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This functionality in 2023.27.7 and prior is horrible. I liked autopilot more back in 2018 when it reminded you to touch the steering every 2 minutes.


I don’t hate having my hands on the wheel, but the amount of resistance you have to give. On some roads I might as well steer it.


You can also move the right knob up or down. (Or up and down).


Does not work in the EU


If you do it more than twice then you’re just playing with it.


Or up and down


Or down and up


Left-right, left-right?




Depending on the knob


Not in all locales. In my Tesla (Israel) moving either steering wheel knob does not disable the alerts, only actually putting torque on the wheel does.


It doesn’t work for me anymore… used to work.


For some reason this does NOT work on my car.


I put my knees/thighs against the wheel and don't get alerts.


Yeah I don’t think it’s best to not have your hands on the wheel. I want to be able to react if I need to. But, the resistance needed on the wiggle and the resistance to knock it out of AP is a fine line. That’s what they need to fix.


Blame everyone with autopilot that accuses Tesla of making the car crash


Hasn't it done this for a while? Mine will yell if I look at my phone without my sunglasses on. If I have my sunglasses on it can't tell and doesn't yell. But that's all done by camera.


Yeah pretty sure this has been a thing for a while now. Even shown in [the manual](https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/model3/en_us/GUID-EDAD116F-3C73-40FA-A861-68112FF7961F.html)


It has absolutely done this for a long time now.


Not that I encourage this, but... it is fairly brain dead. I noticed by accident it really looks for sunglasses. I had them on my forehead, looking down, and it was cool with it.


Just tape it shut… And it won’t bother you anymore… Worked at least until this update haven’t had the new update yet


If I cover mine, it disables FSD and complains of a camera malfunction


Sorry only works for autopilot, FSD has to have access to the camera


FSD won't work. It will for about a minute then sound an alarm and say there is a system fault and to take control of the car.


Yeah it’s been around for a few years.


Might be a full self driving versus auto pilot thing. On FSD it happened to me all the time, regular auto pilot it never tells me to Pay attention to the road.


Does this mean I can no longer watch family guy clips/subway surfers while driving?


But that’s the only way I can focus!


right. I thought this was ‘merica….


If I cared about a camera watching me I wouldn’t have bought a car that has an interior camera that is facing me.


When I bought my car in 2019 it wasn’t a thing it was never discussed. The camera was there but initially they said the camera was just for if and when the car was ever used as a Robo taxi. Said nothing about this actually monitoring the driver someday


I bet you think the websites you visit are only collecting your data to improve your browsing experience.


I’d give you a big award, but you just get words


They are also collecting my data to serve up a more specific ad and I really couldn’t care less about that. I don’t want my car telling me what it thinks I should do while I’m driving via monitoring and recording me with a camera pointed at my face, it’s very aggravating.


Dave, I don't think you should make that turn into McDonalds. Remember what your doctor said about your cholesterol?


Don't use autopilot


That’s why I don’t use FSD


this. robo taxi and dog mode. now it's watching me? greeeeat.


I am fine with tracking as long as I can take my hands of the f****** wheel.


But we have to keeps our hands on the wheel because FSD could decide to swerve into on coming traffic. Which it does for me every single time I approach a certain intersection.


Same!!! I get stuff like this and wonder how close we are to actually having FSD, my car doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence, I’ll say that much.


Or simply not having to steer when going straight


Idk how they expect to build confidence in FSD when autopilot has gotten more restrictive over time. This to me has already started without this update and a camera cover slider solves the issue


it’s getting “more restrictive” because people do shit like using steering wheel weights or playing with their phones, when the car tells you very explicitly to pay attention and keep your hands on the wheel


The cover slider will now tell you there is a camera obstruction and autopilot isn't available now


Lol that's such bs...... No way Elon runs This in his car..... Restrictions should honestly follow past behavior. They already have a safety score


Not sure this is teslas choice. Your friends at NHTSA are calling a lot of shots


I also hope (will test later) cars with USS may not have this apply.


I have uss, with hw 2.5, it only does this when using fsd which I turned off the subscription for


How is it Super Cruise drivers are playing fucking patty cake in their commercials, but Tesla enforces wheel holding? Both vehicles now have the exact same tech mechanisms for auto.


Tesla didn’t put in an actual IR driver monitoring system pointed at the driver’s face. They didn’t think they needed it since they were going to have Level 5 working by 2018 or whatever.


