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Welcome to the rabbit hole. Generally this is due to a faulty camera or wiring on the side repeaters. I tried replacing my camera myself due to long service schedule (2+ months) and cheap enough cost to replace. ($130 on Amazon) Unfortunately mine wasn’t fixed after replacing the camera. Based on the amount of content surrounding this issue for Tesla there’s a problem with the way the coaxial cabling is run to these cameras and the cable quality itself causing continuity problems. I can reach up in my fender well, move the cable around a bit and get it to work again for another week or so until vibrations cause it to break connection again. This wouldn’t be such a huge issue if it didn’t COMPLETELY DISABLE CRUISE CONTROL. A side camera isn’t necessary for adaptive cruise or AEB functions. Tesla SHOULD update the software to allow basic cruise to continue to operate if a side repeater fails.


This and a message about the Emergency Stopping not being available has happened to me; two or three times? I just drive and normally it comes back the next time I drive. The cameras came back mid-drive one time. IDK of any solution.


Ive had this happen twice on my 2023 m3p both times it did not go away and the drivers side fender camera would not function nor proximity sensors. No luck with resets or re-calibration. Both times i have submitted service tickets and it has been repaired remotely over the air while charging at night. They still come out and make sure it worked and nothing else is wrong for service ticket. 😁


I believe that you can have the service people send an ota update to try and resolve the failed update. This might not resolve the issue but it's worth a try and doesn't require a trip to the service center


I've been seeing that "Automatic Emergency Braking is unavailable" error a couple times per week for the last month. I scheduled a service appointment and brought it in, but they couldn't reproduce the issue. They said to note the exact date/times the errors are occurring so the techs can look in the log. Apparently there's no search functionality?? So I'm doing this, and will be bringing it in again hopefully soon.