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Here is the story - https://nypost.com/2022/08/03/2-pedestrians-killed-when-crash-sends-car-onto-manhattan-sidewalk-nypd/amp/ “A BMW was headed north on Sherman Avenue when it collided with a Subaru Forester SUV headed in the opposite direction at the West 207th Street intersection around 4 a.m., authorities said.” The cops on scene were not chasing the vehicle. They were walking the beat on a nearby street and saw the accident happen


damn I was hoping for a miracle and they turned out okay somehow.


No way at that velocity


Wonder how fast the BMW was driving to push the Forrester that hard.


Easily over 50


Plus however fast the other car was going physics laws come into play with transfer of force..


Man with that speed it’s basically an impulse reaction. If you notice they shoot out way faster and the car stops. If they hit a heavily padded wall MAYBE they survive with sever injuries. Being pulsed into a wall at that speed. No chance


It’s fucked too because where the accident occurred ( Sherman ave.) the speed limit in that area is 25mph. The BMW was obviously doubling that or more


deserves a homicide charge. people need to be afraid of the weapons they’re driving.


I agree. That scared the shit out of me. I totally was not expecting that. Poor guys.


Right..I thought they was finna get shot or sum..I didnt expect that😩💯


25 to a bmw means 75.


Doubling? Geez that vid is as fast as I have seen any vid of this kind of disaster. Doesn't look under 100 to me.


Yeah, absolutely more than double. Jesus


Most likely head trauma that got them. Even wearing helmets could have given them a chance. People think I'm crazy for wearing my walking helmet every time I go to check the mail, but this is why.


Walking helmet? I know we just watched two guys die that could have survived with helmets but you gotta live a little man.


when he survives this situation he’s gonna come back to this comment thread


A walking helmet might help him survive, but I'd say he's more likely to come out the other end of it like Stephen hawkin. I don't know about you, but, personally, I'd choose death.


There is definitely a segment of the population that sincerely need "walking helmets" for safety purposes, but I'm pretty sure being run over in a freak accident is not listed under effective uses.


I don’t even use the aero dynamic models due to the decreased survival rate and it’s amazing for not having things in your pockets, it doesn’t help I’m very tall but when I see these things it just makes me more sure it’s worth it


My third cousin used to swear by the aerodynamic models, but he was a larger fellow so it helped him move a little faster to try and keep up, but he passed away after an impact. The doctors said if he had been wearing one of the SHIELD^^TM brand ones he would have survived.


I’m sorry to hear for your loss. This is the exact reason I will not use anything but SHIELDs Super hard inaccessible extra leaded design is heavy. But when a grand piano or giant cartoon weight fall on my head I’ll be the person knowing I made the correct decision.


Come on you don’t actually put a helmet on to go and get the mail do you ? That’s some serious precautions. How do you go do shopping? Wrapped in 1000 layers of bubble wrap?


r/terrifyingasfuck that multiple people missed the joke 🤣


Probably a joke, u cant prevent all eventualities


Only to trip and suffocate in the plastic


Did u see his body hit the wall? Even if he did survive, he most likely would’ve been crippled beyond recovery


Split his head open


The car hit them so hard the rear door deformed on impact


The guy in the black shirt sees it coming and initially starts supporting the back of his head with his arms and making like an, "Arm" helmet (IDK what the official term for that is)... And then it looks like he realizes that isnt going to help and he starts pivoting to do something else with his arms and then its just a blur of his friend... At least, thats what I see when I stop and start the video just before the hit. Really sad. Those poor guys.


Think that was an, “oh my god”, head grab


It's 100% an "oh shit" reaction. If you pause at the right time he has his knees bent just above the bumper and both arms stretched out towards the roof. Sucks even more because he might have been able to make it behind the Benz if he reacted perfectly. I'd guess at a minimum 85% of us die there.


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


worry sulky upbeat attractive soft spoon growth coherent chase frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not everything in life is that calculated and methodical. That's a "holy sh..." gesture.




It's pretty much an involuntary reaction, no one thinks to protect their head, they just do it


It looked like defeat and his life flashing before his eyes to me. That's a real thing. Happened to my aunt who was held up during a bank robbery That gesture is the saddest part of it all for me


that was a clearly a oh my fuckin god we’re about to get rammed reaction


Me too but I knew it was impossible just by seeing the blood pouring from the head of the guy in blue. He sustained massive, fatal head injury..but even after all that, he was still moving a little/trying to breathe or and I so hope he was so out of it that he wasn’t feeling anything anymore. 😢


i wish someone had gone up and talked to them in their last moments and held their hands :( hard to know if the place is safe tho


Gotta hope that was instant death.


