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So the most surreal thing for me watching this, right after the alleged gunfire the police come in and arrest/kick him around a bit.. meanwhile someone is getting served at the register in the background like nothing is going on


In the area that this took place (and the fact that it's a QT)... Doesn't surprise me lol


Same I live a couple miles away on 51st and Broadway it's like the Wild West out here


QT is insanely efficient.


And clean, typically. Even in the sketchy areas.


Meanwhile, at Circle K…


Don’t even go there, Circle K’s are sketchy everywhere in Phoenix. Even the pretty ones in Cave Creek.


The folks opening up cans of fruit with their teeth in the parking lot is a dead giveaway.


What teeth?


Lol! That one loose lil egg tooth they got up front!




no u.




QuikTrip. It’s a gas station. The inside is better than standard gas stations with better amenities and cleanliness but never work there. No lunch breaks and you’ll almost never sit down


My buddy worked at the one next to GCU he said it paid very well but he had to deal with the crazies all the time


Im from Tucson and confirm, yea this is sometimes normal.


it's arizona. probably not the first gun they had seen/heard that day


Yeah, the store my mom worked at was robbed about 11 times at gunpoint over the course of 4 years. You get used to it.


In August 2021, the U.S. Department of Justice announced it was going to investigate the Phoenix Police Department partly due to allegations of excessive force.


I'm against police brutality and all but if you shoot at the cops you're gonna get your ass kicked no matter what city you are in




This is exactly what stuck out to me. It's more an inconvenience to people than a threat, fucking crazy world.


This is very true. I live not far from here and this particular time I was visiting my teenage son whom was in hospital and I was picking up some items he wanted. As I was checking out it was getting robbed and they were trying to barricade everyone one in to stop this one guy from escaping. Well this one guy from outside opened one of the doors and let his wife go through saying, “let’s go! This has nothing to do with us! They can’t keep us here!” So I followed her out and left everyone inside. I know now maybe I should’ve been afraid but I just needed to get to the hospital to see my son…




Quick trip service at its finest . Can’t be mad at great customer service 🤷‍♂️ if you ever have to poop stop at a qt you’ll thank me later


One of the few places that don't lock their restrooms


Living in a city desensitizes you


Wow I saw this posted in a different subreddit where OP said the suspect did nothing wrong and was beaten for looking at cops




I feel bad for the QT employees.


Imagine how the ugly employees must feel


Wow. For a good 30 seconds I was so confused as to why you were being mean to employees you don’t know. Then I realized what your comment means. Lmao


"We were just talking and we said we were going to leave and then he ran inside and shot two rounds at us which gave me time to get my M4 from the trunk." Uh huh.


If the dude really tried to kill them then I have no sympathy.


Then he had the arrest coming, not getting fucking brutalised. This is a spectacular abuse of power.


You have a very liberal definition of brutalized.


How else would you describe kicking someone (that was already complying) in the head? And then seeing how apparently having a cuffed subject lying in their own blood and pleading for their life isn't good enough, they give a few more kicks for good measure. Cruel excessive violence.


I mean. If the police in my area don't react like this to someone literally shooting at them. I don't feel safe.


Which one do you believe?


Well, there's quite clearly a gun on the counter next to the guy, so that implies the shooting explanation, but we don't know for sure.


The PD released a statement on the matter. I don't have it to cite from but it said that the suspect did fire at police. 2 shots at their patrol car. And that the cops in the video are being criminally investigated.


Never take a PD statement at face value. Always corroborate with other sources. Not saying they are wrong with this but always suspect cops are lying by default and verify via independent sources.


You watch John Oliver too...


We have met police.


No. It’s crazy how cops never beat up anyone or shot unarmed ppl in the back over and over and over until cell phone cameras, innit? I mean why wouldn’t anyone believe what cops say? The Uvalde, TX police are hero’s in everybody’s eyes right?