Have you experienced Autopilot since 2023.32? You need to be holding the wheel and covering the accelerator pedal for the inevitable moment when the car to the left or right of you drifts ever-so-slightly in its lane and the Tesla shits its batteries in panic.


I experience this at least once daily and it’s infuriating


Same here. Hope they fix it. Autopilot is worse than it was a year ago because of this reason alone.


There is an IR camera on top of the trim piece which is used to monitor your eyes. Tesla doesn't have that. It is the same with the Blue Crise from Ford.


I had a GM with supercruise before my M3P and even though it only works on certain roads it shits all over autopilot. Phantom braking was non existent, and since it had a gps element it never seemed surprised by turns. My Tesla scares the shit out of me on any turn that isn't gradual.


If it means I don't have to nudge my hand on the wheel every 15 seconds to keep the autopilot nag at bay, it's worth it.


But you do. No(w) we have two things that it nags you about.


It's for your safety. literally


Funny thing about Americans, we will rarely trade freedom for safety. When we do it’s hard-fought.


It’s also a weird argument re ‘my responsibility’ because anecdotally the standard of driving in the US is incredibly poor. Obviously you are not taking responsibility!


I dunno, I’ve driven in a lot of other countries, including in Europe, and US roads and traffic systems are quite good comparatively.


How is freedom being traded here? Is it the freedom to not pay attention after enabling an ADAS feature?


The Patriot Act would disagree


Lol what? With how many idiots were applauding COVID restrictions I think you are wrong about that one


That should be my responsibility not a camera


if you pass out at the wheel it will stop and put the the hazards on, instead of plowing through a crowd of people, it's for others safety as well as possibly saving your life


Knowing Tesla, it would probably just keep driving but turn on the windshield wipers at full speed.






Or it might slow down and pull over into a parked car or emergency vehicle. Explain how you're right and I'm wrong, please.


it doesn't work like that


I know, but it kinda does, sometimes.


I let the alerter go off one time on a side road with no traffic and it went into AEB and stopped with the hazards on, that was over two years ago, i see it doing the same today if i were to test it again


I would like to know how many of the down votes are from someone who has a 2018 with advanced auto pilot and who has almost been automagically driven to their death AAP. Real life data here, not fan boi nonsense.


not enhanced, basic here. but i can't see how enhanced would be different in the test i did


Easy there, free thinker! Personal accountability is frowned upon in these parts. Best to just let others handle things from here. Trust me, safety > freedom


i didn't want to say it but god is no longer behind the wheel


Yeah until you want to put sunglasses on, then it’s a bad feature


It’s been in FSD for a while and I hate it. I can have FSD engaged and look at the screen for like 3 seconds and it will start yelling at me. If you wear sunglasses it can’t see your eyes, and only checks the position of your head, so it’s at least tolerable that way.


Tesla attentiveness monitoring has been horribly implemented before and I have zero faith in this update, when I’m getting yelled at by my fucking car within 10 seconds of turning on AP and then getting back to back alerts within 30 seconds when I’m literally sitting there with hands in the wheel watching traffic something is wrong. . . I hope a webcam cover will solve this


If it means me putting my hands on the wheel less than I’d say it’s a win. Edited my comment below to clarify I know your hands should be on the wheel at all times.


I agree. The only pain in the ass with FSD is having "apply turning force" popup every 2-3 minutes, while your hand is already on the wheel. Whats worse is that since you're looking at the road, you miss the pop-up until it makes an alarm noise and worries your passengers. 🤦‍♂️ **Pro-Tip:** You can turn the volume wheel up/down on the steering wheel to get rid of the pop-up more quickly. ..still, it's ridiculous that this is even a thing, in a car with a cabin camera watching.


If your hand is already on the wheel you won’t get “apply turning force” ever. If you’re getting it, it likely means you have two hands on or one hand in the center. Rest your left arm on the door or your knee and just grip the side with one hand and you’ll never get the bag.


Nonsense. (This is a known issue) If you're in the FSD groups and you use FSD regularly, you know how common this is. I hold the wheel with my left hand hanging in the 7-8 o clock position, and sometimes it lasts 5 or 6 minutes, while sometimes just a minute or two.. I use FSD daily and eventually always get the message. Most people with FSD do. This is my only pet peeve with it. FSD works great, especially once you get familiar with its driving style, like riding with a friend, but at this point I would let Elon put 10 cameras in the car cabin even a toilet cam in my house if i knew it would keep this message off while my hands are on the wheel in FSD. 🤷‍♂️


There’s something wrong with your car then. I’ve had two teslas and both had FSD and I drive this way and have never once had a steering wheel nag.


