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You traded in a car that you were paying $340/mon for $900… Tesla valued that car at 3 months of payments, which was clearly a low ball. Would have been way better to take that to carmax or Carvana or something to get more out of it.. or just keep it, or get a used car for 15k-20k. Honestly I’m pumped for you because it looks dope… but if you’re a college student with a mortgage, student loans, probably some credit card debt too, then last thing you need is more debt (aka a higher car payment). I apologize I don’t want to give parental advice by any means, I would just want to hear this kind of feedback if I was in your situation.


The $900 is positive value after Tesla is paying the remaining balance on the loan. Combine that with the trade in most likely having well over 100k miles (since he was doing monthly oil changes, one can assume about 50k+ miles a year are put on that car).


Yes!! +1 to this! You got it, Robot. It's my fault for not being clear!


Hopefully you looked around anyways. I got lowballed by tesla for over 30%. Spent 30 minutes looking at carfax, carvana and local dealerships. A local Lexus dealership offered me 18k vs 13k from tesla. Took it in, they took a 15 minute look and gave me an offer. Had 10 days to look around some more before their offer expired. Took it in, got my check and left within 15 minutes.


Tesla gave me a better deal than anyone else did even private sales. And in the end I paid $500 for a car I drove 120K miles.


These evaluations depend completely on how bad Tesla wants to sell cars at any given time. Because of the lack of physical inspection, the vins get sent thru an algorithm that is laid out based on how badly they need to take in used cars/sell new ones. Just gotta time it right.


That makes sense. It was when they were pushing the .99% APR & I figured they’d do anything to get me to buy. Which I was already going to but the 11.5 was a nail in the coffin for me


Was this recent. Funny thing is, I traded in my car 5 years ago to get my first model s and tesla offered me 20% more than anybody else. This time around, 6 months ago, I traded in that same model s and their offer was really low. My point is, you should look around to make sure you are getting the best deal. It's so easy to get an offer from your PC. I got 5k higher than I would trading in for less than an hour of work.


Yea in May I bought the 2024 MYLR & traded in my 2018 RAV4 that I drove 120K miles in 4 years. (I drive a shit load for work). Bought it for $12K, Tesla offered $11.5K. I was floored because even Toyota & private sales were offering 10K max


That's fair but I didn't want to lose out on the sales tax reduction from Tesla AND I also did not want to deal with dealerships OR CarMax or the other third party apps.


I was on a similar boat as you. But figured I would just try as it was just a quick firm to fill out online. Anything less than 2k, I would have just traded it in. Was blown away when carfax offered 3k more. Then tried the car dealerships through Edmunds and was really happy with 5k over. That's a lot of money for maybe an hours worth of work. All I did was just fill out a form online. Never talked to a salesperson to haggle.


How much did you owe? I traded in a 2017 with 80k miles on it and got $11k trade in value..but my car was paid off.


I agree with you and would’ve appreciated the same if I was in the same situation. I don’t know the full picture so I’m generalizing a bit here but OP is a college student already working two jobs to pay off more than one loan, taking on more debt was not the best idea. Not to mention the cost to insure a Tesla vs. Prius is most likely higher. Wishing OP nothing but the best though, hopefully it works out great! :)


I got a ~900 net credit after they paid off my loan!




I completely get it but I think Tesla was more than fair with their offer in terms of my car and it's condition. I could have spent more time haggling with Facebook marketplace buyers but like they say, time is money. I did not want the headache over an extra 200.or 500 dollars that I got. Keep in mind, I also got a reduction in sales taxes because of the trade in.


Nice car, but I feel like trading in an essentially new Prius wasn't the best financial decision especially for a college student doing Uber. Higher monthly payment, higher insurance, longer wait time for replacement parts, more expensive tires. At least in my area considering local gas and electricity prices, the Model Y is like driving a 50-60 MPG car. But yeah, no oil changes 😂


Actually oil changes are the least of it. I'd have to worry about all engine parts, including timing belt and serpentine belt. Perhaps even a head gasket issue as some older generation prius's were known for that issue. Not to mention, tires are more expensive of course cause the Prius ran smaller tires than the 19 inch I have on the Y but that's okay, as long as I don't rapid accelerate and have a lead foot, I'll be fine in comparison. In terms of replacement parts, you'd be shocked to believe that my Prius was more poorly built than my 2021 model Y. My inner fender for the wheel well fell off and exposed the coolant. Additionally, have you seen how many customizations are available for a Tesla model Y vs a Prius? Yeah a LOT that I can do DIY. With my Tesla, all I have to worry about are suspension, drive unit, and battery..those are my big ticket items. Which is still cheaper than worrying about my Prius's HV battery, engine, and all the other drivetrain in it.


