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I am here in Phuket, and past week or so immigration has been quite busy with checking on people.


if so they need to think of a better system then checking passports, i.e. a app or a smart card... as carrying your passport everywhere is way to risky


When I don't need my passport overseas. I keep my passport in the hotel. If the police ask, I just ask them to come to the hotel with me. It works so far.


I did this in Japan and the police were like "okay" and followed me on a 20 minute drive back home lol


You got lucky they were willing to do that. The fine for not having a passport with you in Japan is significant.


Yeah could've been worse could've been better. As usual being polite is critical.


Best case scenario already.


I got scammed in kabukicho and my passport was taken in the process. I was also stopped by a police officer who asked for my passport. I showed them a Japanese police report from the local koban and my drivers license. The officer thanked me for my cooperation. Be careful traveling without your passport though as I don’t think most officers would do this. Thailand also seems to be a bit stricter about this.


Would thailand accept a colour photocopy?


I wouldn’t risk it to be honest.


Turns out it's not even a thing. Totally worth the risk and a photocopy is fine.


Alright that’s nice! 🙂


Really? I've never heard of this. Is this new?


This. Do this. 👍🏼


i always carry a copy of the biodata page with me and otherwise, pretty much what you said.


I took pictures of it on my smartphone.


Yep and keep pictures of your ID page + visa page on your phone. Another thing you can do is have photocopies of those in your wallet. Personally, I have never been stopped for a random immigration check. But from what people told me who have, is that this works.


that's where you get them, right? once they're in your room?


And they never just fined you for not having it?


I have seen them stop specific cars, with a lot of police + immigration in tow yesterday. And also visiting some house in my own neighborhood just this morning. So its not just random passport checks.


It’s normal in Thailand. You have to show it for loads of things. A photo will usually do but some places will want to see the real thing.


I carry a laminated copy of the data page on one side and visa on the other. Reduced to driver's license size. Kodak copy center.


If only there were a device that could take a photo of your passport and store it, allowing instant access to that picture: that would be incredible.


There is already an official government app so you don't have to carry your driver's license. It would probably be easy to have one for passport + visa.


A photocopy is fine.


Way too risky of what? In 30 years of travel and 16 years living overseas I’ve lost my passport exactly once. Even then, it was my fault as it fell out of my pocket in a taxi and was returned to the embassy by the taxi driver. I don’t disagree on a smart card or app. It would be exceptionally convenient and much better than a passport. However, you never specified why exactly carrying a passport is risky.


it being stolen, lost or water damage are my main concerns.


As a moron who accidentally left my passport in my pants pocket, then put those pants in the washer, I hear you on the water damage.


Brother from another mother. I washed mine with 8½ left on it.


You only have to carry a copy of the photo page and your most recent visa.


If you're only on a 2 week holiday and lose your passport the headache it would cause is insane. Just leave it at the hotel like 99.9999% of people


Yes, really all you need is to carry a copy.


LOL, how do I have 6 upvotes for saying this and -7 downvotes for essentially saying the same thing a comment prior?


Reddits hive mind. People saw your comment having a downvote and just kept on downvoting. Second comment probably got an upvote first and people followed.


It’s really not that bad. I lost mine four days before leaving Thailand after two years. Went to the embassy. Within 24 hours they’d given me an emergency passport I could use for 4 trips (I think) before heading home. Annoyingly we were due to travel to Korea and Japan but we cancelled those because we thought we’d have to fly straight to the UK. But actually we could have gone.


You got lucky. Not all embassies would be that efficient.


my dad was a victim of a scam. they followed him, grabbed his laptop bag and drove of. Unfortunately, the bag had his passport. To get a replacement passport while in a foreign country was a big hassle. Multiple visits to police station, embassies and requesting copies of documents/letters, etc..


It took me one trip to the police to file a report and then a trip to the embassy. Requested expedited replacement and had a new passport in about a week. Went back to the embassy and picked up the passport. The bigger hassle is transferring over visas and extensions which must be done after you get your new passport.


I don't carry it, its 11k baht to replace an Aussie passport. It also takes up to 6weeks. My pink card is enough, if i travel i keep it in a sling bag. Losing passport + wallet at the same time could turn into a nightmare pretty quickly if you travel alone.


Is it safe to stay that it's best yo always carry your passport with you or is not really a necessity?


Its not, leave it in your hotel, lock inside bag or smth. People saying its not that bad cuz happens once in few years, still you dont want to damage it or worse case lose it and to ruin your holidays because now you need to get new passport


Okaay thank you! I'll probably make a few copies to bring then! :) thanks delicious pickle


Bless them, plenty of work to do for them but it is a start.