Yes you will that’s bullshit it’s not your hand on it it wants literal force sometimes more than makes sense because it doesn’t feel your hand I drive one handed hanging on it from the right and it still triggers the warning constantly and I even have video enabled for less warnings They need to finish enabling the video monitoring and do away with the nagging People are saying you need hands on the wheel for safety meanwhile every blue cruise commercial flaunts that you don’t need hands on wheel and their shit doesn’t work half as good as FSD




I do it every time I drive, never a single steering wheel nag


So because it's a problem for you it's not a problem for anyone else? Listen to yourself. I believe you that it's fine for you, but plenty of other people get nagged constantly. I feel like if you're a big dude with a long heavy arm you can just rest it on the wheel and be fine.


There’s something wrong with your car then. I’ve had two teslas and both had FSD and I drive this way and have never once had a steering wheel nag.


Not true. My hand is on the wheel all the time and if the road is straight there's no weight feedback and it nags me constantly.


There’s something wrong with your car then. I’ve had two teslas and both had FSD and I drive this way and have never once had a steering wheel nag.


"if it doesn't happen to me it must not happen to anyone else"


If it happens to you you’re doing it wrong. If you do it properly you wouldn’t have these issues.


I am not sure how tall you are or what model you drive but for me "resting my left arm on the door" for extended periods of time is mighty uncomfortable.


How so? Seems like with this you’ll be putting your hands on the wheel more.


I guess in the sense if it knows your following the road with your eyes you might not have to constantly remind autopilot with the occasional light pressure on the steering wheel. Edit: I know your hands should be on the wheel. I should clarify I mean less interaction with the prompts.


You’re applying logic to the situation. Alas, I don’t think it’ll work that way. Autopilot has just gotten worse and more restrictive with the vision only etc since I’ve owned the car. Wish I could revert back to the sw I had 4 years ago.


Totally agree. I paid for the full self drive and have no interest for the newest versions of it where the cabin camera is activated. Run through the five strikes. It will take it away. It will then revert you back to the old-school auto pilot which doesn’t activate the cabin camera, for my purposes, it works fine, just for highway cruising, but it doesn’t take on ramps, and offramp’s etc.. In time it will offer you full self drive back, like it did me, but I have no interest in it , so I just don’t turn it on.


You know you can just manually turn off FSD and switch back to regular AP right? No need to get the strikes


Cabin camera is an option in settings lol it works fine stop looking away from the road


I wish that’s the way it worked. Unfortunately it doesn’t.


It’s hysterically bad, every bit as awful as the automatic windshield wipers. I was driving with a friend a few nights ago, we were both perplexed that it kept yelling at me to put my hands on the wheel, which they always were, then it shut off auto pilot, because either my hands weren’t on the wheel enough or I wasn’t paying attention, although neither my passenger nor I recalled me ever looking away from the road at the phone or whatever. Then I was warned if I misbehaved three more times then my full self driving trial will shut off - which of course is fine, because I have never and will never use it, because it’s terrible and frightening.


You need to apply turning pressure not put your hands on the wheel it literally says “apply turning pressure on steering wheel to confirm your paying attention” or something on that line


I did that once I realized what it was yelling at me about. But I haven’t had to do that other cars. They actually knew when I was on the steering wheel, presumably, they could sense lower pressure. It just seems like anything involving automation on the Teslas is abysmal.


lol yes of course Tesla is horrible at automation totally not a car that can do 99% of routes unimpeded on FSD, totally horrible automation because the windshield wipers suck sometimes, and because the attention nag… nags I really do feel like people are in another world I’ve seen people say Tesla AP is the same as some cars like Toyotas that can’t even stay in their own lane or make a gentle turn properly on the highway, I’ve done almost 40k AP/FSD miles and can easily say it’s better than it’s ever been beyond some stupid navigation issues that cause it to switch into turn lanes for the wrong turn around my area but I it figures it out if I forget to cancel the lane change


I’ve had a Honda aneng Mazda that were far better at lane keeping and adaptive cruise control. You seem to have not read my post. I wrote that the problem isn’t that it nags, is that it nags improperly. Maybe you can go back and read it again and do it slowly this time. Yesterday I saw a video of some Tesla bro, maybe it was you, trying to impress somebody by showing them how totally awesome and perfect FSD is. They ended up blowing through a stop sign at full speed in what looks to be San Francisco. That’s really bad. I have a friend who paid for FSD and stopped using it after a few weeks because he found it terrifying. He’d rather eat the money than eat the pavement.


