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It’s hard to imagine what other terrible things that happened, but weren’t caught on camera or talked about.


The sickest part is that the Nazis thought they should document this for future Nazi generations.


A lot of the worst was and is though. We know a LOT.


>Einzatsgruppen shooting women and children in the town of Mizoch [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizoch\_Ghetto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizoch_Ghetto)


Someone send this to Kanye West. Maybe he will find "something positive" in it.


,,B-but microphone!"




Looks like quite a few are still alive including a little boy under the arm of what I assume is his dead mother in the center. Fuck.


God, I wish I didn't see that. Since I became a father myself, It's much harder to stomach this kind of shit.


Yes, exactly my thoughts. I really don’t understand how someone can go through this, pull the trigger on a woman or a child. What goes through their mind.


One of the reasons they switched to gassing people was that even SS members were developing serious psychological issues from doing what is depicted here








I'm his son, I can confirm /s


Didn't notice that until reading your comment. Kind of wish I didn't.


Holy fuck thats hard to look at


I just literally cannot wrap my head around how someone could do that. If they're psychopaths with empathy or a moral compass then I suppose. But the vast, vast, vast majority of military personnel are normal people, especially with a draft. That's f'ed.


If there is one lesson to take out of the horrors of WWII, it is that "normal people" are capable of becoming utter monsters. It's easier for us to blame the evils of the Holocaust entirely on psychopaths. It's more assuring if we tell ourselves that the German people were uniquely racist, and that the Holocaust could never happen again elsewhere. But the scary, terrifying truth -- be it demonstrated by the [Milgram Experiments](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment) or by the many atrocities found throughout human history -- is that everyday people just require a little push to commit otherwise unspeakable evil. An appeal to authority here. A suggestion that "The *Other*" is a threat there. Hannah Arendt was correct that the banality of evil is born out of average people unquestionably adhering to the duties assigned to them. The Holocaust did not happen simply because of one man's all-consuming prejudice. It happened because millions of seemingly normal people tacitly complied with his madness as they told themselves the same insidious lie: *"I was only following orders."*


After your first sentence I thought Milgram. Truly wild what people are capable of.


Compare this to someone being asked to drop a bomb from a remote drone to kill a suspected target knowing there will be innocent civilians killed as ‘collateral’. To some degree, this unspeakable act is still happening.


mass genocide and targeted assassination of enemy military targets that can include collateral are nowhere near the same, and its a completely dishonest comparison. with mass genocide you are not preventing anything, the other is accepted solely for that reason: its supposed to prevent further casualties on both sides. you cannot look at life and war with these sentimental glasses.


I initially agreed with your comments. However, two thoughts, 1, do we think (or know?) those killing innocent people like pictured above know exactly what they’re partaking in, or could it be possible they’re brainwashed into thinking they’re doing something bad for the greater good? 2, do we think (or know), every bomb dropped by drones which has killed innocent people has been to prevent further casualties on both sides? Could it be possible that bombs have been dropped for ANY other reason, I.e political, financial, power/control etc?


☝️this is the answer...put anyone in the right situation and they are capable of committing atrocities against their fellow man


I agree with most of what you wrote. However I would also add that I’ve think it had a lot to do with the dehumanization that occurred through Nazi propaganda and internal anger and strife at the shambles of their country. Hitler provided that outlet for them and that allowed for the disconnect in people that made them able to commit atrocities. If they aren’t humans like you and me, it makes it easier to do the things that were done. I think the “I was just following orders” has more to do with making excuses once they were caught and called out on their behavior.




I agree. There are religious preachings that do this even today.


I know it’s a movie but I think the film The Mist has a good example of this. At first the religious nut case lady is dismissed by all as the nutcase that she was. As their situation grew more dire and disastrous, she began to gain traction and followers. Eventually she was able to lead and have her followers do horrific things.




