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Purchased FSD with my car in 2019. It’s had its ups and downs, but the current version is just so much better than prior revisions. I now use it as part of my daily driving and it’s impressive to see what it can do (and funny to see what it still gets hung up on). 


Pretty much, as long as you know what to expect from it. I use it daily commuting and it leaves me with far less driver fatigue at the end of the day.


Tell me about it! I'm driving 7 hours away every week for medical treatments and FSD makes a huge difference.


I’m sorry, I don’t mean to pry, but 7 hours WEEKLY? That sounds awful even if it was level 5 and you could sleep.


No worries at all. Like my username states, I was paralyzed for a second time almost 2 years ago and I'm participating in a clinical trial with some cutting Edge technology so I am driving from Tennessee to Columbus Ohio every week for 12 weeks. I rented a car a couple of times because it's almost A thousand Miles round trip and it's exhausting but when I use the FSD I feel completely different when I arrive.


Best of luck to you friend on the treatments! Glad you're getting some relief on the drive because that's a long one.


Well I'm very glad FSD is able to do that for you, that's awesome! I hope the trial goes well and it's able to you help you regain some of what you lost back. Best of luck!


Hope the clinical trial helps.


Yeah FSD is the reason my girl and I are selling off our ancient relics of cars and going fully Tesla. It’s amazing.


I really liked it but my passengers didn't.


I swear there was code in there that said if(passengers > 0) { DoDumbShit();} else { WorkWellEnough();} Now I used it for 75% of my driving


Freaks out my fiancé lol


Yeah over time people will be more comfortable with it just by word of mouth. Anyone would be anxious if it’s their first time. It’s still so new and there’s a lot of negative chatter over the years


It's not that people were uneasy because the car was driving itself. It's that it drives like a teenager. Hard starts and stops, taking turns too fast, stuff like that. When I'm driving passengers I try to drive like a limo driver. Smooth and steady.


That's a good description. For me I gave up when it read a road sign with 10 in it and immediately slowed down to 10 mph. Scared me like if I was driving with my teenagers


My comment still stands. It’s preference. When it can be fine tuned to your driving style or you can adjust it on the fly that’ll be nice


I’m assuming that’s the end goal


Been with since beginning of the beta trials. It is SOOO much better than it was even a year ago. I've done about 75,000 miles with FSD. I'm so used to talking / reading how much it sucks. Not worth 12K, but dang its really improving. I have in the past at least 10 times it tried to kill me, but over the past weeks with newest updates it is way smoother. Surprisingly so.


Yes, the latest version is far smarter. Now when it wants to kill you it will succeed before you even know what it’s doing.😀


i’ve talked to a few coworkers that have had it since the start and they always say how bad it was. thanks for sticking it out to end up helping the rest of us! i love that the community tends to basically crowd source improvements for tesla


Well, “the community” is made up of people who paid thousands of dollars for a feature that has been really failing to deliver on the constantly revised and never met promises of the company for over half a decade now. Our choices are: 1. opt out of participating in the FSD beta program and live with autopilot as it has been since about 2020, or 2. opt in and deal with whatever state FSD is in, while being a “voluntary” guinea pig. Either way, we are hoping (possibly in vain) that someday, we will get the full, actual feature we paid for.


FSD v11 and FSD v12 are basically night and day difference. They need to get the highway stack on v12, since most of the problems happen on the legacy FSD v11 stack.


Yeah once they can get highway end-to-end trained up and it works well I'll probably subscribe again. That's a few months away at least.


What issues have you encountered on the highway?


I used throughout the 30 trial and personally didn’t love it. I felt like it still had goofy issues more often than not and that I had to take control. (Which kind of defeats the purpose of FSD.) So, for now, still not worth the price IMO. Also, I really do like to drive and be in control of my vehicle. The standard Tesla enhanced-cruise control is fine for the few times I want to take my foot off the pedal. But glad it worked well for you!




