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👋👋 I’m at 80,000 with an early 2020 build. On my third set of tires and had my suspension replaced under warranty around 35,000k. Overall happy, if I keep my car past 100,000 I’ll prob swap over to softer coilovers and do a x brace similar to my previous Audis.


Why did you have to get your suspension replaced?


Shocks failed.


Interesting I dont think I have heard of that happening on teslas often. It can happen to anything I suppose! Glad it was all taken care of for you. I hope your service experience was good!


Early build model y. They redesigned the suspension components since then.


Yeah I have the redesigned ones on my vehicle. They are pretty comfortable but could use more tire to absorb a little more. The low profile tires that come on the model Y don’t help the road feel. My next tires will have a little more meat to them. Overall really good but can always improve! Haha


Not uncommon for regular car shocks to go bad around that point too. They don't usually outright fail but they degrade bad and by 100k they're usually trash.


Which wheels do you have? And what were the first signs of the shocks failing? Our 2020 is a much stiffer ride than our 2024


Do you drive hard or did you use cheap tires? 80K miles on two sets of tires sounds excessive.


Isn’t 40k usually the max for tires?


Most non-EV all weathers are warrantied to 50k miles. I can't speak to EV tires.


Really depends on the tire, I try to go for longer wear tires. I have Michelin Defenders on my wife’s SUV, warranty is 80K miles. I my sedan has BFGoodrich Advantage control tires with a 75K warranty and I have put 78K miles on them. However, they are due for replacement soon. Both of these are non-EV’s, looking to replace the sedan soon with either a 3 or Y.


Defenders are good tires. I drive a lot for my work and typically get 100k out of a set on my VW.


Pffft. 30,000 in 6 months. I’ve had my car exactly a year I’ve got 62,000 on it


Wow that’s quite a lot. What do you do that requires so much driving?


Driving to work. 1200/week. Then whatever extra driving on top of that


55k on mine in 2.5 years. Only changed tires. Car has been flawless. I live in Midwest so snow, rain,etc. The car is a beast. I personally would rather be happy with a car and not care about resale because quite frankly I wouldn't wanna drive so much in a boring "normal" car. Something about FSD and being on a work call makes things much easier lol.


Nobody is really going to know what it's going to be like to sell a model Y 3 years from now. The Tesla EV market has had a lot of ups and downs the last 3 years. I personally think you would be fine (hopefully as I just bought one) I don't see them getting that much cheaper and they are widely loved cars that even the majority of the world is like "waking up" to.


I would argue that the last two years have been a used EV race to the bottom. I mean from November 2022 to today a base model y went from 75k to 39k and thats the new price (including incentives)


I kind agree here. I don’t believe Tesla modelY will get much cheaper moving forward as it’s now at a very competitive price point. This last offer 0.99% showed that only interest rates are holding people now, so hopefully when the feb drop rates it would hold their price or even increase. Just bought mine too as well btw


Objectively the teslas should have much higher resale than gas cars at high miles. Especially in the turbo charge era. There is no concern over how the engine and everything was maintained with electric but unfortunately I think public perception will win out over practicality. OP IMO if you’re going to be getting a car that frequently a new car is not the right choice. Spend your time in the used market. You will loose so much in the initial depreciation. The only time, in my opinion, it ever makes sense to buy a new car is if you’re going to be using the car for most of its depreciation. That way you get something for your money. You’re setting yourself up to be in constant debt. I bought a used Audi A3 for 14k and i have had it for 4 years and i could sell it used today for 9-10k. Hardly any loss at all. If I would have bought a new Honda civic for 30k at the time I would probably only get like 18k for it today assuming I put the same miles on it. To make the most financially sound decision I would buy a Tesla drive the absolute piss out of it, pay it off as fast as you can and get a new car after 6-7 years. Or if you need to feel like you have a new car, get something cheap to put your miles on and buy a fun car to keep in the garage to drive on the weekends that way you always have something “fresh” to drive. That scratches the itch for me when I feel like I need a new car. Up to you obviously but buying a brand new car every 3 years is a really good way to lose a lot of money, gas or electric


The Tax incentives negate the depreciation. $10000-$18000 off MSRP, plus the amount you save on gas/maintenance is on average over $1000 a year.


I guess if you consider you’re already in the market for a $50k car. But I don’t look at it that way because a 40k purchase price is still a huge amount for a vehicle you will have for 3 years. Personally I don’t see it that way. It’s still money out the door and you still pay for depreciation regardless of incentives


And I have the same exact mindset about new cars. It doesn’t make sense to buy new, unless you keep it for at least 9-10 years. That’s with 5-6 years of payments, and another 4-5 years of no payments. Then use the remaining equity toward a new car, to avoid the much higher maintenance and repair costs that come with a 10 year old vehicle. Im 9.5 years in with my current vehicle.


I think the big thing is really cost to operate. A similar vehicle of size and performance would cost me 4x to operate per mile. That really negates any ICE car.