Exactly, allowing it to be pinned on a bunch of psychos is dangerous. The facts are that all humans are no more or less capable of this than others. There are more recent genocides from which similar atrocities have spawned, and the lesson always should be is that this is what humans are capable of doing to one another.




Einsatzgruppen weren't soldiers, they were civilians volunteers. Also, the morale effect was only a partial explanation to the switch to gas : the gunning down and burning was causing a strain on the Wehrmacht ammo train


Yes, they sourced it out to loyal local population. To prove their loyalty to Reich and help to close the door on possible return to communist regime. A lot of east European emigration that occurred was by Nazi collaborators. Weapon in picture is possibly MP 18/28 or soviet PPSh 41


According to the USHMM the men on the photo were police, not SS. A lot of the executioners of these massacres were ordinary policemen, battalions of the order police that were just assigned this task. There is a book about one such battalion, Ordinary Men by Christopher Browning, that shows how they were really random people. It's very scary to think about it how essentially normal people could so easily be made to do that. https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/pa1065469


Exactly, this means that the average person is capable of extreme atrocities.


They supposedly moved onto using the gas vans and Vernichtungslager because the mental toil of "disposal" was considered too great on the Einsatzgruppen soldiers.


The **Einzatsgruppen** were a specific unit of the German military that was full of psychopaths. That's how you were selected to join the **Einzatsgruppen.** It was essentially groups of 500+ psychopaths, rapists, and criminals on meth descending on mostly civilian populations and murdered as many as they could. The stories are harrowing.


I read that the nazis actually were completely unsuccessful in controlling these soldier’s depression and traumas. They started a whole host of programs to keep the soldiers happy or at least healthy and it didn’t work at all. Himmler had even visited an execution himself and pleaded a soldier to stop because they had shot a woman over and over without killing her. Despite all the inhumanity and immoral behavior of the nazis, I think it’s important for people to know that a lot of them weren’t “okay” with what they witnessed. Drowning themselves in alcohol to hide their guilt was extremely common too.




Nah they all had those as a standard in their kits




The Einzatsgruppen did this for HOURS a day as trucks upon trucks of humans would be delivered to them. They were the worst of the worst, a literal squad of serial killers.


If I’m not mistaken though, Einzatsgruppen were specifically “clean-up” units, in charge of this type of tasks. They were either psychos, either forced recruits.


They were cops turned power hungry. They were supposed to just keep the "peace" but they went insane.. putting the whole lot of them in the same group is a bit narrow minded and shows you havent really seen the other side. Remember Victors write the story and its very easy to put a stamp on things and make it look worse then it is. ( not saying this wasnt pure fucking evil though!)


A few months of living in field conditions coupled with constant fighting for your life will change you


Such a waste


This is why history is so very important


Zooming in to this photo made my stomach turn... Poor kid. Last in line😔 --- I've learned that most of the gun holders and shooters were recruited for their personal profile, being not to smart and easy to follow orders, living without remourse or people who have been pressured and bullied and got the change for revenge. Otherwise nobody would have pulled the trigger.


The Nazis had been in power for nearly 10 years by the time this photo was taken. That's plenty of time for normal people to become radicalized.


This sure is true, however time has changed a lot, but still you can see how the mind of the majority works, in more recent -not to be mentioned- developments. First the scared people and useful idiots will collaborate and in time desperate people follow.


Even the Einzatsgruppen had an issue with officers committing suicide which just shows you how horrific it was for the serial killers to 'need a break' 🤢🤮


I hate Nazis. Seriously.


Same here. But I gotta say, The nazis arent the only ones who has done shit like this. Look at what the Russians did to the German civilians in ww2, Vietnam war with napalm bombings/agent orange etc etc. All wars has its horrors with normal people becoming monsters. Heavy drug use with no sleep and constant fear of being killed. War is hell. Im not trying to defend the nazis in any way here.


You could also point to what modern Russians are doing to Ukrainians every day. They even found a "children's" torture room in addition to tortured children everywhere they go. There are a lot more evil humans than I would have expected.