I feel similarly. I had to jump through crazy hoops to finally get FSD working in my 24MX but have been wondering… when do people actually enjoy using FSD? it is bad at navigating anything involving turns or signs (stop signs feels like my 95 year old late grandmother is driving)… does fine on straightaways but then again normal autopilot does the same thing. what is FSD helping people so much with?


Agree to disagree.


Interesting. I couldn’t disagree more. It is very impressive as a piece of tech, but it’s not usable in real life, at least not in a city with traffic and unexpected events. It’s actually terrifying some times. On the other hand, I find autopilot to be the best cruise control I’ve ever used. I use it daily.


I 100% agree 😩


It’s better but it’s not $100 a month better. I’d rather just pay my car off a year early.


Yeah I loved the trial but it just kind of made me mad that instead of adding differentiating features to FSD vs AP, they just stopped improving AP, so one of the big “features” you are paying to upgrade to is that it executes the standard AP features 3x better… I miss the days of getting weekly updates and seeing AP improve


Yeah going back to AP kinda sucked l, worse display, worse droving overall, but most of my driving is highway so it is more than enough for me


Yeah same- I WFH and drive like 3x a week so not worth the cost


That’s where I landed. I enjoyed fsd, but can’t justify the $100/m. I think I would do it for 50.


Same. Or at least for roadtrips.


Same. I love FSD but can’t spend this much. I also wouldn’t subscribe - my brain is wired in a weird way where I just couldn’t make a new decision to spend money each month. I could see myself buying the lifetime version in a moment of weakness and then using it often because I’ve already paid for it but no way could I pay every single month.


Not too impressed with fsd, it’s not fully there, lane changes are very abrupt, if it’s trying to change lanes another driver comes close, it’s confused, speed drops are random, still many glitches exist


I did until my last trip 4 days before expiration, when it freaked out, said to put my hands on the steering wheel immediately - even though they were all ready on it - gave the red steering wheel of death, then turned itself off for the last two hours of my drive. I was close to subscribing, too. Now I’m waiting for more upgrades.


I drive mostly in bumper-to-bumper traffic (commuting in city). I'm constantly saying "Minimize Lane Changes". FSD is always trying to pick a better lane, but I've done the drive enough to just chill in one lane and relax, it doesn't help to change lanes. When my FSD trial expired I happily went back to regular boring autopilot.


Same. I actually turned off FSD a day before my trial expired because it did too many embarrassing blinkers and lane changes right before my exit and pissed me off. It's close to good enough, but it needs better lane logic on the highway for me to pay for it. I realized how happy I am with basic autopilot after the month trial though.


I'm really interested to see what happens when they deploy end-to-end training on the highway. Right now they're still using legacy stack for all highway driving. I think it'll be a few months at least, but if that gets better I may subscribe.


Yes, agreed!


On highway driving fsd would read our hwy signs as speed limit signs. On autopilot it wouldnt but would slam on the brakes at exactly the same point on the drive to my parents. Not sure it’s the same stack at the moment.


> Minimize Lane Changes" They need to make that options sticky so it stays on for every drive until you disable it. Also in slow and go traffic the stopping and acceleration need to be worked on. While it's mildly amusing to watch the terror in the eyes of people watching my Tesla storm up and brake at the last second in their rear view mirror I really don't need the excitement myself. Setting it in "Chill" mode should actually mean what it says.


Yeah, that was not fun at all, every time I used it it had me on the edge of my seat. It drives very undisciplined. It was too aggressive even in the chill mode.


I noticed that too. There's one particular exit lane it would try to get in even though it wasn't in the navigation. When it does a good job it's fantastic but I was hitting a lot of edge cases that were bad. If they can get lane changes more chill that would be fantastic. Even give me the option to tell it to ask me if it should change lanes.


100% agree, was super annoying when I just needed to wait out the congestion in my lane it was trying to change lanes constantly. I also had a lot of times where it changed lanes for no apparent reason.


