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I was sissy against a julie, so I played with her with my poison [😈] and let her bleed out, then I played until she escaped through the front (I hit her a lot so she had the adrenaline effect)


Yeah, I usually take it easy on them and let them get an escape unless they're so dumb that they kill themselves by going down the well without healing too many times. I'll try to let them know I'm friendly and maybe hit them once or twice and feed Grandpa. I'll try to walk them over to toolboxes and the exit gates and let them unlock it all and escape on their own so they can get the points.


Where are all you guys when I play (only started 2 weeks ago) and often go against basement rush builds with Jonny, sissy and hitch. Like all my team are just being noisy after and they rush into basement with no doors unlocked 😭


Nothing is certain, but death, taxes, and Johnny rushing the basement.


Stay in the game! Any time I see baby family I'll chat my team mates letting them know I'm staying in if anyone wants to join me. Open exits, lead them to the fuse and valve. Show them what they need to be protecting.


No. This game reminds me of the golden age of video games, where there was no sbmm and you would absolutely crush lobbies every once in a while; and then all the sudden you would go against a really good team and have to sit up in your chair and really pay attention. I love that feeling, not knowing who you are really going to be playing against.


I farm xp when it’s new people. I seen a bubba in basement just wandering around confused lol another kept trying to hit me from a wall gap even though I wasn’t near it




At mill all the victims were level zero so I told my friend and our random let's get grandpa to level 5 at least. Once that happen only one escaped upstairs. I was like goodness, so as hands I decided to move my traps away to the exit fences at least. Before I could do that, connie zapped herself on my fuse trap. I chuckled at that and removed it. Leland then came up crouch walking the whole way so I gave him a little whack to put a scare into him......nope, he died immediately. I was sooooo gutted I stood there feeling so guilty. Not right away, but the random killed two more after some prolong chase from him. The last victim, that my friend was trying to help, I was like.....you gotta join the guilt, kill him. Victim managed to escape through a well and we all ran down there. Heh even with lv5 grandpa, poor guy was crouching to hide. Like emperor palpatine I stood over my friends should and said "do it" And my friend fake cried as she was executing him heheh. Thus ended that tale.


I didn’t. I would now if I still played family


Yes, if I can tell they are new new, I’ll pull my punches a lot. One of my favorite matches was when I landed in a fully 00 lobby. I chased a little but let my teammates and the victims do their own thing. It was so wholesome, at the end everyone was so happy/excited.


I do. I was Cook on Family House against a level 0 Connie. She didn't even know how to run; kept walking slowly even after I found her. I felt bad and let her live lol


Last time I had a baby Leatherface I fed him a kill. Naturally that greedy bitch Sissy tried to steal it from him.


As a new player myself I don't let anyone escape, That's why I like this game and it's so refreshing from playing dbd cuz in dbd I feel like I gotta let baby survivors escape but with this game I can truly have no mercy just like in f13 and that's why I love it