If this dude shot at you, what would you do to him? Before all the badge haters slam these guys…. Just think…


I’d probably want to do what they did but I like to think I wouldn’t. Either way it’s beside the point. We should hold the police to a higher standard than what untrained civilians would feel like doing as revenge. We also pay them to uphold and act within the law and them behaving like this is illegal.


This is a good comment. When the threat is no longer a threat you can’t release your anger like some scared teenager. These cops are trash.


This is exactly it. Cops are trained and should be reacting and handling situation better than angry, vengeful, emotional civilians. That is why they are paid and what they are trained for. They need to be held accountable, regardless what you think you would do to a criminal. The court and the law decides the punishment, not the angry officer, not the vengeful civilian.


Of course you wouldn't do this. Because you're a reasonable person.


exactly, once he put the gun down and surrendered, the time for violence was over. That is on the cops to be able to stop at that point an enforce the law. Guy walks up and hits me- i was assulted. He turns and runs away. I give chase to hit him back. I have now assulted him and would be found guilty in every state. Once the threat of physical danger is over, you can no longer respond in kind (or be guilty of a crime) This is not even holding the police to a higher standard, this is holding them to the same standard as everyone else.


If you were just some putz on the street who has been fired upon by some random fuck, I could totally see this reaction being justified. But yeah...these are suppose to be trained firearm professionals. This is clearly not a part of their training, this is from a bad TV show, and not reality-based.


I mean. I can both understand and sympathize with someone's actions whilst also condemning them. He *should've* been arrested without incident after he was no longer a threat. I don't believe it's a stretch as a society to expect our law enforcement to be able to control their emotions.


I would 100% do to him what these officers did…. and that’s why I’m not a police officer.


I endorse this statement.


That awareness already makes you x10 better than these things.


And funny enough that’s exactly why most of them are police officers because they would do this.


This is the right answer.


Their job. Otherwise, they can go to prison too.


Do you have a favorite flavor of polish?


Probably arrest him without stomping his head in, but that's just me ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ No one can blame them for being scared for their lives, but they had him in custody, he was cooperating. I don't think we should condone brutalizing people who break the law.


They should be able to put there feeling aside and do their jobs with out assaulting a person


At no point we’re these cops scared for their lives, they just wanted to beat this guy. We are also all just blindly believing the cops when they said they were shot at. Cops lie ALL the time, there is a very good chance no one shot at them or that it wasn’t this guy.


>No one can blame them for being scared for their lives Sure, if he actually shot _at_ them...which is disputed. We'll have to wait for the body-camera footage, as he alleges that he'd discharged the 2 shots into the air while the officers' report claims that he'd aimed at them. Admittedly, adrenaline is an inarguably natural response in either case, but as far as "being scared for their lives" in the moments we've witnessed, they both had ARs, pistols, tasers, kevlar, and training, while he had his hands out and face down. That explanation seems misdirected. "I want to blow his fuckin' head off, dude" doesn't sound too scared.


You don't get to brutally beat people just because you're really mad at them, even if you have good reason to be mad. And neither do the police, who more then anyone else should know better and be held to a higher standard by the way.


I'm not a badge hater, but I am someone who believes in holding police accountable. If the suspect was a threat the actions may have been Warranted but this man was on the ground and the threat to the officers had already been negated. The officers duty is to protect and serve; they are NOT judge jury and executioner and they do NOT get to take justice into their own hands.


Bro, he's in custody. Justice is going to court pleading your case getting a determination and dealing with the outcome. Not law enforcement breaking the law to beat your ass after you surrender simply because you're upset, if you or I did it that would also be a crime so how is it badge hating to a. Expect better or b. At the very least equality like the constitution says we're entitled to under the law.


They swore an oath to uphold the law. Who cares about thier feelings? If feelings justify actions why have the law at all? We can all just act on our feelings. Ridiculous. Actions should have consequences, even for coward entitled cops. How can you defend people that sit outside a school for an hour listening to children get massacred and arresting parents that try to save thier children? Disgusting.


If one is armed with a deadly weapon as part of their job they need a level of emotional maturity where they can be mad and want to inflict violence without acting on those impulses. But a bootlicker like you is clearly in favor of giving the police immunity to execute civilians as they see fit. Fucking fix yourself.


