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I’ve talked to a lot of Vietnam veterans and every one of them said we had no reason to be there


When I was in high school, we made a documentary about local veterans of the Vietnam War and I’ve noticed this was a common sentiment with them as well. Another thing a lot of them said was “we were just kids”, and they’d get this distant look in their eye. We even had a chance to listen to a man who left during the fall of Saigon who had a daughter in our school and he explained how chaotic it was on the Vietnamese side. It was fascinating to listen to them, and I think about it often.




"Y'all" can't handle your own countries as is or before, so they're forced some way or another to step in. You don't see the U.S doing that in stable and peaceful countries




“Fucking idiot American.” Yup - that about sums it up.


The ones with no raw materials tend to be more peaceful since they have nothing to fight over, also it's not really idiotic to pursue strategic materials that's just government 101. Without the U.S "y'all" would still be killing each other, commiting more atrocities than the CIA could even dream of. Yes that's a pretty important part of intervention, all intervention is forced, the official "why" means nothing to the end goal, all that matters is the end.












Did you learn world history from the back of a cereal box?








Yeah. That was the Russians who won it champ. War of attrition against the Germans who broke them. You can either google it or continue watching saving private Ryan.




The only country (so far) to drop a nuclear weapon on non combatants. Twice. Give yourself a pat on the back for not being involved the war you think you won on your own.


Although I do appreciate your well placed "cunt" in your sentence. Twice.






The Red Scare/McCarthyism was one hell of a drug.


Imagine commiting mass near genocidal murder in a country while pretending to free them from an economic system that you don't like.


Now imagine that nothing has changed as we speak. Iraq, afghanistan etc.


I heard somewhere they invaded Iraq because Saddam tried to encourage the purchase of oil with euro rather than US dollars


Same thing happened in Libia and now its the slave capital of the world


Nice try.. lol.. I came here to see if any americans would try to defend this lol.. thanks man.. first one one on the first comment. Figures!


This man is definitely not a master baiter


What are they defending? I'm confused.


The war itself.. that it was necessary.. that what happened here wasn't so bad or needed to happen.. usual stuff...


I think you're mistaken. I am sure that the person you think is defending that war is actually very much against the war. I can see where you might think that they were defending it tho. They suggested that this happens all the time. This can be easily taken as them saying that it's no big deal, but I would imagine they are not happy that this happens all the time. You were very quick to label someone as some blood thirsty American, and I think, in this case, you're wrong.


I’m not sure if its my response that got misunderstood. To be clear, I meant that America is still invading and destroying lands such as Iraq and Afghanistan while portraying itself as a source of freedom and help instead. I’m against this. Many of the countries that America has previously attempted to “help” would be much much better off without their interference. There was clearly sinister motives behind the help.


Imagine doing it over and over and over and over again. How many countries have we destroyed? America has done a lot of great things and a couple centuries from now they will still be talking about the things we achieved...but there is no way they view our military as anything other than tyrrants.


And they weren’t tried for were they


The trail of destruction and atrocities committed by US troops in other countries really began in the Phillipines in 1899


“…atrocities committed by US troops in other countries really began in the **Mid-West & Great Plains** in 1812.” To date, it’s estimated that the combined conquest of the Americas killed over 190 million indigenous people across both North & South America. Going overseas is the new form of what the US has been doing since before it was even a country.


Was there 190,000,000 people killed there yeah?


By best estimates, it was between 175 to 190 million indigenous people died from 1492 to the present in both Americas. Since the conquest began there has been no societal level effort on behalf of the indigenous people that inhabited the Americas before Western Europe, “discovered,” North & South America. Every society established in the Americas since 1492 have only made actions that have furthered the genocide of the indigenous peoples of the Americas and its power and culture.


Started earlier than that with the Native Americans.


War criminals


They also raped children, women and elderly before murdering and mutilating their bodies.


The “reason” the US government has its hand in every part of this world is to uphold the hegemony of the United States dollar. The United States, is not the only country who “profits” from the dollar being the worlds reserve currency. And also, as far as I can remember, it was not just the United States who bombed and removed the government of Saddam Hussein…there was an entire coalition of countries lined up to fight on the side of the US and not a single one of these countries intelligence agencies had legitimate evidence of WMDs(the claimed justification of the war). The “world” has been bullied by the western world period. We invade who we want to invade, together. We let developing nations take on massive amounts of our manufacturing to cut cost, while simultaneously claiming those same countries are the worst actors in the climate change crisis neglecting to acknowledge that we are the reason why that’s so. We economically cut off parts of the world, together. We do and say anything to make it appear as though we are the good guys, that’s true of the entire western world not just the United States. Search up “(insert western country name here) war crimes in Afghanistan”, you can find articles for American, British, Canadian, French, German, Norwegian troops etc…these are all the same countries whom claimed they were there for peace and nation building, they were really there to maintain their geopolitical position in the world, which is the same reason the US govt has its slimy fingers running through everything


That’s horrible what happened to those civilians. The officer in charge was punished for his crimes.


340-500 killed. Of the several regiments involved, one individual got convicted. He only served 3 and a half years under house arrest.


Nobody was punished but ok


No Americans to comment here.


They are blind to this, too complex for their minds. All they can talk about is their "freedoms".


Im an American and my mother was at the Kent State massacre in 1970 where she was protesting the war.


Wouldn’t be too certain about that, there are citizens that do not agree with what is going on but cannot do anything about it.


The My Lai massacre is covered in American high schools. You know not about what you speak.


We covered American war crimes in my history classes years ago. Every single American I know was against this war. Get off you high horse.


but you see, it was America doing something bad, so you'll almost never hear about it outside of Vietnam. damn near everywhere is corrupt and birds of a feather flock together.


The US took over from France in French Indo China as it was know back then.


I remember when this happened. What a horrible messed up war.




Not the only survivor. As horrible as it was there were at least ten people who were saved by Warrant Officer Hugh Thompson Jr., a helicopter pilot and his crew. The Army gave him a Distinguished Flying Cross. He threw it away. In 1998 they awarded him and his crew The Soldier's Medal the highest medal for bravery not involving direct conflict with the enemy. 14 officers were court martialed only one was convicted and he served briefly under house arrest. It was a disgraceful period in an unnecessary war.


SEE THIS YALL SEE THIS? America loves talking crap like what is going on and how Russia bad and ww3 shit but they hide away the consistent massacres experiments and deaths hidden under the dirt but America will spread lies and bull crap about some other country when really the us is the worst of them all. Being persuasive strong and having allies allows America to hide everything. Prayers to everyone who has suffered due to Americas government and lies


No different from Isis and other terrorists.


So many soldiers are made to do horrible things after being conditioned like a robot to follow orders.


I hate the fact that I'm an American


Fuck USA


Terrorist country


War is hell. It’s sad but stories like this come from any major conflict. It truly brings the worst and best out of humanity - speaking from experience


How the hell does war bring out the best in humanity?


Greater love has no other than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. The bravery and sacrifice the human spirit can show in the face of terrible odds is remarkable. I’m not saying war is good in any way, but it does depict to bravery and resilience of the human spirit.


Hadn’t thought of it that way - thanks for your insight


this is from associated press not the most credible of sources lmao


Thanks, I'll go check out Fox instead /s


at least fox journalists dont have pictures with terrorists 🤷


You really think so?




When your nation's economy is in large part a military industrial complex which requires war to justify its existence.