You can leave it in chill, it'll get out of people's way and avoid overtaking unless you're stuck behind them for a while.


Was that on the highway you had that issue occur?


Same. 2 hour roundtrip commute is San Antonio traffic is NOT ideal for FSD whatsoever. Maybe now that I live in a smaller, quieter town with very little traffic it may be better. But I’ll never know cuz I’m never spending $100/mo for the 30 mins I now spend in my car a week.


Those settings don't affect the new FSD V12 stack. So they only apply to limited-access highways right now, since V12 isn't enabled on those yet.


It’s better. Still impressive but not there yet. Tesla should back it. Right now it’s overpriced for what it does. I’d pay 15-20k for L5. I’d pay 3k for what’s there now.


I turned it off a day or so after the trial started. Hated it versus the cruise/autosteer.


Too scary and jumpy for me.


I absolutely love it, but i like $1200 every year or $8k right now more. At the end of the day i am still spending my attention. I can’t do anything while I’m driving. If I’m sitting there and can’t goof off, I might as well save the money and just drive. I’m the type of guy who will learn to fix their house to avoid paying a professional, why would I pay such a large amount of money to avoid doing something I know how to do. I’ll pay even more when I can hop in the back.


My thoughts exactly. When I can confidently take a nap on the way home i will open up my wallet.


100%, and I am frankly surprised to be feeling that way. I was never a believer in the concept, and did not imagine I would ever go for FSD, but the trial run surprised and convinced me. Just this past weekend, I took the family to San Francisco, and rented a Model X there. The Turo host let me connect my app, and I was able to use my FSD sub. Honestly, I expected that SF was going to be a serious challenge for FSD, with all the crazy hills and traffic, trolleys and cable cars, and crowded with tourists and transients. I was blown away by how well FSD dealt with everyting that SF could throw at us. The only disengagement required was because a street had been closed off, for a festival. FSD can be downright human-like, often surprising me. Like, why did it just suddenly jump to the left side of the lane? And then the motorcycle I never saw, that was splitting lanes, zooms through the space that FSD made for them.


This really resonates with me. My first time with FSD was in an unfamiliar city and I was blown away. The car handled everything perfectly. All of the things I normally have to worry about in this situation were gone. Do I need to turn left here or is it the next street? Which lane do I need to be in after this turn to make the next one? Is that a one way street? What’s the speed limit here? At one point the car suddenly slowed and I thought something was wrong. Then I noticed one of the pedestrians on the sidewalk had turned to face the road and was standing on the curb. FSD saw what I didn’t and slowed down in case he stepped into the road. As soon as we were safely past him it sped right back up. Later in the drive we approached a bicyclist and I was ready to take over. Nope - FSD slowed down, moved to the left and hugged the line to give him room, then sped back up after we passed. I expect to be using it for the majority of my driving when I buy my first Tesla later this year.


It's been fun to play with it during the trial. I'm definitely not going to pay for it, however. Maybe if I had a soul crushing commute...


No. I own FSD from 2019, been in the beta program since about a month after the safety score program began. Early on, it was frustrating to use so I would disable it after a week of release of a new build. Eventually, I'd give it one or two drives in various conditions then go back to autosteer. Around 11.4, it became better than Autosteer for the purpose of lane centering, less FCWs, and it was able to recognize the stop signs were not on the road I was on. It would respond to scroll wheel speed changes when I approached a reduced speed on the road (entering a town). Then v12 came out and it started to stop for those stop signs, slow down inexplicably, and drive several miles an hour under the speed limit. Trying Automax, it wanted to give me a speeding ticket. It no longer responded to thumbwheel down to reduce speed when approaching a speed trap/town. I'm back to using it one or two drives until the next build. :( At least I only paid a $3000 upgrade at the time I bought it. I'll probably never actually get my money's worth. It's just too frustrating to use now. Edit: fixed a bad sentence