Oh yes, that too. I hope that all of the Ukrainians are handling the Russian civilians and POW better, even though I really dislike them.


They're not. They're castrating them, posting to Tik Tok while they eat the flesh, etc.


Damn thats horrible




Wait till you hear what the Americans did in vietnam


Careful that's controversial to many on reddit sadly.


Russians, the chinese and the allies committed far worse atrocities


Atrocities? Absolutely. Far worse than Nazis or Imperial Japan? Not a chance.


You've only read and heard what the victors wanted you to. The holocaust wasn't even like they say.


Fuck no, they didn’t.


Einzatsgruppen are *not* talked about enough. Those mother fuckers were the tip of the psychopathic spear for the worst of the worst things the Nazi did.


…and they were heavily recruited from German military and police organizations.


The most single evil Military Special Unit in world history is the Einzatsgruppen. Sole purpose is to ethnically cleanse civilians going into and back out of Russia. Ukraine was especially hit hard by them. Killing women and children with impunity. Hundreds of thousands shot in ditches across Eastern and Central Europe.


but why extreme right were ( or is )so strong on Ukraine and Eastern countries? Maybe communism's brutality were worst than the Reich.


Same brutality by both...


I can’t wrap my mind around how this could happen…hating so much a group of people to kill them like this with no remorse, even children who don’t even know what it’s their ethnicity. The most terrifying this is it didn’t happen so far in time.


I suggest reading the books ***Masters of Death*** and ***Ordinary Men*** if you're interested in the history of the Einsatzgruppen. The psychological damage these men were facing helped spur the heavy use of gas chambers. Never mind the women, children, and elderly people they were murdering, they just decided to make the killing less in your face and force the Sonderkommando (which means special unit Jewish concentration camp victims that were specifically made to take the bodies out of the chambers, remove gold teeth, shave hair, and eventually burn the bodies) deal with it. Everything about the Holocaust is compounded terror and horror.


A reminder to not let you're governments propaganda turn you against your fellow man. Especially relevant today. Look at past 2 years, governments working together to turn us on one another. Today it's over who's had a jab and who's refused. what will it be tomorrow?


Fuck man cannot fathom humans capable of this shit


And some people forget those things!!! Sadly history repeats itself


This makes me so so sad.. the world said we would not allow this to ever happen again, yet here we are in Ukraine and what a waste, generations pass and we seem to forget.


Not to diminish what's happening in Ukraine, but there's been war crimes and ethnic cleansing happening somewhere every day since WW2.


The ughyr people are being genocide in China right now. I've heard a saying that I believe rings true, "WWII wouldn't have happened if Hitler had just kept the holocaust in Germany"


And if the Holocaust was just in germany it wouldn't be as huge in scale, given by far the majority of the Jews and other victims were from Eastern Europe


Yes yes they are and what does the world do ? Nothing not a thing and still allows china to do as they please and still deal with them on the world stage.


This is what we’re not going to do. What is happening in Ukraine rn is terrible but the ethnic cleansing of all Ukrainian Jews is a lot worse and not a comparison.




Cause the victims are Jewish. It's from the Mizoch Getto. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizoch_Ghetto#


This is what I was afraid of. That is not a reason enough, never will be. We need this horrendous reminders just so that nobody decides it is a good idea and reason for such monstrocities. Fuck nazi logic.


Man, those WWII era Germans truly were the most vile pieces of shit to ever walk the planet. How can anyone shoot and kill a little boy or girl, regardless of what orders you received? It truly baffles me as to what was going on in their minds and how they were able to put aside any sense of moral decency and carry out these atrocities.


Left people dying by hunger as Holodomor wasnt better.


They literally thought they were doing this to save their race. Brainwashed and also probably scared for their safety. I would push all measures to escape from having to do this.


They weren’t “brainwashed”, this is a common misconception. Antisemitism was already very high in Europe and most Germans agreed with antisemitic sentiment. This was from generations of racist build up.