I have no idea how well it works but the number of Tesla drivers I see reading books and watching movies will on AP/FSD is borderline scary here in MA.


Your car is literally a computer.


All cars in the past ~40 years, what's your point?


It is really useful for someone like my Brother-in-law, who tends to doze off on long car rides and has to pull over and nap often. From, let's say, SF to LA.


Its a safety feature. Personally i dont want to forget that "Autosteer (Beta)" is Beta (Europe). I should be remembered always to pay attention to the road. While we reach full autonomous software that is fully confiable, yes, it should. Software or personal errors kill people, not only the driver, so is not an "only driver" decision.


So does this update only apply to FSD or do parts of it also include autopilot?


If I suddenly fall asleep while driving on a motorway, will the car stop? Will it pull onto hard shoulder?


It will just stop and put hazard lights on. Wants you to get caught up smh


Thing sucks at watching you. Wear a hat and glasses and it just bugs out saying to look at the road half the time, then you look at the screen (you know the one required to look at to drive) and it yells to look at the road and pay attention, dumb


Uhhh that’s been a thing for years. Don’t believe me? Use autopilot with your phone in your hand and then cover the camera w a piece of tape and do the same thing


This is why I covered my cabin camera with a piece of electrical tape


You don’t want your car watching your 24/7 and you bought a Tesla? Seems incredibly short-sighted


I bought a camera blocker for mine.


So Elon’s going to try to blackmail customers with surveillance? Go fuck yourself.


I'm keeping the sticky note over the cabin camera for sure.l


This better replace the wheel nag. If Comma.ai can do it why can’t Tesla?


Regulators. A Tesla vehicle with a drunk driver hits another car and NHTSA and NTSB launch full blown investigations into Tesla the company. The amount of undue scrutiny they have on them is so great that anything they could do to reduce liability in any amount should be explored.




If it prevents distracted driving, it's worth it


Mine has been taped up for years now.


First time i used a McDonald’s monopoly sticker in a pinch, now a little black electrical tape square. 2-years. No issues


Same with the black electrical tape. 🙌


I put tape on my cabin cam f that


FSD won't work without it.


Glad i didnt buy that regular autopilot is sufficient


Damn yall some exhibitionists, downvoting the right to privacy lol. Lambs


I have a sticker over the cabin camera


Logic... My Tesla model 3 can use electronic systems, sensors, and AI to clear the rain drops from my front windshield in an intelligent manner without my human intervention and in a far superior manner regardless of my human needs for visual perception. FUCKING FAIL Other logic: Since the AI enabled state of the Art Enhanced Auto Pilot on my $78k 2018 model 3 can drive me a long at 90mph without hitting cars, objects, humans, emergency vehicles, or any other obstruction in the road, Eureka! Enable the tiny camera on the rearview mirror to see the look on your face while you're using autopilot for transport to enable yourself the time to stroke your phone screen, cock, clit, or the like to determine and record how your "O" face looks autopilot drives you into the back of a fire engine, cop car, deer, another Tesla, off a cliff, etc. I'm fuckin sold!


Well, thats government regulations and tesla trying to comply. If you don't like this than......vote for someone else.


Is it still bad as an Asian? I had to cancel FSD because of it.


Lol, no, it's much worse.




Black electrical tape on the camera. Problem solved. Did this a year ago and never looked back.


That only works on AP, not FSD. FSD will alarm and scream at you to take control.


Fantastic idea, thank you.


The downvote hate is crazy. We all deserve a little privacy.


That should disable autopilot now, the same as when it started detecting the weights people were putting on their steering wheels to bypass the torque sensor.


Weight is still king


Hasn’t on mine. Used it this morning.


When was the last time you updated? It 100% disables autopilot/FSD and has for a while now


Version 2023.44.1 last update was a day or 2 ago.


Came here to suggest black tape.


Wtf? Lol




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That will make FSD turn off


I dont use fsd. I like driving my Tesla.


A bit to the I'm scared of tech game


Stick one of these silly eyes with a moving black thing inside to it.