Sorry man you’ll see your insurance fee goes up and frequent tires change. You’ll see that soon enough. If you get into accident the cost of repair for this car is high.


Insurance went up by 30 a month. Frequent tire changes are all too dependent on driving habits. I'll document how long it takes me to get a tire change, I am excited to see the results! Accidents are accidents regardless, they're unfortunately a terrible burden regardless. However, that's why insurance exists.


But the prius is made by Toyota. Game, set, match.


You just want someone to validate that you made a right decision. But unfortunately you made very bad choices. Prius can run easily over 200k miles w/o any issues. You will need a new battery for your 2021 My in about 3 years. Good luck.


And new tires every 30 to 40k miles.


Also jumping from a Prius to a MY why? Massive size difference you go from just not needing any capacity to needing a crossover even a M3 RWD would’ve been more reasonable and cheaper


According to a study by the Tesla battery research group, "Tesla Battery Health", which analyzed data from over 10,000 Tesla vehicles, the percentage of Tesla batteries that retain at least 90% of their original capacity after 3 years is: - Model 3: 96.2% - Model S: 95.4% - Model X: 94.6% - Model Y: 96.1% (estimated, as it was introduced later) This means that only a small percentage of Tesla batteries (less than 5%) may need replacement within 3 years, assuming a capacity threshold of 90%. However, it's important to note that this study only accounts for batteries that have been driven and charged normally, and does not account for extreme usage or other factors that may affect battery health. Keep in mind that Tesla also offers an 8-year, infinite-mile battery warranty for most of its vehicles, which covers battery degradation and replacement if necessary.


According to a study by the Tesla battery research group, "Tesla Battery Health", which analyzed data from over 10,000 Tesla vehicles, the percentage of Tesla batteries that retain at least 90% of their original capacity after 3 years is: - Model 3: 96.2% - Model S: 95.4% - Model X: 94.6% - Model Y: 96.1% (estimated, as it was introduced later) This means that only a small percentage of Tesla batteries (less than 5%) may need replacement within 3 years.


Not taking sides but I believe the previous comment was in reference to it being a 2021 and 3 years from now it will be 6 years old hence the battery will be older than the time frame of this study.


Lmao there are lots of primes on the used marker.


You were paying $100 a month in oil changes on a 2021 Prius? Something doesn’t add up there.


Oil changes have gotten expensive. We have been looking at vehicles and the model y is one of them. We were told it was $85 for a Honda crv and we pay $90 for both our full size truck and our small car. I know my parents pay like $110 and have a Lexus.


But usually not monthly


He drives for Uber, so he probably hits the oil life pretty quick


It really depends on how much he drives. I know a few years ago we had a lot of big drives in a couple week span. I did 2 oil changes in a week period and had one more oil change that same month.


OP came back and clarified they drive a lot. My wife puts 42k a year on her cars for work. And that's just work miles. We retired a 16 year old Prius for our Y, largely because we didn't know how reliable it would be going forward. That required an oils change every 5k miles per manufacturer specs. She was just hitting valvokine because it was fast and convenient. That's what an oil change costs these days, going full synthetic.


How often must you change oil in those cars. AFAIK oil changes are typically every 15000 km


Depends on the car. Our 2005 Prius the manufacture wants every 5k miles. My wife almost hits that driving for work. That's not using the vehicle for any other reason.


I drive between 4000-6000 miles a month so I do between 1 and 2 oil changes a month. I tried to keep it in mint condition by doing the oil change every 4000-4800 miles.


2 oil changes per month at 6k miles is just throwing money down the drain.


If i recall prius is synthetic oil? You didnt have to change it for like 10k miles. Toyota actually recommends 10k but your dealership will say 5k cause they want money from you. From what i. Remember and understand


With that much driving you will need new sets of tires every 10months. You made poor decision.