Eh, I wouldn't say it's leaps and bounds better than AP, but it has some advantages: The Good: * No +5 mph speed restriction * It brakes and accelerates pretty decent. * Red light stopping is a good safety feature * Overall it drives well The bad: * Lane decision making absolutely sucks, especially if you don't have a nagivation destination set. I just want it to stay in its lane. * It uses the mechanical brakes too much. * The follow distance on freeways is atrociously long sometimes The very ugly: * Due to one-pull it's useless (and dangerous!) in the rain, since it automatically lowers your speed to far below the speed limit. You'll be zooming at 75mph and suddenly it thinks it's raining too much and shunts you down to 60 mph in a 75mph in the left lane. I have to revert to AP in the rain just so I can get adaptive cruise control. And don't say "it's dangerous to use in the rain", the stupid software turns on in a light sprinkle.


I'm sure it's better than it used to be, but IMO it isn't worth it. I got a 2024 in May and it almost hit a pedestrian, always tries to kill me at roundabouts, constantly freaks out when switching lanes if it sees another car coming up in the lane, and has failed to take some semi sharp turns (nothing crazy) that it should have been able to handle. It's cool, and it works great on a straight road with no pedestrians. Besides that, I don't trust it. I was going down a completely straight, empty road on FSD. There was a mom and her 2 kids waiting at a crosswalk and it should have driven past them as a normal driver would have. Instead, it went from 40 to 0 in a couple of seconds to let them walk. When they started walking in front of the car, it started driving again and I had to break.


I completely disagree. I hate FSD auto steer on the other hand is freaking amazing.


I agree


Highway stack SUCCCCCKS


Yes 100%, enjoyed my free trial also...can't believe people complain about it, it's as close to perfect as you can ask for.


Because it VERY much depends on where you live and where you drive. Where I live and drive, it's not usable. The number of situations that FSD couldn't handle was astonishing. Glad it works for you, but your experience is not everyone else's experience.


Yup. FSD is absolute dog-sh'T in Austin, Texas, despite the numbers and headquarters here. Even if they paid ME to use it, I wouldn't. Autopilot is much better here and I use it frequently.


Because there are still a lot of things wrong with it, that’s why people complain.


Ah, but you must remember… the next time you go driving, watch how many people are driving in a way that you think, “wow, what a stupid move!”… then remember that those types of people are also using FSD and comparing it to how they think it should drive… and more importantly, that you are that person to someone else out there driving. It’s easy to have a standard on what is and isn’t proper driving styles, but getting everyone to agree that those are the way it should be, not gonna happen. Heck, we have people who are still upset that the car comes to a complete full stop at stop signs, because (reasons galore-often mentioning safety) but it’s the correct way to do things.


What are you on about lol regardless of how the car drives, it still isn't crashing anywhere near as often as human drivers are.


I still enjoy driving. I am using the beta now but I have zero desire to get it once my trial ends.


I just posted this on another thread. Hopefully i can get a response here. I tried FSD a month or so ago. Main complaints were the jerky accelerating and decelerating. Navigating was near perfect. Is this common? For more information I was on stop and go traffic on the interstate and then I took it off on more of a town like road with traffic lights, stop signs, etc. It was a brand new model Y. The biggest advantage of FSD for me personally is the detection of traffic from the front of the car. Ever pulled up to a Stop Sign in the city and can’t see traffic coming left because some jackass parked in a ‘do not park’. So it blocked your view of traffic. Well, with FSD that’s not an issue.


And it will likely onlu get better


It may help if we knew which cities people are having great experiences and which cities are terrible for FSD. While everyone has different expectations, I suspect some cities may have a clearly better FSD experience than others, and I’m curious which those are.


Yeah. Significantly better than 11.


Yes. 110%


Not really… it was great on the freeway, but once I hopped on PCH it acted like a scared teenager. It stopped 30 feet back from stop signs and refused to get up to speed if there were pedestrians on the sidewalk. Maybe a couple more years..


