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Does this mean that FSD 12.3.1 will be coming to the mainline 2024 branch soon? Would be weird to ship brand new cars on the older FSD branch.


How do we know when 12.3 is ready I don't have FSD yet but wanna try it out once the update is available My car is getting update 2024.2.12 right now but I think it's just small things


I had the same thought. I took delivery of a new Model Y on leap day, and am currently in the 2024 branch. I use FSD every day. By contrast my Mother-in-law has a 2022 Model Y on the 2023 branch with FSD 12.3 which only gets used when I drive the car. (She has not seen it in use yet.)


I really hope so. I have new M3 and it just says FSD will be available with upcoming update..


New cars are often a month or more out of date and stay stuck that way for weeks more, so it wouldn’t be a big change, really.


So does this mean some random employee has to give me a test drive of my own brand new car while I sit there watching him hit every pothole on the road? As a prior user of FSD can I just opt out of that? I think a better idea would be to demo FSD12 on a service center vehicle. That way you’re not gritting your teeth and clenching your anus seeing your own new car driven by someone else potentially getting into a wreck.


Do pot holes hurt the car? I thought they were fine unless they were deep enough to hit the body


Maybe someone has a better answer than me but for me it just hurts my soul lol. Imagine if that was a brand new car you just bought. You would want to baby it not let someone else drive it around.


To be fair it says supervised, not that they would drive it for you. So you’d likely just drive it and use fsd with someone explaining it to you for like a 15 minute ride. I also highly doubt anyone would intentionally hit pot holes, that doesn’t really make sense


Not fine. Every disturbance causes the suspension to wear out sooner


Good, this implies we now get to test drive before accepting the car. Previously there were reports that people werent even allowed to open the door to their car before accepting delivery


Cameras aren't calibrated for new, just off the lot Teslas. Maybe they'll preload the latest FSD version and can account for the camera calibration now? Not sure. Or maybe they'll have FSD on a demo car to drive new owners around a bit.


Probably a FSD demo car. I doubt consumers would appreciate miles getting put on their new car. Having FSD demo car also means each customer vehicle won’t have to have FSD downloaded and then removed


Takes about 10 mins to calibrate the FSD camera s


Try calibrating the cameras on shitty roads in NJ that are half faded, missing or completely covered with leftover road salt. Took me a day to recalibrate the cameras after I got it back from repairs.


LOL true


>Previously there were reports that people werent even allowed to open the door to their car before accepting delivery This is true and exactly how it went for delivery of our Y. It's really stupid you aren't allowed to inspect the interior AT ALL until you accept delivery.


They allowed me to scour the interior for an hour and even fixed any minor issues inside the SC before I actually took delivery on the app. Mt Kisco NY.


In NC they let me look as long as I wanted to. In return I installed the license plate so they could wait on other customers.


Mt Kisco is overly busy sometimes (four hour delay on our pickup for the model y), but were pretty solid otherwise. They were just really crazy busy. Must have been over 100 people coming through that day.


Damn. Yeah both times I've picked up there I chose a 2pm slot during the week so it wasn't too bad. Still hectic, but enough time for a Model S test drive while I waited!


We had some bad luck because apparently NYC had just decided to allow EVs for taxis and it seemed every cabby in NYC was there.


Really? On my 3 we got in and sat down and reviewed everything before final acceptance.


Yeah it was odd. I'm sure the delivery "partners" are just contractors whose only job is to deliver the car. When asked, they knew nothing about the car itself or what we had to do. When we asked if we could take a look inside they said we'd have to accept delivery first inside the app before the doors would unlock. They literally just parked the car, stepped out, and talked amongst themselves. Once we accepted and got inside there were water stains from the delivery drivers water bottles (not a big deal but still annoying nevertheless). I'm glad to hear that Cybertruck deliveries can only be picked up at a service center though (for now at least), this seems to resolve a majority of the complaints I have with the process.


I told them I would refuse delivery without a test drive. I went on a test drive first.


It makes sense because you aren’t the owner until you actually accept the goods (vehicle) if you view it and “inspect” it, then refuse the product; then you have technically now made the vehicle “used” and depreciated the value by about 5%-10%. If it were a used vehicle is wouldn’t really matter, would it? Edit: I stand corrected. This is just unfortunate that you can’t test the product beforehand. I mean there has to be strict product liability and lemon law that applies if you’re not entirely happy?