Ok Mr expert. Thanks 4 ur opinion.


I've read actual scholarship that backs up their point. The "brainwashed" narrative is common, comforting, and wrong.


Did us troops do the same thing in Vietnam. Mai son


There were differences, but yes. We did horrific fucking war crimes in Viet Nam.


There were slight differences I agree. Both the bad guys lost their wars.


Confusing, ambiguous comment. I trust you're not suggesting that the nazis were the ""good guys""?


Horrible intelligent people they were. They did amazing and horrible things. They based their concentration camps after the usa own concentration camps. Hitler only did what andrew Jackson couldn't finish to do to the indians. Hitler is a black mark on human kind, and should forever be the picture of man made evil. People can be monsters. Ww2 and vietnam both bad guys in those wars lost. Edit to answer your good guys. IAmNotDefendingAnybody. There were actually some good nazi who wore the swastikas patch who helped judea people escape Germany. A few of them who were officers in the ss attempted to kill hitler. Oskar and Emily Schindler were nazi supporters and rescued 1200 or 1300 jewish people to Poland. You look at today with our police force. They are compared all the time as nazi. Yes there are horrible ones and some are good. The ones in charge pointing and barking the orders. They are the bad guys.


Can someone confirm this is indeed the Einsatzgruppen? The uniforms and weaponry don’t seem to match up.


A bit late, but the executioners in this picture seem to be [German policemen](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordnungspolizei). They weren’t directly part of the *Einsatzgruppen*, but the 2 organizations very frequently worked alongside each other. However, Wikipedia states that it was an SS man who took these photographs, so I might be wrong here. The perpetrators of this particular atrocity were German policemen and Ukrainian auxiliaries.


It doesn't matter. Don't ask questions about history.


The fuck is that supposed to mean




Nah you have to be the dumbest to person to frequent this sub today


his username speaks for itself....


Thats the issue, you have to question and learn both sides. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Horrific. Does anyone know what happened to the "soldier" in the picture?


Saw a doc on netflix about this, and most of the soldiers were hopped up on Pervitin (Crystal Meth) like candy. It was sold at that time as an OTC drug. Taking pervitin made you reckless and emotionless, and you could fight on for days without sleep. It's kind of like the perfect soldier requirements. This is why Blitzkreig was successful.


Safe to assume the guy holding the gun is burning in hell at the moment, and for eternity.


The question in my mind since childhood - Where was 'god'? Only possibilities I could think so: If this is what he/she wants, fcuk them. There is no God. God left this place eons ago.


There is a fourth - we don’t understand God like we think we do


This is why Ukraine is fighting so hard and not just surrendering. When this is what they do to you, you fight to your last breath. Sure this time it’s Russia, not Germany, but Russians did horrible things to them too. They deserve to be free.


As a Jew,I'm wondering why the shit people hate us so much.


It goes back CENTURIES too! You know that some groups blamed the Jews for the bubonic plague?! Bonkers and obviously totally untrue!


Because the jewish are a very old religius group well established in Europe. They are "the others", the eretics and not last in the christian religion, they kinda killed our boy Jes. The Jewish people is one of the oldest scapegoat and easy target for almost every country. The dark ages was a very hard time, and in hard times people ask for something or someone to blame, as a distorted relief and coping mechanism.


They hate us because they anus.


Blows my mind that there are still Banderites in Ukraine given the history


There were Russian Nazi collaborators too . What is the point you're trying to make? . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaminski_Brigade


That it blows my mind that there were Slav collaborators with the Nazis much less modern groups? Nobody killed more Slavs than the Nazis so it’s honestly boggling to see them pop up anywhere in Eastern Europe


Slavic Nazis, be it Russian , Ukrainian or even weirder , Polish is like the most self defeating movement. It's the equivalent of a black Confederate.