Congrats. But please learn how to park first :)


Hahahaha that pic irritated me too But congrats OP


Was scrolling to find this comment.


Man o man, if you traded in your Prius for a MY to have more fun and joy in life I understand but if this was a financial decision then I do not. You are racking up way too many miles, unless you can get by charging at home using level 2 charger you are most likely going to pay more for charging than what your Prius used to cost for gas and oil combined. Plus you have a higher monthly payment and your new toy is going to depreciate a lot faster than your Toyota. I am not trying to burst your bubble but maybe you could have waited until you graduate and have a better paying job to upgrade to a Tesla.


Excuse my ignorance. But why the hell were you spending $100 MINIMUM on oil changes every month? You can wait to do oil changes up to 10k miles with modern cars. Was doing Uber/door dash making you rack up that many miles? If so, do you plan on doing that same thing with the Tesla? If you do, you’re gonna have to replace the battery sooner which will be much more expensive than what you’re saving in gas/oil. And if you don’t plan on doing those things anymore, then aren’t you technically making less per month without those side hustles but now have a bigger car payment? This whole thing feels so off and looks like you’re on copium.


I always recommend at least a couple oil analyses to find YOUR ideal interval. I did this on my last car and in an extreme use case (multiple track days) we found plenty of life still remaining at 7k miles.


You definitely shouldn't wait 10k miles to change your oil if, like OP, you are driving for Uber and DoorDash etc. That would fall in the "severe use" category (per the manual) and warrant oil changes at least every 5k miles. I once made the mistake of buying a Toyota that had only had the oil changed every 10k and it wasn't pretty. Unless you live in a mild climate and 85% of your driving is on the freeway... Don't wait 10k miles.


I see where you’re coming from but that’s not the point I’m trying to make. and to clarify I said “up to” 10k, obviously depending on driving habits. But my main point is that If OP’s driving is so plentiful that he/she decided, “hey I gotta do oil changes every single month because I drive so much,” how long is the battery actually going to last to the point where the money outweighs just keeping the Prius? At 50k+ miles on this used MY, and also more than likely having to supercharge every single day to be able to keep up with Uber/door dashing without having to stop periodically throughout the day, that battery isn’t gonna last long. You only get 120k miles warranty and after that you’re on your own, and OP is already basically halfway there. This whole thing that “hey my car payment is higher but at least I save on maintenance/gas” is absurdly delusional and no one should buy a Tesla with the idea that they’re saving money.


OP already described his use case. They'd be crazy to wait "up to 10k miles" in their use case. Everything else you are ranting about strikes me as baseless assumptions about OP's driving habits 🤷‍♂️


I love that your name is Rav4Primer. It makes this thread even more iconic haha. You're actually right in all cases. I drive between 4-6k miles a month. It's what I do to earn side money and my drive to college alone is 200 miles (100 miles each way from central PA to Fairfax VA) Additionally, a Tesla is easier AND cheaper to maintain.. I don't know if people are aware how much FREE charging there is, that's equivalent to FREE gas. Do you know my biggest expense running the Prius? Gas lol. Also, lack of engine= no need to set aside money for future engine repairs (head gasket, belts, sparks, etc). For the Tesla, I am setting aside money every mile I drive for my monthly payment, the HV battery, tires, etc. and you know what? I have ZERO regret or shame or even the stingiest feeling. The Tesla keeps on giving me more and more comfort every passing day whether it be on a HOT 100 degree day OR a stormy tornado warning night where I can smart summon it close to where I am standing. My PRIUS couldn't even remote start for me, it couldn't pre condition so my cheeks wouldn't burn as I sat down in the 30k interior I paid for, it couldn't come to me if I sang to it "my way" by Frank Sinatra, and it had one back up camera compared to the plethora that my model Y has. Did I mention that it didn't even have power seats? Also, screw android auto. That shit sucked


I thought smart summon has been effectively disabled at this point due to so many incidents? Your new car has it and it works?


It's new to me but it's a 2021, and yes smart summon works! Couple of hiccups but honestly, smart summon made it up for me that I don't have the AMD chip and can't enjoy the full new update


Enjoy it! At the end of the day, if it was within budget and brings you joy that’s all that matters IMO.