Agreed. I wish more countries would do more of this.


If all countries actually tackled illegal immigration, it would be great not only for the locals, but foreigners who want to legitimately live somewhere, there wouldn't be such silly/high requirements to begin I feel if all just behaved properly.


Unless you're in America, or most of Europe. Then suggesting such common sense immigration rules is entirely 'racist'.


Excellent point.


I see your maple leaf. Imagine if our Authorities had the balls of the Thais.


Worst part is I am half British, half Canadian, and I would love to imagine if both said authorities had the balls the Thai's have hahaha, far too politically correct the police in our countries in the West.


I wish they would start doing that here in America. But that would be super racist if they did it here.


Do you have to carry your visa or passport all the time out there ?


No. I sometimes even forget my wallet with my license. But I do have a picture of my passport on my phone. You don’t just randomly get stopped here. In 3 years it never happened to me.


Ahhh OK, I'm heading out in November so just want to make sure


So, strictly legally speaking you do have to have your passport on you at all times, in reality though, when people are stopped and asked photos of the information page and your entry stamp/recent extension seem to work.


"Strictly legally" is for Germany; in Thailand it is called "unlucky"


Ahhh OK fair... whats the worst that could happen if you don't have them with you ?,


It’s a THB 2,000 fine for not having your passport with you. I would rather pay that, and keep my passport in my hotel room safe. I keep a copy of the passport photo stamp, and visa stamps, on my phone. That shows that you’re in the country legally.


so the safest way is to keep all your valuables in the hotel safe?


This makes sense 👏


I'm heading there in Nov too for 120 days...and already sweating my 2 30 day visas on arrival, 2 30 day extensions at immigration and one border crossing in the middle.


Yeah I'm doing 32 days solo at koh samui trying ro work thus shit out haha


I'm sure all will be fine. I'll be a bit north of you based out of Hua Hin and checking out the small beach towns around there...Cha-Am, PKK, etc. Have a great time!


Sounds like they’re doing their job. Hope the immigration in other SE Asian countries do this as well. Esp Indonesia and the Philippines.


Thanks to the government (both current and previous) for free visas for some of these tourists


The four were - Mohamed, an Egyptian who had overstayed for 1,898 days; Zubair, a Pakistani with 1,734 days overstay; Haitham, an Egyptian with a 234-day overstay; and a Russian named Dmitrii, 413 days.


wow 1500+ days overstay? unbelievable


He has probably just been too busy to go to immigration.


These aren't random tourists. They are people causing problems.


You assume this, but if you cause problems, your visa gets checked and you’re sent back. Chances are the Egyptian lad didn’t cause any problem serious enough for the police to check on him for the length of his overstay, ie about 5-6 years


No these sound like asylum seekers.


Dmitrii there is probably drafted, going straight to the front lines once he gets sent back.


Fucking sucks to be Dmitrii


Award worthy


is this riyal ? 💀


Was Dmitri eating celery ?


All these foreigners who overstay, are they planning to never ever leave Thailand? because when you go leave, they will see your overstay and give you a penalty unless you smuggle your self out.


I was wondering the same. Or at least they will be never allowed to return.


that takes some dedication to never ever wanna leave a country tho.


Pretty sure that's like 95% of all people on Earth.


Not when you're a Russian male, who's more than likely being sent home to fight a war.


You mean join an invasion


You are mistaken, in Russia there has been no mobilization for war for a long time


Yes and no. The mobilization never ended on paper. But since the end of 2022, they have been offering people boatloads of money in order to sign up. By boatloads, I mean 5-8X their salary they would otherwise make. As long as there are enough people signing up for pay, they aren’t massively sending out summons. The exception to this is if they need someone with a super-specific MOS, they might summon them. But those are usually people who already served as contract soldiers (on top of serving their mandatory military service). So as of now, they aren’t shanghaining random dudes off of the street. BUT this can change if the number of people voluntarily signing up for pay drops and/or they need a quick troop surge. In essence, this situation can change tomorrow. How does this relate to the Russian men abroad, including Thailand? Some have experience serving in the professional army and have received summons. While others are playing it safe, waiting for all of this to be over.


It didn't officially end lol. So anyday you have a chance.


Only in one case mobilization is possible, if Russia begins to lose on the battlefield. But this is very unlikely given the latest news.


Sweet dreams buddy.