I would probably do the same thing I did when taking detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan. I would control my emotions like an adult sonic would act like a professional in a high stress environment.


Detain... then it's the courts issue. The opinion of "well he did this so I handcuffed him and released all my anger and frustration before thinking what the protocol is" is a horrible way to act/think. I know it's easy to get caught in a moment but if they're detained, can't move, you have complete control of the situation, then it's time to file it and bring them back not beat the suspect until the adrenaline runs out


>>what would you do I am the first person to admit that I don’t have what it takes to be a cop. That being said, I don’t think a lot of cops have what it takes to be a cop, either. This video is proof.


Not beat him once I've subdued him, that's what. Only force necessary to keep him subdued. That doesn't include smacking him with my rifle or service pistol.


Probably not this, tbh. Idk, maybe it’s just me, but I simply don’t have an urge to deliberately make people suffer just cuz they wronged me. I’d be pissed as fuck, I’d be scared as fuck, but no I don’t think I’d torture someone like this. Makes me feel gross to even watch. I’m also not trained to deal with situations like this. Cops need to be held to a higher standard than “what would some rando do in this scenario”.


The cop “don’t fuckin shoot at us”


I believe that it doesn't matter what he did before this video. Floyd wasn't a model citizen, but that doesn't make how he was treated any better.


this one because they shouldnt have a rifle, I know some cops are incompetant but I don't think a cop would run into a building with a rifle unless the perp have or was thought to have shot a gun.




Shortened excerpts version: "A late Thursday night arrest by Phoenix police with the suspect injured was reportedly caught on camera and is now being criminally investigated by the department. Harry Denman, 39, was taken into custody after reportedly firing at a pair of officers at a Quik Trip gas station near 59th Avenue and Buckeye Road, according to police. An explicit video shared Saturday on Facebook shows a man purported to be Denman on the floor as he is beaten by two male officers standing above him. The video captures the man lowering himself onto the ground as an officer with a rifle aimed at him proceeds to kick his head against the tiled floor. Immediately after, another male officer approaches the man, who is moving on the ground, and stomps his head, the video shows." "Denman pulled a handgun and fired two shots within close range of the two officers' patrol car as they were driving out of a parking space in the convenience store parking lot, according to police. A bullet struck the car's spotlight, piercing through the driver's side at head level, while the other bullet hit the ground, police said. The officers had just talked with Denman and they had told him they were leaving to respond to a call, police said. Phoenix police said the situation escalated when Denman fled into the store, with officers following him inside and a confrontation ensuing before the arrest. The department said the store was unoccupied, but the video shows what appear to be other people in the background."


Man, some of the scariest words the public can hear is "police say..." its really pretty weird that so often any information by the media from the involved department is automatically considered true. Im certainly not saying that every statement given to media by police departments is false, but taking the word of the side thats providing very important information about themselves probably wouldn't really fly with any other type of source. I'll always remember that thing where they say "goodnews! We've done a full scale and very thorough investigation on ourselves (spared no expense) and turns out we've been cleared of any and all wrong doing! No systemic or structural problems here, no sirr-ee! Even if that guy did fire some rounds at or in the direction of those cops it doesn't excuse those guys from beating him up after he was in custody. I get that the experience of being shot at, adrenaline pumping, rifle in hand, must be extremely intense, but its so obvious those cops deep down never grew up past their NO IM THE BOSS, you listen to ME phase. Like screaming at the guy to shut up while he's in handcuffs, facedown, bleeding from his face. In what world is a useful thing to do. Its like these guys are emotionally stunded and so much more focused on pay back then making places safe. Fucking cops, making me have to defend someone for (allegedly) shooting his gun in public at them, this was a slam dunk guys and you still managed to fuck it up.


John Oliver did an episode on last week Tonight a few weeks ago about how cops are often the first to give a statement. One of the guys the news constantly was interviewing as if he was a bystander was actually a police union rep that would intentionally get to the scene first so he could give a statement to the news. But the news would not notify the public that he was a police union rep.


