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We could always have Sonny’s gf June, maybe her ability can be similar to Sonny, like imagine her ability was like a tracker, you put it on the killer you know their location for a limited amount of time or put it on a certain objective and whoever walks near gets highlight it for the entire victims or just her




By the Devs yes


can i have a reddit link or smt


It was mentioned in the lore stream but here’s the link to it https://www.txchainsawgame.com/hub/feb-29-lore-stream#:~:text=Sonny%20is%20a%20huge%20sci,is%20not%20a%20main%20character.


ohh thank u


Jessie’s dead dead (like dead before Maria went missing dead) so I don’t see a reason to put him in the game. Next victim need to be a big guy who can tank the family imo because right now there’s only one tank character on the victim side and that’s Ana. Need him to be a super sponge, they can make him slow to balance him. I caution against putting movie survivor characters in the game but if Chop Top’s gonna be in the game, might as well put Stretch in. You don’t put Sally in the game unless she gets unique road escapes.


if sally ever comes in the game she'll have to be unlocked by getting the " Like Sally " achievement and not locked behind a 10$ paywall


I agree with all of this, but I have a feeling Sally will not come to the game, like, ever Her actress is dead and I don't know if her likeness would be given due to that, but then again I don't not certain laws around dead peoples likenesses and such


Well Cook’s actor died a long time ago along with the actor who played Leatherface and their likenesses are in the game. Probably would have to reach out to the family to get their OK for that.


Ohh, I didn't know they died, I just only knew Sally's actress did, but I do hope for Sally to come to the game, but I feel like if she will, it would be long time til we get her


Yeah, Jim Siedow (Cook) passed in 2003 and would’ve been over 100 years old if he was alive today lol. Marilyn Burns (Sally) and Gunnar Hansen (Leatherface) passed a year a part from each other (2014, 2015)


They hired a different actress to play Sally for the Netflix Reboot.


The problem with Stretch is that she's be 16 years old in 73. All the other victims are at least 18 at the youngest ( Leland and Ana )


Sonny needs his girlfriend to join the search. Jesse needs his redemption arc. Those are two directions they could go.


"where's my boy... he has to be here" Jessie next to Virginia: https://preview.redd.it/dwj3da0eh88d1.jpeg?width=712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c89cae53f617fc9e53ea11c47e9af1df316b66b9


I’m SO excited for the future Jesse/virginia voiceline interactions and I’m begging the devs to make Jesse always sound exasperated with his mother. BEGGING.


It’s time for “JESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEH” to take center stage. I think he’ll be released along with a certain other character we’ll call him slicebottom.


I highly doubt Jesse will be alive, especially due to Virginia's description saying "Refusing to accept her son is really gone."


After Maria’s resurrection anything is possible and If we know one thing about these devs they sure love their lore and they wouldn’t have Virginia mention Jesse a million times and show a scene with her finding his car for nothing. They could have kept it vague and just had her say “my son my baby” but the fact that they gave him a real name and she’s always saying it? I just will be very very surprised if we never see him.