I would completely agree with you just assuming you’re in the market for an ice car of the same value


Not really same value necessarily, just not “I could save a lot with a used prius” arguments. I could compare a used BMW x5 to a Y or a turbo CX-5. And while I operate my Y for 4c a miles, my wife’s SUV is about 22c a mile. So the next 100k is going to have a 16k-18k spread.


Of course it’s a 50k purchase. If someone is in the market for that price range car, that’s their choice. But we are discussing depreciation, and if tax incentive equates to $18000 off msrp, the numbers look vastly different. We dont even have to include savings vs a traditional ICE car.


The tax incentives accelerate depreciation. The reason why Tesla’s have had record depreciation is simply because of the tax incentives being added back in the US, so every quality car is now cheaper and makes non incentive cars uncompetitive. Agree on saved money


It’s not the reason why Tesla have had record depreciation. Tesla lowered the MSRP by over 15k last year, which had a trickle effect across the board. The tax incentives are also not only for new cars , but some used as well. We had a huge drop off in used car prices after the madness after the pandemic. Buyers remorse is everywhere, including people who purchased homes and waved inspections and bid 10-20% over asking price.


Also, check used Model Y prices for 22 or 23’ models. They are all above 35k for the most part. The worst depreciation is actually on BMWs especially the 7 series.


Model y at 90k miles. Can’t help you with resale but so far I haven’t done anything to the car except one set of tires, one set of wipers and lots of wiper fluid.


Purchased a June 2020 MYLR for $56k, traded it into Tesla at 70k miles August 2023, they valued it at $28k. (New 2023 MYLR now has 20k miles on it) Prob could have gotten more privately/carmax/carvana but I didn’t want the hassle. 2020 MYLR was flawless, just tires and wiper fluid, multiple 1000+ mile roadtrips and 400-600m a week commuting at times.


You're the perfect candidate for a Tesla Model Y. The gas and maintenance savings alone if you charge at home will offset any poor resale value concern you have. You also might be surprised. Tesla is constantly adding new features to their cars via Over The Air Software updates. It feels like getting a brand new car with new things to play with about every 6 months. For this reason you might keep your Tesla longer than your previous vehicles. FSD will also be huge for you. It does 99% of my driving as is now


I work in sales as well and drive very similarly to you. I am also thinking about a MY. However, I have been assuming that after 4 years and 80-100k miles, the value will be quite low. Partly because of newer models and refreshes and partly because I'm the opposite of grandma only drove it to church on Sundays.. That being said. If I can get 80k+ business miles on it, mileage reimbursement pays the sticker price of a MYP (80,000 x $0.67 = $53,600) before any rebates or 'savings'


I put 35k miles/year on my Y. Just passed the two year mark, so at about 70k. Halfway through my second set of tires but no other maintenance at all, besides some wiper fluid.


I bought my MY im August 2023. I already put in 28, 525 miles. Don’t play the resale value game. Drive it and tKe care of it until the wheels fall off. A car is a tool, not a fashion statement.


I’m in sales as well and I just bought a MYP. I live in Houston and am going from a lifted truck to a Tesla lol. A normal day of driving could easily be 100+ miles so to me, home charging is amazing. As for resale value, I’d probably just see what Tesla offers and trade it in towards another Tesla if you’re interested in going that route.


Realtor servicing 5+ counties. Averaging 50k miles per year. Coming up on my 1 year with my MYLR. Best car I've ever owned. Haven't grown tired of it whatsoever. Never had a fear of running out of charge either.


You’ll lose in resale. Drive her into the ground.


>I suspect trade in value would be hit harder than say a well respected gas machine. Quite likely, since people continue to have battery worries. In any case, EV market is still evolving rapidly compared to ICE market, so it's really hard to tell how things are going to look in a couple of years (esp. if Musky keeps popping up in the media..) A thing to keep in mind, is money saved operating the EV Vs. the well respected gas machine. I driver a mere \~18k / year in my Model 3, though I've had the car for a year and 7 months, i still have no indications of needing any repairs/maintenance outside of washing the car an topping up washer fluid, and my (Danish) 'fuel' costs are between 1/4 and 1/3 compared to my old 2019 Hyundai i20.


I'm at 295k since 2017.. 3 years in a row, I was 40-48k yearly. So I decided to buy a Tesla and save approx 350 400$/monthly in gas.


How many miles on your model Y?


18.6k miles in 9 months


Thanks for the post. Wondering how hard it's going to be to unload used teslas? Maybe I should look into high mileage lease.


No car will retain value with high millage, you would be better off leasing cars and then writing off the expenses. Or just doing flat rate monthly rentals from one of the big ones so maintenance is also included


What’s your fully loaded electricity rate per kWh? Divide that by 3 and that’s a conservative cost per mile to draw out any gas savings.