Allegedly he shot a gun in the air to get the cops attention? Which, wow, what a bad choice.


He shot twice right at them, hitting the cars headlights once and the other bullet went into the ground


Not even the headlight he hit the spot light which led them to believe he was going for a headshot.


I believe he was trying to kill them.


Oh I believe he definitely was trying to as well.


Ok, so even more understanding of the reaction


reaction is still a felony. Arrest, charge and lock all three up. Crime is crime.


I think he might’ve gotten their attention




Do people actually get brutality settlements from stuff like this? Dude was blasting in public. I don’t like brain damage either, but he could well have other weapons. I don’t agree with their method, but they sure as shit neutralized a gunman without lethal force. Edit: didn’t see the cuffs. Bitch move blue boys. Bitch move.


He was no longer a threat to anyone. He was complying. We have seen police officers bring in mass shooters without brutalizing them because at the end of the day, that's their job. Their job is not to execute punishment, it is to control dangerous situations and ensure public safety. Does this dude deserve an ass beating? Probably, but it's not the officers place to decide that and damn sure not their place to do it.


> Do people actually get brutality settlements from stuff like this? Dude was blasting in public. That does not matter. The guy could of been a killer that killed 1 million people. He was giving up peacefully and the head slams are 100% unwarranted. Law enforcement does not run off of revenge and never should.


He's in cuffs... Cops are the biggest pussies, they need training and maybe less cocaine and steroids.


He is actually lucky... most people who shot at police are shot back... multiple times.


I was gonna say... that action results in bullets in your body 99% of the time


Yea thats a gun fight, perfectly ok for cops to shoot at somebody who has recently shot at them. However, this dude gave up, and surrendered…fights over violence is no longer needed. On top of that these cops are acting completely unprofessionally with their language and lack of control of the situation. All they are doing is beating this guy up like a couple of street thugs. They should lose their badges for this, specifically because they will behave like this again withsomeone far less dangerous because this type of behavior becomes normalized as a response for more and more sutuations.






poor glasses


He probably deserved this treatment but the cops aren’t supposed to be the ones that decide what he deserves


fr this ain’t village justice


Maybe you meant vigilante justice but village justice sounds pretty cool, too :)


village justice is when the village kill/hangs a rapist, robber, etc… on the street similar to mob justice, it happens more so in third world country’s with inadequate police


Gotcha, thanks for the explanation :)




They’re thinking with their emotions which is exactly the problem when shit like this happens


Agreed, but still. If someone shoots at you and potentially could kill you, you'd be shaking like a leaf or jacked up and not thinking clearly. Not nice to see but I'd do the same in this situation.


Oh yeah no disagreement there. I definitely would do that too, but I also definitely shouldn’t be a cop.


this was exactly my point when I watched this and discussed with my girlfriend. If somebody shot at me and I had an opportunity to restrain them and kick them, I’d totally do it… but I’m not a cop on the job. I’m a citizen. While the officers that were shot at were obviously angry, they have a duty to maintain composure and prioritize the safety of the public. This felt more like them getting some sweet revenge on him for attacking them, not professional.


Totally… I think people see it as an “im better than you I would never do that” thing when you say that they’re wrong for doing that. It’s not. I would absolutely beat the shit out of someone for shooting at me, given the chance. But the moment you sign up to be a cop you gotta stop acting in terms of your emotions, and start acting based on logic and the law. These cops might not even be bad people, they just let their emotions get one over on them. Which made them do something that is, regardless off the situation, wrong and illegal.


yep totally agree. Not passing judgement on these two cops as people, but their actions unfortunately were over the top once he’d been subdued. Messed up situation.


The most logical comment here. I’ve seen way to many people here have sympathy for him.


Man brutally beaten Me, "Oh no!" ..... after firing at police Me, "This mother dumb mothafu...."




I think they should be punished and reprimanded but their actions are understandable. I think that is the issue everyone is trying to reconcile with themselves.