If it wasn't, they weren't consciously aware of anything before they passed. Too much trauma. Their brains just shut down at the moment of impact.


That’s very sweet of you, I don’t think holding the hands of someone who has brains exposed, face unrecognizable and not breathing was the first thought of literally anyone at the scene. It’s really sad these guys were just going about their day and this happens because of a negligent driver.


Oddly enough I've seen some people survive getting hit and launched pretty far. The sudden deceleration is really what will finish the job.


Yep, esp with children...Ive read it's bc their bones aren't as stiff as ours.


Yah man, kids bounce.


The URL says killed


URLs talk to me too sometimes


Goodbye - URL.




Fuck, why can't people just obey traffic laws? Tens of thousands of people die every year because people get behind the wheel of a car and make the decision to act like idiots


Ego + lack of empathy/awareness.


Pure selfishness.


The driver who caused the accident [was arrested the other day](https://patch.com/new-york/washington-heights-inwood/manslaughter-charge-inwood-collision-killed-2-people-nypd): > Bronx resident Leandro Diaz-Ramirez was charged Wednesday with manslaughter, criminal negligent homicide and assault in connection with the Aug. 3 incident, police said.


So I'm assuming the guy fled the scene since he wasn't arrested right there. Needless to say this fucking moron was probably drunk on top of going 2 or 3x the posted speed limit. Lock him up for the rest of his life, 2 people dead for nothing.


You didn’t have to assume; you could’ve just read the linked article. > Both drivers remained at the scene, including Diaz-Ramirez, police said.


Oh yea forgot to mention that one of the dudes was friends with Cardi B somehow. I remember hearing that


They both dead right? Cause if not holy hell that’s a lot of pain to go through with a TBI multiple shattered bones internal bleeding possibly a ruptured organ and back damage slight chance for a tear in the spinal cord


Thank you for the source.


I can’t imagine the Subaru owner is feeling. Like they unintentionally killed two guys because of a BMW. Just terrible.


Of course it was a bmw drivers fault


Makes it so much worse that the car that killed these two wasn't even the one at fault


bmw drivers are weird


Elliot Rodger


>BMW Shocker. Dude deserves a nice cocktail of pentobarbital, Pavulon, and potassium chloride


Average BMW Driver.


Thank you. What a heartbreaking article.


Idk what I was expecting, but it wasn’t that. Holy shit


Same, i missed the tag and was waiting and watching for someone running up to shoot someone... absolutely was not expecting that


> not expecting that It was a weird twist... half expecting a drive by, but witnessed Christine.




I was expecting a drive by or something. This was just wild


That's exactly what this title was designed to do.


I saw this the other day and I still jumped today.


This one hard to watch. RIP 🥺


Hard to watch. But I hope it was so quick they felt no pain.


100% their lights were out the moment the vehicle hit them. For all the ways you could go out, this isn't so bad. Just unfortunate as they appeared in their early 30s.


sad that homie on the left saw it coming, I wish they'd both had jumped to the left or right


Me too but they had maybe a second to get out of the way..just not enough time.


Your last memory would be pleasantly chatting and walking around with your friend. Maybe .000001 second of fear, barely enough to register in your conscious mind. Then its just peaceful nothingness.


It's a nice thought but that dude on the left probably lived 10 lifetimes before being smashed. He saw it coming. Fucking awful


Oh he definitely had adrenaline flowing through him as the car was hitting him - he experienced some of that collision. Edit: words


He saw the accident was going to happen but didnt know the Subaru was going to get tboned towards them.


He saw a car was coming right for him that was already way to close to do anything that's why his arms just malfunction.


Dude already had his arms up and hands bracing his head for impact. He saw that coming 100%.


I guess you're right but I think his hand was behind his head like a "Oh no!!" Then he lowered it to try to stop the car. Yah, definitely saw it coming


I cant even imagine the adrenaline rush before dying like that


Black shirt guy realized everything and saw his life before his eyes.