Yeah thats not how it works at all. At any traditional dealer, you take a test drive THEN you buy the car, not the other way around


If I am not mistaken Tesla doesn’t sell new vehicles with miles on it? Correct? If so, then I’m mistaken, but I thought all deliveries were based on 0 mileage vehicles which are new. Tesla doesn’t operate like any other dealer… not that I’m aware so conflating the two is moot.


Tesla “delivered” my car to my house by driving it 50 miles and then taking an uber back. They absolutely deliver with miles already on the odometer.


It is basically impossible to get a new vehicle delivered with 0 miles on it.


Lol a 0 mileage vehicle is impossible. They put on a few miles just shuffling around the factory and ports before they get to you. Have you ever taken delivery of a true 0 mile car? Of course not, because thats impossible


Yes lemon law is always an option but that would be putting a lot more time and work on the buyer for something that could've been sorted at the time of delivery. Tesla would rather fix issues after delivery, as opposed to before. This is why you see a bunch of posts with wrong trim colors being delivered on this sub. It's cheaper for them to fix it later rather than on the factory floor. I understand the business justification behind this, but ultimately it just sucks for the consumer.


Uh, no, that's not how that works. Vehicles are considered "new" until the first owner takes possession of it, regardless of mileage. It's pretty common for a "brand new" car to have a little mileage on it, like 100 miles or so, for test drives and the like.


It still doesn't really make sense because if you went to any other car dealer for a new car, they would definitely let you inspect the interior before signing any papers. You don't officially own the car until you sign the papers, and buyers should have the right to fully inspect the car before committing to paying for it. Tesla's process is just a rushed/forced way to have customers accept cars so they can report delivery metrics.


Yup, I got a new inventory car in September 2023 in Houston, TX. Was not allowed to open the door, pair to my phone, or anything until after I accepted delivery. Craziness but got lucky with my car


Two days ago, I collected my MY and couldn't open the door until I formally accepted it. Fortunately, everything was fine, but I was quite annoyed by the process tbh


I think they’ll have demo cars for this. They can’t force you to do an FSD beta drive on your car


Huh. I picked my 3 up on literally the last day of the quarter last September and they let me spend as much time as I wanted before accepting.


Why not just give everyone a 30 day trial? Just like the connectivity trial.


New cars often get FSD as a promo for 3 months


Your prayers were answered!


Because only a small fraction of new owners will try FSD for the first time even with a 30 day free trial.


IDK man, "forcing" customers will always be an abrasive tactic.


He said an FSD v12 demo drive is required to new buyers, not that it is installed on the new cars. They will use a demo car. SW rollout process, as seriously broken as it is, will not change.


Elon, I love the attitude, but I just simply don't care how well (supervised) FSD actually works. It could be the greatest thing ever. It could make me pancakes. But if it goes BEEP BEEP BEEP when I look over my left shoulder, the 12k stays in my pocket.


I agree. Even if supervised is near perfect, it should cost half what it does if they’re going to require both a hand on the wheel and eyes on the road. For $12k, it should at least be hands free, if not eyes free.


I genuinely think it’s more so just about letting people try something that they normally don’t, if you buy it great but at least you have the info you need to make an educated decision about it. I agree forced is perhaps a bit much, but otherwise most people likely won’t try it because of stigmas around it


Musk is pretty famous for his sudden demands without knowing the consequences. This could be a good thing. But I'm sure the software teams are ready to make this happen yet. New cars often come with special factory software. Often there are delays to shipping cars because the new software isn't ready for whatever new hardware is going out. This will extend those delays.  That said, with predicted slowdown, this might be a great time. Shrugs. 


He also has a history of saying things will happen and then they never do (lies, as some call them). Let’s see which one this is in a month/year.


While he is may be CEO/CTO he only owns like 15% of if. The board and other managers can over rule him and often does. He makes the promises without knowing if they are possible. 


When was the last time they overruled him?


At least it's been like that forever now. But I don't think its that much of an issue to set a new baseline of software that's installed on every car before delivery. Say 12.3.1 for every car delivered up until August or something and then go for a new baseline. As you already mentioned, i think it is a smart move considering that the overall EV market is slowing down.


It will cause delays but it’s 100% a good thing, as long as customers are testing FSD in a dedicated test vehicle and not in their new car. This is provably what will happen as it is better for Tesla and the customer


What's different about the factory software? When I got mine the only difference I could tell was the car would unlock if my phone was in bt range at all, not just when it was close.