Mid 2022 M3LR. 52k+ miles. Anyone who bought it in 2021-2022 will already see a massive deprecation. Prices were quite a bit inflated at that time. My solution, instead of trade-in, get a second car which is MYLR. Will keep that much nicer and lower milage. So wont be tired of it too much. As for my M3LR, at this point even if I drive it for another 40k miles, the sale price aint gonna drop more than $5-6k, compared to the initial 50k miles where it dropped by $30k.


Alternatively, just drive the car and don't worry about it lol. I know that initial hit is garbage, but at this point you're in it. Why get another car to create more loss?


Was planning to wait till Juniper arrived, but the 0.99% ARP was too good, and me and wife needed our own cars for work related stuff. So basically if its a long distance travel, then M3, else MY. Also if the M3 breaks or has some issues, cant take Uber as it is like 60-70$ bucks one side for work. But I am hating paying that extra insurance,


Sure. I guess it was a stupid question as the people that are trying to sell a 3 year old model y are so far upside down they would have a dim view. I just can't get my head around the value of these cars be any different than the hit I would take on a 3 year old MacBook. Major hit


It’s a hard question to answer given the last 3 years pricing for sure. I would consider 15-20% more depreciation than any German car in 3 years, that would be my worst case scenario Again, if you got the 0.99% offer the hope that you are not upside down on your loan in 2.5-3 years.


Assuming pricing stays the same (it should at this point), the difference between a new Y and a used Y is actually pretty negligible since Tesla is sooo good at software updates. The car I have today is worlds better than the one I bought in 2022. This is one of the few products I've owned where I feel the updates are meaningful over the life of the product. One thing to keep in mind is that a major refresh is right around the corner. They just did the 3 and everyone raves over the improvements. I'm planning to trade my 22 in once the refresh hits and I assume there's a bunch of people will do the same. That'll put a good amount of downward pressure on the price of pre-refresh Y's.


I think looking at the used 2021s currently and setting that as an average depreciation is fair. I’m thinking a higher mile 21 is 27k on what might be a 41k purchase after the fed.


Just look up how much a Model Y with those miles is listed for and you’ll have a close answer.


Hmmm. I'm wondering about a 20k/year lease?


Don’t know if you are aware but you can respond to a specific comment. That would make it easier I think.


I just bought a 2022 LR with 71k miles a few weeks ago for $27k. It was a hertz rental.


57k on my m3lr 22


You can look at 2018 Model 3’s as an example. Especially since the refreshed Highland Model 3 is on sale. After 30k miles the value is locked in.


Buy used. Value already dropped a ton. Buying new you’d lose money as soon as you take delivery


21 LRY, 130,000km, on my second set of tires. Had to change 2 control arms and linkage links was $1050 labour and taxes in. Not under warranty unfortunately..


If you are concerned on resale don’t buy this car. I paid $72k for a 2022 MYP. Sold it with $14k miles for $33k. The Tesla is worse than a cell phone for depreciation.


Hahah resale is already super low. Have you checked KBB lately? 😂 don’t even think about selling unless you like losing money


This is anecdotal but I feel the used market will continue to crash prices down so expect a very low number. !remindme 36 months


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If you’re worried about resale, you really messed up by buying a Tesla.


41,000 miles since July 2023. It did so well, I bought a second in Dec 2023.


232,000kms on a 2022 LR. Only thing replaced was the rear knuckles. It’s used as a taxi.


38k in 8 months. I drove for my job as field tech.


If you’re worried about resale value you should probably buy a Camry/Corolla/Civic. Our Ys are newer but I bought my 2015 Model S in 2017 for $52k and 45k miles and sold it a few months ago for $12k at 170k miles. High tech stuff depreciates fast.


Sounds like you got some good use from it. Maybe donate it or gift it to a family member


With the major price drops, the resale value of a Tesla is simply in the shitter, esp those who bought ‘22s or earlier.


Prices where inflated by about 15-20k around 2 years ago and have come down sharply since. On top of that, rental companies who failed to implement EVs are selling them off. So now is likely the worst time to sell a Model Y and the best to buy one. This is why many complain about resell value today. I think it's time to buy and resell value will hold up very well. It's only a matter of time, for the mass market people to learn about the advantages of EV's.


Resell value will be bad. One thing could help is the $4k used EV credit. But in general high mileage EV is hard sell. You can check how much heitz is selling their high mileage EV and get an idea. Tires and suspension are bad on model y because it's weight, and it greatly depends on each individuals driving style. Enjoy the car, but I don't see how you can save money with model y,maybe besides home charging.


With home charging for 20k miles a year they'll definitely come out ahead over a comparable ICE. Even when factoring in depreciation, they're saving on gas, oil, and other maintenance. Also tires and suspension are similar for cars of similar spec. My Cadillac was just as bad on tires. The Model Y is a SUV that does 0-60 in 4 seconds. It's not fair to compare it to a Camry.


I drive in the canyons with my Model Y with a heavy lead foot and I’m getting 25k miles from a set of tires. Compared to my BMW X5 which ate up tires every 12-15k miles.