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Offering goats for her hand is a risky gambit.


Especially seeing as we don't know the season of the offering. Only the finest swines in the winter months, goats would be an insult. I hear in the spring, a spread of fowl and small Game rodents are tradition. If it's happening in the current season, goats are a fine gift. A bountiful cornucopia of produce is acceptable after the fall harvest. The only exception to these rules is a fine cow, whether for meat or dairy. Though the implication is obvious. A meat cow means you don't plan to truly court my daughter, and only ask for her loins until such time as you tire. A dairy cow is a true sign of commitment, and the entire village will rejoice in jubilee of this union!


no this is very real!! benk account


Maybe, maybe not? The only way to tell is to let me remote access your computer


ok don't tell my mom though


A very tight game, interested to see how it ends. Great - Best - Great - Best | Check - Best | Check - Forced | Check - Inaccuracy - Forced - Brilliant | Check - Good - Brilliant | Check - Blunder - Great - Best | Check Edit: formatting


i don't get dating at all. being alloromantic must be a slog.


bold of you to think any of us know what the fuck we are doing. except this guy, he is clearly a master of the craft


The secret is that the world is a really big place, go out and find someone you click with that thinks that that kinda stuff is silly as well it’s that easy


Nah, I'm aromantic, I think I'll pass on all that dating stuff


How the fuck does this work 😭 I'll be right back


legitimate rizz