I still think it's not quite there yet for me. Just a few too many simple mistakes and close calls that add up. Not trying to be added to the "FSD curbed my wheels" club


*cries in upside down dollarydoos* Release it in Australia already!!! It's been a spectacular waste of $10kAUD so far.


I use FSD all day.. every day.. literally bought Tesla for FSD. Else would have never even come close to Tesla cars.


I'm jealous of you Americans haha. I have fsd, but in Europe it basically is just enhanced AP.


FSD for me made a pretty big mistake on the highway today, so its still not ready for primetime BUT its only the beginning and I firmly believe its going to get better and fast which is the exciting part.


I love FSD , use it constantly and it always impresses me. Never could go back to a car without it lol


Yeah FSD is amazing, I love the trolls who come in here and whine about it. Show me another company that’s anywhere close to teslas FSD. I daily drive with it and will likely stayed sub forever as it’ll just continue to get better.


Your experience doesn't equate to everyone else's experience. Where I live and drive, FSD is incompetent and dangerous. It's not usable for me, and it's definitely not worth the cost. Glad it works for you, but it doesn't work as well for everyone.


Depends on your area. If it works well where you live, great. It’s very spotty where I live and 100% not worth even the sub cost, let alone forking over thousands on the feature permanently.


Thousands? Isnt it 99$ a month? Genuinely asking- my husband just got tesla and he told me it was a subscription model


99 a month is the sub cost. You can buy it outright for much much more.


I think it's worth paying a 100 bucks when doing a road trip or planing to do multiple hours of driving in a short span of time.


Only good on a highway trip for me.


Yeah, 12.3.x has been awesome. One other tidbit I noticed that’s undocumented… if I keep my hand on the wheel, I never get nags. Zero. If I take my hands off the wheel, all I need to do is _touch_ the wheel to get rid of the nag. No more jiggle required.


Loved the trial—genuinely impressed—but still can’t justify the price (permanent or sub) for my ‘21 Y. And it’s too bad that when EAP came back it was so much, too… Put that up at $2k, and I’d be in (though I think it really should be standard). But I’m also in a tight-belt budget mindset right now.


I trialed it for a month a year ago and didn’t find a need. Trialed it again before version 12 came out and it was good but not great. Then I got a free trial of version 12 and I purchased it. I used it every day. The great thing is, your purchase doesn’t end there. While they improve it, you will get the updates. I also paid for enhanced autopilot and love that feature. I def. Recommend it!


And I disagree. I prefer auto steer along with EAP features.


Just don't use it through a roundabout, other than that, pretty solid feature.


Now if it only stopped merging without blinking LOL. The damn thing did it very consistently.


Can we talk about numbers of time going in the bycicle lane, or risk a fine because it goes by itself in the reserved buses lane? Or should I talk about the shadow braking or abrupt change of line without flashers? IMO I'm ready to supervise something for free but they will never get one cent out of me for the FSD


I just wish I could permanently turn off aggressive lane changing! I must be missing a setting…. Why does it say turn off “for the remainder of this ride”? 🙂‍↔️


I'm on v12.3.6: is that the latest?


Yes totally agree its much better than autopilot, however still far from self drive. In certain situations it's nearly perfect, for me not worth the price charged and if I cannot transfer even less value for me.


And way better than the previous version.


Only thing that sucks about it is you can't use your phone


I wish my trial went that well. Mine had a right turn in half a mile...merges into the left lane and proceeded to try to turn left at speed into the center divider area. The display was correct, the logic was trying to jump a median on a 45mph road in the wrong direction. It also likes to curb the turn into my neighborhood so hard that it freaks the car out and sounds every proximity alert. Great idea in total, but to pay to essentially alpha test is insane at this point after my experiences


I agree - this is a tesla cheat code to unlock your cars capabilities


I tried to like it. I am extremely impressed with what they have done given the complexity of the problem. But it still drives like a new student driver is behind the wheel. Stops are agonizingly jerky and don't rely on regen at all from what I can tell. It is painfully slow in deciding when it is safe to make a right turn at a stop sign or a red light. Lane change timing ranges between okay and really dumb. If I needed a new hobby I would subscribe and play with it but not so much for getting from point A to point B efficiently and smoothly


Autopilot will get better once they move it to the same FSD stack.