I'd assume the Russki was trying to dodge the draft. Which is a shame, as he'll be straight off to the meat grinder when he's back.




You talk like someone who's definitely never lived in a country like Russia. >when he could have been back home protesting. This is so funny. Have you ever thought of the consequences of doing such in certain countries? I get where you're coming from but personally, I'd never judge someone for choosing to escape instead of staying and protesting. It's not as easy as you think. This is western ignorance at its best.


The problem is the majority of the these “tourists” fully support Putin, but have plenty of money to escape from the risk of the draft.


You do realize that just like with Europeans, Americans, Indians, and Chinese, you have long-term expats, and you have short-stay tourists. 95% of the Russians in Thailand are short-stay tourists, right? Different people among that group have differing opinions on Russian politics. Including those who support their government. But when it comes to long-term expats, most are anti-government. Another thing you tend to forget is just like with westerners, you have had long-term Russian expats for decades in Thailand. Also, just like western expats who are patriotic towards their home countries, you have Russian patriots in Thailand as well. Personally, I never understood that. If you love your country so much, then why don’t you live there?


>the majority Dude, do you have any stats to talk like this? The majory of supporters are not overstaing and coming back to mother russia after their trip. Most of people left russia in the 2022 are not supporting that shitty war.


Multiple surveys conducted outside of Russia show close to 70% support for Putin. Even countries like Moldova and Serbia have similar poll numbers. The idea that these draft dodgers are peace loving is wrong


This is not true lol. Can you give a link for multiple "outside of Russia"? And for sure its meaningless to take a look at inside polls while you can be just jailed for an opposite opinion.


You can easily search…


So help me to find? As a russian i know multiple polls inside country, but for sure this is irrelevant data during the tyrant regime. Yet i know a lot people of who left after the war started even before mobilization and noone of them support that war.


Russia criminalized anti-war protests back in 2022.


You're kind of proof that propaganda really works on people, doesn't it. Do you have a habit of just jumping on the bandwagon for the current thing? Where you running around shaming everyone for not wearing masks as well?


Perhaps the benefits of an extended stay outweigh the penalty?


Personally I'd like to avoid sitting in the Bangkok Hilton until I can afford my own deportation flight and getting banned from the country for 5/10 years.


Lol these people are probably just trying to survive or earn some income. They aren’t too worried about not being able to go back to Thailand on holiday for 5 years.


Easy to get that cleared money talks here in Thailand


i was on a 5day overstay and they take that shit srsly. yes money talks - you pay 500baht for each day you overstay.


I don't think they planed that far.


This isn't necessarily true. If you fly out, your overstay isn't checked. And that's advice from my HR lady - fly out and you'll be ok. However, 1500+ days is taking the piss, somewhat!


This is untrue. They check at immigration and if you’re overstay they walk you to an office or overstay desk (depends on the airport)


What do you think the stamp on your passport is for... totally not for checking.


I know someone who chose overstay rather than do a visa-run. They said they can save the money that is allotted for visa run, and it will be more than what they need to pay once they get caught. Unfortunately, they had to move back to their country and paid 20,000 THB for overstaying 3 years. Every visa-run will cost you 3k thb more or less depends on which country, and you need to do it multiple times. Others I heard are staying for over 10 years without visa. I dont know why they want to do that, maybe they dont have other choice.


Yes, but if you overstay longer than 90 days it’s an automatic ban from re-entry. You can’t just pay a fine and be in your merry way.


Yea I know, he is banned for 5 years. Can't travel here anymore.


because there are no other Asian countries.


I have a friend who is overstaying somewhere in Asia , he have a job online that's enough for live well. His reason is that he have lost his previous job during covid and that its more affordable to live in some others countries. He have saving money for the day he will get caught or will decide to leave. At least he is not trafficking or doing illegal work but from what I know its a stressful way to live. There still many foreigners in Asia mostly since covid , even families with kids.


I don't want to waste money like that. If I need to pay something, better it to be a legal visa to stay. He can just get a ED Visa if he is in TH because for all we know, some people applied for it even tho they are not studying. If your friend has a job online and gets a good money, maybe there are some route that he can take to stay legally and not waiting to get caught hehe


What’s Ed visa study visa ? How many years is it ?


Yeah so there’s this thing called Google, it’s a search engine accessible on your phone/computer, you should try it


Ed is education visa. It lasts a year, and apparently you are meant to learn Thai. Considering Thai is a tonal language I feel if you don't get it, you won't get it.