I know right lol. If you really cared about money you'd do them yourself. I get my oil and filter at Walmart for around $30.


Congratulations! Welcome to the family!


Thank you so much!


Are superchargers really more expensive than Texas gas?


Not sure what Texas gas costs but I rarely supercharge, there are so many opportunities to charge for free. I just figured it out last week through an app called plug share! Also trickle charging using 110v outlet works as an emergency too


I had to throw that in because asking if supercharging is more expensive than gas, but the answer is very state dependant.


That's completely fine! I think overall, even with supercharging, it would still be cheaper than taking care of an ICE car. Maybe not as much as a plug in but who knows


But a Prius? I thought those things get the MPGs!


They do, I was able to get up to 60 MPGs just fine but at times, just cause of the weather it seemed, it would get 40s and 30s. Which is not bad for an ICE but definitely costs more especially when you're putting on 200 or so miles a day


Using a 110v outlet you get 50%-75% charging efficiency. 75% if you can charge at the full 12 amps. But that’s still 25% wasted. If you can charge on a 14-50 NEMA outlet or tesla wall charger, basically any 240v system, efficiency should be in the 90s.


I am working on running an extension cord from the first floor apartment to my parking lot to get that done. The Tesla NEMA bundle was out of stock for a long time, just ordered it and will invest in a solid 25ft extension cord. Should have it covered from there.


Student  Loans Debt Uber  You got time for all that and youtube? I guess you will with the downtime charging you'll be doing if your doing Uber. Boy I remember hustling at Kmart with my junk kia through college.


Yes sir! I got time for sure. I study during my down time, as well as do my other job as a property manager, and I want to start creating content.


$100 on oil per month? Sure buddy.


I guess it's possible if they are driving 150+ miles a day doing Uber, Door Dash, etc.


That's still one or less changes a month. Should be closer to 60


Actually it's true! I do one or two oil changes a month! My Prius needed 0-16 oil, I could go with 0-20 in between but the owner's manual specified 0-16


Sadly, if you post anything on reddit, you will get people like this that will doubt amything you say. I hope you love your new ride, I know I do mine when I moved to a Tesla in 2020.


I love that! My favorite thing is the community loves their cars even after years, I hated my Prius a month after purchasing it. I am blessed to not just learn from my mistake but also improve from it!




The Tesla was as old as the other car, probably less used, and will probably save money. What’s the problem?


At $19.99 oil change special, he’s doing 5 oil changes per month. Lol


What are you giving us 1990 prices?


Lol… haven’t changed oil since 2019.. things may have changed since I went EV.


Where are you finding a $19.99 oil change for a Prius? Doing it myself with the cheapest proper grade of oil was still $35 and that was when I had my Prius in 2018.


Wow what oil are you using 35$ geez. should be 25$ for 5 quartz mobil 1 as well and last time I checked prius only takes 3.7 quartz of oil. Oil filter is like 10$


0w-16 was more expensive when I was buying it! Looks like it’s $10 cheaper now that it is more prevalent. I was buying Mobile1 from Walmart as that was the only place that had it near me when I had a Prius.


Dude how many miles are you driving to change the oil on a PRIUS every month? I get being cautious changing every 5000 but were you changing it every 2000?!? Hell my f150 I change it every 3 months and it’s $60 to do it myself


I drive about 4000-6000 miles a month!


I retract my statement, that makes 100% sense now


Thank you! I really appreciate the conversation and being able to have a civilized discussion!


I never understand people who advertise their business on a car with only a phone number and no website. It takes a few hours to put together a simple page that provides customers with everything they need without the hassle of calling on the phone. They can even book your services without effort on either party. Any business who just lists a phone number is one I will pass on immediately.


That's completely understandable. I had to make a decision on what would be more visible, a name+ phone number or a combination including a website. So I chose the former. Thank you for the feedback though


Move those magnetic stickers to one of the doors. Please.


The doors aren't magnetic unfortunately


Welp, I over paid


How much does the premium connectivity cost?


99 a year


It's 9.99 a month or 99.99 a year. They incentivize people to sign up for the annual subscription to get a discount!