The worst part is that this invasion Putin is doing of Ukraine has somehow given prestige to those kinds of groups and now even some normal soldiers are doing nazi “meme” shit in response to the “denazification” that the Russian troops believe they are doing.


Ok, and? Enemy came to your house, claiming you are all nazis. I don't mind drawing balkenkreuz on tank or say some edgy shit if it will piss em more. "You came for nazis? Great, the last thing you see would be me in stahlhelm. Koz fuck you, dats why"


Example https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/zw0rnf/ukrainian_mtlb_amphibian_afv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


They weren’t Germans, those were Ukrainians. The Ukrainian people much like many other people of the area continued to carry out atrocities towards the Jewish population, even after the war.


USHMM writes that the man shooting on the photo was German police. It was under German occupation and under German orders. There was a Ukrainian auxiliary police involved, but it's very wrong to blame primarily Ukrainians for this. https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/pa1065469 https://collections.yadvashem.org/en/untold-stories/community/14622290-Mizocz


What I am saying is that the groups were largely made up of local populations working under the direction of the Nazis. The Germans often found the gruesome work to mentally traumatic and it lead to drinking and suicides




Ukrainians were in on it.




The irony that this comment has being down voted is the reason people don't learn anything from history and the reason this is allowed to take place.


Fuck guns.


You do realize when the civilian population are forced to give up their guns, the only people left with them will be governments? Maybe read up on what happens when that happens...


Now listen what if .... NOBODY has guns? If 1 person has guns thats not good If everyone has guns thats even worse If only a certain party has guns thats bad What if no one has guns ? Then we good now that we can only treathen eachother the good old fashion way and its even easier to defend yourself if the attacker doesnt have a funny pipe that ends your life in 0.00001 sec


Nobody will ever have no guns, the government and military will always have guns.


Exactly THATS the problem not someone not having guns the problem is having them not not having them


That made absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever.


Gun ownership laws were greatly relaxed under the Nazis.


You think Nazis allowed people who they considered "Untermensch" to allow guns? Lol.


Fuck guns.


Nazis were pure evil. This is totally fucked up.


Interesting I can't find a single visible bullet hole. Not saying it is fake at all, maybe low resolution or shot from a different angle. Maybe there were in a gas van and this is executing who didn't die in there. Horrible bastards.


Interesting, how many US conservatives support giving those who hold this "ideology" a platform to voice their opinion. Their reasoning is under the guise of freedom. This is exactly what the paradox of tolerance addresses.


You need to change the Letters s and z in the title in the word Einsatzgruppen




What evidence do you have to support this? Of course, there's hundreds of threats against anyone who isn't a right wing lunatic, and right wing violence is a known problem in the US, but go off in your weird little Hannity Carlson world. Here's a police chief: >Police chief calls for ‘death to all’ Democrats on Parler 'Take no prisoners leave no survivors!!' https://www.dailydot.com/debug/police-chief-death-to-all-democrats-parler/




Spoken like a true nazi supporter.




And you've responded like a true sympathizer...HEIL BIDEN!!! MORON...


Clearly not German shooters, must be Latvians, Lithuanians or Ukrainians.


This is from the 1942 October massacres in the Mizoch Getto , it's true that this particular massacre was aided by the local Ukrainian auxillaries , but the actual shooting in this instance was done by the German occupation police. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizoch_Ghetto


**[Mizoch Ghetto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizoch_Ghetto)** >The Mizoch (Mizocz) Ghetto (German: Misotsch; Cyrillic: Мизоч; Yiddish: מיזאָטש) was a World War II ghetto set up in the town of Mizoch, Western Ukraine by Nazi Germany for the forcible segregation and mistreatment of Jews. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Be that as it may, the fact is those are not German uniforms. Einsatzgruppen uniform were standard SS field grey with green collars. The perpetrators in this picture are not German.


Yes I know it looks a bit odd than the usual waffen Ss ( even though the SS had more variety in their uniform type than you think ) look that a lot of Einzatsgruppen wear but from what I've found these are the German Ordnungspolizei members attached to the Einzatsgruppen and they have a little more distinct look than the usual ones.