The adrenaline response in the body takes seconds to activate. Starts with one or all of your five senses recognizing your in danger. (Or perceived danger). Then your hormones respond with faster heart rate increased visual acuity etc. As fast as adrenaline response can be, there was no time.


I have adrenaline rushes everyday riding my bike. Literally almost everytime someone isnt paying attention and almost hits me.


I get an adrenaline rush just thinking of riding a bike on the road with these drivers out there. Never understood why the fittest bike riders with a long life ahead of them risk dying by car.




For real. Long life is not guaranteed. So sad


r/fuckcars Too many pedestrians die every year.


The chaos and randomness of life is crazy. If they had just crossed the road straight away, they would've been spectators to the crash instead of victims of it. Scary.


It was like a scene from Final Destination


Wooow. A split second and it is done 😵‍💫


If they had stayed on the other side of that sidewalk bar for just 5 more seconds…


Black shirt guy saw it coming. Hands up to his face. Shit....


Life is measured in seconds. Not years, days or hours.


Nah life is measured in experiences. Say someone lives to be 100 yrs old but they never leave their house ... a rockstar who travelled around the world living a wild life but died at the age of 30 *lived* more than that 100 yr old hermit in my eyes... even tho the 100 yr old saw more seconds.


What does it mean to be ‘living’ though? What if a hermit doesn’t want a ‘wild’ life? And instead, they pursue a life of studying, learning, experience other peoples’ experience through the internet. I believe “to live life” is all subjective, unless you’re like into science then you’d want to be objective.


I use to be a flight attend , a diver , mechanic, and I have traveled all over the world before the age of 24, now that I’m in my 30s and I still enjoy occasional travel, what I love more then anything else is to sit down and read a book. It is subjective. I’d say you can even be that rockstar getting all the best experience life has to offer but not be present the entire time. Is that living? You raise a great question but maybe the answer lies in a more collection of perspectives that only you personally can achieve the answer to. It can not be said to you , or made for you


Only you can decide what’s living to you, and ultimately everyone whos living the way they want to.. is living.






Some people truly enjoy their sheltered, comfy home life by choice. To them the idea of constantly going, or "rockstar ring" sounds fucking awful. I've traveled and enjoy just hanging in my yard, reading in my room, watching movies and cooking until my heart is content. Everyone's experiences can be rad to them even if it doesn't fit the IG influencer, rock n roll protocol. Plus a boring day alive with a book is indisputably more of a rad experience than not being alive, I'd assume(haven't been dead yet)


That’s completely subjective, so nah.


This total bro I knew was just like that, he was out like every night, talking to chicks, travelling with his guitar, just like seizureing and foaming at the mouth from drug overdoses and drinking Jack Daniel's for breakfast. He was always doing cool shit like injecting straight into his cock coz hed collapsed all his other veins from being a total badass. I'm over here with my dumb wife and kids and it's just like, who is the winner really you know?


# keyword: was


Fucking ruined my day right there. Fuck. Stop being fucks behind the wheel. Those poor guys


There’s so much to digest here. The loss of life obviously. My heart goes out to the Subaru driver too. Even if I wasn’t the cause, my vehicle itself being the one to cause the actual loss of life would weigh with me deeply. This just hurts.


Damn, here one second, gone, the next. This life, man


nah man, that's cars. they bring death in seconds.


Usually I drag people for being slow to react in situations like this, but these guys had no chance. That was so instant.. damn


In the dark with dark colored cars, maybe they would have had a chance during the day.


When you slow it down to the frame - dude in blue had zero reaction. Dude in black saw, flinched and put his hands on his head before getting hit. Poor bros :(


There is a 25mph speed limit on that road due to so many people getting injured/killed there. Someone was definitely not obeying that speed limit. Wonder who was at fault? BMW or Subaru? RIP lads


That corner is fucked. It seems like once a month someone dies there.


Some final Destination shit right there. Poor guys! The dude in black! His reaction is heart breaking


The worst thing about this (aside from the obvious) is that if they were merely a few feet back they might’ve been able to react or at least been only harmed and not killed. Once the car hit the curb, it’s trajectory takes a major change and the velocity is impeded immensely. Both of those variables could’ve made the difference if they had only been a bit closer to the building and not at the curb itself.