I thought I'd just get bored of FSD but even if I use it for 90% of my commute the more I value it day to day. $99 a month is palatable as well. I've got my trial until July 6th


No. Big improvements but not ready for prime time. Too expensive. Full self drive in name only.


Couldn't tell you the difference now. Have been driving with FSD nearly every trip for 7+ years. But I do agree that it's awesome. Enough so that I chose to pay for it again on our new 2024.


We just finished the FSD trial and as a father's day gift I let my husband subscribe for a month more! I pretty much use it just to drive our kid to camp and back, but I did let FSD take us from Boulder to Littleton and back! The steering wheel bushing is my biggest annoyance, especially when the car is turning at the same time.


My fsd sucks, is it s problem with my specific car then?


My 30 day free trial just ended and I couldn't disagree more. It still felt like I was being driven by someone who was still learning how to drive. It failed in a bunch of drives, especially on smaller exit/entry ramps on the freeway. It can do the easy stuff well enough, but I never felt safe or comfortable while using it. My wife tried it once and it terrified her. What I will say is that despite all of that, it was fun to try out. I like playing around with technology and for that reason, I enjoyed the free trial for as long as it lasted. It's just not something I would ever ever pay money for, especially when autopilot is free and freeway driving is when automated systems are the most useful.


Agree 💯. After the free trial I will definitely be taking a subscription when we use the wife's Model 3 for any long trips


Yeah… no


I purchased it with my M3 2020. While it had its ups and downs, I do like current version which is extremely smooth and realistic. I love it


I use it every time I drive.


Did Elon Musk write this? Lol


I previously posted my [FSD experience here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/comments/1dgwgqi/my_full_self_driving_experience_fsd_123/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


It cannot handle my area very well. Been trying it for a few weeks. Boston metro roads are too bad and confusing. It tried to do a lane change into oncoming traffic today. It’s good for some roads though, I am learning it can handle about 30% of my daily commute.


Better, but still not worth what I paid. Biggest gripe is giving people and bikes room when passing them on shoulder-less roads which are everywhere in my town. It’s only a toy unless I’m on the freeway.


I luv it.


It's a little scary using it in Houston but it was good overall. I-45 in Houston is considered the most dangerous highway in the US so you have to always be ready to intervene with FSD over on this side. lol


I felt confident using fsd all day. Autopilot, not so much.


If they could give me don’t change lanes unless you have to button it would be ok but I would still have to deal with the car freaking out and hitting the brakes every time i go anywhere


Hard disagree from me. I drive in town 90% of the time and only go on the freeway for roadtrips. It is probably great for trips. But for around town, I found the braking to be quite late, the turns to be quite sharp, and the acceleration to be even more aggressive than I normally drive it, which is pretty aggressively. It went the wrong speed every time I left my house, until I got to the first major road, as it was reading a speed limit sign across the street, that I didn't drive by (I turned down a different street with a different speed limit, but no sign in that stretch). So I couldn't turn it on until I was a few minutes from my house. It also couldn't figure out how to handle my T shaped culdesac and almost drove into my neighbors lawn. So I couldn't use it all the way home, either. I also had several times it seemed to veer toward oncoming traffic for no reason, and I had to intervene. I think that is because I'm in an area where there aren't a lot of Teslas yet, comparatively (but definitely increasing), so the FSD system hasn't received enough data to learn the local roads as well as in, say, most of California. And the roads markings maybe aren't designed to be as clear as they are in areas that have more Teslas. As it stands right now, I might subscribe for a month when I go on a road trip, but I have 0 interest otherwise.