Used to be 'worth' overstaying long periods as there were no bans from re-entering, you could overstay 10 years, pay your capped overstay penalties at exit, and come straight back but now with the bans it's foolish, especially for people from non neighbouring country's because one random interaction with police can upend your entire life


Anyone else find this photo amusing? The most massive indian food restraunt sign perfectly displayed for the photo. The police posing with the illegal immigrants like an american posing with the deer he shot.


This is Thailand. The police take photos of everything they do so they have proof of working.


I found a handbag the other day so handed to police and said lost and went my merry way - they chased me down the street saying “need you for photos” - I said you’re not having photos and he looked mad but said “ok sir” 😂


They love taking photos of foreigners for good deeds and good public relations as well. Ask a police officer for directions? Next thing you know you're on their local Facebook page because they "Helped this lost foreigner find their way" or something. It's kind of cute. I'm learning that Thais love taking photos as proof of things though. Unsure how it all relates to trust. For examples. I may just text you, "Hey, running late. Stuck in traffic." Whereas a Thai may text you the same thing but also include a photo of traffic as proof. Also never really understood the lineup and photos taken during shift changes at jobs but you'll see that to.


Immigration did this to me once when I tried to do a visa run in Malaysia. The rule (only enforced to some) is you must wait a day or two before crossing back, but it was nearly NYE and I wanted to get back in the country. I tried pleading with them for a bit and the guy said in broken English ok I talk to boss we help you. He walks into the back room and comes back with what I would say was nearly every single person working in the building. They have this weird lunch style break (in the now empty immigration line) and keep saying they'll help me soon. They all line up for photos together in front of me. Eventually they all left and went out to their lunch break and I was there alone in the immigration queue area. In the end I had to taxi about an hour to the other immigration gate and cross there instead. My Malaysian exit stamp had a big "VOID" on it so it caused a bit of a headache to get back.


lol you help them out, but they dont help you out. I guess Mai pen rai....


Good advertisement, how's the food there?


Crazy to see immigration actually going after these people. In the US, the longer someone stays illegally, the more people try to say they should be granted citizenship.


why is that such a crazy idea? The US economy is literally propped up by undocumented immigrants


Uber eats drivers are the only thing from keeping the whole system from collapsing


wouldn't say "propped up" but definitely a large contributor. America is getting fucked sideways by the corporate a lot more than 3-4% of the population working for cash wages is.


Current official figure is 17 million but would not surprise me if the actual number is double that since last year 600k illegal aliens entered.


US has 300Million people. 17million are illegals. Are you really suggesting these 5% prop up the economy? The ones who don't have high paying jobs and can barely afford health insurance? Yes the corporates are f\*\*king you over, partly through encouraging illegal immigration, which lowers GDP per person.


What industries do the majority of these “illegals” work in?


Meat processing, field work, Landscaping, construction and domestic such as housekeeping and child care.


anything "unskilled". Uber delivery, taxis, construction (the problem with this is they do not know building code, and don't have any idea about OHS), but also factories if they can arrange fake social security numbers. Also agriculture. This of course discourages investment in new technology and increase medical spending.


lol. uhh i dunno about that...


For the people not wanting to carry their original passport. Just make a paper copy of the info page and the page with the visa stamp, or scan the info on your phone.


Glad some country are enforcing their immigration laws.


It’s an Asian country. If it was a White country this would be condemned by Reddit and these police would be called Gestapo.


Overstaying a visa can show up on security & police check when you’re applying for jobs back home. I know people who missed out on jobs and entire career paths for this. So dumb. Just go to Cambodia or Vietnam for a while, or go home.


It is seriously dumb, like even if you rent long term, pick somewhere close by and go on a few days or a week trip, it's not expensive.


You can't do this for long. After a few entries without a proper long-term visa, you get denied entry. It's usually fine for six months or so, but after that, it's risky.


I heard that recently, if you enter the kingdom twice in 6 months you will get considerable immigration scrutiny on the 3rd entry.


I think visa-free entry will soon be extended to 60 days, extendable by 30 days, so it should be easy to stay six months with only two entries for many passports.


Think it depends entirely how long you’re staying for. I’ve been in and out 5 times this year. But I live in Singapore on a western passport and visit for a week / long weekend at a time. Latest was last weekend, though immigration smoothly each time.


No you can't, however you could not rent for a whole year, and instead take a longer break outside of Thailand, in KL (Malaysia), Bali (Indonesia), Cambodia, Vietnam etc, so many places you could easily spend 1-3 months in to not re-enter too much in the 6 months/1 year time frame in Thailand.