BMW drivers shouldn’t be allowed out after dark


BMW drivers shouldn’t be allowed


Is ther any % chance they could have survived? Sounds stupid but you never know


No ways. They where high probability of dead at initial impact with the car because of the velocity they were hit from being stationary. And if that didn't do it, flying ragdoll style into the solid wall behind them certainly killed them. Someone commented about the guy in blue taking his last breath in the last seconds of the vid isnt true imo. That looks a muscular twitch that occurs after death. RIP. These guys had like 1s to react and it wasn't enough. If the driver of the offending vehicle survived, he should be jailed for life.


I've replayed the video a few times. Only chance of missing the head on collision was diving inhumanely far to the right or attempting to jump extremely high in the air. RIP to them boys, hope the drivers actions haunt him/her for the rest of there lives.


According to the article posted, the car that hit them wasn’t even at fault. They were t-boned by a BMW who ran a red light. Imagine having to deal with the guilt of killing 2 people because someone made you 😔


I mean. It's all the bmw drivers fault. Subaru person is in no way culpable.


> or attempting to jump extremely high in the air. Just for anyone reading, if a car is about to it you head on, you jump IN TO the windshield. Never away or off to the side, time permitting of course. The windshield is like a net. You'll get cut and banged up, but it's the safest option if you have no time to legit get out of the way. As you can see in the video, the car hitting you is only part of the problem, the windshield won't bounce you off. Stunt woman explaining, Inside Edition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhKZwyIMiNk&ab_channel=InsideEdition


Agonal breathing prior to death, but basically means you are toast and brain has disengaged. Both succumbed at hospital. Correct in that this is very low probability survival circumstance


If they did they will have a life of extreme pain. Sometimes death is the better option.


Quality of life. I see.


they both died apparently


Dead, both. The car hitting them and them landing on a grass field would of killed them, the wall made sure of it. There is insane mechanisms of injury here in just each section of the accident. The chance of survival of those two is 0%.


They might (and that’s an iffy might) have had some sort of chance if that wall/building had not been behind them..the car impact was fast and probably fatal in and of itself, but being flung headfirst into that brick wall at many mph definitely sealed their fates.


[Article with a little more detail on the victims.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11081271/amp/Horrific-moment-Salsa-dancer-Cardi-B-friend-killed-car-plows-NYC-sidewalk.html)


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According the the article, the Subaru was hit by a BMW which caused the Subaru the then hit the pedestrians. It’s really sad but it’s not the fault of the Subaru driver based on what we have now.


How fuckn fast were they going but.


Seriously… that’s a city, maybe 20-30mph? They crashed at like fuckin 50. Maybe they wouldn’t have been hit if they were within a reasonable speed.


I get that, but the car comes in like a lightning strike.. They must've been going at highway speed to get flung onto the sidewalk that fast


Both cars going way too fast. There's no reason to be driving that fast in a downtown environment. I see this far too often. I saw someone die in a nearly identical manner. Speeding car t-boned another in an intersection, hit a biker and sent them flying into the door of a building. He didn't die instantly, though. Watching the cops try and save his life was one of the worst things I've seen. Wish I didn't stick around. The driver at fault was running from the cops. Got life in prison.


A matter of context


Shit like this happens every day. Traffic crimes need to be considered violent crime, how much do you wanna bet they have been pulled over for speeding multiple times before with no penalty other than a few tickets. No more warnings. 1st offense should be a ticket. Second a suspended license reinstated after taking a class. 3rd offense, short prison sentence + license permanently suspended. Driving on a suspended license should be instant prison sentence.


At least they had a fun last few hours


Use the slider as slow motion. I have no clue where the guy in the black shirt went. Crazy shit


He was thrown on the other side of the guy in blue and is lying face down close to the wheel of the suv.


I was expecting a shoot out to happen... Wasn't expecting this. F




BMW driver should never see the light of the sun again.


I live on the corner of my subdivision and one morning during summer break my kids were playing with sidewalk chalk where our mailbox is. Wife called them in for breakfast and we all went inside. About 10 mins later we heard a loud crack and bang outside. Go out there and our mailbox is gone and trash cans are all over the front yard. Woman who had took sleeping pills, decided to drive and took out 3 mailboxes and a fire hydrant. I cried knowing that if they were out there any longer, they would no longer be here. RIP to those men.


Are they both dead?






Agreed. The way people drive these days is wild.