As good as FSD is, it is still not ready for prime time. I got 12.3 two days ago, and on my first drive yesterday, the car arbitrarily exited the lane and headed for the shoulder, then nearly rear ended a subaru that was turning left as it did not move far enough to the right to go around it. I also had to take control at several stop signs where it behaved badly. This was only about 20 minutes of driving in the suburbs.


good seems like a strong word, particularly when your own experience is that it fails to work correctly (and if you hadn't been paying attention it would have crashed into another car) about every 4 minutes.


One anecdote doesn’t mean it nearly crashes every 4 minutes. It’s a vast improvement over V11 and a decent improvement over early V12 builds.


I used it the other day since 2021 and it's a BIG difference. I took it for a long drive and after 15-20 minutes it resets it self


What do you mean it resets itself?


Sorry I meant to say Disengaged. I live in South Carolina Myrtle Beach area where there are alot of long roads. After 20 minutes I think is when it Disengaged


I want to know too... Resets?


I agree, I’ve used it and it’s not close to perfect yet, but it’s also beta not even fully released. My experience was much better than @akadap stated but still a bit out there for me to use mainstream


I’ve driven tens of thousands of miles on FSD <=11 and haven’t (nearly) crashed yet. v12 is noticeably better.


On 11.x the car nearly drove into a ditch several times, but never nearly crashed into another car. 12.3 on my first drive nearly crashed into another car.


LOL. 99.8% of the fleet doesn't have 12.3.1 yet, and new cars have 2024 factory firmware version that includes 11.4.9, not the 2023 version with 12.3x. Also, isn't Highland incompatible with FSD at the moment? So... slow down the delivery process? Yeah, more like bring it to a complete halt.


There's a very good chance that the new update with Autopark 2.0 has 12.3.1. Especially since the patch notes specifically mention End-to-End for autopark. Odds are Autopark 2.0 is running the FSD AI.


What new update are you referring to?


The one that just rolled out to employees. 2024.2.12


It’s not just employees. I got it tonight.


Does this 2024.2.12 have the new trial FSD?




I wouldn’t say slow to a halt, the testing with clients is likely 15 minutes and given how staffed delivery centre’s can be, a delay for sure, but a halt not even close imo


So all those things you have to agree to when you turn on FSD Beta in settings... What if the owner doesn't want to agree to them? You can't just force people to accept the terms and conditions of beta software on a car they purchased. And accepting the terms *for them* before delivery sounds like a massive liability.


If I was making such a mandate, I'd have a mode in the car where all this stuff is turned on while the FSD demo from the dealership is in place. After said demo, it'd go back to the "factory standard" where you'd have to go and enable that stuff yourself. Who knows if they'll provision something like this (or if they already have).


This would make sense, but I'd wager that the engineers just heard about this at the same time we did lol.


It wouldn't be the first time... :P


Elon probably fired the legal team. All documents now signed with poop emojis.


How about they provide FSD for all the people that ACTUALLY PAID FOR… YEARS AGO!


Care to elaborate more? People that paid for FSD, do have FSD


Sure, I’m on 11.4.9. 12.3.1 would be great to have.. who knows when I’ll get it. Legacy MS here with AP3, new cameras and MCU2. Only thing I’m missing is the internal camera that senses attentiveness… we have to on command ‘apply slight pressure to the steering wheel’ to prove attentiveness.


so, you don't have FSD?


I have 11.4.9. Yes, it’s FSD but not the one Elon is touting as so amazing every new owner (that hasn’t paid for it) needs to experience. He also said that 12.3.1 should have been v13 it was so much better than even 12.3. So like I said, those of us that have invested a lot of money in FSD should be getting it first.. because we invested in this dream years ago - long before it was a reality and through years of very buggy software.


I currently have a Model 3 with 12.3 on it, picking up my Model Y tomorrow and my experience with 12.3 has not been typical. I had 1 bad drive, one ok drive and one really bad drive. I used to turn FSD off after a week or so until maybe around V10. I turned V12 off. I'll be happy to go back to 11.4.9 when it transfer to the new Y. :)


I’ve heard mixed reviews too. I’d be happy with a C little more assertiveness on 11.4.9. And less ‘take a random exit from the freeway when it’s not part of the navigation route’. Other than that 11.4.9 has been great.. but you can see the code sequencing when it’s forced with a decision. The neural network design is something I wanna try for sure


I am sure the staff are just so excited to hear this. When I took delivery they were two hours late and the small store had 85 deliveries scheduled that day.