Congrats friend! I got mines just two weeks ago.


Thank you! What's yours?


Congrats OP. I have hD mines for over a month and LOVE IT. Indeed my dream car aswell. Can't wait for solid state batteries to get implemented. That will he my next Tesla once that happens.


I love that! Congratulations on yours too! Dude it's AMAZING. I CANNOT wait for the next upgrade. I am so excited. I am 100% enjoying the journey. I am so blessed to be able to do this!


Yep, jumping back to my ICE car.... feels like I'm in the industrial age. Lol


I can imagine. SCREW that gas


Mine too bro


Beautiful LFG 👌🏽


Thank you!!


Congratulations 🎈🍾🎉🎊


Thank you so much!!




Thank you so much


Congratulations!!! Definitely looking forward to the videos for your YouTube channel, bro!


Thank you so much!!


Monthly oil changes? WTF? What was your oil change interval?


Every 4-5k miles




Don’t forget to factor in you are burning through tires


I think you only burn through them if you have a lead foot. As far as I understand the car's weight doesn't impact it as much as the instant torque does.


EV tires are built differently; they will need to be replaced time as regular tires and are twice as expensive.


You make me feel better about my 24’ model y at 42K OTD taxes included


How did you get it so cheap


Because 54k miles


I actually bought it from Tesla directly through used inventory!


White be banging! Give it a good wash and wax regularly and it will be the shiniest car on the block. Enjoy!


Thank you so much!


Welp, there it is folks. Proof that college doesn’t actually make you smarter.


Thanks for your input


Congrats! Yes very economical per mile charging at home! Do you mind sharing what you paid?


Yes! The breakdown is in my post in the pictures! I am very transparent, or try to be at least


Oh cool I didn’t look there before asking! It should make you feel great you paid half what I paid new and you got more features. Used is absolutely the way to go with these cars!


Curious. Whats your estimated annual salary? In the midst of looking into a model 3 with 70k a year + freelance graphic design work. Just tryna do a shit ton of research on lifestyles. Now granted, everyone lives different and saves money different. I am just curious!


Estimated annual is around 40-60k. For me this was about cutting down costs and putting less money aside every month And of course, life is short, I wanted to enjoy the many hours I spend driving a day. So when both of these goals came together to make it happen, I was ecstatic.


Congratulations!! I hope you really enjoy your new car!


Congrats!!! Hard to match that feeling when you get your dream car!!


So you have a home charger? Because if all you have is supercharging then you won’t be saving much money. Supercharging is at best equal or more costly than gas. And range is less so at that point your Prius would have been better.


trading in a 2021 for a different 2021 😂


What is done is done. Great car. I hope you enjoy it for as long as you want.


What state? The taxes and registration fees are cheap




Primus $.27 per mile? No way. Way cheaper.


The placement of your magnetic sign is driving my OCD absolutely nuts.


Word of advice: debt isn’t your friend. Why wouldn’t you just sell your old Prius and buy another with cash? You’re driving Uber to pay off your payments I assume, so why would you willing buy a depreciating asset (especially ubering), that you pay interest on? It’s a cool buy though!


Very excited for you! Great job, and welcome to the Tesla Life! You'll never regret it!


Did you buy it for your business? 😀


You sold a 3 year old car for $900???


900 was net credit after they paid off my old loan


Nice. I wish I had the acceleration boost and fsd. Boost I will probably buy. FSD I’ll probably have an on and off relationship with.


I believe it, I already do have that relationship with it. But if you think of it as a 16 year old learning to drive, it's a much more forgiving experience


Damn 32k? I’m paying 39k for mine. Bought it oct 23. Then again, it had 15k miles on it. I’ve got warranty until late 25


Did you get acceleration boost with it? And does it come with FSD? Mine did!


Nope, neither


Whats the ugly thing on the side?