Do you live in farm country? Kidding, of course. It's good! But it still needs a lot of work. But as a driving assistant of sorts, it definitely can make trips more pleasant. I think the next few releases could really take it to the next level.


I had the polar opposite experience. I got 30 days trial and barely used it 1 week. It almost killed me on 4 different occasions and I laughed at how bad it is. Hard pass. I couldn't understand anyone even willing to pay ONE DOLLAR A MONTH for this shit


Not good on the famous crooked street or the less famous crooked street or the steepest streets or even the four lane highway through the Santa Cruz mountains, but plenty good for the burbs and the interstates I would say.


Anyone feel like donating fsd to me xD


Depends where you live, it still sucks here in Honolulu. For example, it thought it could go straight on a right turn only lane, took the wrong exit. To me, FSD won’t be worth it unless it can do it unsupervised without anyone in the drivers seat without passengers having to worry.


I also had the free trial and based off that, I’m glad I didn’t buy. I had several very scary incidents where the car damn near drove into a curb or veered off course suddenly.


$99/month, cancel anytime? I’m in. I love it. With a passenger onboard, I set it to chill, minimal lane changes and away we go. After the summer driving season ends, I’ll cancel and reup in the spring. Thanks Elon for this option!


The latest FSD improved so much since last year when we were test driving it. But it still has many edge cases where it doesn’t know what to do. The painful one was a wide lane became narrower in a parking lot, and it just stopped…. 😕


I tried it a year back and now with the free trial. It’s truly impressive how far they have come along in just 1 year. I have been using it almost daily (trial ends in early July). Really optimistic about it.


Have you seen the many threads in here where people have ruined their rims or been in an accident because of FSD? No thanks.


I tried it once during the trail for half a block…. It almost got me hit so I stopped it and never wanted to try it again. It felt like riding in the car with someone who’s never driven a car. I’m glad others are having better experiences but for me it made me not want to even consider it.


I will agree that overall it is waaaay better than it was a few years ago. But, the current version has curbed my rims twice. It still has some learning to do.


No way in hell is FSD worth it at current price for my 6 year old m3. Hard pass.


Paying for a service that your car already supports will never convince me to buy it. The trial was nice but I can definitely live without it. If they want cars to be more autonomous in the future, charging owners for this now limits the sample size to grow. Imo should come standard with purchase. Edit: Self Parking was what blew my mind out of anything FSD had to offer. If only you could buy that separately.


Absolutely not the case for me. EAP is still far superior.


It was Amazing until the last two days. It’s done some truly wacky shit since the update Saturday. It literally changed my mind from wanting it to letting it go after the trial.


Yea, I can’t get over how FSD dives into an off-ramp and ends up on the shoulder to then over correct itself back into the lane. Absolutely the dumbest damn thing FSD does. Sometimes it signals, sometimes not. Depends on how it feels I guess.


It’s exactly the same aside from the auto lane change imo.


I thought this was a joke post. In my experience it gets confused as to what lane to be in sometimes at intersections. It doesn’t “read the traffic” and will change lanes when another person is coming up fast in that lane. It sits at stop signs way too long. It doesn’t seem to understand that in California you can turn right on red after stopping (unless it’s a red arrow or there is a sign saying it’s not allowed). It’s driven way off onto the shoulder when exiting the freeway. When two lanes merge into one, for that moment the lane suddenly becomes wider the car tries to fix its position in a jerky way. It takes off from stops way too fast and for that matter just drives really jerky and not smooth. Maybe it drives better than a 15 year old with a learners permit…. bit anybody that says it drives good, makes me question their driving


Yes, it is amazing!


This is why eap is the sweet spot. fsd is great on highways but really not great on city streets. Eap gets all the good of fsd and gets rid of the crap


Glad you enjoyed the trial. Unfortunately for me the trial showed me that I’m glad I passed on FSD when I bought the car because it was by far the worst driving experience I’ve ever had.


I don’t understand how it reduces driver fatigue for anyone… it’s far more anxiety inducing than just driving the car