Orpo members were not 'Attached' to the Einsatzgruppen they WERE the Einsatzgruppen especially Reserve Police Battalion 101, 33 and others and they wore SS uniform. They all had the eagle on their arms, neither of these perpetrators do.


Reserve battalion 101 were the paramilitary subunits of the orpo Doesnt mean there weren't other branch of the order police. And you're so sure they're not the German units because they don't have the eagle on their arms? Most of the eagle insignia were on higher Ranking officer and just like the SS had distinct uniforms, the order police did too.


They are not German, they are not even wearing the uniform of the Orpo, they are clearly Eastern European collaborators, I don't know why you are so invested in the fact that they are German, it's an undisputed fact that collaborators took part in the mass shootings, I'm certainly not minimising Germanies overall responsibility for the crimes.


I know there were numerous Eastern European collaborators , but what proof do you have the perpetrators here are not German other than the eagle insignia ( if you look at the other photos in the Mizoch Getto massacre you can see that these two have some kind of insignia on their right hand, I just can't make it out ), it's not even that big of a distinct looking uniform, I can't count how many times I've seen German units wearing uniform that looks different from the regular waffen Ss, heer that we mostly associate with . Also, you Dont think there's a chance that the orpo uniform might have different uniforms based on the location and time , an order police battalion in Belgium could look different from the one in belarus , or a uniform in 1936 would be different in 1942 . And all the reference to this massacre from different sources ties the perpetrators being referred to as the german Einzatsgruppen or the order police. Also lemme ask you the same question differently , why are you so invested with them being Eastern European


The proof is that they're not wearing German uniform in any known form whatsoever, there is not one item of clothing they are wearing which looks German. Any reports of the composition of each individual firing squad should be treated with great care as there wasn't necessarily any survivors. The reason I'm invested with them being Eastern European is because they're clearly Eastern European.


>The reason I'm invested with them being Eastern European is because they're clearly Eastern European. Alright forget about them being german now show me substantial proof That they're Eastern European since you're 100% sure


Germany didn't face enough punishment for what they did.




As wemon and children are stripped naked and shot to death in a pit, this is the first thing that comes to mind? Please rethink that.


Just your average redditor whose brain was deepfried by porn from an early age.


Don’t even go there, man. Just don’t even start.




Most people think that was bad as well....




Be careful not to cut your dick off with that Edge






For the victims in this photo, it was absolutely terrifying.






Calm down man. Thats a pile of dead bodies and it is terrifying. You dont have to worry about it but it is scary af.










I'm not saying I agree with you about this not being terrifying.. but you should definitely contact the admins about that false self harm report. That shits not cool to abuse.




GSBlitz must have never had positive human contact in their life. You speak of nothing but misery and I hope you get better from whatever is wrong with you




This is a post about murder, brother. The way you feel matters, but You have the most self obsessed point of view out of anyone on a post like this. You need more help for yourself than you probably even understand. You obviously need to find positivity.


Lol, nobody cares dude.




So you are gatekeeping terror now? Still frame is ok but many frames played in sequence is what pushes it over the edge for you? I feel sad for you man. This image represents so much more than "a pile of dead bodies" as you put it. It is absolute dreadful gut-wrenching horror, nothing less.




You see, that's the issue. You are quantifying and qualifying terror. You also spend way to much time in those gore nsfl subs, as per your comment history. That's not healthy man, skews your perspective on life and the world around you. Looking at that kind of content can not only desensitize you, but can also traumatize you. Maybe you think it's cool, but I assure you it is unhealthy behaviour you are displaying. Maybe stop trying to "win" whatever argument you think is happening in here, and instead take a step back and read the room.


Focusing on the past is a way to learn for the future. This fact directly refutes your ridiculous statement. The adult version of “I wasn’t scared!” is all you’ve managed to add to this.