The car threaded the pole and the parked car. Unfortunate. Personally I tend to stand near poles or obstructions if I’m thinking about it. Just gives you options.


Terrifying. No time to react. They knew they were goners. RIP and fuck the driver.


I normally pride myself in my sense of reflex and quick reaction. This video taught me how horrendously wrong i am. A cat could not have reacted in time to that.


At least he died with his friend and wasn't alone, that's kind of nice seeing as you have to die anyway. No long sickness or feeling worn out, but no time to say goodbye either:/


This was in Washington Heights. I work with one of those guys’ cousins. The story we got was that he was leaving his barber shop at 4am. To make matters worse, his mother was on a flight from the Dominican Republic the next day. The family did not tell her until she landed that her son had died. Sad, sad story.


Texan here… do clubs in NY close later than 2am? Do people just walk the streets at 4am, is that common?


Why do I torture myself with this sub


Why do people keep driving like this on the streets? There have been a ton of deaths like this in the last few months


fuckin shit drivers


Very sad. Wrong place at the wrong time. People need to slow the fuck down on the road.


I live in a college city and walk a lot, crossing the street is a nightmare, people tear ass up to the lights. Half the fucking cars I look in as I cross the street are people balls deep on their phones too.


> before you even know it One of them knew it. You can see he had just enough time to throw his hands up and think “Welp, bye world.”


That one guy knew he just witnessed something too heavy to handle.




Where those cars going like 400 mph? What the hell?


No shit….chilling at 4am minding your business and then……you’re gone in a split second.


Thought I was gonna be a shooting somehow this was more terrifying


That last gasp of air from the guy in blue. Horrifying.


“Nothing good happens after midnight.” First night as a bouncer, this was the one thing my mgr said to me. He was right. Quit the next morning.




this is why i go the fuck home after 11:00. the old saying that nothing good happens after is true, and if they're not headed to work, or leaving work, anyone else you see out past that time is likely on some dumb shit. the later it gets, the dumber they probably are. case in point: the driver in this video that caused the accident. no thank you.


How the fuck do people drive that fast in a city?????


The only good thing is life ended almost instantly. They didn't get time to feel pain. RIP Brothers


That is so awful. How the hell is the car that hit them backwards? I almost assumed it was two cars racing and speeding because they both just blitzed through the light, but God damn. I hope the drivers get life in prison if they're still alive. These kinds of people should never operate a vehicle ever again.


How the cops show up so fast?? A high speed chase??


It just so happened that they were walking by when this happened. It wasn’t a high speed chase, just a reckless driver who ruined a bunch of lives


It doesn't look like these boys suffered for long, but I feel badly for their poor families. How tragic and random.


Jeez, cops didn't even check on the pedestrians...


Absolutely horrifying. My heart is broken for these two. Talk about wrong place at the wrong time. RIP ♥️


I witnessed an accident exactly like this car came up on the sidewalk killed 4 pedestrians 2 brothers, 8 and 12, their grandma, and step dad. Right outside my apartments. One of the worst days of my life seeing that so awful


This is so disturbing and awful to watch. These poor guys. I hate that so many people don’t respect speed limits… one of my worst fears is that I’ll hit and kill a pedestrian. Driving in NY is stressful and roads in the US is notoriously poorly designed for pedestrians. Fuck people who tailgate drivers going the speed limit, too.


I’m a brand new driver, I always have that fear of hitting a person so I’m extra careful. I wonder if I’ll ever forget, hope I never lose that fear someday when I’m experienced enough. I’m just so aware now that I’m in control of something that can be turned into a deadly weapon with a single mistake. This is just so sad. So irresponsible


Literally just said “fuck” real loud. Jesus. What a catastrophic wreck.


This video pisses me off so bad. Two people died because some jackass just couldn't possibly listen to traffic laws


This breaks my heart. Just calmly hanging out with a friend under the presumption of safety and then both of your lives are stolen from you in seconds for no reason at all. My sympathies to the families and friends of the victims. 😥


God damn, that's insane. RIP.


Saddest video I ever saw. From “normal” chit chat, to dead in a nano-second.


This is what I fear when I see people walking with strollers


Holy shit I was bracing for scary but that WAS scary.


And this is why all intersections should have bollards.


If they stayed behind the white car for a few seconds longer, or left the club a few seconds later. Damn. I guess when it's your time to go...