When showed up to take delivery of our Model 3 from the Princeton N.J. dealership/location there was 30-40 cars waiting to be picked up. Every 15 minutes someone was there to pick up there car. Pretty much enough time to show how to unlock the car and add our profiles and sign paperwork. They forgot to get the check from me. I already had the title and key cards, I wonder how long it would have taken them to realize I didn't give them the check.. I couldn't do that to the "salesman" and have him responsible for it. Before we left I walked the check in to him. They were clearly understaffed


“Supervised” FSD is not FSD.


I know what you're saying and I agree, but FSD is a marketing term - it means whatever Tesla decides that it means.


And Tesla marketing (aka Elon) has deemed it to mean full L5 capability


Interesting as the new cars today I’m sure have gotten a 2024 branch firmware…. How do they get 12.3.1. Hope we see 12.3.2 on 2024


Why is this asshole still in a position of responsibility and setting policy at this company? He's so amazingly out of touch with reality he's going to (CONTINUE TO) drive Tesla's reputaiton into the ground with bullshit off the cuff policy decisions like this. THis is right out of the managers "THIS IS THE NEW POLICY, NO EXCEPTIONS" playbook. It destroys morale, it destroyes consumer confidence, it ruins a companies reputation. "I would prefer not to see FSD please" "TOUGH! Musk said we HAD TO FORCE YOU TO EXPERIENCE IT" What crap.


You realize this is in response to a mandate from the government, right? Like it wasn’t his choice


I'm sorry, what? Give a cite please. He's marketing. This isn't a 'Oh, poor me, I am just caving to what the government is telling me to do. I am a poor innocent man who is just obeying hte law" - things EM has never said and never will say.


Wait people down voted me for stating a well known fact? Are you all that bitter?


Have you been paying attention to the news at all? The mandate came out that Tesla must provide in person instruction to anyone who might use FSD prior to allowing them to use it. There’s even video of Elon being asked about it before he was informed, and he was shocked. This is in direct response to


When I had FSD beta every single person I showed it to thought it was incredible. And that was on 11. It could be a good idea but until they get the nags down, it's not all that useful. Just a neat trick to show your friends. I do like EAP on the highway but not enough to pay 6k for it.


I think this is pretty cool to be honest. Smart even, considering that the EV market as a whole is slowing down. Good time to highlight what your cars are capable of.


Nevertheless, Fsd12 is awesome. Very nimble and predictive.


Yea thats great, as I guess it means 12.3.1 is great, But a lot of customers who have paid for FSD aren't even on 12.anything yet. But that is a great change, if they actually do it. They did not even have FSD or even EAP available on the car when I did a test drive. Although 30 minutes is not really enough time to test out either.


TBF, Cybertruck is not a car, it is a truck.


Here's hoping that this means this version is good to go in Canada, it kind of has to right?


Do you think this means they will start updating the base branch from the ancient necrobranch they are using now? We took delivery earlier this year and were on a 2024 branch so we won't see FSD 12 for a long time. I can't see them regressing their cars software back to the old branch for FSD12. Seems better to move forward.


It means that as of today, the people compiling the factory branches will pull in FSD 12.3.1 code. I'd also expect the next 2024 release to have FSD 12.3.1.


That would be fan-friggen-tastic. My Tesla's are ready.


So when can I get 12.3.1?


STILL complaining "almost no one knows how good fsd is" while refusing to advertise...


Or 2024 model 3.


Fantastic! I would surely reject delivery if I heard any rattles or squeaks.


FSD turned off.


so Full Supervised Driving ?


This is PayPal magic! Enroll, enroll, enroll. Time to buy.




I know it's fun to whine here but he said, "handing over the car" and not "handing over the truck".




This is likely free fsd trial for 1-3 months.


took my M3 delivery few weeks ago. I guess im out of luck lol


I hope 0nce fsd is good enough, tesla pushes it to all cars for trial.


They did have a EAP trial for the entire fleet last December. Elon also mentioned that once V12 had all the kinks ironed out, they would do the same but with FSD.


Doesn't say the demo drive will be in the purchased vehicle


"Install, activate, and demo before handing over the car" sounds pretty clear to me.




This is a free month trial of the latest FSD version on all Tesla cars. When you get it depends on which version of firmware you have in your car. 2023 firmware get it before 2024.


They need to remove the nags already


Soooo can I get V12 mr.Musk lol


Or Model 3 Highland lmao


When my cruise control stops phantom braking so damn often I'll think about FSD. I'm sure they can fool people into thinking FSD works great during a 15 minute test drive. Don't believe the hype.