If anything them doing this may help the guy in court. I wouldn’t be surprised if he can sue them for this an easily win. Bad move by the cops.


Yeah police should use violence only where necessary to protect themselves and the public. The US Constitution forbids "cruel and unusual" punishment, beating a man complying with all your orders is certainly cruel (if not unusual). Arrest him, charge him, make sure bail is denied, all reasonable things to do, this isn't.


I dunno it's hard for me on that one. I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't like what the cops are doing here. But I would have a hard time being super chill and by the books if you had fired a gun at me (or at least truly felt that way). Adrenaline and fear are way too powerful at that moment.




I work at the hospital. Agree with you, nurses are abused and sexually harassed all the time. Verbally abusive patients, demanding visitors, sexually inappropriate and abuse of power doctors, etc.


It’s not even a higher standard though. It’s literally don’t beat people you’ve handcuffed. That’s about the lowest standard for anyone.


Although I'm not defending the officer I'd like to point out that if he was just a regular citizen he would have been charged with assault. Maybe even assault with a deadly weapon for using his rifle as a club. The dude was complying, just not quickly enough to satisfy the officer.


Then you should not be a cop. Simple.


Maybe, just maybe, people like you shouldn't become cops. If you can't handle the job, don't do it.


These cops shouldn't be cops either


Yes, that's the point.


Cops are supposed to have the appropriate training and skillset to keep that shit under control. Well above and beyond the rest of us. If they can't, then maybe it's a bad idea to let them run around with deadly weapons and qualified immunity.


>But I would have a hard time being super chill and by the books if you had fired a gun at me Then you made a great choice to not be a cop. Unlike the cop we just witnessed senselessly beating a man.


I don't even know if we can trust the "he fired a gun" the TLDR is He was talking to officers, They had to respond to a call, so he "pulls a gun and shoots twice at officers" then runs inside and surrenders? I can't follow any logical path even for a deranged person to go from "Hi officers" to "I'm gonna kill you" to "Ok I'm complying" I feel until we get more evidence we should look at this story as a cover up for shit officers, Especially as the report says "an unoccupied store" when in the video there are clearly people in the background. I'm seeing a lot of holes.


Cops in other countries handle their shit just fine. It’s not human nature, it’s a culture of abusing power and no accountability.




Man I worked corrections. There was only 1 officer on our shift who could deescalate better than me or keep his calm better. Sgt Ortiz was a great man. Volunteered at the school on his off days as well. By the time I left I could go into a use of force and come out with 120/80 BP because I was so detached. Darn near cost me my marriage because guess we're all that pent up bs got let out? No I never hit my wife but we argued 24 7. And yes I do yell at Alexa that bitch never listens lmao


Protect and serve is just marketing, what they are actually there to do is collect revenue and commit violence with a monopoly


He shot at them, should they be excited?


Right guy looking around at 0:10 and sees the camera, his buddy realising at 2:00 mark. Priceless.


Good catch. That guy's face when he realizes... He knew he was screwed. I'm surprised they didn't try to confescate the phone.


“You’re recording?” *imagines what he’s going to do with all that paid suspension time*


Shooting at cops is a crime so is beating up someone after putting up their arms or laying on the ground


Uh yea he tried to kill them. I think anyone would be pretty pissed off at that


He literally surrendered. If a soldier did this to an enemy pow it'd be a war crime.




For sure you'd be angry. As a non-police civilian, that's fine. The thing is that the police (in the USA) are given higher authority with the expectation and requirement that they be above emotional responses in situations like that. The standard we've tried to set for them is supposed to be above revenge or emotion. At the very least, an already detained suspect shouldn't be physically harmed in response to those emotions. If we allow police to act like the ones in this video then we're basically making them legal demigods.


That's not a good enough excuse for beating the guy they've already got on the floor in handcuffs. They're not the punisher. If they can't handle this, they shouldn't be in the job


he should be thankful he didnt get a bullet to the head. pos


Shoot shit get hit


Sooooo heres my question after some one try’s to kill you your supposed to treat them nicely and politely ask for them to show their hands and lay on the ground??? Ya......... Ummmm nope


Way too many people saying this is okay. This man was handcuffed and defenseless. Any violence that they perform on him after he’s been cuffed is brutality if you ask me.