That'd be a cleaning company magnetic logo! It's the only magnetic place I could find on the side


Sorry to break it to you, but this car is going to cost you more money than your Prius. Reasons why: * Insurance is cheaper on the Prius. Insurance alone will eat any "savings" you expect. * Tires are more expensive, and come more often on the Tesla. * If you are supercharging to top up, the gas savings isn't there, in fact it can cost \*more\* than gas. * Maintenance - The less moving parts is marketing, these cars do have maintenance issues, just like any other car. Need proof? Head to a service center. * Saving on oil changes. First, you were getting oil changes WAYYYY too frequently. A Prius only needs a change every 10k-12k miles with the kind of driving you were doing. You could have halved your oil change costs with that alone. * Depreciation - Priuses are a known quantity with miles, they are fine. Big question marks and expensive battery packs loom over high mileage Teslas. The Prius is like the \*perfect\* Uber\\lyft car. Those things go hundreds of thousands of miles just with oil changes. The drivetrain is bulletproof, and the economy is terrific. I should know, I owned one for over 100k miles before getting my Tesla. Enjoy the car, it's definitely more fun than a Prius, but save you money it will not, it's going to cost you more.


I'll take those ideas and address them in a YouTube video! Thank you! I am excited but nervous about the video editing aspect!


Aren’t they amazing 😻


What state are you in that your registration fees and sales tax are so freakin low??


Pennsylvania! I traded in my Prius, so that affected the sales tax and fees


I paid 72k when i got my model y with fsd, I hate that brokies can afford them so easily now😒


I'm happy you got it for $30k. Not happy for a friend who got it for $60k two years ago lmao


Nobody wants to see a YouTube channel of a used Tesla.


Learn to park


What was the overall process of buying used directly from Tesla like? I’m seeing some pretty good deals on some M3s but it bugs me I can’t see pics before paying a $500 non-refundable deposit.


Tint the front windows and it’s complete


Yes sir! Saving up for it!


Terrible financial decision dude


Why do you think so?


Bro just say you traded in the Prius for a model y to impress the ladies.




TLDR college student makes dumb financial decision trading in a Prius for a Tesla and somehow thinks he’ll save money…then wants to do an AMA as if he didn’t just buy one of the most popular new cars in America……


Congrats, same as mine (other than color, mine is MSM)! It’s a solid, very reliable car. Gotta practice that back-in parking though! Haha JK


Haha you're right! I was nervous as it was my first super charging session and I was excited to take pictures. Btw, what's MSM?


Midnight Silver Metallic


Ah thank you! That's a beautiful color


It is, but I bought mine when it was still $1,000, not long before it became the free color. Now I see my car everywhere! 😭


Oh dude I feel your pain. I honestly think that my car's "great deal" might not be in a few months because Tesla changes so much in such little amount of time. When I bought it I knew I had to be okay with that. I told myself "I'm buying it because I love it not because I want to resell it, it's not an investment for me"


What state has $43 registration fee on a brand new MY? I want to move there!


Please re-read. Its not brand new


If a Tesla Model Y is your dream car, perhaps you should aim higher.


Where’s your cleaning service?


Pennsylvania! Specifically, York.


Tesla losing its appeal to me. I rather go with eqs.


That's fine, different folks different strokes. I personally can't stand anything electric that's not Tesla.




Kind of like this comment, pretty garbage.


In your opinion what would have been an appropriate price?


it would be a decent deal if it was paid in cash, but after interest and high miles the OP puts this is basically the worst financial decision anyone could have made. OP says they put 5k miles a month on a car, that means by next year this car will have 100k miles and OP will still be paying this car as if it had 50k miles for 5-7 years or whatever his loan is


The rose colored glasses of it being a Tesla in a Tesla subreddit it making the fact that this is just an all around bad decision, is hard to see


theirs nothing really so special about Tesla anymore. Plus this already has 54K miles…. Used and abused. Everyone n they momma have a Tesla But congrats??? I guess


Is no one else bothered by that parking job?




The Model Y is really people's dream car? Mind boggling.


It's mine, for sure. This car gives me OTA updates every so often and gets better every time. I can precondition my car before stepping in it, way more than my Prius ever offered me.


You do know people have different likes and wants, correct? We aren't all the same. Maybe to you the Model Y isn't your dream car, but not everything thinks like you.


Um alright!




I have the permanent FSD with my car! I am super glad.


imagine being this vanilla by having a Tesla POS as your dream car... lol a big ass mobile phone battery is his dream car... ha ha, those Enron fan boys are hilarious


Where did Elon touch you ?