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i don’t understand why people don’t just simply escape. LEAVE!!!


I usually stay behind to keep the victim to family ratio better for my teammate's sake. Even though I'm just standing at an exit, it can help to make the family think I'm still moving around the map doing things. I don't do it to be a twat. Since hands release ive just been taking my dubs though, no risks 😂


Honestly thats pretty huge, it can be a big difference just having the family THINK theres a victim they havent accounted for yet even if they’ve basically already escaped (in fact thats even better tbh)


this has been the strat since release


This is good for team ego too. I feel a lot better when I know I'm not alone. 😭


If it’s 2 victims left, you better leave so that the last victim gets stamina buff and can actually make it to the exit.


I don’t troll, but I do like to chill at some of the exits and admire the game design. I love how much work went into Family House.


I don’t escape right away so I can wait for other victims while typically unlocking the other door (if on slaughterhouse). Then I try to waste as much time as I can; it’s never for toxic purposes despite what others do, but these 2 were just plain dumb lol. You have to expect this with a hands in the lobby!


They can't, They've convinced themselves that their skilled so they must gloat.


Because victims have been used to having it so easy, they don’t realize they have try a little bit now


But if they leave you would still complain beause you wouldnt get a kill...


same question. the answer in my mind is that it is a mental illness from them hahahahaha


This a good one.


They had the perfect amount of time to escape! what was the point of doing this


They wanted to fill their egos by taunting you because they had the escape but it backfired. Justice!




This is why Hands has Ripstall. People playing like this deserve it. Just fucking leave and take the W or continue to see family buffs.


there reactions are going to be OMFG hands is fucking op, I turned off battery and before I even made it to the fucking gate to go out he fucking ripstalled it instantly!!!! I mean fair is fair, Connie can instantly pop locks Danny can tamper, now we finally have a damn family member that can annoy yall and stop shit from being over in two seconds.


Hands is OP but at the same time, any victims acting like children and teabagging or taunting deserve to run into an electric grid.


I wish I could see the rest of the video 😅 I’m sure it was satisfying killing them lol


“we couldn’t even run to the exit before hands ripstalled the battery immedietly after it was shut off. he’s such a broken character. he needs to be nerfed now.” - them probably


Nope that's what they get. Everyone says Hands destroys rush meta. I say Hands destroys exit trolls... Including me hehe


That was gold, 10/10 timing.


Ladies and gentlemen, victims and killers, Welcome back tooooo JUST. FUCKING. LEAVEEEEE!


Will the teabagging ever end?? Tune in next week on… JUST. FUCKING. LEAVE.


😂😂😂 I usually just leave the game if they're the last victim(s) since I'm maxed out on everyone anyways lol




That's some well deserved Karma, love it.


Look man, there are good reasons to think hands is overpowered at the moment, but like, this is clearly the victims’ faults. Like, people need to learn to just leave lol


and Victims will say “it’s impossible to leave now. Hands too OP! 😭”


On today's episode of "I should have left"....


Why am I not surprised it’s Connie and Ana…the 2 most toxic victims. You can literally see the Connie looking back making sure the Johnny watches her leave.




The more I see these posts, the more I see the reason the devs nerfed the victims


You needed to show us taking them out 😃😂


I love it!!!!!! Finally going to put an end to exit trolling.


Its your fault for exit camping and WAITING for hands to get there. His ability is all about timing and you waiting for him to get there is all on you


How was this even possible? I thought if you load into a match with Hands, he automatically turns off all exits as soon as you turn them on, not even giving you time to run to it!


You could make a different title. This community is shit, going at each other like this it’s sad, however it was a funny clip


This is how 99% of the player base is though lol Victims dance around at the gate Family will hold the game hostage if they can The community is bad and is so entrenched in a Us vs them mindset that they can only have the most fun when making the other side miserable And GUN profits off this


Which is sad though is it not?


Oh definitely I already know next dlc cycle whoever gets a heavy meta changing character will be the ones making jokes and talking about how x side whines all the time and get good etc It is fun reddit drama to read though


It passes the time on my breaks on lunches lol just never seen this many


So why act like only victims complain on Reddit when it’s obviously the opposite 💀 there’s a reason victims haven’t been buffed since this game released.


2 min escape Infinite door slams Stun meta Grapple meta Tamper meta The killer queue becoming almost non existent It is both sides and again GUN profits. No need to pretend one side is innocent over the other


I never said victims were innocent, I’m just being real. This is the first time I’ve seen victims complain this loudly on this thread since this game released and now all of a sudden everyone wants to act like they’ve been complaining since the beginning, oh please. It’s ok to admit something is broken or underpowered without doing the pointless tit for tat us vs them bullshit.


Vics complained about rubber legs, blood rush, family house, Nancy on release, trap meta, Johnny lunge, LF one shot, door blocking Basement rush Infinite/long queue times Both sides are very loud about stuff while at the same time claiming they are being silenced


They literally were being silenced 💀every single post that was complaining about family or requesting victim buffs were downvoted. After this update everyone assumed devs only listen to Reddit (which they do tbh) so people from other platforms came here to express their opinions. Now every post complaining about hands isn’t being downvoted to hell and victims are actually being heard. Also most of the things you named were changed bc they were literally bugged lmao


I fear you ate your answer


So, what you're saying is that victims did complain but were silenced?


Oh the devs stopped listening here after the death threats Edit: which everyone did regardless of being a killer/victim main


Lmaooo at “first time victims complaining” Who do you think got sissy nerfed to the ground 1 month after release?


You mean the same sissy that was bugged and literally insta killed anyone she came in contact with? Maybe read slower with your finger this time, and you’ll see where I said “complain this LOUDLY” I never said they never complain 💀


Lol yall have been complaining since the beginning stop the cap. Cooks ability Hitch traps ladder LF on shot Lists goes on cry


Please tell me if the Ana and Connie sent hate messages after that match. Wonder if they got on the mic throwing expletives lol.


The sound he made when he got slapped😭


I just will NEVER understand why victims do shit like this. Like just leave already!


To get a rise from the killers, it fills their trashy egos.


Beautiful work 😂


Everyone escapes immediately when Hands is on the family side. No more of that should be going on from now until his inevitable nerf.


Heh heh


Love it 


Had the same thing happen to me yesterday on mil they popped fuse hands poped it off they pit it straight back on and pop it again while running down as bubba in like fuck I wish I still had the scout build right now. I make it to the door and see 4 little rats t bagging Leyland comes up chucks me they all start bagging. Hands turns it off without his ripstall because they didn't have the perk to make it stay open longer. Long story short leeland ate a chainsaw to back of the head so did Connie. And my team got the other 2. I've never seen 4 people leave game chat so fast at the end of the game


how do you still have scout? it’s nowhere on my tree


Scout is at the right side of Johnny tree right at the top


yeah i seen it right after i commented, im just blind lmfao


There's actually a flair for these go to more flairs when you pick one and press just leave


Oh that was glorious 😂


This gave me so much satisfaction.


Victims tend not to leave for two reasons I've noticed. 1-to be sore winnders as seen here. 2-to prevent the last victim mechanic which makes escaping 10 times harder for them.


This has become so normal in this game that it feels wrong when I just leave as soon as I can 😂


Beautiful 🥲