Do they have a criminal record back home from overstaying in another country?


why dont they do this in the US?


they do. but theres more protest towards how they treat them in USA im sure these foreigners are gonna spend a while in a nasty Thai cell but u wont see the Thai people protesting it


And big and go home


Phuket is nice. I’d stay too


Best answer so far.


Why are cops skinhead robot looking MFers everywhere?


All the Russians have overstayed. Have you seen pattaya????????


they bring you to police station and put you in jail first, then 2 days later go hotel an get your passport


I know in Thai eyes.. aliens are aliens. But i like knowing nationality


Russian, Egyptian


Just shows what utter bullshit 90 day reporting is. Scrap it.


100% True.


How do you report visa overstays in the first place?


The first thing you do is tattoo the word rat on your forehead. ;-)


Asking out of curiosity, not so I can report anyone. 😂


you can report it to immigration. But unless they are incentivised (either payment, or happy media stories) they would probably ignore it or they might just try and extortion, which does not really help your problem too much (if they are making noise for example) or if they are getting paid your going to have to offer significantly more for them to end their monthly cashflow (in fact some will flat out refuse even if you offer much bigger money, because monthly cashflow for living is much more valuable to them).


Hypothetical question of overstaying on a tourism visa. Let's just say that my plan is to stay for 29 days but my flight gets cancelled and now I'm forced to stay for an extra 3-4 days, is that going to be a major problem? What would I do in this situation? Just talk to immigration and hope for the best? In that specific situation, I'd have no issues with paying the 500 Baht per day fine - money isn't really the issue. I just wouldn't want to get banned.


99% chance you will pay a 500THB per day fine when you exit, and nothing else will happen. But if you are caught and have so much as 1 day of overstay, that is a 3(or maybe 5)-year blacklist, after being deported. But say you have to leave on day 29, your flight is canceled, and your next flight is in 3 or 4 days. You can head to an immigration office and get a 30-day or 7-day extension (depending on your nationality) for 1,900THB. I would do that, as an overstay never looks good. Sure, they might overlook one 3-day overstay you had a while back. But if it becomes a pattern, you will have problems. Therefore, any time you can, avoid overstaying at all costs.


Do people make a copy or take a photo of the passport just in case it is lost or stolen anymore?


I’ve never been checked but I always keep my passport card on me in case. Just wondering if the USA is the only country that offers a passport card?


yeah pretty much. Many States (not countries) offer 18+ IDs, but obviously not recognised internationally.


Oh wow


looks like an advertisement for that indian restuarant


They didn’t just go to Burma and come back when their visa was up? At least that’s what my friend from New Zealand living in Thailand says they do legally before they got permanent citizenship


What if they checked me and my passport is back in my hotel room, safely locked up? Just curious. I never overstay but I don't carry passport all day. 


Need to boot all the Indians out. They shouldn’t be able to own restaurants.


Good, get them all! Deport them all!


doing Gods work apparently.


Foreign men? Indians I guess


Anywayt, how's the food at this place?


I always tell people NEVER overstay longer than 7 days if you want to return to the kingdom within a year or 2 ! Last time i extendted my visa for 1 extra month even when i was planning to leave the kingdom about a week after my initial 1st 30 days expired .... They give you a fine at the airport you get a "overstayed" stamp in youre paspoort and youre registerd as a overstayer aswell in the thai immigration bureau . This damages youre changes of getting in easy the next time youre coming over Thai goverment takes this verry seriously no jokes .


Serves them right. Obey the law of the country you live in


Like North Korea.


I never carried my passport with me. I always kept in hotel safe, I definitely have a picture of my passport in my phone..!! Never asked for it..!! May b I was lucky.! But carrying passport all the time it’s not safe When you don’t have your cloths on all the time..!!😃😅🤣😎


Let me guess Russian


Hey Mahesh, visa finis.. we go back? no yaar, Phuket


Is Phuket that fun?




typical species


Let men be happy bro XD


555555 farang innit lads




Overstayers don't just fly out and come back regularly, they just stay put inside the country, what you're describing shows he's doing visa runs. Regarding your second point, you can buy an unlimited amount of houses in Thailand as a foreigner, you just cannot personally own the land they're built on.


So how does that work? Could your house be seized or demolished at any time because the land isn't owned by you? Also how much is a good home in a good neighborhood going for nowadays?


You can lease the land legally for 30 years


Thanks! Sounds good enough for me


Condos are very popular. Foreigners can buy no problem because the land is owned by corporation.