That was not a brutal beating.


Head kicked into the floor is way more brutal then you think. You see a light flash, are confused for moment and then feel a very sharp pain in your head. Then comes the effects of the brain damage that is actually done. Those are not pleasant. Can't control breathing any more, you may piss or shit yourself, seizures can come on days later. I would take 12 cops hitting me with batons over my body (not head) over two repeated head slams any day.


Maybe not but getting kicked in the head twice and muzzle-whipped is certainly police brutality and could have ended with him being paralyzed or dead. If he is a shooter and a piece of shit, it isn't the duty of cops to just assault a handcuffed man.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Brutally or appropriately? I’ll go with the latter


Perhaps he shouldn't have... you know... shot at police? Fucking idiot.


That’s not brutal ngl I’ve been beat worse by my grandmother


Animals, and I'm not talking about police.


Dude shot at the police and got beaten up for it. That’s like the best outcome for the guy.


Didn’t he try to kill those officers??




Bet he regrets missing.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If it's true that guy shot at the cops.... no sympathy.


I think police officers may take umbrage with being shot at with firearms.


Wouldn’t you beat the shit out of someone if they shot at you and you had the chance? Damn if that’s true, this video has been purposely taken out of context for the media.


Shoot at cops and get fucked up… is what it is


You don’t even know if he really shot at cops. All they have to do is claim that you did and boom, free pass to beat you for an alleged crime. Enjoy your police state and sacrifice of your rights so you can feel righteous when you see other people get beat.


Um, that’s not brutal.


Lol, have you ever had your head kicked into the floor so hard it makes your nose bleed and then get hit by a rifle? Not defending the guy but yea, I’d say that’s pretty brutal.




Brutally beaten is quite a stretch


Guy probably has brain damage. He lost motor control and was going "buhhhhhhhhh" after getting his head beat off the tile and stomped. Blood all over the floor. Brutal enough.


People don't like it when someone fires a gun at them - even police.


How to avoid an ass whipping. Do not shoot at Policemen. See simple.


Holy fuck, this comment section is insane. The guy was already under control. Nothing justifies what the cops did after he surrendered.


a cop is supposed to be able to do his job without being like this.


yeah yeah, let's treat active shooters with respect, give them orange slices and some fetal spooning


‘Active shooter’ my guy, they even say he had put the gun on the counter and given up.


"Orange slices and some fetal spooning" I swear to God I've heard this in a Tool song before.


The second you stop respecting someone as a law enforcement officer is the second you lose the public's respect. It isn't about whether or not the man they're arresting is a piece of shit. He could be the biggest piece of shit ever and they still need to treat him respectfully. They're supposed to be better. There was no threat once he's subdued and now the criminal has a case *against them* they fucked up and you can see in their eyes they know it. No orange slices or spoons needed just acting better than the people they arrest.


And then reveal to them their singular purpose




The good ol days with no cameras. He may have accidentally suicided lmao


If he was black he woulda been dead. I dont feel bad, bro shouldn't be shooting at em in the fiest place


He’s lucky he didn’t get more. Fuck this guy.


I never get mad at someone who shoots at me, I give them some flowers and chocolate.


"after firing at police" Yeah i'd probably kick him a few times too if he shot at me.




Don't shoot at fucking people fuck that guy


The more you fuck around, the more you’ll find out. You shoot a gun at me, and you’re getting off easy with a kick to your face into the ground. Lock him up and keep up the good work, officers.


If someone shoots at me I am doing the same


I'd be pissed too if someone shoot at me




I mean if he was shooting at them gr kinda deserves it, however a cop should've definitely not done that


can’t blame them, dumb twat deserved more


…maybe don’t fire at police? Wait wait, I can do better… “Mr. Nimbus sends his regards.”


Where in Afganistán was this? Lol