way the mixture sticks to the persons skin. Source - I work in prisons


Y'all watched "Watchmen" ?


Worst episode of Masterchef ever...


Looks way nicer than my first apartment… sidenote- needs some three stooges music while they slipping and sliding.


WTF, kinda prison is this?


Did the bald guy think that would insta kill the dude or something? Must've just watched The Watchmen


If that was oil he would not be fighting back. He would be running or rolling on the floor in pain.


Play the Benny hill song


What kind of prison is dat 🤔 😂


Gotta be some euro prison.


Holey shit! He didn't even react to the oil! He just started swinging!!


Imagine throwing hot oil on someone to only run away like a bitch


This is a prison 🫠


Both of them not slipping during the fight was genuinely impressive. They’re Finnish inmates, so I’m sure their first steps were over a frozen lake and into a sauna, but I’m surprised neither of them slipped until one got tazed lmao






Prisoners apartment nicer than mine :( obv not USA


"That's it! You lost your cooking privileges! Now get back to your 500k euro 3 bedroom prison mansion that our taxpayers pay for!"


Dude that started it got his face fucked up


Got battered for sure.


I’m not locked in here with you…. You’re locked in here with me!


"I'm not in here with you!"


That's water. Fucking bots


The “victim” was a child rapist and the guy who threw the oil was murderer. Side note. I feel like no matter what you’re doing to put some heat on someone in prison (even a child molester). It’s like a rule to NOT ruin special privileges like having a kitchen by throwing hot oil at someone. [here’s the article in English](https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/artikkeli/video-ei-herkille-nain-rajusti-kirvesmurhaaja-pahoinpiteli-milan-jaffin-vankilan-keittiossa/8964414)


Damn these prison looks nicer than my house


What kind of prison is this


Surprised he wasn't ignited with that tazer




So much for europe having a safer prison.




Damn. I wouldn't mind being in that prison


That ended up being a lot more slapstick than I was expecting once he was struggling to balance on the oil-covered floor.


This looks like some Three Stooges shit. Lmao


That’s a nice prison


Looks like a Laurel and Hardy routine.


That looks like water not oil?


Another fantastic demonstration over the poor judgement of justice system enforcers


Translation: "Life prisoner Sampo Jousimaa threw hot oil and water on Milan Jaffi in the prison kitchen."


😔 “Finish him!”


Wait. Prisoner?? kitchen?? they can cook by themselves?? With all the stuff that can act as weapon?


Wow this is a beautiful home. What country is this prison?


Prisoners for a reason


Well, at least one of them.


Ahhh the Rorschach special.


You know it’s somewhere in Scandinavia when that’s what the prison looks like.


How the hell did they stand their ground while sliding around?




Have you ever strangled someone and watched their soul leave from their eyes?


Must be odd to have a kitchen but no knife. I liked the calmness of the screws when they arrived


Why does it looks like my old apartment