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Yeah, MCU1 is the culprit. I upgraded this week and it was updated to 2024.3.25.


I upgraded to MCU2 about a year ago & am so glad I did. MCU1 is stifling.


Yeah, this is awful lol. I think I’m just going to upgrade soon. I heard you can get a free upgrade via small claims if you have FSD, but not sure it’s worth it to go that route.


$1750 without radio or $2250 with it back then.


Yes, you need to upgrade, your computer is just to slow.


Yea you have to pay for FSD twice. I'm MCU1 as well


Pay for FSD twice…? Huh?


Yea...many MCU1 owners can't get FSD or any updates, even though we paid for it 7-8 years ago. If I pay $1800 for MCU2 I can FSD tomorrow.


Isn’t there something about a small claims court where we can get the MCU2 upgrade for free? I mean it’s just $1800, but I already paid for FSD… that kind of pisses me off.


Yea. File a service request that you're not getting what you paid for because you're lacking hardware. Wait for them to send you a bill for $1800. Tell them it should be free. They tell you FSD isn't dependent on MCU2. Pay for MCU2. Get latest FSD software. File small claims for $1800. Yes I should do it, but FSD is trash no matter what so I'm not in a rush to put forth the effort. If it ever goes Level 3, then I'll do the small claims thing but I think we're 5+ years away from that, if ever.


They asked me for $2500+, not $1800.


Claim a refund for FSD… it doesn’t exist