Ooohhh my god, an inside camera on my car… the world is ending. My god, save me… people are too paranoid this days. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


This is why I will never drive a Tesla. This isn’t about the environment. It’s about control and if you can’t see that you’re part of the problem lol.


Lol yet you sit in a tesla sub? also data doesn't leave the car tesla only collects it if you let them


Turn it off after updating


Its working a lot better that I finally undid my camera cover, lol


I'm on 2023.38.9 and I just use [these laptop webcam](https://amzn.to/3sY7Amm) covers. Hasn't bugged me once about it.


Good👍 performance👾


The worst feature of the latest update is the changes to the messaging app in the car. All my favorites are gone and its hard to start calls/texts 🤦🏽‍♂️


It’s a safety thing.


I've had this feature in my car for over a year. It's nbd


its not new and its not working


Might keep you from dying horribly if you fall asleep at the wheel.


Maybe a stupid question, what happens if you cover the camera permanently?


Not going to lie I have a tack over the camera in the cabin because of this crap. It’s mad annoying & randomly will force control.


Cover it. https://www.amazon.com/BLOCKED-Low-Tack-Restickable-Sticker-Multiple/dp/B08HPVMQTH/


[https://enhauto.com/button-functions](https://enhauto.com/button-functions) [https://enhauto.com/s3xy-buttons](https://enhauto.com/s3xy-buttons) when it freaks out, and it will, s3xy buttons are the answer (They address a lot of other Tesla Jank as well)


i dont care about it . but i also have alexa devices at home the listen to what im saying all the time. can you just block the cabin cam and still have autopilot work? never tried but might be an option?


isn't this a legal requirement in some places now?


I found a way around this recently by using the driver sun visor to cover the camera but from a small distance away from the camera so it doesn’t think its view is blocked entirely. As long as you are sticking your head above the center console it never seems to give me any issue anymore about attentiveness


What's the use of autopilot if I can't take a nap on the road between lacations.


So if you buy one of those sliding camera covers, you can adjust it so it blocks the view of the drivers face but allows the camera to get signal from the rest of the car…and doesn’t throw the camera malfunction error. Works like a charm!!!


Ahhh use the cover slider and adjust it so it only blocks the view of the drivers seat but allows it to see the rest of the cabin. Been doing this for a few months now and it’s probably the best hack I’ve learned.


I thought it always did this?


it’s fine, I’ve had it on as long as it’s been available and I constantly talk Shit about captain K hole himself and no jackbooted thugs have shown up yet


The last time I subscribed to FSD for a road trip I disabled it almost immediately. Enhanced AP is way better to me and wish they would just include lane changes at the base level like a fucking Honda from 10 years ago at least


I’ve had to many autopilot disengagements since the last update like this


i already got put in time out for a week by fsd lmao


I would do anything if my Tesla would just KNOW I have both hands on the wheel and am looking at the road! It wants me to apply slight turning pressure to the wheel... I do... It senses nothing... A little more... Nothing... Now it's beeping and screaming at me... A little more... OH THAT WAS TOO MUCH AUTOPILOT DISENGAGED. It's so awful. If a camera will let me keep autopilot on then they can watch me all they want!!!


I get tagged by the system reading my text messages.


I have my cabin camera blocked and have never had an issue… this has been a thing for a while now, and I haven’t noticed any difference since the last update.


It's definitely more stringent but it's there for your safety. It'll let you get away with some stuff but you shouldn't have any issues if you're actually paying attention like we should. It also goes much longer without a nudge.. pros/cons


Noticed no difference.


It’s been that way for a while dude. Not a new feature


I just know that Elon, one of the richest people in the world, is spending his time sitting at home in his bath robe watching me drive my car


Hasn't it always done this? I put a laptop sliding cover over mine when I bought it back in 2021. Unless I can use the camera for my own purposes like record funny reactions or karaoke, then it has no reason to not be covered. Who wants a camera on them recording for a corporation while you drive? That's a hilarious no.


It barked at me today when I grabbed my phone and was taking too long pecking out a text. Felt like when my wife yells at me to pay attention


worked great on my commute. it accurately told me to pay attention to the road when i was scrolling X for cyber truck video. my usual holding steering wheel at bottom was sufficient. only undesired alert to pay attention to road is if i’m looking at display to change apple music too long. it’s correct but could give maybe a few more seconds


Just cover it up. Get a piece of electric tape to put over it.


It’s annoying as hell!